Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 46

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46 WILMETTE LIFE March 19, 1926 Do you know that you can own a H A R T 0 IL BURNER as low as $50.00 down and about $2 5. 0 0 oer month? II TAKEN BY DEATH 11 rs. Clara El Cossar, mother nf Henry Hume, 1514 \\ alnut an?passed away Sunday, ~larch 7. .'en·ices were held \\. dnesday, :\larch · 10, from the chapel at Graccland and ·burial \\'as at Grace land. ~Irs El Co ssa r llad li\·cd here \vith her claugh ,n for Sl' \Tral ~·cars. nu~. ~~ r. and ~1 r s. A. \\· . _\lkn arl' ex pected to return toda,· to their lwtiiL' 803 Chestnut avenue,· aitcr a nJ·nitll ; ai> :--encc in llot Spring:--, .Ark - ~Lrs. Schools Crippled by Epidemic of Influenza Recommend Surfacing . for Gregory Avenue HART OIL BURNER . CO. 15 14 Sherman Ave. EVANSTON Greenleaf 17 S2 : :-L·--o·--;-u·s·--;,7;~~~~~- ~ #an COMM ISSION : /42 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 1 On Desirable Homes nnd Apurtaut·u& 1 I lluildlngH I : John Hancock Mutual Life lnsur - : ance Company 1 1 1 A .· D. LA::VGWOR'l'HY, Loan Agt·ua 1 1 112 ,V. Acloms St., Chlcagu t , ·------------------------- :\inc teachers, constituting 15 per \·itlagc President F.arl E. Orner cast cent of the teaching force of the the deciding vote in favor of paving \\ 'i lmette Public schools, were reGregory avctltle with asphalt at a cost ported absent because of influenza early thi:, \reek According to ]. R. of $12,270 \\'hen the matter came to a IL.trpcr, superintendent of schools. ,·ote at the meeting of the Board of a :--imilar percentage of pupils have Local ltnpro,·cmcnts, held Tucsd ;ty l>vcn absent thi: \\'eek, and it is " ·ith dillirult\· that the schools have been L'\.L 'Il tll g. Only four trustee s were tnaintaining their usual schedules. prL·..;en t, t ,,.o of them voting for and ~I r. 11arpn sa id that h e helicn' d t\r o against the proposi tion. Pre iew of the ca ses \\'ere . erious and that it \\'a :-> his opinion that s ince the ident Orner voted in favor of the im:-.erious epidemics of seve ral years pro\'L'Il1L' nt hcratts<', as he explained, a .~~~ tho se \\'ith colds or SY111l;toms th e s trel't j.., in a dan ge rou "' condition, of influenza stayed at home and and the village might be liable if an to ' ·k proper care oi themselves, tlm-., aH>id many ca se:-. of the di se ase , .arcident occurred because of the poor \\·hich might otherwise have been pa\·ing. Several resi<·lents of the di s. erious. trict \\'ere pre H' n t and ad vanccd argument s for and against the proposal. Some were in favor of repairing the ~I r. and ~1 rs. E. A . Dannemark en- street with a cove ring of granite and ~l'rtai!led 14 p-tH.':-.t~ at a bridge party tar, but is was said that th is would ·1:-- t Saturda\· e\-cntn~ at thl·ir home in not endure and would repre se nt a Clen Oak A.cres. waste of money. Others were in favor -0of the paying. but objection to the · ).f rs. Robert S\\'aim of 701 Laure 1 cost wa s raised. The ordinance for 't venue, who is now in California, is pa,·ing the street \viti come up before expected home about April 1. the \ 'i lla ge hoard in the ncar future. I I ~ , .. i' ,. I .. ~ ', , ----------------------------------------------------, Established I 8 54 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 7 2 Years Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably 6 1 2 Davis Sr. Phone University 449 Wilmette Office Phone Wilmette 3 3 54 , I· ·~ OJ)/ ·· CHICAGO , 2oo E. Elie St · Ph ones S uperior 7709-771 o ···-······-···············u························· <· ·=· That we know how to serve is best determined by the many tvhom we have served ·=· ·=· -· · .L,. . .. UNDERTAKER Our Sitnple Creed To strive constantly to establish ourselves high in the estimation of those requiring our service To perform our tasks in such a way as to lighten the burden of sorrow that the bereaved must bear. .. ,- . · I I I· Nrllr 1lliamnu~. 1Jur. 650 NORTH MICHIGAN A VENUE AT ERIE Our Litnousine Hearse I I' I · ~ SPUING · OPENING 9rfurulay, fMmch CJffoent/,. COATS WRAPS GOWNS MILLINERY Its beauty, simplicity and quiet elegance, together with the entire absence of depressing and sombre atmosphere has made a tremendous appeal to the discriminating public. We have served in our profession and have lived the North Shore 19 years. \ · ·· I on · ~ 1124 Central Ave., Wilmette Phone Wilmette 654 : = = = 'l " I · .,, I ""'

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