Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 35

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M.arch 19, 1926 LEGAL J·UBLICATION WILMETTE LIFE 35 ' ,., t .,.. .. , ' ~. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE l~oposed ordinance for the construction ot a sanitary system of vitritled pipe sewers with brick manholes to be constructed and laid in certain streets and avenues in the Village of Wilmette, together with the recommendation of the Board of Local Improvements, and the estimate of the cost of said proposed improvement. Notice is her by given that at a t· <:g·ular rneeting of the Hoard of TrustPes of the Village of Wilm·ette, held on Tuesday, Match 16th, 1926, the following proposed ordinance for the <'OBstruction of a sanitary sewer system of vitrified pipe sewers with brick manholes to be constructed and laid in certain streets and avenues in the Village of Wilmette, together with the recommendation by the Board of Local Improvements and the e stimate ot the cost of said proposed improvement, was introduced and refe rr ,d to the Sewer and Water Committee of said Board: of Kenilworth Avenue, Sherman AveHue from two hundred and fifteen <215) feet north of Kenilwot·th AVf.!Hue to five hundred and tlve (50l'i) fet~t sou·th of Keuilwoz·th A venue, Cleveland Avenue from two hundred and fifteen (215) fePt north of l<enilworth Avenue to nve hundred and five (GO&) fet~t south of Kenilworth Avenue, \Ventworth Avenue from Kenilworth Avenue to four hundred and thirty (430) fed south of Kenilworth Avenue, Forest Aveuut> from Kenilworth Av··nue to four hundred and thirty ( 4~0) fl-'Pl south of Keuilworth Avetit!(>, <il e n\·it·w Hoad ft ·o rn \Vilmette Avenue to ten hundred and thirty (1030) feet southwesterly. all in th e Village of Wiltn(!tt e, Cook f.:'o unty, Illinois, in th1: mann e r spedlit :d in said onlinan<'e, together with au estimate of the whole cost of said improvc·ment; and w recommend the pal:;sagc of said ordinance and the ruaking of the improvement therein ·:on t e rn plated. · Respectfully suumittet1, EAHI... K Olt:-.:EH, PAUl.. A . HOFFMA~ C. E. DHAYEH Oll.DINA.NCt<:; :\0. 141~ .JOH~ CI..AH.K HAKE!{. RECOMMENDATION, ESTI~1ATE BL:\IEH D. HECKEH. A~D OH.DI~A:-.:CE. z1oard of Local Impt·ov ·ments of th · Yillage of \Vilmdte . HECOMMENDATION OF HOARD CIF ~larch lJatf'(l , \\'ilml-'ttt-. Illinois, LOCAL I :\it PROVB:\J E.;-..;Ts. uith. 1 n6. J·.:~'l'DL\'1'1·= tn· PllESIIH·;~'l' JUL\JCJ) ()I<' J.()(':\L · · l · I .. '· ,. . ' . TO THg PHESIDE~'.r .A:-.:U BOAHD OF TH.UHTI!:BS OF TJJ E \.I LLAGE 01" WIL:\IETTE: \V e herewith submit an ordiJlallct· for th' coustruction of a ~anitary sewer system of vitrified pip e sew(·r:-; with brick manhol(·s, to bt.· <'On~tz·uct(·tl and l:.r iu in th follov.dng ~ tn·e ts anrl avenw·s: Hancock Av<'nue from .:\orth Yillngl· llmits to \Va~-;hitJg-ton Av e nut·, \Vashing-ton A venue from H.