Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE LIFE · ~tarch lY, 1Y26 Auto Repairin· Guaranteed Work Rruonablr Rates Rou Skelton 4 1 o Prairie A vr. Wilmtttr 3 55 5 M. Portenhauser Painting Decorating Estimates given without obligation Phone Wilmette 2764 1130 Greenleaf AYe. I WILMETTE i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I March 24, at 7:45 o'clock. The sermon win discuss the sixth and seventh saywnmette and Park avenues, Wilmette. ing of ' our Savior from the Cross. Herman "\\T. Meyer, M. A., pastor. Noonday Lenten services are an406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 139G nounced by the Lutheran Churches of ('burch telephone 3111. the Svnodical Conference at the Adelphi theatre, Clark street near Madison, SERVICES even· day during the last two weeks Fifth Sunday in Lent of lent beginning Monday, March 22, 9:30 a. m. Sunday school and Bible from 12:10 to 12:3fi o'clock. You are classes. invited! 9:45 a. m. Fir~t service and sermon. 11:00 a. m . Second service and sermon. Services at St. John's during Hoh' Promised Light on Dark Paths, Week wi11 be as fo11ows: On ThursJohn 13, 7. day evening, April 1. at 7:45 o'clock, a Communion servicf'. and on Friday. J,F.NTEN SEilVICE April 2. (Good Friday) anoth<>r Com\Yt'dne~da~· evening, March 17. at 7:45 munion service. All those> desiring to o'clock. The Fifth Saying from the receive the Sacrament on either of rro~~. John 19, 28. thc~s<' two occasions may announce this to the pa:;;tor on Monda~· or Tuf':;;day of Holy \Veek. JIEETINGS All m(>eting~ of the Yariou~ organ:\ton day and Friday at 4:. Chtldren izations in Rt. John's sch<'duled for thf' (']asses. . 1 Friday at i:45 p. m. Junior Walther ftr~t W(>ek of the month. will b(> hel<l during- the second week in thE> month leagut~. The way~ in which God leads His of April. ehildren are not the easiest and most pleaRant ways, as commonly judged. In fact they are often so hard and trying that If we had no staff to lean Ministers: on, Wf- would falter and give up. But we know '\\THO leads. Our faith in ~teph<·n A. Lloyd, W. E. Mcf'orma<'k . His promise is enough. Besides, some ThP Recond Annual Rea Rcout dinnf't rta~ · shall look back upon those wi11 be held at 6:45 Friday night. path~. and understand. It is a power- Rpeal.:ers of national repute have been ful truth for our everyday life. secured. among them Commodore E. .J . McDon.ald, Jr .. second in .command ~t. John's invite~ you to the sixth of MacMt11an'R polar expedttion last year, and in charge of th<' radio work. and I as t of its midweek 1en ten serv- Hf' will show 6,000 f(>et of tllm of this icE·s to be h ld on \Yednesday evening, ¥~? n:ver b~forf' shown in 'Vilmett<'. ~~ dtnnl."r ~~ open to thP public. St. J ohn s , L utheran o'clock Sunday morning. The Junio r Choir wlll lead the slnglng. Dr. Lloyd will preach on "Our Plac· · in Society" at the 11 o'clock service of worship Sunday morning. The 'ViJmette Sunday Evening club meets at this church at 7:30 p. l'Y'. United Rtates Senator William McKin ley will speak on the "World Court " Joel Lay will sing. The Mayflower band meets Tuf'sdu : afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Miss Ma n· Louise Rcheidenhelm . in charge. Ro"osevelt Troop No. 2 meets ~t head quarter~ at 7:15 Tuesday evening. D,.. ('harles n. Blake, scoutmaster. Dav it! King-. assi~tant scoutmaster, in chan!'