Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 36

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36 in<'ht:s, and from Hancock Avenue to Greeley Avenue an internal diameter ot twenty-one (21) inches. The elevation of sai!l sewer at Reinwald Avenue shall be twenty-three and sixtenths ( 23.6) feet above datum, and thence shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of twenty-three (23) feet above datum · where it shall connect with the sew(·r hereinbefore provided for in Hancock Avenue. The sewer to the east in \Yashington Avenue at Its conne<·tionl" with the sewer in Hancock A\·e11ue shall be at an elevation or twenty-thre (23) ft·et above datum and thence Hhall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of twenty-five and tl1re -tenths (25.3) feet above datum at the east line of Hancock Avenue xtended south and thence it :;hall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of twenty-seven and five-tenths (27: 5) feet above datum at the center line of .Greeley Avenue. The sewer iR \V ASHINGTON AVENt E from the center line of Greeley A venue to a JtOint seventeen (17) feet west of the center line of Ridge Avenue shall be constructed along the c<'nter line of Washington Avenue and shnll have an internal diameter of ten (10) inches from the center line of Greeley Avenue to the ('enter line of Melvin Avenue and an intC'rnal diameter of etg·ht (8) inches from the center line of Ml'lvin Avenue to its terminus in Hidge A\'enue. The sewer in Washington Avenue shall connect with the sewer her·einafter provilled for in Greeley Avenue and thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty-six (36) fet't above datum at the ea~t I iue of Gre ·ley Avenue and thenc1~ Hhall rise at a uniform rate tl) an elevation of forty ( lO) feet above clatum at the center line of Melvin Avenue and th~nce shall rise a.t a u11iform rate to an· elevation of fortysix and five-tenths (46.5) feet above datum at said terminus in Ridge Avenue. The vit1·ified pipe sewer shall be coustruct<·d in Greeley Avenue along the center line thereof from Kenilwor·th Drive south to the center line uf \Yashington Avenue, to the east; from the last described point the sewer ~haU be constructf:d along a straight line to a point in the center line of J-Ionywood Avenue, thirty (30) feet west of the <·a~t line of Greeley - Avenut-, thenct> along a line thirty (30) feet west of and parallel with the east line of Greeley Aveuue to a point twelve (12) feet south of the cente1· line of Lake Avenue, thence in Greelt>y A \'ell ue ('X tended, to the south, ·.dong a JinP three feet east or and parall<'l with th<· WE:st li1w ot Sectiou 33, 'l'ownship 4:! North, H.ange l :1 East of the Third l'r·incipal .:\1eridiau to a point three (3) fc!et northeasterly of the c:enter line of H.ein)Vald Avenue. The internal diameter pf said sewer from the center line of Kenilworth Drive south to the center \ine of Clover Road shall lw eight (8) inches; from the center line of Clover hoad to a point thil·ty (30) fe t south oi the north line of Washington Aveuue as extended from the west, twelve (12) inches; from th last deseribed point to a point t weh·e (12) feet south of the <'enter line <1f Lakt~ Avenue twenty-one (21) inches and from the last dt·scribeu point to the terminus in Heiuwald A venue eighteen (18) inches. The elevation of said sewer at the center line of Kenil wo1·th Drive south shall be forty-one and fivetenths (41.5) fe ·t above datum and thence shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of 3S.O f·~ et at the north line of Clov r H.oad ex tendt·d west, aud thE>n e shall fall at a uniform rate to an el~vation of 2S.3 fel't at the center line of Clover H.oad and thence :-;hall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of t,·,.ent, · -~t·\· ·u and seventenths ( 27.7) feet above datum at the connection of ~->aid sew·!r with the s wer ht·reinlH:fore provideJl for in \Vashing·ton