Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1926, p. 3

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; l · WILMETTE LIFE April 2~ .1926 3 ORNER BACKS HOME ·· PARTY · CANDIDATES .. ,. GIVE' CIRCUS DATES .... .... i t r ~ ' ~ ( · · ,... ! I' . .. f t Througli the courtesy oi the owner nf the Sells Floto Circus the \Vilmette Templt: cluh .has added to the dates forVillag·l' · l'·· ~ ·~iclt'rit Earl E. Ornt·r thi~ llH:rly · s ecured. Ap~il 19 and 20. we<: k ~arne out .. ufl ~ 4ui~· oC'ally'. a:-; e nThe graminar ·schools will be closed dOJ"l'ing the ('~ndidate·!5 . of thE> Honw party in . th e fol'th(·oni i n.g· \' i 11 a g··t· t' I(·< ·- all clay ~Ionclay, April 1~. and on lion. · }oft·. ·orn(~ r·s stat <·mt-nt ; which i:-; this afternoon a special "Children' Day ·.~ t · l f-t'xplana.tor.y, follow:-;: · a the Circu:-," will be fratured. The . In reviewing the work of the Vil - "\\'illllettr DaYs at the Circus" are lage boa.rd in the. pa.st year I am frank sponsortd hy -the \Vilmette Temple to confcs~ th~t I ha\·e ei1joyed Ill\" as- l'luh. a social club nf some thirty memsociation wit.h all .the members o.f the hn s who arr intenselv intcre ted in the · hoard .. in carrying (Jll the village hu~i _ IH'\\' \ \"ilmette ).f aso~1ic temple. Fifty ne . s . pcrrc..· nt of the sale of circus tickets . \:\\ ·,. ! ,,c })· ~ ·<· 1)\ts\· A f "i_ ll l g<.1 tn. the. Ttmplc club and is . to be 1<.1 "- 11 · · .\ I1 lllll 1) e l 0 J . J k. I · · I u ~ e< 111 turms 1111g t 1c ·1tc I1en 111 t 1e Improvements commenced ll\· th(' · old r hoard have heen completed.: notahh·. Ill~\.' ttnlp. c. . . the electric lighting !--\·~ ttlll. the < P<· 1 ;_ I he _,._anm: . bu~tne~s mt~l o.t the town 1 ing of Seventeenth s trel't from Lak (' ar_e atdl11g 111 tht_ -;ale ol. ttckeb and a\· <·nu~ tn \\'ilmttte <H<'lltH·. a 1>art c1f "1th -. uch ~plel.Hh<~ hackmg .anc~ the ~ixte nth ·t t 11 1111111 · · \\" ] gt·nnal romn1un1t,· tntcrest whtch ts be1 f .· t· ~ r ee r g 1r (Ill~ - i11 ~ 111 an i fest t d. s t1 c cess in this u nus u a I mettr aHnue, sout 1 1: t 1 H: panng o unckrtaking ~eem~ assured. Fifth ~trcct. ~faple anll\H'. Isabella :\ :-pccial strti(lll i~ being rr sernd for, ~trect. and Park an·nut ~uuth of Lind(' ll a,.(' 11 \1 e . ~ran y 11 (' \\' i l1l p r () n.·n 1(' 11 t s \\'ilntt·tte people and their friends at h!1th tht aftl'rnoon and eYening perare under way, including th<· \\· icknin .~ f(lnllctllCt:- on the four days-April 12, and pa\'ing of th<' rnadwa'·' nf \\'il- 13. 1() and 20. and tickets will be honm e tt e a",. n u c· a n d C<: n t r a 1. <t q·n n e i 11 (lrt·d at any ont· ni the eight performthe hu-.int '-S district. the p;tYing of the ann· s. The ~rction rrsern~ d is oppoalky south of Central a\Tnur from ~itc the main entrance to the Coliseum \\'ilmctte avenue to the Sai1itan· Di-. - and opposit(' the center ring. trict right-of -way. somdhing < ·l,·tr a Any person intending to take in the mik in length; tht· paYing of Girard circu:- can insure for themseh·es seats and Garri-.on a\Tnttc,. and a number (1i in thi~ :-;pecial "section" and at the same alltys and -.idewalks . Tht ordinance time rontrib11te hali the price of their pro\'iding a ,,·ater sy,tenl ior that parf tickets to a \\"ilmette enterpri se hy 1f \Vilmett<: \Vt~t oi Rid!.!'