' WILMETTE LIFE .. c l 1 ae C£1p1ta ' ·} ' ' Deferred Pcn·1nents PAY~1E~T~ h.l\'<' rn.ldl' Jt po,,J!·,J,· lo1 11:il1~ !1' of people to .1cquin· O\\ netlihip of Tlll"l'l.i'ii tic<. \\'hJ· h tlJ,., 1 q:ld not rn,io\ if thr c'\pcnditurc Wt'tl' nud~· in .1 lump 'll111 l·Ff·RRED 1 \'oH., l/OU can bt.HJ Capttal in the , a,ne tCd~f . ( .1ptr.1l tc; nccc~s.uv to .11! .lppr f·ci .Jhlr profll ~1nnn j.., rlh· (lfll\· (0PHnodttv rh.lt l',Hn'i .H1 inrom,· withotH .lppliotion nl pt'J'nru: ~flon. You c1n huv .Htr.lcti\l' 1-irq i\iortg.1gc' \C(urcd 1,,. :,:<,rrh S h or ' prop rt \' o 11 out P .H r ul P :t v m r n t P !.1 n . ~rh n· .uc .1 number of intrrc~ting .1nglr' in putch.l,Jng t.1J 1Ld on p.nti.1l p.1vmcnts th.lt \'Oll will " .1111 to hlcom,· .ll<Jll.lint,·d , .. 1th tn .. I~·r.1il. ' ' our Ho1 c ·. t .. i