....... u. · .t '-4 "'"'"' ""'~ ~ ;r a.lo~nb~e--c-eTlTP.---rrn-e-or- cragu- :51T1.:!1:rr-ru-rn e center line of the Chicago and North \V t'~tern Hailroad · thence southeasterly along- the center line of the Chicag<; anu North \\Tt=bleru lLtllruad tu the c~,:nlt·t· lint· of Tow~r 1-toa.cl'; t~nc_. east n.tl,ng- 1h· · t.,.nter li!~o ·· r...._·r.'!.. ; .-r H·· '<I and .the cen:a.¢r line qf rro\n::J· 1 Road If, extc.;?.: ~,~ to La.~e .'\1ichigan; thence northwe~tL'rly along shure lme of LaKe Ai.i<..:lugaH tu the cenle::r llllt· of Llaruur titreet If extended; thence southwesterly along the center line of Haruor Street tu the point of beginning-. All in Township 4t, H.ange 13. · ,,;-.~-t t-. ·.: ...: \\'t ·:-: t.'· Jl .\ _ al u n~ t h· · 'hi··ag11 and x .. , t !t \\·, :-; t f' rn fL H . to J_ t:-; Jnlt ·l :wctlull \\!til tilt· _:.,;orth lirnit~ of the Vill:t~. · · 1.. Of :-iPI' lOll :---n~~-c--vnTn~~ ~rr~-v--n-nTc-C"~~:-pru-cn;n:;eu~cn-.-t.&I--;--t. >I e-cce~ the point of UPg-1nn1ng. l!olllngP1n('eJ ... - - --- ~ ~ -~ All in Township 42 ' - - ~~ Range 13 nod _ . . . - ·,. ·' -.II Polling l:.lac.-: 11', ..\. R.-ltJ, tJ:'i-1 l.hul.-u .\ n·., \\' lnnt>tku, I H. District ~. Beginning at the inter~ectiou ur l'ro~pel't Avenue and Tower Road; theuc_ t> we~t along tht> ~·enter lilll· of Tower Hoad to the center line of the Chicago aud North \Vestern Railroad; thence northwesterly along- the et>nter line of the Chicago and North \V estern H.ailroad to the center line of Gage Street: thence southwesterly aloug the C(;nter line of Gage Street to the center line of Gordon Tt:rrace; thence south along the center line of Gonion Terrace to the center line of Tower Hoad; thence we~t along the center line of Tower Road to the west line of Section ll); thence south along the west line of Section 1~ to the southwest corner of Section 1~; thence east along the south liue of Section 18 to the southeast corner of ~ection lS; thenee no:-th along the east line of said Section lS to the c<~nter line of Fig Street; thence east along the cen te1· line of Fig Street to the center line of the Chicago ancl ~or·th \Vestern Railroad: thence northwesterly along the Chicag·o and North \Vestern Hailroad to the ct>nter line of ~!dorado Street; thence northeasterly along the center line of Eldorado Street to the center line of Fro~pcct Avenue; thenc.uorthwesterly along the center line of l'rospect Avenue to the voint of beginning. All in Townl->hip 42, Hange 13. Polling PJ:ace: Glennetka C~urage, Ul5 Linden A:,·euu.-. DiHtrict tJ. Beginning at the shore line of Lake :\lichig-an and the center line of Tower Hoad, if extended; ·-~·ll- LHe .r..a.::sl Ci.lll Wt Ct.Hlta·· llilt ' UL i :",;· tine t tl··n ~7; th~nt·e em, l·along ~aid J. .l~t ~ .· u ·\\'t:~t celfte 1 t·f :::itction ~7 tu tlw ct"nt~r lint-· of Twt>lfth :-3tl'tt>t in the \'illagt· of \\'ilnwtte; thc·nce south along· the center line of Tw~lfth Street anu· ~aid Tw(·lfth l-'tn:·t·t produced tu the t 'hicago and North \\'l·stt>rn H. H.. , tlw point uf l.H·ginnin_g. .-\11 in Township 4~. Hange 1a. ·)Q . \\ Illu~· tt ... t"" ... -.t ' l i n . - , , . ,. th··lll'·· t.·a:-;t , ,.,j,,n ai., 11 g ~aul 11111 lh llllllls lluc , ,. ,.,. 1 ,,,."" 1 t h 4 · ·H ·· . , . ,. ,. 