Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Apr 1926, p. 8

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8 WIL---METTE LIFE April 23, 1926 C hristm as box and if I have why I t. ave uot been appreciative enoug}l to t e ll yo u so. Your b ox was some late in r ·aching llh\ ::t!; I ju st r ece iv ed it 'yes1\·rda~· . .Januar~· 26. ~o ' y ou see you tnu~t nut ut' too h a t··l on m e in your tl;oug ht~ as I am 11ot to blam e. 'l'he paek:q.,\·e lll'l'ived in good s h ape a n d y11u mar h e ~ u n· l app r ec iated both t lw g·ootlit"s aud t h e kind ly spir it that pnHnpt(-d th ·· ~H'tHling of it. You sre tiH· ·kla~· was causl··l by t h e fa.ct t h at t !11 · pa<"kat.:;e WL!Il( to HPlcna, where iL must han~ lJ···· n heltl o t· mislaiu anu s 11 l'l'adwd tn t· so long· aflt·r it s h oultl ll :t \'t' IH·t ' ll th '] i\'Pl'l'(l. ( 11 :1 \'o· Will You Help? Noisy Motors Noi,sy motors., lack of power and speed, and vibration ts oft-times caused by the connecting rods being ~'out of 1 in e." To remedy this matter we have installed the "Steven's Connecting Rod Re-liner." A machine that ~ssurcs a perfect job. \Ve might say, that when we put in new "rings /' ~< wrist pins," " pistons" and " bearings," we always check your " rods" for alinement . Tn a plea for con tributi ons of games and playing cards {or the ex-se rvice men in the hospi tal at the Great Lak es \'aval T r a ining station, the \ Vi lm ette .t\uxiliary of the American Legion this m·ck submitt ed the accompa nying letter from L. J. ).l ittc1i, a former Wilnlcttc resident, '"h o is being treated at his home in ~1 ontana. Lt illu strate graphically \Yhat some of .these. men are going through today, 111 spttc of the fact that the '"ar was ended more than eig ht years ago. Contribution s for the ex-service men may be made to Mrs. Harry Hopp, 225 Linden avenue, or tQ }..{rs. Carl Renneckar, 1014 Crccnleaf avenue. )Jr. Mitten's letter ttow h e n out o f th e h ospital A smoother runnmg and more peppy motor when we are thru . n ea rly one year. what the said h11nlt~ tr··atm ·nt is so yo u wi ll und e r stan d just ho'v I am l ocated. Lil.st ) e:tr a. bill ,,·a s 1msse d in the U. ~ . l <'gisl:ttun· \\'hi <' h nt:lf10 it possibl e for reads: T s uppo:w you fo l kH hav e ~een w o n - any pati <'nt \\'ho had b ee n in a govd~>rin;.;· if I h:t\'(' c\'Cl' t'f'CCIVl'd your ,-r nm enl h ospit:tl to b e tl'eated for 'l'. I ~. for a ll·; l'iotl of one y ~lr or mor e, an d wh o, in tht> opillion or the medical 1 tltli<'N in l' h arg(' , ha.d r eac h ed th e max im um hos pital hl'llefit, was allowed to :1 ppt~· for hon~t· tn·atrn<'nt, and after du·· invt<sti1.!;:1tion of what hi s home e n ,·irnnnt!·lll wuultl ho ·, if s u ch wt·r <' "" hllltlt ' tn·atmo·tlt for 1 ntig·ltl t·xp l ain just t'tolllld tinuitt~· tho· < ' 111'·'. lw was a1Jnwt>d to gn lt"lll·· for :1 p··riocl I)( t hn ·P yt·ars. [ to ho · satisfacto ry to his (.!Oll- Miller & Miller Repair Dept. of the Wilmette Motor Sales Equipment equals maintenance SPECIALS Always on Our Menu Besides servi ng .1 515 4th Street Wilmette 636 !t;td sp· ·nt '" nll!rtlhs itt tlw hospita l wll··n tltis ldll \\';Is pas. ·<'d . .su 1 <lllpl io ·d for t h.