('inwalcl A \"nut~ to Hidge Avenut>, Urt- ·lt·y Avt-nut· and in <.ire<·h :y AYE-IlU ·, E-Xtended from K\'Jlilworth Dri ,.,. South to He in wahl A v nue, Greeley A \'<'11U<· from KeHihvorth Drive ~orth t(l Ull·· hundred and tw(·nty-five (l:!r;) ft· t· t north, H.Pinwald Avenu e from Locust A v c· nU{· to \Yil me tte A venu e , \Yilmette A\·enut· frotn five (;j) ft ·e t t!ast of W<.'St \.Jllagt· limits to Ridg-e Avenu ·, Lakt! Ave n u <· from I~ e in wahl Avenue to Hidgc A v · nul', Brown Str t··· t from Lal<e .Avt·!lUI' to Blum Strt·t't, J:lulll St re(·t froli! Oak Street to th n·L· h uu!l)'(·d alH1 nindy (:390) ft·(·t t·a~t of ('lark StrPet to th · north, Uak Stn: ·t fr ·o1n I;lum Str <:l· t to 'entral .:\\'e nu e, ( ·t · nral A \'t·nue from Oak Stn·<.:t to H.idg·: .\\·e uu, Hillg-1· AvPnUL· from Ollt· hun<lrc ·d an<l twt·nty 020) f ·t:t nonh (,[ \\·a s hingtnu Ktr ·e t to thirry-thret> c 3:n fL·t · t north <Ji tht· ~outh \.ill:tg1· lll11it:--. 1I1g-hland AYPllUt · fr ·o m <Jak ~trP··t lo four hundn: d and thirt~ r 130) f~·v t t·aH of <-'lark Stt···t· l, St ·~L· r Stre ' t frulll ~ · \'t·u hundn ·d c 7t1U) f ·t·t \\·c·:-; t u( J :rown Stn·c-t tu thr ·l' llutldrt·d a t1 d t h i :· t y ( 3:.: II) f v .. t e a~ t of C l a r 1..: !-'tl'eet, ._'dtillcr ~tn ·e t fy·onl ~'\.loll hulldn·d (700) ft't' t \H·st of JJrowu Str ct> l to thr ee hundr ·<.1 and thirty <33tl) fL·t·t east of Clark Str<:t.:t, Columbus A,.,._ llUt · from Lak(· Avenue to tht·<' e hundn·cl and .·ixty c 360) f"et IICJI'th, Crt Illbridge Avvnu , from Lnkt.: Avenue tc· tint·(· huJJdn·d and sixty (360) r .. · t twrth, llarvanl .AvPnue from L:ll.;tc" .\ v<·n ue to four hundn·d forty 1 H u) ft><:t north, :\It.:lvin Avt:liUL' from Lal...L· A\'(· nuc· to four hun<lrt.:u fol'ty t !HI) fec·t north. Yah· Aveuu from Lakt: An·IIU·· tu four hundred forty <440) ft·<· t north, l'rinceton Avenue from Lake A\' ·llUl' to four hun<1re<l furty C440) f ·<·t noz·tlt, Oxford Av ·nue from Lake A\'(>11U · to four hundz·f'd ftH·ty (440) ft·et IIOI'th. :-.:orth A\'f'IIUI' from (.h (·t.:lf!v AV(: llllt to fUdge Avenu<·, Hollv,~·ood .A\·e nU<· from Gret>lt·Y Avenue· to ninl· hundr ed ninety (990) feet eaHt of ~lelvill Avellue, Clover Hoau from GreC'ley .Aveuue to ItHlge Avenue, Kl·nil worth Dri n· !:$OUth from Gn·elev Avenue to seven hundred (700) i et east of :\!elvin Avenue, Kenilworth Drive north from <..:reeley Avenue to six hundrt~d and t<·n (610) feet f'ast of :\lf.·lvin Avt.:nue, ~felvin Avenue and ~1 lvin Avenue extended from Liudeu Avenu(;' to Clover Road, Linden Aveuue from l\Il·lvill Avenue to ttve huudn·d and forty (540) feet east of Melvin A\'t'lllle to the south, Aile~:> Avenue from Elmwood Avenue to Washington Avenue, Alles Avenue from K<'nilwoJ·th A vt·nue to four hundred and thirty (430) feet south, 1~1~ wood Avenue from Alles Avenue to f'ight hunclre<l and thirty-five (S35) feet ea:;;t, Framr. H.oall from All s Avenue to eig-ht hundred and thirty-five (~3ii) feet Past, Kenilworth Avenue from Locust Street to two hundred and seventy (270) fc(>t east of Forest Avenue, Locust Rtreet from Kenilworth Av<' ll\H' to t\vo hun<lr<'d and fifteen (215) fl·et north, Grant Avenue from two hUltdred and fifteen (215) feet north <If Kenilworth Avenue to three hundred and tt'll { 310) feet south OF I )I PH 0 \ .K:\1 E :\'1'~. Tc' THI·; BOAHI> OF LU '.:: AL L\1l'HU\.t::\IBXTS <.IF THE \.ILL.