A venue to the west. The sewer in Greeley Avenue south of \\rashington Avenue, to the west, at its connection with s~id sewer hereillbefore provided for in \Vashington A venue shall be at an elevation of t wt,nty-seven and ni ne-teiiths ( 27.9) ft>d above datum and thPnce shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of t\\-·enty-nine and nine-tenths (29.9) ft·t:l above datum at a point twelve 1 12) feet south of the center line of Lake A venue. The sewer to the south in Gn·eley Avenu exten ded at its conJit·ction with tl1e Greeley Avenue sewer h~r~inbefore provided for to the north :-hall lw at an elevation of thirty and one-t nth <·30.1) feet above datum; thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty-four and fivet· nths (34.5) ft>et above datum at the s()Uth lint of Lake Av ·nue and thence ~hall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation uf thirty-six and nine-t nths t ~6.9) fH·t above datum at ~aid tertuinus in Heinwald Avenue. WILMETTE An eight <S) inch sewer shall be ('Onstructed along a line thirty (30) fet>t wt>st of and parallel with the east linE- of t~REBLEY AVENUE from and connecting with the sewer hereinafter provided for in Kenflworth Drivt~ north to a point one 'h undred an~ twenty-five (125) feet north of the n0··th line of Kenilworth Drive north. The elevation of the sewer at the center line of Kenilworth Drive north shall be at an elevation of thirt)·-seven and five-tenths (37.5) feH ;tbo,·e datum and thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty-nine and one-tenth (39.1) feet above datum at said northern terminus. A vitrifierl pipe sewet· shall be con!itructed in l\EI~WALD AVENUE along a line three (3) feet northerly and easter! v of the center line of H.einwa~d Avenue from the east line of Locust A venue extended south to a point sixteen (16) feet south of the north line of Wilmette Avenue. 'l'he internal diameter of said sewer from said cast line of Locust Avenue to a point three (3) feet east of the west line ·of Section 33, Township 42 .North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian shall be eight (8) inches, a.nd from the last mentioned point to said terminus in Wilmett Avenue the internal diameter shall be fifteen (lri) inches. The elevation of said sc;·wer at said ea~t line of Locust Avenue extended shall be forty-one (41) feet '\hove datum; thence shall fall at a uniform rate to an e levation of thirtyeight (38) feet above datum at the north lin e of Washington Avenue extended; thence shall fall at a unifor111 rate to an elevation of twenty-four (24) fef't above datum at a point thirty ( 30) feet south of the north line of \Vashington Avenue where it shall connect to the sewer hereinbefore provided for in "\Vashington Avenue. The sewer to the south of Washington Avenue in R inwald Avenu~:· where it shall connect with the said \Vashington Avenue sewer shall be at an elevation of twenty-four (24) fePt above datum; thence shall rise at a uniform rate in a distan e of fifty (50) f··et to an elevation of thirty-seven ( 37) feet above datum; thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation oi fortv-two and thret'-tenths (42.3) ft'et above datum at a point ten hundred and thirty (1030) feet northwestt·rlv of the north line of Lake Avenue a::; ·measured along Reinwald Avt·nue; thence shall fall at a uniform ratE> to an elevation of thirty-seven (37) feet above datum at a point twelve (12) fe(·t south of the center line of Lak~ Avenue whPr·e said sewer shall connect with a sewer hereinbefore pro\"idecl f(,,. in Lake Avenue. The sewer to tht· south of Lake Avenue in H.einwa ld Avenue at its connection with tlH· st.'W r hereinbefor provid(~d for in Lake Avenue shall be at an elevatiou of thirty-seven ( 37) feet above datum: th nee ~hall rise at a uuiform nttt:' to an elevation of thirty-nine ( 3 H) feet a hove d at 111 n at t h · sou t h line of Lake Avenue and thence shall rist> at a uniform rat to an elevation of forty -two and o tW- t f' 11 t h { 4 2. 