Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1926, p. 51

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.1\pril 9, 1926 · .WILMETTE Mrs. Perc'y ·B. D. Idler of 932 Ashland avenue has returned -to her home after a stay of several weeks in California. LIFE 51 William Cook Will Marry Chicago Girl Thursday, April 22 riOillllllmHIUIIOOUIInlllllllmiOIIIIIINUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII""'"'IUOIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIUmmmnoommoomo""'"""'"'~-lnOOOOIRI I - 1- Invit ations were issued thi s we.ek for . _ Ceotgc ~ Io rl ~y of 1112 Grc enwoo_ d . . ~ ave nue gave a chnn er fo r a group of h1s th e ma rnage of M1 ss E llen Stryker, iricnd ~ )a:-,t Saturdav eve nin g on th e daughter of 1frs. No rm an Stryker , o f occa:; ion of hi~ nin th birthd ay. r ~~1irago, t o \\_~ iam E wart Cook, son \ ~c:1 ot :\ f r. and ~1 rs. Thomas F. Coc k, 625 i ). I r:-. ll a~·e:; ~ f ch.Inncy of 1035 Ches t 1-Jncnth :-,trcl't. \\'ilmetlL·. which ·,,·ill nut av n u.~ was hostess fo r the meetin gtJkv 11 . . \ · n . 1 , ') . . . of tile \\ 1hm: t~l' :\ rc\ ~~1 Shore l?oar.d 1 c~cc. pn l --·at t 1c h.a\ll1S\\OOc\ held at hn n·-..Jdl'nL·c J Jmr:">Ua\· ot tlw; ~I ct!wdi~t 'l ·:pi~r()pal church. The R ev. \\'tek. .1 :tlllL"o I j . Du~ ;tnd will read the sen ice -oa t ~.Jll . u\·lork in tilt' c\'(·ning, and a ~ l r'. ll;m·~· Bertram \Vil:--on, 611 1'l't'Cjltit>l1 at thv ll!tllH.: oi the bride will Laurel :t\' Clltl(', ga\·~ a small, informa l . l unrht:1 1n at hl'r hom~: Thursday of this l l i i H~t·diatcly folio\\' the ceremony. \\Tl'k. .\tH·ndiiJg tllt· ],ride a~ htr maid oi - 011" 11' 1 r " ill l,v hn ~i-;tn, ~l i -...., Irene , ~lr. and \tr . . . ~atnul'l H. D ;tt < ;, n 1l ~t l' ~ ·k t · r, and a-... h!·idc~maicls, ~Ii~s \1 1 \I 1 ]I J) ha\'e re . ,~ 1 . . r. ill}( . rs . . . - . yon, I, Jl ' l'lllt'l' 'Cll"· :-1 :- tcr ol th<: bride- turnl'd to tlll."ir honH:" in \\'ilnH'ttc .~ n ti!Il l and :\1 is ~ es Catherin(;, Edna and 1· l' ~ lll1 ] 1Itt ·· prlllgs, · :"'\ r ]{ , :\ntH· ~tnkcr. :-,i..,tcrs of tlw hri1k. Hn ' ll l: tll nit:~'(' ~ . luel and PhYllis Strvkcr " ill hl' flu\\L' I: girls. \l r. l'·o~,J ~.':- l>rPtiH'r. :\rtl1ur 11. Co(,J,, ' ill ;tr t ;, . . !Jj.., 1>~.:::-.t l11iln, and the u:-,hers ,. il! ht· II. \\' arn·n ~ha,,· and Ilcrbert " ·ll i :..' !Jl 11i ('!Jir;q. .;(), ).la y land ( .IIallin1,r · 1 \\ J!m\'l!t', and J<dl!l l~am ~ den of \ r L: "· I 11. -o- --<>- i - = ~ ~ ~~ : These Frames Were Made £ · Or T 0 l0 £f' Sp OrtraltS Skilled European craftsmen have . made for Toloff' s · f d portraitS, rames which blen wt'tb and enhance tbet'r artt'stic . qualities. They are of hand-carved WOOd, handtooled leather and of poly· 1 Ch rome cunntng y wroug b t b y Italiall artists. This importation of frames has just arrived and we shall be pleased to show it. The prices are surprisingly low. H ave your picture made now for M o t b e r. Mother's Da y is not far di stant. = f 5 '===== s==-==== = § ~ ~ _ - = - \I r. and '.\lr::.. George '.\[oocly (l( 2-U \Yar\\'irk !'(Jitd. f'l'nih\·llrth, are ~ailin;·· ~aturd:l,. ()IJ tlw Pari . . f()r a t\\·o JJJ()nth< . (11t1r ,,f the cnntintnt. -crI l' ;,rll <lll 1\ . Dart 0i 701> Cn·enlt:af :t\t'IIIll', i:- 11 1 thv ~t. Franri:- lw~pital r t · c" \·1· n 11 :.-!' i r >1 11 ; , !T c I'll t o p L· rat ion. < - - Unaffected by market declines .. but constantly increasing in value and earn n~g power. Invest in central real . estate improved to its highest and best use. With every $100 invested in - JosE.:;; uii:iT~1off 518 DAVIS STREET - I I=== EVANSTON ! s 5 ~ i :.!tllttltiUHUUI/IIIIIIItlllllllllltllllllliiiiiHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIJtllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNINIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIIUHIIlltllllllftiUilftlHUIIIIIIIIIlmUIIIIIIIIJo Gfk FREE Here is a treat that you will enjoy- a liberal sample of rich, ~avory -- ORRINGTON Hotel preferred stock you receive 69"o pe·r annum plus all the profits until your $100 has been paid back to you. Every dollar paid back to you on preferred stock adds just that much to the value of your common stock. May our representative call to explain the details of this safe and profitable investment? ~ ~ ::z:: Write today for our booklet : " Your Rightful Share of the Profits." COTTAGE CHEESE Whipped in Pllre Cream Dixie Cottage Cheese is a real delight. A teast of deliciousness. Made from pasteurized milk with a most modern and scientific process. Whipped in cream. Smooth. Pur~. Sweet. Appetizing. Be sure to get your sample today. Genthnt·rs ~lent ~lnrket Wilmette Grocer,Vun Deu·en Grocer,Brlnknann's Groct-r,. Schlosser's Groeel'}' En·t End ~larket VICTOR C. = = CARLSON ORGANIZATION Greenleaf 500 INC. Sheldra.k e 0500 - CARLSON BUILDING South.east corner Orrington Ave. and Church St. EVANSTON I\ i I North Shore Food Products Co. 42 7-429 S. Morgan St. Chicago / liiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

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