\UE c IF \\'lL:\lETTE , and Tc 1 THE I'H.E~Il>E:-.:T .:\:-.:D HOAHD OF THr~TEES OF THE V£LLA<.3E 1W \V IL:\IETTE: TlH· I :oanl of Local Improv(·men ts <·f the· \'illag-P (Jf \Yilmette, Illinoi~. llaving- a<loptvd a n·solution for tht· ('<1!1struction of a <·ounecH·d :--a.nitary ~t·\\'t·r 1'\·s tem with brick manholes in t ht' ~tr;·tt~ named he low, 1 submit 11<;: ~t.:wPr !'\':-;tem of vitri1i u pipe -t· \Vt · r~ with. l;rick manhole:--, tog·<."tht:·r \\'ith hou~t· l·unnt·!'tif·n !'!ant~. and all a ppu rt<· nan1·t ·~ th L·rt-to. fully ·om plH t:' :r11d in pia(·( ·. in('luding all labor and matt-rial JH·<'t ·~~<tn· for the making· of s;ti<l impron·!lJf ·JJt ; including engint:-eri liJ.!" :tJHI in~p··etion :tJHl th CO!'t of making. lc·v~· ing- and collecting th<· !"Jlt·cial a!'st·~snH · nt upon a. ~ystem of !--ll't·d!" as follow~: Hant ·<·d\ Avt-nUf· from north Yillagt· 1i mit!' to \\·a~hing-ton A vE>n ue, \Va~hi11gt··n A\·t·nut· fz·um H<· inwa}(l Avenut· to Hidgt· Avt· JtUt·, Cirt-dcy An·nu · and i11 (;rt·t· lt ·\· Av - nut· t·Xtf'nde<l from J\:t ·nil wortl1 Urivtc" south to Heinwalc1 .\\' t·llUt·. (;J'l.·t:lt· y A\l·n ue from Kl·nil\\ urth l>ri\·l· north to o n e hundred and t \\'t ·llt\·-fln· c 1:!;"',) feet north, Heinwald .\ \ ·t'T1 Ut· from Locust A Vl·n u to \\.i 1rlll· t t1· .\ Yt ·n ut·. \\.ilmd tt- Av nu<· from 1f ri n " Cf,) fl'd t·a~t C Wt'H \. illagt· limit~ tn H}(lgt· Avl·ntlt·. Lake Avt'nU<· ft· .. nt Ht-inwalt1 Av{·nue to Hidg-e An: 11 ut· nz·owTI !"trl't· t from Lakf' A venut· t (, t'num ~tr····t. 1:1um ~trl'l't from Oak ~tn··· t to thrt·t:· hun<1n ·<1 and nin<:ty r ~{~10) fed east of Clark Street to the 11orth, Uak ~tl't't· t from Hlum ~rreet t(\ C(·ntral Aventlt'. Central An'nue from Uak Stret't to Hi<lg-e An·nue. tUdg e> A venu fy·om one hundn·<1 and t w t'll t~· t 12U) f et north of \\~ash i ngton Stn·<·t to thirty-three (33) feet north of the south Yillage limits, Hip:hJan<l Avenue from Oak Street to four hundred and thirty (430) fe t east of <.'Ia rk Stret>t, . 'eg;er Street from seven hundred (iOO) f(·t't We>Rt of Brown Street to three hundred and thirty (330) feet cast of "lark . Street, Schilt~~~· Street from seven hundred ( 700) ft ·ct west of Brown Street to three hundred and thirty (330) feet east of Clark Street, Columbus Avenue from Lake Avenue to three hundred and sixty (360) feC't north, Cambridge Avenue from Lake Avenue to three hundred and sixty ( 360) feet north, Harvard Avenue from Lake A venue to four hundred forty (440) feet north, Melvin AvPnue from Lake Avenue to rour hundred forty (440) feet north, Yale Avenue from Lake Avenue to four hundred forty ( 440) feet north, l 'r inceton Avenue from Lake A-venue to four hundred forty (440) feet north, Oxford Avenue from Lake Avenue to four hundred forty (440) feet north, North Avenue from Greeley Avenue to Ridge Avenue, Hollywood A venue from GreE!ley Avenue to nine hundred ninety (990) feet east of Melvin Avenue, Clover Road from Greeley AvE·nue to Ridge Avenue, Kenilworth Drive south from Greeley Avenue to seven hundred (700) feet east of l\felvin Avenue, Kenilworth DJ·ive north from Greeley Avenue to six hundred and ten (610) feet east of Mf.'lvin Avenue, Melvin Avenue and :\~~L·~~,\~ ~t /~'~. t i~~~; il:~'~t \': <.