1 ) f tH' t above datum at a point six hundred (titlO) feet soutlH'ast>rly ·of Lake Avenue a.s nwasured alollg· Reinwald Avt'll ue; the net> the sewer shall fall at a uniform ratL' to an elevation of thirtyseven and tive-t(·HthH ( 37.5) feet auove datum at a point thr·~e (3) feet east of th · w t·st line of said Section 3:! aforesaid, where said sewer in Heinwald Avt:l\U(· shall contH·ct with the fH·wer ht·reinbefor" provide1l for in (:r·eeley Aveuue t·Xt ·r111e1l, along a line t h r e ( 3) feet ea~t of the west line of said ::-icction a;; aforesaid . Said sewer in Heinwaltl A vt-nue to the southeast of said ~~rN'ley AvPnttP, xtended, at its conn e1·ti(ln with tlw ~('Wf' r here inhf"fore vrovidetl fot· aloug- a line threE' <:n feet east of the west line of Seetion 33 :1 foresaid, shall be at an elevation of thirty-seven and one-tenth ( 37.1) fef·t above datum and thence l:'hall risf! at a uniform n .t.te to an elevation of forty and live-tenths (40.5) fet!t abov · datum at said terminus in \Vilm t.te Avenue. A sewH in \VJLMg'l"J'E AVE~UE fr·om a point five ( 5) feet east of the west Village limits to a point sixte~n ( 16) feet nor·thwest of th c ,nter line of Glenvi('W ltoa<l extended, shall be c·onstructt·d along the center line of said \Vilm ette Avenue and thence northeast the sewer sha.ll be constructt>d along- a line sixteen (16) feet northwest of the center line of Glenview R 1ad c·x1 endt·!l westt·rly to a. line :sixteen (16) feet southerly of and Jlara11el with the northerly line of \\.ilnwtt e .\ vt·nne and thence easterly along said line to the s·~wer in Ridge Avenut> herein P.rovided to be built. The internal diameter (\f said sewer f1·om said point five ( 5) feet east of the west Village limitH to the sewer hf·rt..·inbefore provided for· in Ueinwald LIFE March 19, 1926 in Brown Street. 1'he sewer to the east of Hrown Street at. the connection with ttw sewer hertmbefore provided for in Brown Street shall be at an elevation of forty-three and seventenths (43.7) feet above da.tum and shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty-seven (47) feet above datum at the east line of Brown Street extended au<l thence shall ris~ at a uniform ratt> to an t'levation of fifty and eight-tenths (50.8) feet ahove flatum at ~ai<l terminus thrt>t> hundretl and ni n 't.r ( 3!10) f<'et caRt of Clark Str·eet as extt'r1d<·cl from the north. A sewt·r having an inte··nal diameter of ten (1 0) in(·h s shall be constructetl in OAK RTREET along a line tw(·ntysevt>n (~7) feet west of and parallel with the east lint~ of Oak Street from the centl'r line of' Blum Str et to a point thirty (30) feet south of the no~th line of C(·n tral A ,·en ue. The levat1on of said sew('r at its point of connc·ction with the sewer hereinbefore provirled for in Blum Street shall ht· at an ('}f'Yation of forty-four and thret·tt>nths ( 44.3) feet atove datum and thence shall riHe at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty-six and fourtt>nths (46.4) feet above datum at said tt·t·minus in Central Avenue. .A st>wer having an internal tliamett>r of eig-ht (X) inches shall be coll~tructt>d in Ct>ntral Avenue, along- a line thirtv CW) fc t south of and par· allel with the nol'th lin<' of C~:ntral Avenue from the sewer hereinhefor·: povi<1ed for in Oal< Street to a point st'venteen (17) feet west of the eentPr line of Hidge A venue. The said swer at said connection with th o sPwer hereinbtfore provided for il· Oak ~treet shall be at an elevation or forty-six and Rix-tenths ( 46.6) feet ab 1Ve datum and thence shall ri:Je at a unifot·m rate to an clc.-vation or fifty-three (53) feH a.bove datum at saitl terminus in Hidg-e Avenue. .