Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 39

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:March 19, 1926 the first voucher, . issued on account of work done, as provided by law. ~EC'l' ION 7: That for the purpose of anticipating- the collection of the SPCtond and succ-eeding installmenU; afore~aid, bonds shall be issued, pa~· able out of the said in:-;tallmt·nt, h !'::t t·ing- inl e> rPst at the ratP of r-;ix (6) P·'l' cc·nt p0r annum, pa.yahle annually, which bonds shall b C' :-;jg·nf' d by the l'n·sid··nt of the :-:aid YiJlag·p of \\r ilnwtt<·. and countersig-n<·d b~· th e Yillag-p Clt · l'lc and atlt"'s led b~· th e c·orporate . " f·al of said \ ' illag-C', and said bonds shall h· · iss u d in ac co rdane<' with and :-;hall in all r ··s J ect:-; ('Onform to th C' pro\' ision .' o f tht · Act of thl' Gt>nf·ral ..\s.·· · mbt~· of Uw StatP of Illinoi s . f·ntitlr>d ".\n .\c·t co nCt· rning- lo<"al impro\'em e nts." approved Jurw 14th. A . n . 1 n. and th e am<'ndtn··ntH thereto. ~EC'l'IOX "'= That thf· villag-,· attorJlp~· of ~· aiel Yillag<· be and h<' is hN by direct<'d to fliP a pPtition in the f'ounty C'ou rt of Cook Count~·, I lltnoi s. for pnH·eeding-s to ass··ss thP stimatC'd t'o:-;t of said improvf'mt·nt in accordanC' t> with the provisions of this ordinancP an.d in thf' mannf'r prescrit)('d by law . ~F. ( "l' IO N 9 : That all ordinances or parts of ordinance s, insofar as the s amf' conflict with thP proviRions of this ordinanf'P art' h<·reb~· rep alf'd. st·~('·rtox 10 : Thil' ordinancf' shall h·· in force from and aftPr its pas~ag£> . ft wa~ ordr>n·d that said ordinancf·. ,.,.,·omm£·ndation and P!"timatf' be publi~ hl'd aceording to law. LEA .J . ORR Yillage C'lf>l'k . WILMETTE LIFE 39 s ----------------------~~~------------------~-- s h t n February · d t d ) ) d e r d c . ,_. , .fDrjJasses the Greatest January: What the public thinks of Dodge Brothers Motor Car is impres~ively reflected in current sales. January, 1926 was the greatest January in Dodge Brothers history. Yet February, with actual retail deliveries . of 18,516 cars surpassed it by 24 per cent! C e c. d r · Voters' Bridge Will Be Noteworthy ~' vent in Wilmette Society Thursdav. ~I arch 25. ha - been ~elect eel !)\· the \\'ilmctte League of \\'omen \'ott:r:-; as a day propitious for card part~· to he given at the home oi ~I r:-;. Frederick ~f. Bowes, 714 Ashland aventtl'. at 2 o'clock. Becau se of the wi<k tt>rritorv embraced bv the member. of the league. of which ·!\fr.. C. P. Evan: ;, president. the affair will he of general int t' rc . t to the women of the village a . a "1ciety event. .\f r:--. Ira Revnolds of 218 Xi nth :-;t reet i ., in charge of prizes.and anyone wish in g- to donate a prize i. requested to cum municatc with her. .\f l'Sdame-; TJont Clark A,·re . . ~. P . Col\\'ell, Herhl'rt ·~fulford. Lt'iand Pier'<HI Haves ~tcKintH' \', ()scar Schmidt. l'la~l'nce K~,·~naugl{. \\.illi . Hut,on. c~rl \Yidne,·. Ch~rle" ~fcCO\· , Hope Titomp"on. \Yilford \\· . De Berard. 1. -\ . Plener. Glenvie\\·, Ill.. \.eorge llli ..... tt·d C. E. Tucker. Midsummer business in a month o£ Winter Storms! A $10,000,000investment in new buildings and equipment has brought new high production records but still there arc indications of a serious shortage . The ti :ne to buy is NOW. For the car is better than ever beforeand the price astonishingly low. :\1 r . and ~f r~. John C. arpenter. 422 \Voo(btock avenue. Kenilworth. and ~fr. and ~Irs. John Hicks, 241 avenu<>. Kenilworth. who ha\·r ht'l't'l in the ·south, are ~pending thi " n·k in Cu_ ha . ~felrose · -o- \Y rnde II H. Clark. 320 Oxiord road. Kenilworth. entertained tht·ir bridge club. which i~ compo..;ed o i young married people. \Yedne ;;day t'\'t'n i ng. -0- ~f r. ~nd ~~ r~. Touring Car Roadster Coupe Sedan $854.92 $853.92 $906.16 $959. 90 .\rthur T. 1Ic1ntosh. 521 Roslyn road. Kenilworth. left ~f onday for Flurida. ~~r~. ~Iclntosh has as her l11>U . . e rruest. ~~r~. Jules Davier of Xew York ity. --o Dr. and ~1 rs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 \\.arwick road. Kenilworth. entertained a few frienrls at tea Sunday evel11P~. Delivered Excise Tax reduction effective NOW. No reason to delay your purchase -0- .. \f rs. Carolvn Ellsworth of the Kenilworth Inn· spent last week -e nd in B;·rrington · s the guest of Mrs. \Vil lia m Dent. c. 1019 M. McDONALD STREET UNIVERSITY · -o\1 i~s Dorothy Caryl Braasch, 1215 Gregory guest of home in Braasch ~r rs. avenu~ .s pent last week as the 11iss Lucile McLearn at her North Chicago. where ~fi~~ formerly resided. DCDEiE- BROTHE-RS MOTOR CARS ------------------------------------~------------------·------------------- ~f acalister, of 918 Ashland avPnue. for several weeks, has returned to her ht>mc in Omaha. Herve~·. who ha:-; lw 1'1l tlte guest of her daughter, :Mrs. J. K n' -o- G. \V.

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