{' annuc has purchasing their ticket s in \Vilmctte. h('en passed, and the nnlinanct for tht -,ewer s\·s tem in thr same tcrritc,rv i ~ tH1\\. t;endin .~ hdore tht hoard rtnd. tH1 d<1nht., will hC' p;tc.,~ed at an earl·; da tt . Condt·mnat ion pron·<· ding ~ · < t r·{. · p('ndin g to extend \lain ~tr<:<:t from Elm\\'ood a\·r nu<· north to Viftcenth 1\(ltar\' -.'\11n:-- - \\in·s. daughtlr~ or trtt't. and spt·c if1cation s arc heine; prc pan·d fc,r tht \\'idenin g· and paYing C~ i :-. i-.,tn:- r1i f~<·tarian:- - \\· ill hC' gue sts at th(' r< l;t<l\\'ay <,f ~fain ~ trert from tht· the regular luncheCin of the \\'ilmette -. outh to th e nc1rth limit~ (1f thl' \ ' illagl'. l~ntary club \\'cdnnday no on. April 7. TIH' . , t· matttr-.. tcwdht·r · \rith the Tht' Prca sion i:- the annual \· i~it of wo rout in(' \\'Ork oi the \"illagc. haH· kept 111en member:- of Rotar\' 1a111ilie~ tfl il us all hu:--y during the pa~t year. and rctrula-r l~c~tary rlul> l11l'.eting. \f is~ Edna Dean Baker. pn:sidcnt of ir giYes me ~rt' at Jlll'a~urr to <::-;pres-. my appreciation of the good work th<· ~ational Kind('rgarten and Elt'llH.' llt a r~· col kg(' '"ill he speaker next \\. ed done hy rach member of the hoard . nesday and mno.;ic \\·ill he provided hy Says Harmony Prevails t hl' Ba rm\\'allmYs. the girls orche~t ra Each mrmber is chairman c1f a com- (li the Olde lfa~· Joite. l·.Yanston . mittee and each committee has. under f.:'" <lll s t on a n d \\·inn c t k a R n t a r i:111 s. tht din·rtio1i nf the chairman. prompt- a HI tlwir women ~ucq~. ha\'e abo been 1 h· and conscientiouslv attended to all im·itcd to this H~tary - Ann Day gath1; 1 attr · r~ referred to it·. Thio.; has taken ering. Tt is txperted that about 200 a great deal of time on the part of proplr " ·ill attend tlw hincheon. the trustees. hut it . ·has been given ireeh· and chceriulh·. Harmon,· ha ~ FAMOUS TENOR COMING prt\. ;tilcd \\'ith the result that th~ \'il Ambrose \\'nick famous siiHr-toned l<J < .!<' hmi ness has hten t ran sac ted prOmptlY and efficiently. fn my judg- tenor. will he ·the guest of the choir of \\"ilmtttr Parish . ~fcthodist ment. the work of the present hC~arcl the has not been exceil(·d in any pn·Yiotts clu.trrl1 Faster 111orning and sing two vear , during my cnnne'cti(ln \\'ith \"il - solos. Preceding tlH' Easter sermon by Dr. Cilhert Stan~cll. ~fr. \\'nick will ·lage ~lfiairs. T sincrrely hope that Tru~tl·\· ~ .naktr. ~ing "('ah·an" hY Rodne,·. a1\d. follo"·Draver and Wiedlin '"ill ht rc-~.: kcttd. in'g the sl'rtt1.()11, i1e \Yill ~fng "Hosanna" h~· Grainer. and - T am confident they '"ill he. ~f r. Harry \V. M itler. has :,en·ed as Village Treasurer for twelve years or \"O'l'E 'l'l.ESD.\Y . .\1'1\IL more. He has been a hanker during .\T THE . all of his business career and has given close attention to the finances of the :\E\\. Tl\ I El\ '1'0\\':\SIII P \ ,·illage. To lose his services as treao.;ELECTIO:\ urer would he great los::; to the \.il lage. Mr. Nicholas J. Miller was actin' in I i you lla\'e not \·otcd bdor in the village affairs of the old Vill;l!..:·c \'tlllr precinct it is a(h·isable that of Gross PQi.!Jt for many year;;. He you he proper!