\ sewer shall l>e constructed ill lU DGE A\" E:-.;CE, along· a line s~v n · tt·(·n (17) feet wt·st of and parn.llel w it h t h c> ··t· n t t' r 1i n f' of n i cl g- ~"' A" en u ·' frqm n point ont· hundn·d and twenty ( 1:!0) fet·t nol'th uf th(' north line of \Vashington Avenut· to a point thit·tythree (33) feet north of th :-;outh YUJag-e limits. The sewt·r ~; hall have n11 internal dianwtf'r of " C'ig-ht (~) inehes fr·om the !;aid point ono huralred and twenty (120) feet north of \\'ashing· ton Avenue to a point twt'l\·e (12) f(!c-t south of the <'entt·r· lint! of Lal\e Avenue; from the la~t described point to the centpr· line of H gc·r Avenue the fnternnl diarnett>r Sil<tll be tPil (10) inch s; from the last dest ribed point to the sai1l terrninus thirty-thret! (33) t"e ·t Horth of the south \.illag-e limit:;. th in t(·rual d ianwtc·r Hhall b eig-ht I~) i11che~; . The elevation of saitl sewer at a point on hundred anti twenty (120) feet north of \Vashington A vcnttt· shall be forty-seven and three-tenths (47.3) feet abovp datum n ntl thence the S<!Wer shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of fort:;.·. .·ix and seven-tenths (46.7) feet above datum at the centet· line or \Yashing·ton Av(:nue extend(·d to the Past, where it ~;hall collti('Ct with a !-'eWt'l. hereinbefore provided for in \\'ashington Avenue. The saitl s ·wer to the south of \VnHhing-ton Avt·nuc shall c·c.nnl!ct with thP said S(·Wt'l' ht>r<'inbeforP provided for in \Yashington Avenue at an eJevntion of forty-six and ~wveu-t1·nths (4G . 7) f··et above datum; thenc.:t· :-hall rist· at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty-seven and threetenths t 47.3) ft·et :1 hove datum at a point one huudrecl <100) feet south of \Yash ing ton A \'I'll uc: and thence shall fall at n unifon11 r:ttt· to an elevation of forty-five and two-tenths (45.2) feet above datum where it shall connect with the sewer hcreinbefor" provitled for in the center line of North .A VC'n u xtended · to the east. The sewer to the south of th centpt· lint> of North Avenu in Ridge AvenuP shall connect with said sewer hereinbefore provid ed for in North AvPnttf' at an elevation of forty-t1ve and twotenths ( 45.2) feet above datum and thence Rhall rise at a uniform ralt' to an e levation of forty-six (46) feet above datum at a point two hundred (200) feet south of the so uth line of North Avenue and thence the sewer· shall fall at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty-one and three-tenths ( 41.3) feet above datum at a point twelve (12) feet south of the center line of Lake Avenue, where said sewt'r in Ridg Avenue shall connect with the sewer hereinbefore provided for in Lake Avenut>. The sewer in Ridge .Avenue south of Lake Avenue from its connection with the sewer in Lak<· Avenue shall be at an elevation of forty-one and three-tenths (41.3) feel above datum and thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of fortyfour ( 44) feet above datum at the cen · ter line of Seger Street extended to the east, and thence the sewer shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of fifty-one and five-tenths (51.5) feet Avenue shall he ten (1 0) inches; from the Haid connection in Heinwald Aveuue to a. point sixteen l.lli) feet nor·th<'asterly of the center 1ine of Glenview Road extended, twelve (12) inch(·s; and from the last described point to the said terminus in Ridge A venue ten (10) inche:,. The elevation of the sewer at said point five(5) feet east of the westerly Village limits shall be forty-five (45) feet above datum; and thence shall fall at a unifonn rate to an elevation of forty and seven tenths ( 40. 