1 .,,.,,. thence Wt-:st along the center line of Tower Hoad, if extended, to the center line of Prospect Avenue; thence ~outh tasterly along the center line of Prospe<:t Avenue to the center line of Eldorado Street; thenc<; southwesterly alongthe center line of Eldorado Street to the center lin(· of Chicago and North Western Railroad; thence southea~terl \. along the center line of the Chicago and North Wesu· r 11 H.ailroad to the center line of Elm St1·eet; thence east along the center line of Elm Street to the shore line of Lake Michigan; thence northeasterly along the shore line of Lake Michigan to the point of beginning, all in TO\Vllship 4~, Hange 13. Polling Place: \\ innetka, 111. District 7. Community House, 6!:0 J,Jucolu An·nut·, \'illage \Vilm ettc and Tt·nth Htn·l'l: tht·nn· wt·:-;t along· t h 1· north line of the \'illag-l' of \\.ilmettt· tu tht· ct·lltt·r lin~ uf Twelfth :-)lret·t; tht>ncl· suuth alung- tht· l't·lttt·r Ii 111 · uf Twelfth Street and Twelfth Stn·et produced :-:outh tu tht· c~o·ntt·r line of Urtenleaf AH! l1Ue; thence ca:-;t along the f'enter line of Ureenleaf Avenue to the ~ent(·r lint· or Tt·nth Street thence north along the ccnt1·r line of Tt·nth l-'trPd to the north line of the \'illage of \\·ilm t:'ttt·, thl· point uf beginning·. All in Township 42 Hange 13 ' · Polling J-luce: \'lllnge Hall, \\'Jinu·tt.-, Jll. Dhdrlct 15. Beginning at the shore line of Lake Michig·an and the north limits of the \'illag-t· of \\.ilnwtte; thence west along the north limits of thl· \.ilJag·· uf \Vilmette to the center line of Tenth Street; tht·ntT ~out h along the center line of Tenth ~treet to a point oppo:-;itl· thP main entrance to the building on the School Pn>P(' rt.r being the east and west center line of Lots 9 and 10 in !:Jock 23 Viilage of \Vilmette ~ubdivision; thence ca~t on a line th;·ough the main entrance to the north building· Oil tlw School Property to the center line of Ninth !"tn·d; thence north along the center lim· of Ninth ~trcet to tlw centl'r line of Forest Avenue; thence cast and northcastt·rJ\· along· the center line of Forest Avenue to the l't·nt··r Ji.tH' of Michigan Avenue; thence ~outheasterly along tht· <·enter line of Michigan Avenue to the center line of Lal~e .\\' l'nuc: thence northeasterly along the center line of Lakt> ..:\Yt>nttl' to the Shore of Lake Michig·au; thenee north\\'t'~lt·rly alo 11 g the sllore of L.ake :M ichigan to tlH· pla('e Pr ht·g·inning. .All in Township 42, Range 13. 11t' Polling J·Jut·t>: \ ' lllu14··· Hull, \\ lluu-Ctt·, Ill. UlHtrlct 14. Ht·g·inning· at t ht· uorth lint· or tht· r n Rttlrott.t : ~-' the &"uth~Jimits of thP of Kefttlworth; thence wel't alon\ the sotlth limit~ uf tht: \ ' illage of Kentlworth to tlw north and south c <> ntt:· line of Section 28; thtnce south along the north and south center line of Section 28 to the ct>nter ljne of Lake Avt->nue; thence east along the o<>nter ljne of Lake Avenu~ to tht> centf>r line of Par}( Avenue; thence tJoutheastel'l,· along the center line of Park Avcn~lt~ to the oenter line o'r High~and Avenue: thence northea~terly along the oenter· lin~ of Highland Avenuf> to the Cl·ntf>t' line of the Chlcago anct North \\'est(·rn Railroad : thellct' nul'thwe:->tl·rly along- thtt C'hica!.o and No1;h :'\'(·stl:'rn Hallroad to the Routh llmlts of the \ 11lagC' of hemlworth, thl· point of b<'glnntng. All ln Township 42, nang-c 13. Polling Phu·t·: Fir.