Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Apr 1926, p. 42

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42 WILMETTE LIFE April 9, 1926 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the ANNUAL VILLAGE ELECTION will be held in the VILLAGE OF WILMETTE_on Tuesday, April twentieth, 1926, for the purpose of voting for the following officers: ' I J ·· ONE VILLAGE CLERK ONE VILLAGE TREASURER THREE VILLAGE TRUSTEES TWO DIRECTORS OF FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY That for the purpose of holding- said election the \'illage of Wilmette shall be divided into eleven precincts as follows: l~reelnct No. 1.' Beginning- at the intersection of the Chicago and North W~stern R. R and center line of Twelfth Street in the Village of Wilmette produced south; thence northwesterly along the Chicago ~nd North \Yester·n H.. R. to its intersection with the North limits of the Villag·e of \Vilmette; th C'nce t·ast along said north limits line to the east line of S C'c ti o n 2S; th l'llt'<' north a l o ng the t·ast lin t? of Section 2S to the eas t and Wt.:st l't'ntt·r· lin (' of :·k·<"t ion 27: th e n ~:e t·a~t along- sai1l east and west ce nter lin(· of St't'lion 27 to t h t· t'l·llter line of Twelfth Str cr- t in th e Villag e of Wilmette: thence south along the center line of Tw e lfth Str('et and said Twelfth Str·t·ct produ cNl t o tlw Chicag·o and Nor·th \V rs t Prn H . R ., th e }10int of bl'g-inning-. All in Township 42, H a n gt.· 13. l~olling J>lnt.·t·: I 1 I · ~.doug· lht· H> Ulh lim:ts of th e Villag-e of \Vilm ettc to the center line o f \V oo dhin e Av en t!<' ; tht·IICt· north a long· tlw c·t·ntc·r lin (' uf Vl/. oorlbine Avenue and Ei g hth ~tn" d to th4! <·t>ntt·r lint· of (;r4···n1Paf Aveuue, the point of b eg- inning. All in Town~h(p 4 2, Rang-e 13. · l"olllug I"laet·: l"rt-elnt·t !\=o, 1'i K 'uNhiuu II roN., 114:0 (; rt·t·nl1·at' .\ n·nut·. \\' ilnu·ttl', 111. l!~·ginllill .:..: at tht· intt·l'st·t·ti··n .,f tlw ('hic:l.g-o n.nd 'North \VestE' rn Railron.d anrl \\'ilmdte A.\···nuo·; tlt··tH'·· sou thw f·s t Pr ly along- the (;C nter lin e of 'Vilm ette A n·n llt' to tht· · · ~·nt··r liru· of JU() g·c Av e nu ,·; tPt~nee south along- th e <'l'lltt·r litH · of 1Ud gt> :\Vt'llUt> to the · {jj ou th limi ts N th e Villag e of Wilmett e; t h l'nC'P l'ast a long t h1' ~o uth limits of the \' i 1ltge of \Vilmett e to the eentt>r lir11· rof t It· · I 'hic;tgo and ~forth \V (·stern Ha il r oad: thence n o rthWt' ster l y along the cPnt ~'I' 1inr· nf thn Chic'ago and .\J'or·t h \V N;tt'rll Railroad to the Ct·lll l· r Jinf· or \\.ilnu·ttf · A\'4 ·1lllt' th e pOillt of l.lrginning. All in Township 42, Hnnge 13 . · \ . illogt· Hull, \\'llmette. Ill. l!t·g-inning a t th e north line of tht~ Villagl~ of ~·ilm e tt·e and Tenth Stl't.·et; tht>nt.:e Wt'St n. lou g- the not·th lin e of the Village of \Vilm et t e to th C' c·t·nlPr line uf 'J'\\'elft h !::ltreet; thence !>OUth ;ilong the eentt·r lint · of Twt·lfth ~trPd and Tw ·lfth Strt·nt produced sout h to the <·e11trr lin~ · of lir··t·nlt·af .A v en u e; thence cast along· th e cen t er line of <.:ret·nlt·af .\.n·n ut· t·· tlw <·entt·r litw of Tenth Street; t h enee north along tht.