WILMETTE 30, 1926, Thursday and Friday. Every charge in the area should have one or J\tethodiat Episcopal Church Sponsor~ more representatives. The men who Men's Meeting to Be HeJd at Chi- come will return as a blessing to all local v;ork. \V c arc already assured cago Temple of a wonderful program, dealing with Bisl10p Edwin Holt Hughes, of Wil- r\·ery big phase of our church life. l covet your full co-operation in makmettr, announced today the Chicago ing this grrat convention a success. Area Men's Council in the Chica~·o Let us make the Chicago area first in Tcmplr, April 29-30. Dr. Bert · E. all things that promote the Kingdom." Smith of the Board of Education, and Dr. Bert E. Smith, executive secreGeorgc \V. Dixon, president ::~ f the tar~· of the council said today: Genrral L-aymen's association of the "We are enaged in a great movc~lcthodist Episcopal church, arc co- mcnt to organize and enlist, the manpower of Methodism in the world task operating- in arranging the program. of the church. Area Men's Councils Bishop Hughes has issuerl the iollow- have heen held in other sections of ing ca II to the minis-ters and laity .of the country with marked success. W c the Chica~o area. have decided that a gathering of this "The Metl_ 1odist Episcopal church is kino shall be held in the Chicago seeking earnestly to enlist its men in area. The council should bring toall lines of religious interest and work. gether 3,000 men, laymen and pastors, The Chicago area, which is central in for the great program that will he geography, and in several deeper re- presented." spects, should not fall behind the rest The speakers will include eminent of the church in this enlistment. clergymen, professors, and senators Therefore, we hq.ve asked the board 1 and rrpresentative~ of Congress . oi rducation to join us in promoting a council of men. ).! rs. Donald 1f. C.allie of 1115 Elm Good Program Aaaured \\'<Hld avenue was hostrss at a vanish"This Council will be held at the ing luncheon on Monday for the beneChicago Temple, Chicago, April 29- fit of the First Congregational church. LIFE April 23, 1926 PLAN MEN'S COUNCIL New Trier Track Teams ADVICE TO TOURISTS Enter Marquet~e Relays Chicag~ Motor Club Gives Some Hints Coach Tolm Nav of the New Trier high school track-squad wilt take two or three teams to an invitation meet · at ~f arquette, Ill., on May 8. It is certain that l\cw Trier will have one mile and four mile relay teams entered that will have a chance, for the material is excellent. For the fourmile relay, Coach Nay has .Mills, winnrr of second in the ~ational Interscholastic, Forth, Older, and Perry. Onh· ~fa\· and Bahize have as vet clai;ned piaces on the mile relay. The other two will probably he filled irom the follo\\'ing: Br0\\'11, Stover, Lawton, Sheldon. DaYis, Page, Schmitz, Marx, Van Duersen, or McAllister. These relay teams may be tested at Gary, Ind ., on April 24. JUNIOR DANCE TOMORROW The Juniors of the Ouilmct t" Country club arc itH'ited to attend a cluh dance Saturday, April 24, at 9 o'clock. ~fr . ..;. F. A. Simmons and her daug·lt kr. Elizabeth, of 10-W Ashland ayetttll'. han~ just returned from a stx tuonth-,' stay at l\[iami Beach, Fla. to Person· Who Foreign Countries Will Motor in Spring Means Rugs., Carpets and Linoleums NOTE A FEW PRICES QUOTED FOR COMPARISON Remember you can beat "Loop" prices at this live store. Your attention is directed to a very few of our numerous offerings. Chinese Rugs, 9 by 12 . . . $275.00 Sparta Rugs, 9 by 12 . . . . . $195.00 Ilyssia Rugs, 10.2 by 14 ......... $350.00 Arak Rugs, 10 by 13.5 .......... $275.00 Mahal Rugs, 8.3 by 10.4 ........ $175.00 Iran Rugs, av. size 3.6 by 6.6 ....... $42.50 Lillihan Rugs, av. stze 5.4 by 6.8 .. $110.00 Seamless Axminster and Wilton · Velvets 9 by 12 Wilton Carpet :1 ~ I I Uotorists planning to travel in Europe arc advised by the touring bureau of the Chicago Motor club to visit steamship tourists' agencies several weeks or a month in advance of their trip. This :s especially advisable in the rush sea:-;on, which is from mid April to J ul _\' going orer, and from mid August to October coming hack. If po ssible re se rvation s for the return trip . hould hr made at the time of sailing. for many Americans have experienced great inconvenience by having to re main in foreign countries weeks and rvcn months long-er than they wished, because of the difficulty of obtainin g accommodations. It is alc.;o advisable, according to the bulletin issttrd by the touring bureau, to srcn rr hotel accommodations in advance. Littlr allowance is made for the carrying of free baggage in most foreign countries. It is advisable, therefore, to take only essential luggage, for in addition to the cost there is alwavs th inc01wcnicnce encountered at the dottane, or custom hou. e, at the border of rach country, when the tranler mu st get out of the car and watch hi s lug~age being searched. Baggage for the steamer is of two sorts- that which is kept in the cabin on the trip across, and that which is c<ms iq;nrd to the hold. Ea h pir-cc should he lahe llccl either for hold or for cabin . Hold lu ggage 11111 st he at the pier t\\'!'nty-four hours ·before ~ail ing time. Cabin luggage rnay accom pany the pa ..;sr n .~e r. If a trunk is de . irl~d 1111der the beet in the cabin. mab· :- ur t' that it is not more t h a 11 14 inche s . high, 2 h·C't widr, and 3 feet !on~. The dr luxe st ateroom:-;, of course, at:c · lan~c enough to auc.mmodate \\'ardrohe trunk and hat boxes. Width · $55.00 Wilton Velvet Carpet $3.50 per yard . Tapestry Carpet :li Width $2.5 0 per yd. ~ width, $1. 10 per yd. In I aid Lin oIeurn $ 1. 3 5 to $ 3. 2 5 sq. yd. Remember Our Cleaning and Repairing Department Children Must Drink Only the Best Milk! You would not think of serving any but the very purest milk to your children. Then have them drink the milk from tuberculintested cows. DAVID G · BARRY 514 Davis Street Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings Evanston Drink More Milk/ Unive·sity 5112