_\· identified and \'Ote in the To\\"nship election ~o that " ·as a member of the Board and i~ familiar with the needs of that scr · your name will he on the poll hooks tion of Wilmette. Many larg·e imfor the ensuing Primary. School and provements are under "·ay affectin·~ \'illage elections. Registration is the property ·owners there. It is high -.j nnt neressan· here. But if you have h· desirable that this pilrt C~f dw Yil - ! not voted · before \'Ott ;nmt hr l;1ge haYe rcprestntation in the \"iiLq.!T I idcntifie<l by a residet~t ,.<,tcr or prnaclministration. : ,·ide an afficlaYit of rc:-.idence. Signed: EAHL F. OR:\I·:R . .. --------------~· . Village .President· Issues Statement · Endorsing Trustees for · Re-election Wilmette Temple Club Announces Social Children's Day at Sells Floto Circus C om poser TITO SCHIPA OPENS MUSIC CLUB SEASON. World Famous Tenor to be Firat ·Artists in 1926-27 Program of Artist-Recitals ·. Rotary-Anns Will Pay Husbands Call Wednesday, . 4pril 7 o Tito Schipa, the celebrated tenor·, \vho opens next year's series of Winnetka :Music club Artist-Recitals. was horn at Leece, Italy. Schipa·s parents thought him destined for the priesthood. But at an early age he broke a'vvay from his religious studies and entered the conservatory at Leece for piano study. He then became an accomplished musician and composer before his Yoice matured, after which he took up singing in the same institution. H c 1nade his debut in "La Traviata" in southrrn Italv . He \\'011 such repute in the smaller cities that he was called to 1[ ilan, where he again made his dehut in the same opera and also sang in "La Samna1nhula" with Mme. GalliCurci . He thcreafttr went to Spain, where his fame as a tenor ,.,.·as supplemented hy the introduction of some of his compositions hy the Royaf Symphony orchestra of ~fad rid. For his great art ~~iss .Ij e len Scars of Ken it worth, he was decorated hy the king of Spain. composer of notr. '"ill haYe one of her many compositions, a Fantasia for He has likewise heen decorated by the piano and orcl1estra. played as one of king of Italy. From Spain Schipa trathe featnr<: llttlllhrrs on the Symphony velle<l to South America, where he duPlavers' concert at the New Trier au- plicated the laurels he won in Italy and ditorium Tul':--<lay evening, April 6. Spain. From Buenos Aires he came ~~iss ~t·ar~ has ht·t·n '"orking recently to Chicago, making his debut, again in the arti~t colony at Peterboro, ~ - H. ,,·ith Galli-Cruci. as premier lyric tenor of the Chicago Opera company, where his outstanding achievements have established him as one of the truly great personalities of the music world. He wa~ a l.!rt' <tt f;l\·orite at Ravinia last season. Schipa has a tremendous operatic reFclwarcl J. Brundage former Attorney \.eneral of lllinois will _s peak in \Vil- pertoire which alone would have made mette Tue sday eY~ning;, April 6. at 8 a carctr great enough for almost any o'clock at the Bvron C. Stolp school. - tenor. But he '"as not satisfied. That ~I r. Brundage. ,,·ill speak tHl the im - difficult branch. concert singing, ap, portanct -of t hr April U primar~· elec- pealrd to him irresistibly. It is perhapshardest branch of all. Alone on the tion. it is said. and his able analvsis of thi s i111 porta nt :-; ub jcct should b~· help - the stag-e the artist ilmst n1akc each ful. it i~ a ~~nt cd. to all voters. \\.h o arc song a picture ,,·ithout the aid