- Station, ~::n :\lulu St. \\' llntette III. - ·. . . . ' . ' ~IHtrlct ..!.t. C'ommt>~cmg. at mtersPCt10n .of \VmnPtka A\ enue and Locust Road, ~outh on Ci.' nter line of Locust Hoad to intersection of Happ Road and Locust Road east on Ct'nter litH' of Happ Hoad to int e rsection of Rei~wald A Y<'., southeaster}~· on Reinwald Ave. to intersection of' Gn'ele~· AvC'., south on GreC'ley AYenue to ct>nter of Central ~tred, East on middle of C<'ntral Rtrt>et to center line of JUdge An'l1ll('. North on center line of Ridge Avenue to int<>r~ection of \\'innetka AYenue. \\~est on center lin e or \Yinndka An' nut.· to inters ec tion of Locust Hoad, plact> of beginning. · · I olllnlf I lnt·t·: (~ross P~tlnt. Yillngt~ Hull. Dfl.ctrlet 24. Beginning at the inter:-::t.' ction of th<' Chi('ago and North \Yt.l ~tern Hailroad and tht> cent e r line of Fig ~tn·d; th(·ncC' \\'('st along the ccpt<'r line of. Fig- Street to the wcBt lint~ of H(·ctton 17; thenc<' ~outh along the \\'f'st line of ~ectlon 17 ttl thP center lin<' of T'ine Stret>t: tht>ncl' ~~gt along- the cc·ntt·r l!nc of Pin<' ~tr<'et to the C'hicag-o & north " 't>Htl'ru Hallroad; thenct> northwesterly along- the center lint· ot tht.~ Chieago and Nol'th \\'e stern Hailroa<l to the p]aee of J.tlg-irtnlng, All in the \'illng·t· of Winnetka and in Township 42 ::'\orth, H1Lll1{e IS . ' and Loean ~ -· ~' ' ' "' b: ....... , ... . H~. t·rnl.....:,. ..,,·.-.na·.!t·· '-VIID1 r-f"f.-.. ..,.._ c. au&··-· ~..,b,_.*.··· _,- ~~~- " ' · · . · r - · .... _ · Villa~e North~We!!!t · Ct'ntrn l · · · ·· '-J-<.t ·· ~ t !?I ~ ;::; H' llJ .;\Q ~ ~ ....... Beginning at the point of intcr~ectiou of the c<.nter line of the Chicago and North Weste1·n Hailroad and the C(·nter line of Pine Street; thence west along the center line of Pine Street to the North \Vest corner of Section 20; thence south from said corne1· and along the west line ot said section 20 to the center line of Elm Street; the nee east along the center liue of Elm Street to the center lint· of the Chicago and .Korth Western Hail road; thenee northwesterly along the C(·nter line of the Chicago and North \\"estern Hailroad to the place of beginning. J·olllug Place: Otllce of Clurk 'J'. ~ortbrOJl, 550 Center St., \\' innetku, IJJ. DiHtrJet ~. Beginning at the intersection of the center· l!ne of the center lin·· line of Elm south along C'hicago and North \Vestern Hailroad and the of Elm Street; thence west along the eenter Street to the W(·st line of Section :!0; thence the west line of l-'.-ction 20 to t ht· ct·llti"I' line and the center line of Lake Avenue in tht· Villagt· of \Vilmettc; thence southea:-;tcrly along the <.:t·nt1·r Iin1.· of Lak~ Avenue to the center line of Michigan A vt-n Ul'; thence northwesterly along the centl'r line of 1\lichig·an .-\vt·nut· to the center line of l<'orc~t Av<·nue; then<.:t· ~outhwesll·rlv and west along the center line of Fure~t ,.\V<'tllll' to the center line of Ninth Street; thellct· south along tlw ct·ntl'r Ii 11 e of Ninth Street to a point oppositt· th<' centc·r litH' uf Lot~ 9 and 10 in Block 23 in \Vilmette \'ill age ~ubdi vision: tbt.·nce west through the main t.·ntnliH'c to th· · north !.wilding 011 the school property to the Cl·ntcr lirw of Tenth ~tn·l't: t.