[ ::o FC ·",,~,,. 56 . WILMETTE LIFE April 16. IIJ.?r ·-· II WE :.:1 Fe serve with all sizes and varieties but only one QUALITY of fuel. ·Phone us your coal order. WE HANDLE KOPPERS COKE EXCLU~IVEL Y Genuine N11les Service .ompanies each order whether ~ ton or a load . F · CENTRAL COAL & ·MATERIAL CO. F UNIVERSITY 5200- WILMETTE 333- GLENCOE 1100- NORTHBROOK 93 Fireproof Storage SCULLY BAGGAGE AND TRANSFER Moving- Packing- Shipping WILMETTE 410- PHONES WINNETKA 232 ··----- ~~ . . = l ~~ ~- A R E Y0 U P R0 P ER LY . P A I D For the Time You Spend at This? JN ·A · GREAT MANY HOMES house\\rives hav e discovered that they have been doing their family washing at a loss~ tbey have found that the same amount of time employed in other ways will Telephone Wilmette 1800 Greenleaf 2180 Glencoe 100 Highland Park 1500 addLmuch mokre to thebcomfortf.o f their fahmdilies. W 'II II f et us ta e over t e cares o your was ay. e ca or yout bundle if you wish , we'll wash everything for you , and even do all the ironing. The cost will be very nominal. Why not take this modern washday short cut- and begin now. 1 6: g I .A . ~ ·~ II '. / ll WI 1 lI 20% discount on work brought in and called lor NELSON · LAUNDRY 1210 Central Ave. ·. ___Wilmett~ !81 18 . i. l ~-·······-··(!)···.._. ....... . ~~~