· CPillt·r lint.' of Tt·ntll Stre et to the north lin ' of the Villag·e of Wil· mette, the point of beginning-. All in Tow!1~hip 42, Hang · 13. l"recln<'t .:\n. :.!. l"olling l"lnt·t·: \ "illugt· Hull, \\' ilmt·tt<', Ill. l"rt·t·int·t :\o, a. l:t ·ginning at the· ~hurP lin e of Lake Mic·higan n.nd tlw IH Jr th limits of th·· \ 'i lla g·· of " 'i lnwtte; thence w st along the north lirnits (If tlJL· \ .i llag" of \\' illlll'ltt! to the t.:t: nter lin e of Tenth !::ltreet; thenc e su uth along th e ct·nlt·r· litH· of Tl·nth ::itreet to a point oppos ite the main t'!ttrancp tu tht· building tlll the :-ll'huol l'roprrty h eing the east anu w e.st l'\' ltt Pr line of Lot H~~ and 10 in Block 23 , Village of \Vilm ette Subdivision: tl'l' ll t'P aR t on a l in· · tllr oug·h tht· main Pntra n ce to th · north builuing on tlw ::-leh ou l prop e rt~· t·, tlw t·enter lin e of Ninth ~troet; thence north al(;>ng tlw l'~·nl"r litH· 111' Xinth ~tn·~.·t to t lh~ ce nt ·r 'lin e o f For est ·Avenue; thence l'd~t n.nt.l northeasterly along the ce nt e r lin e of Forest Avenue to th e c.· ntt· r lint· of :\lkhi g·an A\·t·nttt·; thence south eastl'r l y alo n~ the ce nter lm e of Mi c hi~ a n A\'t·nut· to th·· t:l' tltt·r line of Lake Avenue; thence northt·<tHt l' rly along the C<'ntPr lin e of La1<e Avenue to the ~hore of Lake Michigan; tl n e n or th Wl'Htn ly along the s h ore of Ln.i<e :i\lkhigan to the place <1f b eg- iruung. All in Township 42, ltange 13. l"olllug Plnt·t·: II) ron ~to)J) ~t·hool, \\"ilnwttt-, Ill. l"rt·t·lnt't ~o. -1. l:cginn i ng at the s h ore o f .Lake l\fichigan anu the cent e r lint· of Lak e Annu t· in th <' Yilla.g e of Wilm e tt e; thence southeasterly l"olllng J"Jnce: ll<'IJ DrNcH ~ hOJ) , 1217 \\'llmf'ttt~ , ,., ·· , \\' llmf'ttt>, Ill. along th f' l't' lllt·r lirw nf \V n.shing-t1111 A\'t·llll· · to tlw r···nt·-r litlt ' or l'ill'k A\'t ·llll··: tiH·Ilt 't' llt·rth\\'··stPrly alonl!.· tb1· ('l'nll·r litll· of l 'iirk :\\' t·llllf' to tho· (" ·ntt·r lint· r)f Lakt' AYf ' llUP; th e nl'e \Vest a long thf' n·llt· ·r lilH' or L:tkt· Av· ·nuo· to trw t·t>lllt·r l int' of Hid .~ e .Avenut·; tht·n~ · · · south :11.,11~ th P c· · llt··l' lirw of Hidg- . . \vt ·tltl·' to lhP <·rnt~'r line <1f \Vih-.n· ·!tt· ,\\···ll tl··: thPil<'l' ··ast an<l nnrt lwast along the' ('f'ntPr line of \Vilm ttt · A,·, ·nu· · tr· thP CC' tlt··r line of the Chicago an<l Xorth \\~estern Railron.d; · th. ·nt·· · nnrthwrstl'rl~· along t lw 1·enter lin r. of thl' Chicag-o and ~orth \V t·st· ·rn l t:1ilrr>ad to th·· C't·llt<·r lin of \V a~hington Av e nu(l, th P p0lnt of lw l.!inning·. All in Township 42, H:1ng<' 13. PH~Iing Plnc:'-:·: J , u~nn !oi(·hool Htt~l'Jt~ l'r:alrh·. :\ " l's .. \\'llmettt>, Ill. l"rN·iuet "o. 10 PrN·Int·t Xu. U. l!f'ginning at th1 intt ·rs· ·l·ti·lll nf t lw l'ltit':l!.!,O arul !\:u'rtn \\'Pf;{Pl'n n;dlr~tatl <Lilli lht· ('!'liter line of \\' :~ s hillt..dtln .\\' o ·t1Ut ·; {]l(·l1('t· Wt· ~ t along- th e ce nt e r lirw o f Lak e AY f· nu c to the cPnter line of Michigan AveIIU P; thence northwf·~tt· rly along- the ce nter line of Michigan Avenue to rlw t'(·ntrr lin e of l·'on'st An·nut'; tht>nce southwesterly and west along th(· CPnte r· lirH' o f Fort·!"t .\\' t·nuP to tlw center lin e of Ninth Street; thence suuth along- the C(·fltt·r lin (' of Xinth Htn'et to a. })Oint OPI)()Site the center !trw of Lots 9 anti h in l~l oek :?3 in- \VihtH'ltc \ 'illagc Sub1livision; thence \":t·~t 1 hrough the main entnut('t' to th e nor t h building- on the school propE' rtv to th ' center lin e of T e nth 8tret·t: thence south al o ng the center line of Tenth StreC' t to tht· <· t>ntt~r lin ~· of Un·(· nleaf Avenu ; th e nc e east along th e C(· Ht er lin e of G r ePnlNtf Avt·nu(' tn the center lin e of Ei~hth