~~ ~~~~~! <.\e~o~~ 1 1 Melvin Avenue extended from Linden Avenue to ClOver Road, Linden Avenue from Melvin Avenue to tlve hundred a.nd forty (G40) feet east of Melvin Avenue to the south, Alles Avenue from Elmwood Avenue to Washington Avenue, Alles A venue from Kenilworth Avenue to four hundred and thirty (430) feet south, Elmwood Avenue from Alles Avenue to eight huntired and thirty-five (835) feet east, l"ranz H.oad from Alles Avenue to eight hundred and thir~y-five ( 835) feet east, Kenilworth Avenue from Locust Street to two hundred arul seventy (270) feet east of Forest Avenue, Locust Stn·(!t from Kenilworth Avenue to two hunclred and fifteen (215) feet north, (ll·ant Avenue from cwo hundred and fifteen (215) feet north of K~nilworth Avenue to three hundred and ten <310) feet south of Kenilworth Avenue, Shennan Avenue from two hundred and fifteen (215) ft·d north of Kenilworth Avenue to fivt· hun<ln·d aud f'lvc (:,O:i) feet HOUth of K E>n i I worth "\ \'t!ll ue, Ck vel and Avcn ue from two h undr1·d and fifteen <21;)) f(·t't n(Jrth of .Kenilworth Avenue to fin· hundrt ·d and 11ve (50G) feet south of Kenilwonh Avenue, \Vent\':nrth A\"t;>IIUt- front 1\:l·nilwoz·th .\veI.U' to four hunclrt·d an·l thirty (430) f(>et ~outh of Kt·nilworth Avenut·, Fort·~t A Vt·nut· frorn KE-lri I worth Avenu(: to four hundi"d and thirty (430) ft: d :--outh of Kt·uilw·>z·.t.h Avenue, <.;lt·Hview Hoad from \Yiluwttt: Avenue to tt'n hundn·d and thirty (103)) fL·t·t south\\'t!!:)tel'ly. ~aid improvement shall induue all lll' <.'t·::,:sary manholes, house connec:tion slants and all appurteno.nct·s ther to, fully complete and in plaet! I i11cluding all lalwr and material de!o;cribed in the resolution, including the cc.~t of engineering and insp ctio11 conn cted with said improvement, ind uding the cost of making, levying a n<l collecting the special assessment, :L~ provided by law, viz:920 feet 30" vitrified pipP sewer, at $11 ,50 pl>r ft. . ... $ 10,580.\10 -~ fe ·t 24" dtrified pipe sewer, 1 0 " at $9.00 per ft . . . . . . . . . $7,020.00 tan· l in Greeley Avenue extended from Kenilworth Drive south to Reinwald Avenue, Greeley Avenue from Kenllwurth Drive north to one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet - north, H.(~ inwald Avenue from Locust Avenue to Wil· mette Avenue, Wilmette Avenue from five (5) feet east of west Village 11mits to Hidge Avenue, Lake Avenue from Reinwald Avenue to JUdge Avenue, llrown Street. from Lake Avenue to Blum Street, Blum Street from Oak Street to three hundred and ninety ( 3~J0) feet east of Clark Street t.o the north, Oak Street from Blum ~treet to Central Avenue, Central Avenue from Oak Street to Ridge Avenu-e, H.idge Avenue from one hundred and twenty 020) feet north of Washington ~tref.