Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1926, p. 20

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20 WILMETTE LIFE April 23, tn6 ··-===ANNOUN. C ING=====il Hold New Trier Utilities Companies Hold First Aid Teat· Junior Prom This Our Notable Anniversary I SA,LE I l . Three years ago, the business ot LEWIS.;. JNC. was purchased by the present owner, C. S. BRECKENRIDGE. Our steadfast policy has since fostered an ideal which has won many new friends-to serve the people of the North Shore with better satisfaction than they could find in less convenient locations. F irst aid life saving: .teams from th.e Chicago Rapid Trans1t company, Chtcago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad, Commonwealth Edison company, Illinois Bell Telephone cqmpany, Public Service company of Northern Illinois, People's Gas Light and Coke company and the \Vestern Electric Installers completed · in the third annual First Aid contest at the First Regiment Armory Friday evening of last \\·eek. The contc st was under the auspices of the Chicago chapter of the American Red Cross. ~1 Saturday Nigh t ·Pupils of the junior and senior classts at 1\e\\- Trier 111g·n scl10ol will attend the annual Junior Prom, one o i the big socia l eYents of the year at the school. this Saturday evening, April 2-L The dance i-. being held much earlier than u:- ual thi:-. year because the pre ~:-. of school \\· ·ork and social 1..'\'Cnts nca t the clo:-r of the semester take up t or, . much (lf the pupib time, it was said . The dance will he held at the school and \Yill begin at 8:30 o'clock. Tht grand march will begin promptly at <> o'clock. A junior or senior girl will be allowed to attend with an alumnus o i the school hut no ";.,tag;-;" will be al lo\\·e<l. it was ann oun ccd this week. Tho se in charge of the afTair art Tom Copeland, prc:-ident: Helen \Vra~· . Yicc -prcsidtnt: \Valtcr .?\eubache r. trcasurn: llarrict ).Ion s, secretary : the soci:tl committee is composed of t lw follcm·ing: Louise Clabaugh, ~fargarc·t Stults. IIclrn \Vray, Virginia Evers, Huth \\'ilcox. flarriet ).lon . . Bob Bur row s. Tom Copeland, John \Vest, Fred Hocrber, Bob ,loy and Hobert ~fartin . \J r:-. Paul ~oule r·i 0lS Lake avenut' entntaincd recent!\· at four tables n! hrid~c and a ~10\\· ~·r in honor c·f ).f r.:1Irnn· Dcarhom of E":a nstnn, who is movi;tg to \Vi! met te next \\'eek to occup~· the home of · ~1 r. and ~f rs . P . E. ~faclden of 607 :\inth street. who ar e to re=-ide in an apartment in Rog r:Park. -0- IN WEDDING PARTY is-> Peggy ~1acLean of 92-t Greenwood an·nue has gone to Fort Thomas, K '"·· where she is to act as bridesmaid at- the weddin~ of 11 is s Ju s tine IIcttigc-r, which will take place April 25. ~~iss Hettiger and ~Tis~ MacLean were !-.choolmates at National Park seminary. ~f r. and ~~ r~. 1ames E. Redman of 1301) Chestnut aYcnue gave a tea SundaY ior ~fr. and Mrs. H. A. Folkson of Bt;cnos Aire s. South ·America. The F olkson s are guests of ).! r. and 1f r . Fred _J . Re~· nolcb of the Orrington hotel. - o~1 r:-. L. I.. Lod\\'irk. "ho has been visiting her motlwr. ~1 r~ . D. II. Kichole:-. 816 Fore:-t a,·cnue. for the past three weeks. r('turned to her home in Centerville. Im\'a, last Saturday. Our well chosen lines of the bette? class of feminine apparel are proving "The Talk of the Town," featuring the wanted variety of rare siJk crepes, rajah, and other choice materials, in many lovely Spring shades and original combinations. All priced specially ·low for this sale. F OR DI S'rJ NCTI Y I~ I:.ERlUA N I~N 'I' \ VA \ "l NG ( l\' egr escou 'M P t.re Sten m J· roct-ss) As Low ns A l so $1~.00 SMARTEST SPRING COATS . and \lr:-;. F . \\' . Jiarn·,·. lr ., (of 1035 ( ~ r<..' (' 11\\'(JO d a n ·ntt ', a 11110-llll Cl..' tlH· birth of their eighth child, a -.nn. Jeromt.: Jo seph. on March 19. ~fr . -o- IIAIR GOODS Thv Fdward 1. .'\ndn -.nn..; fli 153() haH lf'ft ior Califor!lia \\·h('rt· it i.. n,pl'rtc<l they ·will make their home. Tlighl ;tn d anntu:. From Hart Schaffner and Marx. Fine quality and ultra values, tailored in best Scotch and English woolens, after most authentic Paris designs. As predicted by us and borne out by unusual demand, the Top-Coat is the thing for general wear-always in ·style, always in good shape, always the best in the long run. Wonderful Choice for this sale For discriminate requirements consult Mr. John Negresc0u, 36 years on State Street. Expert Beauty Parlo~ :Service and Artistic Hair Cutting -o- THE WIGGERY SUI'I'g 131 4 ~TEVENS B LDG. 17 N. Stnie Strf'e t 1 '··1. Rnnclo iJlh 1035 Philit· \". Bright, \\·110 ha.., ht·c n in l~ aliiornia f(Jr the past li10nth, i-; re tuming to hi ..; home at 731 ;\.;bland · a\'enuc next \J onday, hringing '"it h l1im l1is sistn. ).fr .... R. C. Ro :-<: of San Dic~u for a Yisit. If you have reached the point where you arc ready to bui ld, confrr with us. MONEY TO LOAN on $45.00 NORTH SHORE PROPERTY at ·current Rates Real E-state Loan Dspartment Or ri ngton at Davis E vanston , Illinois STATE BANK AND I TRUST 1606 CHICAGO AVE. ·INO· NEAR.DAVIS ST. ---~ . COMPANY Downtown Evanston

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