Street; thenee north along th t· Cl'llt('r lint' of J.;ig-hth Street to the center line of CE>nt ral A \'(' llU('; thi'I1C(' c ast along th e center lin e of Central Avenue to rli e ce nt e r lin e of Shf>r·idan Road ; thenc(' sout h easte rly along the cen ter line o f ~h e ridan Road to th e cent('r of thr North Shore Chann e l; thence nortlwasterly along th e North Shore Channel to the Shore of Lake Michi-. gan: th ence nor t hw i.'R terly along tAe shor e of Lake Michigan to the point ot beginning. All in Town~hip 42, Range 13. Polling Plact·: llyron Stolp Sdaool, Wllmt>tt<', Ill. Prt-ehu·t ii. Ht?l:!:inning at thC' shor·e line of Lake Michigan and the ce nt e r lin e (lf the North Shore Channel; thence southwesterly along the center line of' t lw i\'orth Shore C hann e l to the center lin e of Sheridan Road; r lieneE> northwt>sterly along the ceqter line of Sheridan Road to the center line of Central Avcnup; th e n ce w e!:lt along the center lin e of Central Avel; u e to the L 'l' lltf'r lint' n f Fifth Street; thence south along the center llne uf Fifth St 1 t·t>t to thl' ~o uth lin e of th e Village of Wilmette: thence east :·long the !'OUt h ll!1 ' of the Villag·e of Wilmett e to the shore of Lake :\J ichigan: then<·t· ll o rthw t·Rte rl~· a long the Shore of Lake :\iichigan to the J· oin t o f hr(.:-imring:. All in Town s hip 42, Range 13. Polling I" hu-t-: lirc.ll ,t; Smith, Inc., 41 D 4th St., "\\"ihuette, Ill. J"rt-t·lnt·t ""· u. nt>g-i nning at the int e rs ec tion of Fifth Street and Central Av enut-: th4·t J('(· w t>st along th e cente r line of Central Avenue to the C'f: ntPJ' lirw r·f Eighth HtrPet: th<"I1Cc sou th along the ce nt e r lin e of Eighth ~tr Pe t and \Voo dhillt ' J\\'f' nUI' to the center lin e o f Isabella Street; thenc e N tst along th e ('t'tlt~· r· li'll' of h;abelln. Htn'et to th e' C'('nter lin e of Fifth ~tn·e t ; th PII(' e JIIJI'tll al<",g the center line of Fifth Street to th e ?enter lJne of Ce11tral Ave11tt e, tir e point of beginning. All in Township 42, Hangt-> 13. J»oiJing PluN·: nu·tte, Ill. l.:mrt·l .\ n·. ~c.'lwol. \YPster n th'nce w est along thP south limits o f th e Vill:u:!.f' of' l<f'nilworth to th· · 11 ort h and south <···n(t·r lint · of Ht.·ction 2\; thf·JH'P south alnng thl' north and so uth ('t'n t er· linP of ~t· l ' tion 2'< to tlw <'<·ntt·r lin.· of L:tl\1' A\'1'11\l· ': thence ea:;;t along tlw cen t er linr of Ln.ke A\·Pnue t ·J tlw <·~·ntC'r lirw [j f P:trk AvC"nue: th e n ce southea.~tc·rly a lon g the cPntr r lin · of Park A\·,··nU·· to th·· C'C nt e r linf' of Highland Avenue; th ence northen.strrly alon~ thl:,.-ef'llt·~r line of Highland Avenu e to the Cf'nter lin e of th, . <'hicago an d :-.: nrth "" estern Hailroa(1; thPnN· n<>rth wrstPrl~· along the ('h il':q..;·o :tn d Xor·t h "iVestC'rn Railroad to thf' Ho uth l imits of th e Villag·e qf Kt·nilworth, tlw point of beginning. All in Township 42 , Han g-e 13 . Polling Place: Fire Stntion. S:.!t> :Unln St., \\. lhnt·ttt·. Ill. l~l'gintling at th.C' Ci'lltPr lint · of thP C' h ir- :q.:o anrl r\l!rlh Hailroad: and tlw ~outh l imits of the Vill:lg-i· r,f K··nilworth ; t ·· ., i "o. <·oruer 7th nnd Luurel Ave., \\·11- PrN·In<'t ~u. 7. Ht'g-inning· at tlw intPrs ectio n of Eig·hth Str e et and nrl·f·n)l·a f Av enue: th e n ('e Wt'S t along tht' ce nt e r lin e of r:reenleaf Av ('l nu " to th e center lin e of th e 'hicag-o and No~·th \Veste rn H.ailr_oad; rr. enee so utheast er ly a long· the c e nter· linl· of