7) feet · above datum at its connection with the sewer hereinbefore provided for in Reinwald Avenue. The twelve (12) inch sewer to the east of said HeiDwald Avenue sewer at its connection with the sewer hereinbefot·e provided for in RPinwald A venue shall be forty and five-tenths ( 40.5) feet above datum: thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty-one and fourtt>nths (41.4) feet above datum at said point · sixteen (16) feet northwesterly of the center line of Glenview Road; tlwnce the sewer shall rise at a uniform rate to· an elevation of forty-five and four-tenths ( 45.4) feet above datum at the easterly line of Glenview l~oatl, ext 'nded, and thence the sewer :-hall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of forty-eight n.nd six-tenths ( 4S.6) feet above datum at said terminus in Ridge Avenue. A Rewer shall be constructed in LAKE AVENUE along a line twelve ( 1 :!) feet south of and parallel with the center line of Lake Avenue from :t point three (3) feet northeasterly of the eenter line of Heinwald Avenue to <-·- point seventeen ( 17) feet west of the eenter line of Ridge Avenue. The it:ternal diameter of ::;aid sewe1· ::;hall he twE>h·e (12) inehes from Heinwald Avenue to the said sewer in Greeley A\·enue; fifteen (l:J) inches from Cir·eele\' Avenue to th·· ·enter line of nro\'.·n· Street and twelve (12) inches from tht> center line of Brown StJ·ed to said terminus in H.idge A-venue. The elevation of the sewer at said point thrt>e (3) feet uortheasterly of the center line of Reinwald Avenue shall IJe thirty-six n.nd eight-tenths (36. ) feet above datum; thenc shall fall at a uniform rate to an ele,·ation of thirty-thr e and three-tt·nths (33.3) ff'et above datum at a point sixty-six < fl6) feet west of the ast line of t <recley Avenue, extended; th··nce shall fall at a uniform rate to an .~Ievation of thirty-one and one-tenth (31.1) ft·t~t above datum at said connection with the sewer hereinb ·fore provided tor· in Greeley A venue. The elevation of the sew ·r to the east of Greeley Avenue at it~ connection with said S('W ... r in I it·et:·ley A v~n ue shall be thirty-one a 11 d o tlo'- t ··nth 1 :n .1 ) feet abo v · <la tum: thencP sha II risf· at a uniform r·at~ to an Plevation of thirty-six and four-tenths <36 .4) fe t above datum at said <:enter line of Brown Stret>t; thell('t· shall ris.· at a uniform l ' :ttt· tu an Plt>\·ation of thirty-eight and .- ix-lt·llths I a _tl) ft·et above datum at the ··ast lint> of 1;rown Street ext··nd t'd ""r·th. anrl tht·nct· Rhall rist> at a unifor·m nttt· to an elt>vation of t'uny-ont· t l1 1 f+'··· aiH>\'t' datum at s~.id tt·l' tllinu:- of said St'Wt·l' in Ridge .-\ \ ' t·ll Ut· . ~\ :-;t-wt->r having an internal diameter of twt·lVt· (1:!) inches shall be con::;trueted a long the center line of Bl-tU\\·x STH.EET from antl connecting· with the sewer hereinbefore provided for in Lake Avenue to the cente-r line of Blum Street. The sewer in Brown Street at its connection with the .said sewer in Lake Avenue shall have an elevation of thirty-six and six-tenths (36.6) feet above datum; thence shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of thirty-eight and t>i~· ht-tenths (38.8) fe(·t above datum nt the center line of Seger Street; the11ce shall rise at a uniform rate to an elevation of fortv-two and fourLt·nths (42.4) feet at the south line of ~eg-er Street and th(·nce shall rise at a un !form rate to an elevaion of fortythrt>e and five-tenths (43.5) feet above datum at ~aid t,.rminus in Blum Htrcet. A sewer ~hall be constructed in nLr::\1 STH.EET along the center line thereof and shall have an internal cliameter of' twelve ( 12) inches from a point twenty-seven (27) feet west of the east line of Oak Street to the center 1ii1e of Brown Street and an internal diameter of eight (R) inches from the last described point to a point three hundred and ninety feet (390) feet east of the east line of Clark Street as produced from the north. 'l'he elevation of said sewer at said point thirty (30) feet west of the east line of Oak Street shall be forty-four and one-tenth ( 44.1) feet Rbove datum; thence shall fall at a uniform rate to n.n elevation of fortythree and seven-tenths (43.7) feet above datum at its connection with t11e sewer hereinbefore provided for ' .. . · · · · ' . I ,. · .A . . .. · ' I · " . -. . . . ~ · ~· ,. . t -}

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