~t to thirty-three (33) ft~et nor~h of the south Village limits, Highland Avenue from Oak Street to four hundred antl thirtv (430) feet east of Clark Street, ~egei· Street from seven hundred ( 70(J) feet west of Brown Street to three hundred and thirty (330) feet c·ast of Clark Street, Schiller Street from seven hundred ( 700) feet west of Brown Street to three hundred and thirty (330) feet east of Clark Street, Columbus Avenue from Lake Avenul~ to three hundred and sixty (360) feet no!·th, Cambridg·e Avenue from Lake A venue to three hundred and sixty ( 360) feet north, Harvard Avenue from Lake Avenue to four hundred forty (440) feet north, Melvin Avenue from Lake Avenue to four hundred forty ( 440) feet north, Yale Avenue from Lake A venue to four hundred forty ( 440) feet north, Princeton Avenue from Lake Avenue to four hundred fort\' ( 440) feet north, Oxford Avenue fror~ Lake Avenue to four hundred forty ( 440) feet north, North Avenue from Greeley Avenue to Ridge Avenue, llollvwood Avenue from Greeley Avenut· 'to nine hundred ninety (990) feet east of Melvin Avenue, Clover Road from Greeley Avenue to Ridge Avenue, h:.t·nilworth Drive :-;outh from Greeley .-\venue to seven hundred (700) feet t·ast of :\[elvin Avenue, Kenilworth Drive north from Greeley Avenue to six hundred and ten (610) feet east 11( :\lt'lvin ..Avenue, Melvin Avenue and :·:, 300 P ..I>. i:.e. .\I ··1 vin A venue f·xtl.mded from Linden 1 400 fc· ·t H" \'itrified pipe sewer, .. \ vt:ue to Clover Road, Linden Avenue ' at $4 .2:> per ft. ....... $5,950.011 t t·om :\lei \'in A venue to five. hundred ::,3SO feet li>" vitrified }Jipe sewer, and forty (540) feet east of Melvin at $3.5() p e r ft. . ...... $11,830.00 .\vt·nue to the south, Alles Avenue :;,1)60 feet 12" vitrified pipe sewer, t'rout Elmwood Avenue to 'Vashington at $2.50 per ft . . . . . . . . $13,900.00 .\ \·t·nue, Alles Avenue fr·om Kenilworth 1:.:!,910 f et 10" vitrified vipe sewer, A n · nue to four hundred and thirty at $2.00 per ft . . . . . . . . $25,820.0(1 ( 430) feet south, Elmwood Avenue ;q,900 f t &" vitrified pipe sewer, from Alles Avenue to eight hundred at .,l.:iO per ft . . . . . . . $52,350.(10 :111d thirty-five (S35) feet east, I<"ranz !?41 brick manhole:--, complete, inI~o:td from Alles . Avenue to eight huneluding- cast iron cover, at dn·tl and thirty-five (X35) feet east, $105.00 (>a. . .......... $25,305.00 KPnilworth Avenue from Locust Street 77:; cubic vnrds of concrete for to two hundr d an<l seventy (270) feet cradle.: at $15.00 per <'U . £·a:~t of Fore . t A \·ellUC, Locust StrE-et vd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,625.011 from K nilworth An~ nue to two hun;l'h forpg-oing items include dn·<l and fifteen (215) feet north, all JH:C ssary excavation, pip<' (; 1 ant A venue from two hundred and laying-, filling of joints with fiftt ·e n (21::i) fe't north of Kenilworth mortar. l>ranches and slants. .·\\·t·nu to three hundred and ten (310) disc stop 1wrs, uackfilling· and 1\·t'l ::;outh of Kenilworth Avenue, all lah11r and materials. Sh··rrnan . \.v en ue from two hundred r·o::;t of ('ng-ineering nnd inarHl fifteen ( 21::i) ieet north of Kenils1 wction connected with said worth Avenue to five hunured and five impro\'L'ment .......... $9,100.00 ( ;"'dl~,) f et ~outh of Kenilworth AveCost of making-, levying· hnd nue, Cleveland Av nue from two hun('Ollt·cting- the assessnwllt an<1 <h·e cl and fifteen (215) feet north of all lawful expenses attending Kl·nilworth Avenue to five hundred the same not exceeding G% of anrl five (G05) feet south of Kenilthe abo\·e ............ $11,490.00 worth A\·enue, Wentworth Avenue 1 rom Keuilworth Avenue to four hunTotal ... . ....... G 203,120 .00 <.lrt·d and thirty (430) feet south of A:-\D I HEitEBY CERTIFY THAT, Kl·nihvorth Avenue, Forest Avenue in my opinion, the above estimate docs fnnn Kenilworth Avenue to four hunnot exceed the probable cost of the dred and thirty (430) feet south of 8aid proposed improvement an·l the Kt>nilworth Avenue, Glenview Road lawful expense~ attending th v ~a me from \Vilmette Avenue to ten hundred and thirty (1030) feet southwesterly. a:; Jli'OVidNl by law . all in the Village of Wilmette, County Dated, ~larch 16th, A. D . 1926. EARL E. ORNEH, of Cook ancl State of Illinois. A vitrified pipe sewer having· an inPresident of the noard of Local Improvements of the Yillage of' tt'T'nal diameter of thirty (30) inches ~hall be constructed a1ong a line 'Yilmette. thirty ( 30) feet east of and parallel with the west line of HANCOCK OUDIX .~~CE :\0. 141~ A V li:NUE, from and connecting with AX ORDI~ .~NCE an outlet sewer to be constructed by PHOVIDING for the construction of a the Sanitary District of Chicago · sanitary sewer system of vitritietl pipe whose terminus will be at the north sewers with brick manhol s, be con- limits of the Village of Wilmette and structed and laid in certain streets and said HANCOCK AVENUE to a point avenues in the Village of 'Vilmette, thirty (30) feet south of the north Cook C'ounty', Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED by the PH.ESI- lin(~ of Washington Avenue. The eleDEN'r AND BOARD OF TRUS'rEI~S vation of said sewer at said connection with the Sanitary District sewer OF THE VILLAGE OF WILMETTg: SE(~'riON 1: That a local improve- shall be twenty-two (22) feet above ment shall be made in the Villag·e of Villag·~ datum and thence shall rise Wilmette, in the County of Cook and at a. uniform rate to an elevation ot State of Illinois, the nature, charactt.·r, tw(·nty-two and eight-tenths (22.8) locality and description of which local fed above datum at \V ASHI~GTON AVENUE. improvement is as follows: A vitrifie(l pipe sew(>r shall be conThat a sanitary sewer system of vitrified pipe sewers with bric!k man- Ht ructeu in WASHI~LTON AVENUE fr·om a point three (3) fl·t·t east of the holes, be constructed and laid in the following streets, in the Villag·e pf ct·lltcr line of H.einwald Avenue to the Wilmett(', County of Cook and State center line of GreE·ley Avenue along a line thirty (30) ft'et south of the of Illinois: Hancock A venue from north Village north line of . '\Vashington Avenue. limits to ~·ashington A venue, Wash- The sewer from Heinwald Avenue to ington AvPnue from Reinwald Avenue Hancock Avenue shall have an iut~r twenty-four (24) to Hidge Avenue, .Greeley Avenue and nal diameter of ~~e~ 5 .2i>1~' \:~trir,ec~ $~~~~~:on

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