· On \\"<'dn(>sday the Wol! Cubs m <'· · at 3:30 p. m. under the direction , ,. :\Jr. Harold Rpinney. Family Night dinn(·r at 6:30 o'clo<' l, \\·edn sday ('VCning. This is the la!' t of thf' series of dinners. A fin<' pro gTam il-; promised. Rev. W. F. English . .1 r·.. is going to speak on "The Ne w Plan of Mffi:;;ionary AdministraticJn " j after the dinner. I . Congregaional Church "'*' The Young People'fi choir m(>E>ts fc.r rf'hE>arsal at 7 o'clock 'Thursday £·\'· · ning. Porter Warrington Heaps, d i rector. I 1 "(· hmg luncheon 1or tht · \Voman' . guild of the Congregational H. Tl . . 011 11· , c · Il~ Yant LUNCHEON FOR HOSTESSES \ .· ,k <'< more · occas10r;s t A Guaranteed Hot Water Heater Here is the guarantee: We will install a Crane Heater in your home. Try it for 3 0 days. If it does not prove satisfactory in every respect we will take it out and you pay nothing. A furnace coil supplies hot water only half the year. Boiling in the winter, luke·w arm in the spring. Other old-fashioned systems are equally unsatisfactory. church. Monday, Mrs. L. C. Pelott. 1132 Ashland avenue, will be one fli On sa tu rrla~· aftr·rnoon a 1 1 o'clock t hl' l~o--tes-,es. and _frida .:· . ~f arch 26. the Camp Fire g-irls mN·t. :!\fi~~ Paulin<' Mr~. Charlc~ S. ~r c( oy ot 730 A hl::tnd 1 an·ntH.'. \Yill T'('ttibonf>, guardian. he the other . 1 ~aturda~· .Tunio1· choir r e h "'a rsal at 7 o'clock ev<>nin .~ dir,·c ted h,· Mr. Ml"<'ormack. who i~ a~si~ted b·~· Mrs. L . F . Gate~ and ~~i~s nuth f'hldwell. .\11 department~ of the Churc·h sC'hool b gin prompt]~· at !:'1:30 Sunda~· morning, and tht· C'oYPnant class will mf'('t " ' ith Dr. Lloyd in the study at t hr· !'arne hour. One of the attractin· ~orial affai:-of the pre-,rnt . ca ... on was the .'t. Pa: rirk'-. da\' hrirlt.!t..· l!in·n \\ .t·dn(·!--cla ·: afternoon bY the \\'oman·, Catholi·. .Cluh (li \\'{Imctt e ;tt the .'t. Franri" XaYin ~rhnol. 0 \! r. ;11 I() \I r". I lu~ h J>a: l'f"4 ·11 oi F.' "FriPnc'lb· '\\.all;:s from .Teru!';alHn fh·<·r to nt'thany" is the subject of l\fr. ansto!1 ~Jlf·nt l~ht \\ t'·Ck \\ ith t:lt :.rr·<~ormacl<'s se:mon to thf' .Tun 10 r i' latter . . mother. ~~r~ . Jaml·., \\'hite. tl! <'ongr( ·g-a tion which a.s!';f'mblP,.: at 1u ::3o 931 Chc.,ttltlt an:ntt<'. Built like a vacuum bottle PREMIER hot water is uniform, always ready-a fullsize stream at all faucets. Come in to our Sales Rooms and compare your present hot water costs with the price of PREMIER stored hot water that gives year-'round economy, convenience and healthful comfort. Any day this week you can see this gas-saving, insulated storage-type heater in operation. Try it, test it. See for yourself how it saves while it serves and satisfies. Testimonials gladly furnished of satisfied users. All the Way from Chicago! People come ~II the way from Chicago to get our famous Sally Bro\vn Cakes. They're certainly deliciously rich, full of raisins and nuts, and covered with a "von· derful maple icing. We can also recommend our flaky patty shells, English muffins, cookies, pies. Premier No.2, 1125 Keeps 23 gallons of hot rtHJter always ready The Wilson Bakery Home of Everything Good That's Baked Phone Wilmette 414 1162 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Sold and Installed by FRED 0. NELSEN 1430 LAKE AVE. WILMETTE, ILL. W lLMt:. TTE 25qa PLUMBE:.t-(5' ESTIMATES FURNISHED REPAIR WORK TAKEN CARE OF There is a right-size Premier /or every home

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