th P C'hreng-o an~1 North" estun Hailron.u to th e so uth limit s of the \·illagP of \Vilm~·t te ; th e nce east l"rf'(·lnet ~o. tt. TIPg-inning- at the South('ast cornpr· of Lot thirt~·-nitiP £39) in County Cl e rk's DiviHion running- th nc(' w rst along- th·· ~nuth lin<' of Lots thirty-nin C' (39), thirty -eig- ht (3 R) nncl thirty ·sPvf'n 137) 111 Raid County C lerk's Division to th P Southwest co rn ('r of snid L o t thirtyseven (37): th<'nce North along tlw 'V est lin e of Hairl Lot thirty -~I'Wn (:i7) to th(' center line of Gross P oint Avenue (oth'rwis c known a~ Olf·nvicw Hoad); thence Sout hwe sterly along- the centrr lin!:' of snid Gross P'olnt Avenue to the \VeRt lin e of Frac tional Secti on thirtv - thrN· (~3): th e nce North along the 'Vest line of sa id F'ract ional Rr<' tion thi..t y-thn·f> (33) to th e Cf'ntC"r I in C' of Reinwald A v~~ nu (': th Pll(' e ~orthwf'st (' rly along thf' center line of Heinwald Av e nue to th e crn trr lin r of Avoca Avenue; thPn C'P Westerly along the center lin e of Avoca Avrnu e to the center line of Locust Street; th e ncf' No rth along- th e centt>r 1in P of Locust Street to the North line exte nded \Vest of Kenilworth First Ac1c1ition: th e n ce East alongthe North line of said Kenilworth First Aclclition to the East lin e of the Southwest quarter (S\V14) of th e ~o1·thwest qua rtPr (NW14) of Section twenty-nine (29); thence North along said East line to the North 11n e of Lot seven (7) Mari e Alles Subdi v is ion ; thene c East along said North lin e to the center line of Greeley Avenue; thence North along the cf'nter ltn e of Greeley Avenue to the North lin e of th (' \V est ten (10) aC"res of th e South nineteen and thirty-fo ur hundredth s (i9.34) ncrN; of. the North sixty (GO) acres of the South half (Slh) NorthWI:'f.:t quarter (NW 14) Section twenty-eight (28); thenc e East along said North lin e tw e lve hundred forty-eight and twenty-three hundred-th (1248 .2 3) feet; thenc e Northeasterly two hundred and elght~'-two (282) fe e t along- lin e b etw ee n Indian Hill consolidation in said Sections twenty-eight (28) a1Hl tw e nty-nine (29) and Lot thirty-s even (37) Indi an Hill Subdivision Kumhf'r· four f4) to Northerly corner of said Lot thirty-seven (37) ; th e nce Southf'a::~tf'rlv and Easterly along th e Norther!~· lin es of said Lot s thir·t):-sf'ven (37) and thirty-six (36) of said Indian Hill Subdivision Numlwr four (4) to th e Northeast corner of said Lot thirty-six (36); thence South twl"nty-two and e ig-hth-tenth (22.8) feet: thence l~ast one ·hundrecl anr1 eig-hty -one anrl thirty -one hunclrf'<lt h (1Rl.31) f ee t to the Cl" nt C' r lin e of Hid~· p Avenu e; til ('ll("' Routhf'ast<'rly along- th f' center lin e of Rirlge Avenur to th e Routh J:n" of' Lo t thrPt> f3) in Lauerman 's subdivision extendrd F.n.st; thence Fa st to the X or th n.n11 Routh half (lh) Section lin e Of saif1 Section twrnty··ig·ht 121>.); th('nt ·t· Houth along said h a lf (If:!) Reetion linP :t1111 along th e :\'orth an<1 South half ( 1-'2) Sf'etion linf' of Section thirty-thn·t· (~3), Towns hip fort~· -two (42) ::-.;orth, Rnng-e thirtf'e n (13), East of tlw Third Principal Meridian to tho pln.(' e of beginning, situatr-d in tlw Township of NPW Trier, ( ook County, Illn o is. Polling l"l:t~t·: lluildhtg formt-rly known ns Gro~lil Point \ . illngt· Hnll, Hl.dgt· ,\,·t·nut·, twnr ' \'nshingtou ..\,·t-nut-, \\"lhawUt-, 111. '· . .. ·· ·

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