Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 43

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March 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE PUT RECREATION PLAN ·oN MUNICIPAL BALLOT r j e (' \' ' ,_ (Continued from page 1) be the vote for or against the state law on April 20. Several previous attempts to foster greater play activities in \\'ilmette have died aborning. The present plan, more modest in its original program, hut all-embracing in its possible scope, has benefited hy the experiences of other villages and towns. It appear-.. , :--ound, economical, practicable and ha~ · been approved in principle and detaib I bv I - experts. . , The special Play and Recreation committee submits th plan with full conficience that it is \\·orkal>le, and economical. It will put no undue financial burden on any one. it is said . The actual increased tax to the an~r age family will he only $1.50 to $2.50. ~~any residents have already expre:sed willingness to personally contribute to the small sum that will be tH.·(·dt>d in I addition to the tax money. "l'ndrr proper leadership t hi:- plan ,·ill," it i-; explained. "l'nh,tnce th· · commtmity spirit, bring out thl' ntigh hors old and vou ng- for i un and gorHl health. provide whoksome -..port in which all who \\·i:--h ma~ · take part. make Iiic hrighttr for the young-.t('r.;; and g i \' c t h r m a h c t t cr chance t <1 h u i Id ...,trong IH>die-; with clean mind-., . Secure Expert Leaders. "It attempts to do only what othn~ are d:->ing. 1t aims at the n ·:-- ult... ar ronl pi i ~ hrcl c I sew here and commended in the n:port... and :--urn·v-.. of th<' :\at~(lnal Education a~soci;tion, the t·. ~- Gon:rnnH: nt and many uninT-.,itie-. . It ~d~ up f]H' lt·~~tl machinery through which additional play ~pac<.· may be acquired, and it pro,.ide... t h <.· i un cl.., h y \\·hich the all-important, expert lt'aclcr 'hip whi('h \H' nm,· lack. m;l\· J,c obtained. · "\\"hat j..., tHH\' (·u: n IJ()(h·', J,u-.iill' ' ' and t herd ore. n c11>::)(1~>.... n ·-. P< 111.., i hi I it y. hc..'Co Ill<."- the ~ok h u' inc..· ....... o i a -.,a b ric..·<I <'Xpert ,,·nrkint.:" under dirt·rtic·n c1f the..· legally organiz d Pia~· and 1\n·rt:ation committee. through \\ hirh. unckr a gentlemen':- a .t.:rt'('IIWnt. \\·ill he..· ol,tained the co-(lperation of all the \·ill;:q!e hoard-. and the Yoluntary help ni ;tll in t e n· -. t e d r i v i r or g a n i z a t i on . . a n d i n -~ dividuak Capen Heads Committee "The special Play and Recreation committee appointed hy the JOint },oards last January consi~ts oi J. C. Capen. chairman: Enoch Stec..·n. ~cere tan·: Harrv Fowler of the Park hoard; Tra- Rcynoids of the Plan Commis~ion and John StdTens of the Playgroun(l t rnsters. "\'aluahle assi~tance "· a~ gi\·en the committee hy J. R. llarper. :--ttpcrintcndent of . chools; J. ~I. Stone, physical director; Harry P. Clarke of \\'innctka, and \V. C. Bechtold of Evanston; play and recreation directors of their respective communities. Henry Cutler, Robert Stoddard, J. \V. Fisher and Herbert l . ~~ ulford, pre~idcnt of the School hoard, ho with ~Ir. Harper, was mainly responsible for originating the movement. "The committee will remain unofficially organized until after the election, when, if the state law is approYed, new and official machinery for carrying on the'Se activities will be set 'tp. I, rl ri t I. .' . · · I Crisp, golden toast-freshly made on an electric toaster- is the most wholesome kind of food for growing youngsters; also perks up the appetites of grown-ups; makes a dainty treat for entertaining. , · During this month-Electric Toaster Month- we are featuring special dis· pla:/:.;ofwell-known makes in a variety of styles and p! icf~. Stop in today and select the toaster you have bi;~n needing so long. Try the new an.d tasty sandwiches, made with electric toaster, described below. Served with a hot drink, one of them is a meal in itself. Just the thing for a school-day luncheon or for serving to afternoon bridge players. These and other tempting recipes for sandwiches and creamed food on toast may be obtained without charge by mailing the attached coupon. . .., So111e New Toast Sandwiches suggested by the Hotne Service Departtnent T oastecl 1 cup ~ .. · · ·~ Rai.~in Sandwiches chopp~! rai.ilr.~ cup mir,c<.-ri a~mcn.:..l:. 1 tables{X:On vi'2.~ge l uice . 1 teaspoon gr-c.t':"'·.~ l)range nnd f\byonnaise to GltX to a paste (about 1 t:1hlespoon) Toasted Ginger, Cheese and Nut Sandwich 2 packages cream cheese ~cup % cup chopped preserved ginger ~ cup chopped nut meats Cut bread in long narrow thin slices-remove cream ~{J cup \.··hirre·j cream Mix all in::!'rcdi(·nts together to fo~ a ~elicious pa!=:!f·-cut entire wheat bread m thm shces - r~ m·>\' t> uust and toast. Spread raisin mixture and servt>. crust and toast- mix cream and cheese to make a light and moist mixture. Add ginger and nutsspread this mixture on toasted bread slices and serve. Toasted Pyramid Sandwich Commencing at base, using toasted white bread, cut with ronnd cookie cutter: }St fliUOd 3 inches in diameter, spread With CUrrant jelly 2nd round 3 inches in diameter, spread with cottage cheese and finely chopped almonds 3rd round 2~ inches in diameter, spread with a slice of tomato, lettU<;:e and mayonnaise -'th round 2Yz inches in diameter, spread with white meat of chicken, lettuce and mayonnaise 5th round 2~ inches in diameter, spread with green pepper, lettuce and mayonnaise 6th round 2 inches in diameter, spread with chopped olives, finely chopped nuts 7th round 1Vz inch in diam., spread with cottage cheese piled in a point and topped with caviar and a tiny piece of p1mento, Bold sandwich upright by using tooth picks. Serve with lettuce and olivet.. . .I . I .. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS · ......,···.···· ····· ······ ··· -.···· Home . .·· __.... Sentice Dqaonmenc, Public Service Company of Northern Illinoie I ,.. ARRESTED FOR SPEEDING Rutherford Udell, son of Bertram B. Cdell, 302 Park avenue, \\·as· arrest~d Thursda\' afternoon of last week by 1fotorcy.cle Policeman John DeGroot on a charge of speeding. The policeman charged that Udell drove at the rate of 33 miles an hour past a ~chool. . . ... .-) ·· l 1141 Central Ave., Wilmette Wilmette 2899 Jno. S. Reesman, District Manager Nanu~. ---·--·--··-------------···-·······-··· ·--·· _.. ···_..·· ··· ······ Address __ · __ ·· _. __ .-·-·---·---·-_·---· ··· ·-----·- ____ ·· --·- ·. _______ _ ······ ······ 72 Wellt Adama Street, Chica1o, Ill. Please aend me your oew Toast RecipeS.

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