Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 34

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34 WILMETTE ATTENDS FUNERAL IN EAST ~~ rs. Roger E. Williams, 410 Forrest LIFE March 19, 1926 W e have fu nds to loan for Improvements or on completed w ork w ith North Shore property ~s ayenue. \\'as .called to Oil City, Pa., this \H'ck because of death of her grandmother, ~Irs. Charles H. Duncan, who passed a\\'ay in Orlando, Fla., Friday, ~farch 12. Services were held Tuesdav in the PennsYlvania citY. ~~ rs. Duncan had been a frequent visitor in this vicinity. ,,. '1 rs. G rorge E .v· r. an<1 ·' ~. \\' a lk · of 1240 Lake aYenue. return d to their 1 home recently. They have buth been away on trips. Mr. \Yalk spent ix weeks in California and while he was a\,·a ,. ~~ rs. \ Valk visited h('r ~ela"tives · 1m ,a\\'rence. K as. _ 0_ Hokanson and Jenks Is Newest Realty Concern NeL M. Hokanson, forme rly north shore manager for Quinlan and Tyson, and Herbert C. Jenks, formerly Evanston manager for McG uire and Orr, have organized the firm of Hokanson & Jenks, lnc., to pecialize in north :-.hore properties. The new firm has opened temporary (1uarters In the Carlson bungalow a_ll t d 500 Davis street, Evanston, an wt have permanent offices in the new John Evans building when it is completed. ~1 r. Hokanson is treasurer of the Evanston Real Estate board. ~fr. 1enks has been associated with north shore real estate affairs for many year · Open Spring Term of .Play-Writing c· N eXt Week OUrSe security. II =:=:=:=:=:=::=:==:=::=:=:==::==:=::=:==::=:=:==::=:=:==:=:==:=:=:=::=:==::==::==::=:==:=:=:=::==:=::=:fl li · . t· ........ Dr. and ~lrs. H. 0. \\"eishaar oi 816 Oakwood avenue are receiving the congratulations of their friends upon the birth of a daughter at the Evanston hospital, \Vednesday. 11arch 10. Th baby has been named Barbara. The spring term of the Play-writing course at Evanston will begin Tuesday. . ~1 arch 23, and classes \\·ill meet weekly from 10 to 12 at the Evanston library hall. It will continue for ten weeks, ineluding each week a brief opening leeture 1 ))' n·trector H'me kl ey on tl1e e 1<:ments of dramatic construction and fol - , lo\\·ed bx. class play-reading and criticism. The class, which has a large membership in this community desirt:-. to impress the item that those enrolled · · for the course nee d not h ave a wntmg gift-that a great amount of benefit mav be obtained from the critici:-m ancl ~Ii~s Bettv \\"ebcr returned from the interpretation and as lllttch fun come uni\ ersitv of Illinois Friday of last out of the sessions. ,,·ee k an~l spent the \\'eek-end with her 1 The ,,·ork of the Ptay . . hop ,,·ill h(' n ·mother, :\Irs. A. R. \Veber who resides· sumed Thursday morning. Play:- \ni: at 1012 Greenleaf a\'enue. ten in the class will he staged on th(l (· mornings at the ~chnol oi Speech. Xorthwestern under direction of /\ll xancler Dean ancl Eugene Fro:-t. I \'1 , ' ~ . EXCHANGE PROPERTIES Pierre G. Beach of Quinlan & Ty son, Inc., real estate brokers, has ex changed his vacant lot 130x120 at the corner of Sheridan road and Spruce street, \Vinnetka, for the six room brief.. re~idencr nn a lot -l2xlJ(, at 22(, Linclt:n a\·enue. \\'ilmette. f,,rmerh· m\'lll'<l h-. ~f ar:-· E. J ol111:-on. · \V. Oliphant and hn . . <,J :. the gue~ts of ~fr . . Dudley T<n lor o i 2~-t l' un1110r ruad, K c 11 i l wo-rth. this week. ThL'\' are on thl'ir "·av homr to San .-\-ntonio. Tcxa'-. ,,· h~·re ~Iilo Olipha ·. t ha . . jtht completed a course in ;n·iatinn. j,,rcLttl L'l1tlr taint'd their l'\' L · nin~ I)J:id~L· ~.,·Iuh ;t: dinner and hridgl: ·~aturcl;ty in t' H·ir apartllll'llt in thl' Lindl'n \.'n>t. and -0- ~[rs. L. ~lilo, were ~lr . ~lr-. . -01~. \\' . n-rtt!J .. Ttb##-a Fost~r interpretation of an ancient Grecian Sandal- A Post~ Aftmwon Pump with band ~1850 scalloped ed~ and strapt $20 - .-\ . l. l'ohurn. en:; l.incl '11 ;(\ \'ll\1 ·· ,,·ill t:ntertain thl' l~l':tclint..:' rin·k \fnn day aitern<·Oll, ~I an·h 22 . ~fr:-. . 'The c5luthentic 5pring VYCodes of ~sterfbiles and .. ' I J Cor a,~dJiosierj Women <hildrm now being slww~ a~ ~ c5\r~ Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiat~s from them. un .. less kept always clean and healthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with MuTine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. tides :md keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Ot&r illush'ated &ooks on "Eye Care" or "E~e Beauty" are 'fREE on request. · 15 North Wabash Avenue, opposite Fielch The Foster Shop in the Drake Hotel The Foster Shop of Evanston on the cornn of OrringtMJ ~tnru anti Church Strtd and in Kansas City The Murine Company l)t:pt. 33, Chic:qo 7 8. 'Joster &' ampany . ,. ,., -.

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