~enc~ south along the center line of Tt·nth ~trel't to the centez ~ine of Greenleaf Avenue; th1!1l<"::! cast along- thl' center hne of Greenleaf Av('nue to thP <:t>ntcr lint> of EighU.1 :-)treet; thence north along the center lint> o( }';jg·hth !"tn·et to the center line o! Central Avenu('; thPncP t-aM along tlw center line of Central Avenue to the cent~·r line or ~herjdan Hoad; thence southeaste1·ly alon~· thv e··nt 1·r line of ~heridan Road to the center of the N orth !"hon· ( 'hann(·l; ;hen<: ·~ northeasterly along the' North Short' ( 'hanut·l to tht.· !"hun· of Lake Michigan; thPnce northw (·t'teJ·J,· alung- ttw shon· ,,f _Lake Michigan to the point of b(·g·lnn.Jng-, ,-\II In 'l;<JWII· "hip 42, Hange 13. Polling t·Jace: ll)·ron <.: StoiJt s ·l···ol \\'11 ·tC Ill · · · t · · me. ..,, · District 17. Beginning at tht- :-;hun· litH· of Lalu· llkh· igan and the center line of tht· Nor·th Hhon· <'hannel: tJw· 1 , 1 , J·oiUng Places IJyrou ('. StoiJt School, \\' llnwHt·, Ill. District 16. Beginning at the ~->hore of Lakt· ~I il'hig·an lineR ot tho Chicago and North We~tC'rn Hailroad and of C'heny ~t l'£'l't: theiH!l· west along th<' cen tl'!r line of said C h £>rry StrtH't to th(' we!"t line of ~ection ~0; thence ~outlt along the wc~t llntt of Hection 20 to the <.:t' nter line of \Viilow Htret>t: thtmee east along tht> cent<'r line of \\'illo\\· Rtret>t to thP -ccnttH' llne of the Chjcag·o and North \VestPrn Rallroad: thence northw e sterly along th <' cf·nter line of tht" Chicago and North \Vestt ·rn Railroad to the place of beginnlng. All In th£> YllltH:\t· of \Vjnnf'th-:a and jn Township 4:.! North, Hange 1~. J·olllnar l'lnef'J Ji'Jr,_. Station In .-Jd \' lllu~r.- Hnll 'Viu,..__ · tkn 111. · "" ·· ' HINtr~et 26. Commt~nclng- at jntl'l':-it>t'tion of Locust Road and .\Vmn<>tka Ave., west ln ccnte!' of \Vinnetka Ave .. to the m_tersection _of Harms Hoad, south in center of Harms H.oad In center lme of Central ~tret!t, east on c e nter line of <_'entr?-1 .street t.o. C(·ntcr line of Greeley A_vcnue, no!'th un ( pnter I me of C. I t' ~lt>y AvenuP to _ct>Htl'r lJne of RcJnwald .\ \'t.'nue, northwt.·~terly on ct·nti.·r lme of Reinwald AvenuP to (!l fltt·J' Hrw of l~app J~oad, we~t e r·Iy on center line of Happ l{oad to ~·(' lltl·J' lii!l· of l;Ol'U~t Hoad, no1·tnerly on centt>r· llnf- hf Lucu~t Hoa,d to <·, · ntt·r ljn ti of 'YjnnetJ;:a Avt~nut · pial'~' nf Jwglnnlng. 4 l'ollln&- l'lnctol . JJ~'N PJorl~t ~hOtl, ~ll .. lu~ Stre~t, \\' In111 «"lka, · Dhctrlct 2~. Hl·glnnjng- at thP int c rsPction of tht> centt' r ..... t- E IC rn ~ ~ rrl r' ~ m '11 ,.olllu¥' l'lnt·t·l St·ht·c·J Jlott~'>~tt, llnttl' Uc.uul. n·~nr ··~···qst ttd, The Officers to be elected are: one Supervisor, one Clerk, one Assessor, one Collector, one School Trustee and two Constables to fill vacancies. 'l'he 'l'own Meeting \vill open in Winnetka Con11nunity House at the hour of 2 P. !vi., and after choosing a 1\'luclerator \Vill pi·oceed to hear and consider reports of officers, to appropriate tnoney to defray the necessary expens~s of the tO\\'nship. and to deliberate and decide on such tueasures as tnay, in pursuance of la\v, con1e before the tneeting. Given under n1y hand this 19th day of March, 1\. D., 1926. M/\R(;ARE'f S. PJERSON, 'rown Clerk.