Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 13

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- lY26 March 19, 1926 l ior WILMETTE LIFE 13 Presbyterian Church J'rl . luh .in - Located at the corner of Ninth Street and Greenleaf Avenue. Dr. George P. Magill, pastor. Rermon Subject: "A Forgotten Commandment." \Veek-day schedule: Monday, ~poke No. 9 for luncheon, 7:45 p. m.; Boy Scouts, 7:30 to 8:30; 'Vestminister <;uild reserves Bowling alley: Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. Annual Installation of Officers of the 'Voman's ~ociety: 'Vednesday, 3:30 p. m. Moentita club; 8:00 p. m. Mid-week service; Thursday, 7:30, Young People's Recreation: Friday, 3:30 p. m. Boy Rangers and Junior Joy-Givers. annual meeting of th..- Presbyt<·rian society at the Lakevh·w Presbyterian church, 7:30 p. m. 1 n tPrmediate Recreation. Spt·cial : A f<:'w of thP Spol\es were unabl<' to m<:'et last Tuesda~· on ac('ount of sicl<ness. They will m<>et as follows: Spoke No. 9 at the home of :\ln.;. J. B. Ott, 1228 Lake avenue, on ":\1onday, March 22: Spoke No. 2, at the hom(· of Mrs. E. r.. Cazel. 723 Tenth ,.;tre<>t. on Wednesday, March 24, and ~pol<e No. 8 will be entertained by Mrs. T. n. MacRae. 518 Linden avenue, on Thursday, March 25. The annual installation of Officers of the Wom !lu 'l'l society will be held at th~" church Tuesday, March 23, at 2:30 o'clock. Th<> 'Vednf'sday mid-week st·rvice is at 8 p. m. Those having part in the JH·ogTam for this week were: Mr. Hayf>s, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Ellis, Mr. T·~ag-E>r, Mrs. nak<'r, Mr. Rice, and Mrs. ":\Jick. OthPrs will be selected to l~ad t ht> discussion next 'Vednesday. All mt·mbers of the church are urged to attend this series of lessons in preparation for Easter. Th(· annual meeting of tht.' Presb~· t··rian so<'ir·ty will be held at the Lak('\'it>w Pr<"sbyt<"rian church, at Broadway and Addison streets, Chi<'ag-o, Friday, ~larch 2f.. It will be an allda.v mPPting. Ties ' n·ation~ can he madt> b;\' phoning- :\Irs. R. H. ::\farquat·dt, \\.il. 388. Methodist Church Next Sunday morning the Woman's Foreign Mission Thank Offering servlee will be held. Dr. 'Villiam D. Schermerhorn will preach. all rummage to the Economy Shop on Monday to be marked. Boy Scouts. Troops 3 · and 6. Meet on Monday evening at 7:30 p. m. Boys come in uniform. rt " Junior Boy Scouts meet Thursday 9:30 a. m. Sunday school in all de- evening at 7:30 p. m. \Villard Osburn partments. Mr. Joseph Miller will have in charge. charge of the devotional service of th<> High School Department, his subScouts. Troops 3 and 4. ~Ieet j Pct will be: "Hen·ice. the Exprel'lsion at Girl thf> Church Tuesday afternoons at of Hacrifice." 4 p . m. :\Iiss Laura Endres in charge. Epworth league. 6 p. m. Leader, Holmes. Subject, "Verbs of Christian Living-To Do." D an :\1 '<' t at the church Wednesday afternoons at 4 p. m. · Miss Ruth Pease in High school Girl Scouts. Troop 1. h· charge. Girl Scouts. Troop 2. :Meet 'Yednesday afternoons at 4 p. m. Miss Mut·iel Denoyer in charge. Junior choir rehearsal ~atur·day aft e rnoons at 4 p. m. 6:30 p. m. \Vedn e!-:'day. Lenten Dinner Confert·nct". nood speaker and music. Any organization wishing it may have a special table. Make reservations befort- \Vednesday at the hurch office, Wil. 2348. (o ! !i Choir rehearsal Thursday E'Vt"nings Ladies' Aid- Division Day. Second at 8 p. m. divi.·ion entertains the fourth division at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, March 25, at King ':; Ht-ralds and Light Bear·ers the home of Mrs. \Yoodcock, r 503 Cen- m·'t·ting Sunday aftPrnoon at 3 p. m. tral avenue. Third division entertains thf' first at 2:00 p. m. Thursday, March Dr. and ~1 rs. \\'. F. Froeschle oi 136 25, at the home of Mrs. R. J. Burrows, 216 Myrtle street, Winnetka. Fifth ~laplc avenue have sold their home division meets at 10 a. m., Thursday, and are moving back to Chicago the March 25, at the home of Mr~. Lewis first of April. Miss Alice \Vard B. Springer. Froeschlr is rdurning from April 1; and i the Ladies' Aid seminary. ~larch 26. to spend will hold a Hummage Sale at the Easter vacation with her Et·onomy shop. Ladi··R plea:.;e bring- mother. On Lasell her better ways for modern days -------------------------------------------------------------- ~-a~t~h~e~r~a~t~tdJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EVAN . S TON I' Tht" kadf·r f()r thf· C'hristian Endt·aYor soddy thil'l week is Phillip t,rP:-;sy. ThE> l'lubj<"ct for discu~sion is "How should tht> church be organized?" .\II young p('ople are inYited to att ··nd th~> mPeting at 5:30 o'clock. CAD I L LAC Believe it or not, .this New and Greater Cadillac brings something new and supremely desirable to motoring. You cannot know what that '"something new·· is until you have taken the caryourself-out on the road and driven it. No one can give you in words the intimate appreciation for its thrilling performance that a trial drive will give. DINING OUT during Lent is without the many difficulties of selection when you come to the Centra) Cafeteria. Here you'll find exactly what you want--every da:. After April 1 the Central will serve breakfast every week day. Ready at 7 A. M . Come in and ask for a ride. , You tncur no obligation to buy. Do you know that the Standard 5 passenger Brougham sells for the remarkable price of $2995 f. o. b. Sundays 1~ to 5 Personal Supervision of Fred !.llller CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY, EVANSTON BRANCH Division of Gelltral ,\fotors Corporation CENTRAL CAFETERIA c~ntral 1810 Ridge Avenue Evanston University 8600 Rogers Park 9133 Ntlson Building Av,., tot of W ilmdtt A11~. WILMETTE

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