10 WILMETTE LIFE ..April 9, 1926 Indian River-Grape Fruit You will reli:.;h our extra large tree-ripened Grape Fruit, a wonderful spring tonic of delicious flavor. AI o very fme Navel Oranges, unkist Brand. How would you like shortcake fille~l with our nice fre h Strawberries? Wilmette Leaders ·WILMEnE HAS OWN DAY Attend )(}onference · .AT SELLS FLOTO CIRCUS at .Birmingham, Ala. Among \ Vilmette clergy and laymen who will atten d the Q uadrennial convention of t he In terna tional Counci l of Religious Ed ucation, to be held at Birmingham, Ala., from April 12 to 19, \\'ill IH· Dr. \V. E. Raffety, Gi lbert Stansell, the Rev. Francis C. Stifler, the Rr,·. J. H. Bowman, Miss Frances \\ 'oodall and Thomas H. West. Rr. Stansell will be in char~e of the pastors' conference at the convention and ~{ r. Stiflcr \\'ill be in charge of the Cnn f erence C1ll I·:vangelism in Church Schools . Dr. Ra Ffetv is editor of the fntrrnational Journa-l of Religious EduratioJ' and ~I iss \Voodall is his secretary. Ed\\'in _Phelps, · a resident of t h<· ,·illagc and general secretary of t hl' Bapt i;;t Young People's Union of Ana· rica, \\'ill al. o attend. ).! r. \\'est. who is superintendent of til,· \\' ilmetk ~lcthoclist church SundaY :--chool. \\'ill make a stuclv of the nH;dcrn method of organization and administration of the church school and also obtain information as to curriculum huilclin~ for the modern school. ··r ~ ~ I. Village Officials and 'Ex-Preai.. dents to be in Big Parade on Night of April.t9 April 19 wil l be recognized as Wi lmette's Biggest Day a t the Sell s F loto circus in Chicago. The schools will he closed on that day and a r egular "Children's Circus Day" will be featured in the afternoon. To t he great delight of the children "Poodles" Hanneford, the greatest of all riding clowns, who has been absent from the circus world for the ·last three seasons, will again he a feature with the original Hanncford fami!y, famous English equest1 ians. Five rings will be neces sary to exhibit the <'ntire circus. A~ a . pecial added attraction there will be thirty minutes of rodeo sports and pastimes by Buffalo Bill's wild west, and a tribe of Sioux Indians from the Pine Ridge reservation in the Dakotas will add color to the wrstern sprctacle. Pl a n Special Features At the evening performance there will he specia: features. It is hoped that every business person and every resident who can possible attend, will he on hilad to cheer on their first appearance ."·it h a circu:-,, the men who have made \Vilmette, anc! at the same time (through the purch?.se of their tickets in \Vilmette) contribute valuable as s i~tance to a V!orthy \Vilmette cause. Tickets are on sale at the variou s store s, Cafeteria, Village Hall, Railwa\· Station, etc. To be seen among· th e "performers" on this eve ning art.· Vilbgc President Earl F.. Ornl'!', Village ~Ianager Carl C. Schultz, and the past village president s. Edward Zip£. Oscar Schmidt, Ceorge Spring-er and Henry \V. Gates. Halph l'. Boozer, prc!'-ident of the \Vilnwtte ~fa-.onic Temple as. ociation will also he rl·cog nizcd in the procession . . He sidenh arc urged to buy tickets early and re-;cl'\'C April 19 for \Vilmette's Bi gges t lh)· at the ci reus. Tickets ran be u-;ed at any of the pt·r formancrs nn April 12, 1.( 19, or 20. \li:---- l'Cln:--tanr<: ' Jordan lla:-- rdttmt.:d frf·lll Ltkl'lancl. FL .. "hen.· she wa s a .~tH· . . t at the lH·Illl' of her :--i:-;tcr, ~f1 s. ] . .\. ).! cCart . \· and iamily, formerly of r.Jcn\·ie\\'. .