Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Apr 1926, p. 13

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April 2, 1926 \1{ I L METTE -· ·L IF E.· . / .' 13 Eastern Stars Plan · Card Party to Aid · Fu.n d for New ·Organ \Vilmette Chapter number 753, Order. of Eastern_ Star, will give a card party not_only for its members, hut for all it"l'terested persons, at the Wilmette \Voman's club, Saturday evening Aprtl 10. Tickets may be procured fr~m the officers of the chapter, among whom are Mrs. Ida R. Birr. chairman of the affair, and Mrs. A. T. Pvfcr, Mrs. Sam-· uel \Vatkins, and Mrs.- Paul A. Hoffman. The proceed-s o'f the affair, ,\·hich rcuum.e nces at 8 o'clock, \\'ill he i.tsed to aug-ment the fund for an org-an ior thC' new Masonic temple. The Finest Easter 'Flowers AveWue, Ever Shown Buy at. wholesale direct . rom the greenhouses of THE BOB WHITE 1930 Peterson FLO.RAL · (;hicilgo co. On Peterson Ave. just five blocks west of Clark St.-6200 North. 7 large greenhouses-3 5 benches 14 2 feet long- full. ·9f ~ beautiful growing plants. Make your own ~election.. Better'::fl..uality was never shown-drive out .a~c(-· see for ·yourself. f) pen ~·' · .. · · day and nrgbt unttl after Ea"ster. Very Specially . Priced Superfine Easter Lilies (decorated pots) all . sizes, 35c per bloom. Averagf? i$1.0'0~· :$·1.5 01 '. . $ 2. 0 0 per pl~nt. . .. · · :. ,. :( : :~ I I. I Two Seriously Hurt in Highway Car Collision An automobilc-accicient resulting in serious· injury to occupants of both cars occurred on \Vaukegan road. · Tuesday 111orning about 10 o'clock. when the Dodge sedan driYcn hv Sam and Dave Rloom, of Chicago c~ltidrcl with a Buick_ t:oupc occu1:iedJ>y 11 artin .T ocz and \n f e and thetr -~lei) hew of Milwaukee. ' Thr accident occurred about a block north of the Techny bridge. Both cars we're "·reeked by the impact and Mr. Jorz suffered a fracturrd · skull ancl. Da vr Bloom a fractured rih. with seriou:-. cuts on his arm and face. The other r'rc upant s of the cars r..;caprd with minor injurie s. The injured one~ \n.·rc takl'n to the I fighland Park ho spital by R. Laurr, pr~.-·.;ident nf th e Yillage hoard of Xorthhrook and \\' . I L Kahle, chief o i police ni that Yillage, \\·ho " ·e re among tho se \\: h(~ went to the relief of tht.o. acci<l$nt \ ' t c tim s. f .;abel 'l'ho111p so n, daughter r)i ~f r. and ~f rs. 1fope Thompso n. 1219 Ashlar tel :lYC'lltJ<·. \\'ill ('lltertain about 18 of lt1.: r Camp Fire friend s at lunchron .'at u rda~·. Apri I 3. on the ncr a..; ion of her birthday. -oF rom the Ouilmettc Countn· cluh C'O illl'S the. news of a special · hridge part~· Thursda~· . April 1. The prizes f1)!' th e season were a\\·ardNl at this t inw. -0- orated pots) t3 in a pot, 75c; 4 in a pot, . $1.00. Tulips, all kinds .and colors (decorated pots) 4 to 10 in a pot, 75c to $2.00 per pot. Baby Rambler Roses ( Asst: Colors) in Jon quits (all sizes, decorated pots) 6 to 12 heavy bloom (decorated pots ) , $1.5 0 and in a pot, 75c to $2.00 each. $2.00 each. · Mixed and combination pots and boxes-aU Hydrangeas ( Asst. Colors, decorated pots), sizes and ~bapes, boxes and pots will be $1.50 and $2.00 each. decorated and trimmed with Pussy ·Willow, Extra· Fine Hyacinths ( asstd.' colors, dec7 5c to $2.00 each. · WE WILL MAKE UP ANYTHING SPECIAL YOU MAY DESIRE. COME EARLY. I .............. - -- ~~-~~~ · ___ ._...-:;..-'\', The ................................... ~~~~~C~AQ~----BU . . . .. . -,; ......... ~----------. Sa tis factorY-~ Store . .. The Spring of Youth YOUR FEET will be happily fitted · in ~ Your Step . ' . . . Harry and Fred Stone arc 1 cturning to Dartmouth college Sunday evening after spending their spring vacation with their father and mother,, Mr. and M ~s. Judson F . Stone, of 123-l Ashlat1d avenue. ··j .. in arch bridge prevents sagging; · the when you select your new Arch . flat inner sole prevents pinching. Preserver Shoes at Taylor's. You'll Here is real · foot comfort, combined enjoy walking; you'll feel like do- with fresht authentic style. tng things. The concealed, builtSturdy HollJnd Shoes for Boys . THE PUBLI' 8£ · PL£AS£ ' PIED· PI.PER SHOES for the Little Folks I ·New Seasonable Shoes for Men Gr:l ~ Rubbers- Goodrich Zippers _ [A-pert Re'pairing-24 . hr. Service This is the poliq· that guides this establishment. We have leanied from experience that we must render unto the public supreme satisfaction to succe r d. Tempting_ SercJice .. ' MAC'S Bowling Lunch 11 B 0 0 T-E R Y 60 5 Main Street Wilmette 385 Taylor's Dry Goods Store at 1125 Central Avenue I A. M. to Midnight 1 1 5~ Wilmette Avenut --------------~-~~, ~~~~~-----------~----------------~~1rJ--------------~--------------------~ .............................

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