Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE n ~ ~ded u nder an,.- system ). t~ adk:t:it:ion 0f: ~wo rooms andi an a u d itorium would~ inc";ease ou r prestrnt capacit}T· by 210, pupils. The additiion of 8. r~.«'ms a.nd \. better ways for 1nodern days ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a~s~tt~tt~n~.~n~a~t~u~ra~l~s~ct~e~n~c~e~a~t~ld~a~u~d~i~t~or~i~u~m activities. I n additio n , m u siit and , a r t have been devefk.Op e d so t hcut special equipment is desi:r:rable tha t cam not be placed in the equipm ent of aii school (Contin~~ d fr o m Page 15) rooms. account for part of the s chool units? . ~~~ many up-to-datte s~hool s tfr(!))se faT0 fully under-stand the new de - l ctht1es have bec!l 1>r.ov1ded a.t a' great parturcs ,in organization. a brief his- expen se and whr_le they are 111 tl's ~ by tory of school house architecture· aJJnK1 a~y group of ch~ldren, the r?o~l' rrom school organization might be profitable. " ·hence these chtldren. ~am~ 1 td.~e . School Architecture For the better uttl tzatron ot the F or the last half of the nineteenth · ~ cfwoi pla!lt, educator. have reccnti_Y centu ry, e lementary school buildings· ; beep workmg on a new type of org-ant a ll .over t he country were ·oi one type·. . z~tron c~dled. the platoon system .. The Thts was t~e type needed by the graded! 1proncer 111 thts work wa s W. S. \Vtr~ of system whtch had been introduced int 0 , :Ga-ry. He has been followed by others this cou nt~y about 1850. Thi simple · 1~ntif now " ·hole ci~y system~ such · _as, p lan provtded an additional chool , fo1 example, Detrott, are rap1d ly bemg room for each additional 40 ar SO ch:il ... , p'f~c-ed under t his p lan of organization. dren. ! Platoon System Some differences ,in arrangement · --~li_~ pfa:n in brief P.rovid es for the were made as to halls a nd lGcation of drvr s ton o{ the school mto two groups r o oms b u t all schools were; box-like a_ n 'd whife one grou p is studying the structu res conforming to a generaf fund'amcntal subjects in the home type. T he two o lder b uildi ngs at the room·~. the other grou p is scattered· ii1 Ce nt ra l pla nt, the Logan and Laure l the _outside _activit_ies for which _special sc hoo ls are goo d exa m p les of this typ e . eqmprnent ts des tra ble. In tbts wav Si n ce l?OQ, great changes have tak ~ P.~ac6ca:Tfy the spa ce is u sed all the ~ n p lace tn the curric ulum an d organ- tun~~ ~ . 1za t10n of t he e le m e nta ry schools. Dol ndcr tfns pla n . m e~tic science, m~ nu a l t raining, gym~1Z Room . Capacity 420 - A l!d itorium ·-----------------.J School Survey ' ~ of school room is n o t. a d ap t e~ to t hese an' aa~itori um wou ll:dt increase· our capa city b: y 490 pupils .. I ' \rould recomt]1Cnd· that we· Jlllan a . soon aJ.S possible, for a manual training shop. an auditorium, and' as marn room s-- <aLS we can afford: . A kindergar'ten lioJuld be housed in a specialty built room, bot as there is . ome quc s ti oP about the desirability of permanenth maint-aii1i'mg a kindergarten· at' thi"s school, that need not be done at pre sent. The kindergarten may be pla ced in a room which later on can he us ed for other p u rposes. The autli'torium spoken of herr is for school purposes only and ' would . ca t about 250' p u pils. The cost of such an addition wo·uld probably be ·as follow . : Manual Training Sf:top $20;000:00 Six Rooms 60,000.00 Auditorium . 50;000:00 Total' ) .$130;000.00 an ·Joliet Beats New Trierin Sectional Cage- Tilt After winning the district basketball champion-sliip the previous week-end. 1\e,,- Trier High school eager~ were de .h·atl'd last Friday e\·ening in the sec . : tiona! tournament ln· the close sror~ o i l.)- lT The Yictors ~,·ere the Joliet fin·. playing t)Jl their home fl o or. to th e cheering r>i 5.000 Joliet fan" . The gamt.· " ·<t::. fa . t and· hard - fought. and· ~cw Trit' r made r"·o ba sket. which were not a l1o\\·cd , which otherwi:-e " ·ould ha\'e gin-n them rhr game . On the prccedin~ e\'ening thev had dcieated La Salle h~· a "rort· of 3J-17. The t<·am woul'rl pr.nh·ahl'y han· fJ(·atrn Joli e t had· the gam e not bern on th e hnnw ffoor. it i-. thnngf1t. .-\nother fa c tor which e nterl'd into the contc:--t " ·a._ th{' fa c t that s<·,· eral memh~r :- of the Grav and Grt>t:n quintet \Wre . u ffrring ·f rnrn ~ r,· r t' colds . 16 Rooms, wo r k. h ave bee n a dded and th e old t y pe· at1d 1 ~ Room::- Capacity 525 ~Auditori um and Gym. ~ 20 Rooms, Capacitv 700. 18' R ooms Capacity 630 - Au ditori um ·and Gym. - 24 Rooms, CapacitY 840. Coming hack, now to our -specific proi> I em ~ the de\·elopmcnt of the Howard school. \Ve need certain units here n.o matter what the ty pe or organizatton . \Ve n<.'ed a manual training plant. At the pre sent time o tl r hoys go to the.: Logan school and usc a room that is hadh- needed as a plav room for the smarr chilcJren of that school. If we mr the Howard school as an upper grade . cflooi for all our pupils " ·e " ·ill need a mess hall of some kind. \\' e should have a kindergarten room for the children in this immediate neighborhoo d . In addition to the se units. that are Gym.~ Capa~ty ~- Mothers and Fathers··· want the best wearing and the best looking shoes-for their growing boy-that money will buy. Heterodyne-Neutrodyne Calcimine What doe·s it matter? As Long As It Works in your home Find out for yourself at our expense the kind of a set that works best in your home. Try any of the below sets in your home for three nights without expense or obligation. G)/wnun~cuFr SHOE forBollS are made just like dad's and look just like dad's- Fada - Pfanstiehl - Kellogg Crosley - Carlson Stromberg BOB'S RADIO SHOP at the North Shore Depot Fountain Square, Et~anston 1141 Greenleaf Avenue Wilmette 3573

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