· lt ·Htll' t n·anH·ll t ~u. J w as gr:1nto ·d th·· sa111o, and h:t\'t~ lit >\\' bee11 Iiyi11g ,1 1 horn(· silll' t' tht· 2Hh of la st :\ I ar\'11 ancl sl't'lll t·1 1,.. g·,·tting· alongsa t i sf; t do r i 1,. t r· l h ,. r" q u i r ·· m c n t s o C til· · llll'flil'al 'starr . I ant still Utlt!Pr the jut·isdict ion Dl tlw h"spit:1l. 1 an1 ~·a]l, · d ill t·n·ry tltrt ·t· to six months fqt· <l ·thr>roug-h o ·:>-:ltllinati·!IL :\ ttursf' <"Otnc·s o ut j ··Yo·n· ntr·nth tn \'isit Ill" arHl see how I " 111 :.:. d t i 11 ~· : tlon ~ . an d l h a\' e t o k 1· e p :L l't'l'tll'tl of 111~ · Jlll]St· and lL' lllJH·t':ttlll' L · :t' night artd ll\fll'llilll-!. a11d st>nt l sam·· i11 t11 ll t·lt·na ,.,· ,· r ~ · two \\'Pf'(c,;, so yon :-.· ·· · :1lthuu~lt 1 :1111 ,,ut 1,[ the h ospital tho·\· s llof't' !;:t ·o·)l a (']tl s t· cht· ·k on JnC. -1· was i 11 for 111 , . l:t:->t ··xam i nation t " .,, nt·,nths :t:.;,,, :u11 I th f' do ·tnr I:t' purtt·d mr ('O!IdiliPil ~~i~htb· itn)!I ' IJ\'t'd , so ~ur·· CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main Street Phone: Wilmette 1870 Wholesale-MEATS-Retail Ia carte all dJ}' th:tl is g·ooHl . l!ut, lleli1 VL' me, it :-;, ·,·m:-; tt· bo· a lot1g· r·,ad ah··ad \\ith not lllllt'lt in \'it · W but useless wattltt;.; . Tho·~ will allow 1111' to do un we also offer specia ls- extra nice dish es. Order J .1 club breakfast, And or at noon pbte luncheon. top off the dJy with our hea rt y 7; cent dinner. , Always a Number of Very Desirable Meat Items at Attractive Prices. Special Saturday Sale .Ap'ril 24th The __ ,,·nrk. and r ··att t··ll rou tim·· s ur \· goo·s slliW. 1 t'o·lt lik· · tt·lling th·' ,, hodo · hur tdt of t ht·m to go jump in tht· 1:11\t' 1 h·· l:t!-'1 till\~" I was at H e1t · rta, lntt that woll ld do 110 good. Th e tlrwlor h ;l lw ·n·,. to tt ·ll me If I tt~ul\ r P:Ll g-ot ·an· of ntys· · lf I woulu p ro iJ:thly ho' nbl~> to take !:;Ome position that clirl 11ot n'quin· too much \"iOrk h,· tPn ,·,.ars front now. Some cheerfLtl.n· · w·s~ l ~ut. tht ·n. 1 will fool them ~·t"t and !J e ablt> to h't' t ba.c k amongthe hl PHHecl producint;· c laHs of I)eople . Jt ,·o u (.!Oulcl set~ m· · you woulc1 laugh at ·Ill~' being- Ril-le I. s ur e rlon't look it and ft·Pl fin . hnt just don't seem to h a ,·e any sutying power. \\. l'!l. I h otH' this is not too lat e an ac:knowle d gn'fr·nt o[ your kindn ess , for I sh··uld h:ltt · tn g-1'! a l1la ck mark a g·a ins l 111 ~- n:un · among- th e friend s at \\' i lm .. t tf·, and ~·ou may b~· sure that your loYt.:l)o· box wa s enjoyed to the full, en' tt if it dit1 co m L· so 1ate. \\'i t.h good .wi s h"s to a ll t h e Auxiliary, I am, Yours resp ec tfully, Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy ROASTING c~H·IC:KENS, soft meats ...... 44c NATIVE POT ROAST BE~EF .. ~ ......... ·22c Rolled Rib Roast Beef, no bOne or waste .. 42c PORKLOINS,fromyoungcornfedporkers321j2c VEAL LEGS, milk Jed ................. 291f2c ARMOUR·.CLOVERBLOOM BUTT'ER 45c ARMOUR ST.A · R HAMS, hilforwhole 331f2c AR~OUR Star Bacon, half or wh()le side .. 44c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS ................ 35c . WibDette, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Winnetka . Fo~ Daily . Deliveries: 9 a. m.-11 a. m.-2 p. m.-4 p. m. ;· 1 · I L. J. Mitten, Roy, Mont ana. USED LIBRARY BOOKS Slightly used and worn book s ~hat we have on hand now placed on sale at a ridiculou ly low price . Some .. values to $3.50, during thi s sale, starting Ap1·il 24th, onh·. ~I other's Day Greeting Ca rds soc A beautiful assortment o£ Greeting Cards ~ 1155 vVilmettc AvenueBALLARD'S Phone Wilmette 2566 Wilmette's Book Store and Rehta( Library · ~o. l - Linden Branch: Fleur-d e -Lis Gift ·Shop, 426 Linden Avenue No. 2-Tiidge Ave nu e Pharmacy, Tiidge and Lake Avenues C

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