~hr ;tl . . n spent :--omc time v1s1t 1ng fri<:JH).., in Tampa ;uid · St. Petersburg. l -L Telephone Wilmette 154or 1361 Lulias Brothers 1135 Central Ave. · A Guaranteed Hot Water Heater Here is the guarantee: We will install a Crane Heater in your home. Try it fo r 3 0 days. If it does not prove satisfactory in every respect we will ta ~e it out and you pay nothing. A furnace coil supplies hot water only half the year. Boil ing in the winter, lukewarm in the spring. Other old - fas hioned systems are equally unsatisfactory. I Kenilworth Woman's Club Ends Year Next Thursday · I Carden Club dav, held under the direction of Mrs. Eel ward J. Phelps, was the occasion of a delightful meeting of The Neighbors 'l'hursda v of Ia . t week. The deep snow and the blizzard were forgotten hY the members \\'ho heard Mrs . Carl ~<. ~'liner talk on "Rock Garden:- ." She brought Alpine plants '"ith hh and huilt a charming miniature garden. Sh<' also illustrated her talk with lantern slides of her own beauti ful ~arden in Glencoe as well as others. Next Thursday the Neighbor~ will clost' tl1c rluh \'car with a lunche on and bminess session. At that timP the nwJnhers will \'Otc on both the ach·isahili t~· ol changing the tneeting day fron1 Thursda\· to \Vl'clnl· . . d;n·. and on the ·Ill·\\· off~cers. · .l<~'>l'ldt Franri :- I f<ll·n, -.on of ~1r . a 11 d ~I r :-- . .I o :--c ph 11. 1I urn · of 1044 Forest an·nttt', \\'ho ha:-- been quite ill \\·ith the influenza. j., Jl<l\\' somnrhat iinprt1nd i11 health. and ha . . returned t(l hi.; IH·Illl' in Chicago. -o~1 r.... F. ~1. :\iHkr:--oJI <,i Paanhua Ha\\'aii. ,,·ill ht the \nTk-encl guest of .\fr .... S. E. Cay and ~fi:-;~ Blanche Gay 1 of . J2<J . '1'\\'clit!J street. ~[rs. Anderson Js sa ding nn the Aquitania \\ edne . dav to ~pend the summer \rith her rrla·-· tin·-; in ~rntland and Engl~uHI. · · Built like a t'acu~m bottle .. PREMIER hot water is uniform, always ready_:_a fullsize stream at all fa ucets. Gome in to our Sales Rooms a t~o mpare yo ur present hot water costs with the price of PR EM IER stored hot water that gives year-' round economy, convenien,ce and healthfu l comfort. Any day this week you can see th is gas-saving, in su1 ated storage-type heater in operation. Try it, test it. See for yo urself how it saves while it serves and satisfies. Testimonials gladly furnished· of sat isfied users. . huqut:- IU\\'~1, after :-.pending iH'r spring vacatJuJI \\'Jth her lather and mother. ).~r. and ~fr .... P. F . \lcC'all. oi 530 E1~htlJ street. ~I i:-.-. l·:dit 11 ~f cCall ha:-- rdur11cd to t hl' ~It. ~t . Joseph acadl'm \' at Du- -o- has returned to \Vas bington and Jeffer . . on college after spenclin~ hi~ Easter Yacation " ·ith his parents, ~[r. and ~[rs . Ra lph \V. Moody of 1235 A-.hland avenue. -oArthur Tllurnau returned to his re:-.idenr(' at 710 Greenleaf avenue Tue:--clay t.'\'t'ning after a business trip , to California . - J oc ~I oody -o- . I· ·J ~ Devoe &·Raynolds Paint Demonstration Alfred Svers, Proprietor Premier No . 2, $125 Keeps 23 gallons of hot water always ready ( )Jt .\ J ~J t Hl ay and T uesday . . \ pri l 12 and· 13, seve ral rcprc~<:n t a t tvcs from DeVoe & Havnolds will de monstrate th e ·I.. .. I Sold and Installed by 1430 LAKE AVE. FRED 0. NELSEN WILMETTE, ILL. .. n mr h0me m.ore beaut iful , Now is- th e t im e to learn t o mak e lea rn how to re fini sh your old furn it u re a nd get ideas for bea utify in g eve ry r oom in ,·o ur house: use o f t heir paint s. · '. ., · W u .. ME TTl=. ~., .. ~ PLUMBE.t-<S' EST I MATES FURNlSHED REPAIR WORK TAKEN CARE OF Wilmette Window Shade & Paint Works 1133 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3493 I There is a right-size Premier /or every home