of bril·Jiant costumes. scc'nery, orchest-ra, or i11\·itt·d tn g<· out and hear him . \1 r. Brundage it wilr he rcralkd. wa:-. action . Yet in that field Schipa has the AttorrH·Y (~em·ral who conducted abo ~t·c"nred phenomenal triumph. This the fearJe ~ . , · pro . . ecutinn < 1i Con' rnnr i~ hi~ f0urt h sea:c;on in concert work, in \\·hich field he is possibly even more Len S1nall. pnpuiar than . in opera. Renewals of subscriptions for next Annexation Proposition Year's scril·:-- (1f these recitals was taken Goes on Village Ballot ~lurin~ the last concert two weeks ago.· _The propo siti.01.1 .to an1;_rx 150~ arrt' ~ \\'hile the ~cries is not yet fully sub~t :ernh?ry adJOit1tr}.g \\ tlmcttc·::; we~t scribed. it ~,· ill soon he oversubscribed. · ltm1ts. \\' 111 h~ placed o_n the h_allo)t 111 Tho . . t· " ·h() dislike disappointment ti_H' annual Vt_llage electton, Apnl ~(. hy should ~ent in their subscriptions at Ytrtue of actton taken hY the VIllage . onct' to ~I r~ . Bessie Crant. at the \Vinboard at a special mec.ting Tuesday n t ·1k a Stat c Bank. ' en' ning of this week. At that time tlw hoard adopted a resolution offtcial)~· placing the annexation proposition on North Shore Art League the little ballot in the Village e'lection to Hold Spring Showing Petitions requesting annexation ()f 'l'hl' Korth ~hore Art league will hold the terri ton· ""hich extends west to t ltc it-. annual dinner and exhibition at the Skokie Vafley North Shore line right - \\'in11etka Conununitv House on Thursof-waY south of Lake avenue. and tn dav evening. April IS, it was announced the N.orth Branch of the Chicago rin:r this ' week. The affair will be held in north of Lake aYenue. \YCre rccei\'l'd the Rudolph )..f atz' halt. Each produc1J,· tl1c Village hoard t\yo \Hcb a~n. ing artist or sculptor will be limited to The special meeting for consideration two workers never before publicly exof the proposition wa.; IH'ct·ssa r)· to ).!l't hibited. it \Yas said. due to the lack of the 1!1attt'_r ~n the hilllnt within tht· le - space. After the . dinner a noted artist gal t1111c lnmt. · f ro111 Chicago will lectnre and the ex I hibition \Yill he Yiewed .. The election I BANK JOINS FEDERAL RESERVE of officers will he held at the ~fay The \\"ill11ctte ~tate bank has lwcome 111eetinc;. The league announces ·tl1at I a nH;·mh('r ni tIll' Federal Reserve Bank John Brcyn well known Chicago sculpS\:'-lem i~ wa-; learned this \\·eek. Offiis to . .;tart a class in modeling for I cials of the !Cirtd financial house said tor. heginncr~ amJ ad\'anced ::;tttdents abnttt that gTo\\·th nf thl' hank has mack it June 20. Those ""ish ing in f onna tion 1H're~san· to incn·;~:-e the facilities -lor about the · cJasc; 111<1\' telrphniH' \\'in CC1l11.:Ctio;1 purposes. netka 55-L it \\'a~ atlliouncecl. Edward J. Brundage Speaks in Wilmette Next Tuesday Night .... HOLD ~URCH DINNF_ q 1 The League of \\"omen Voters of The annual lm:--itlt' :' " nweting ;wrl din1 Ke11ih,:orth is m~· cting Thursday with ~frs. ~fa rk Cresap. 230 Essex road. An ner of the Fir st Presh\'teria 11 church l . cn'ning, April informal luncheon \Yill he served after will lw held \\'cdne-;cla _ 7. at (,J(l o'clock . the political talks are given. LEAGUE MEF.TS APRIL 8 "\-

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