March 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 St. Augustine's Church Sunday, March 21, wilJ be the fifth f;unday in L nt. There will be Holy Co mmunion at St. Augustine's at 8 a. m. Church schools and Bible classes at 9:45 and :M orning Prayer and sermon at 11 a. m. Bunda~' were conducted by H.f'v. Edwin ~ - Hunter in thE' absence of thE' rector, BaP.tist Church It is commonly conceded that the m esf-'age of th e Christian church es is most acceptable and appealing at the Easter SE>ason . For this reason the themes chosen for the Sundays of March at the ;Baptist church aim to pr ·se nt th c ntral message of the ( 'h ri:-;tian Go:.:;p 1. Last week Mr. ~tifll'r spokt· on the> topic "'\Yhy Jesus." Thi~-< Wf't>k hf' r-;p aks on "The Joy of ~al vat ion." The> choir. under the din · l·tion of :\IaoamP Gildf'roy ~cott, will J't·ndpr appropriate numbf'rs. The se rvivp commences promptly at 11 o'clock. f'Chool with graded in~-<truction for all a~· ~"s i;-; in !':CBHion from !:1:30 to lfl :4fJ. nib](· 'The services at Rt. Augustine's last \\"ho was confin<'d to hi s house. Next Thur.sday, 1\Iarch 25. b~>ing· the T·'(· stival of thP Annunciation of th(" lilessed Virgin Man'. thPrP will h<' Holy ('ommunion at ~t. .Augustin(·'s at 8 a. m. Th en· will al~o lw next \\' (·pk the ""g·ular Lt>nten 'veek-day celebrations of the Holy C'ommunion on \Yf'dnesday at 7 a. m. and Friday at 10 . m. Thf- As.sociatt' cl guildl; will m et in tht> club hour-:(' toda~' at 10:3n. with luncheon at noon. ThE> Rt>a ~couts will 11se ~t. Augur-:tinE>'s Parish Hou~~' ·this Friday ev~.? nin g for a m<n-ing pieture ··xhihitlon. '\Ved nesday ev~.? ning at 8 there will bf' as usual during ...;hort dE-votional sE-rvice in the inllowPd by a showing in thf' Housp of d evotio nal pi ctur{'s lifE> of our Lord . o'c lock J,..f'nt a hurch Parish of the ~~~~. Ft~~ Th <· 1557 SHERMAN AVENUE · ¢lMp~~ Evanston The pa:-tor will mt>et his class of Junior.s and Tntt · rnwdiatPS at 3:30 on ~unday afternoon. E\"t·ning- dt·Votion~ undc·r the direct ion of th<> "Gt·own Ups" will be h eld for all at 5:311 in th·· :-~outhwest room of the church. The n. Y. P. l'. will med for :\li ssion Study and t"a at 5:30 at thf' h o me of :\li :o;~-< C;lady~ Huntl1·:-·. 1 i3fl Forest av enul· . c hur c h co-operat "S with tlw ~unday Evening· c lub which pres e nt :-: at thE> C'ongregational c hurch at 7 ·:31l l·nited Rtah·s Renator \\.illiam :\Jc Kin 1-y. English Lutheran GrE>Pnleaf and . ~E'VE>nth '\Villiam Guise, paRtnr. ServicE's for March 21 ' 'The Most C'hallenging Qu~>stion in the BiblE>" will be th e th<'m.. of the me.ssage at thf' won:;hip hour. This ,,· ill h{' an important mNll'lag" in our ""rif's of Lent{'n Tf'xt~ from th,, :\finor l'rophE>ts. The abovE' QU'stion is one which God asks of His c hildrt·n . Th e t ··xt will hf' takt·n fr·om Malachi's pr·ophf'-ey. Mr~. Hortense Lechler will :-.1 ng-. Th P s.-rviet' bt-gin:-; promptly at t·lt' Ve n o'clock. Dibl{' ~c hool at 9 : 4~. :\fany of our ··hildren werP ill last ~unday . Our l>ray e r i~ that all shall recover and, if posRible, h e · with us Roon. The adult class will n~vit-\\.' thP J,·;:;l'lnns for 1h e past quartPr. Th e· Lutht·r lt·aguf' will m et>t Friday t·\'ening of this W P k at thl' hnmt· of thP pr esi df'nt. Arthur C'ox. fiu5 Rixth :--t n·et. .-\11 the young peopl e of the pari:-;h are invited. Th e League re,·,.ntly prese nted a beautiful picture nf :\Jartin Luther to tht> church. Th(· work-mf'eting- of th{' ~fissionary :-:oc iety will bf' hc·ld Thursday, :\larch Thi :-; Going to Build? If you planing to build or retnodel a hotne · we may be of servtce to --oTh,> :\lt: mb Prs hip co mmitt··t · or th·· chureh will meH \\· e dno·:-;day, :\fat·c h 24, at 7:30 in thf' south we~t 1·oom to co nft: r with an:-· whn d,·;-;ir·· to unit (' with the> c hurc h. ThE' mid-wt·· ·k m··,·t i11 ~ .. r t h i' ~" hu n·h will bt- hPid \\· ed rw:-;da _,. at R p. m. in ( 'hildrt!n's hall. On Thur:-;day th·· ( ·ampfir·· girl;-: m··Pt at 3:30: thP \\'odf-('llb:-~ at 7 :3fl and tht> choir for r"h··ar:'al :H R p. m . Link "X," L· ·ado·r . .\!1·:-;. ~ l'hm idt, will mt·Pt tnday at I n'c:lrwk for· lunch(·on at t h ~-' hom.. , , f :\I r '"'. H o h E' rt ,.. . lti t t) El mwooHl a vo·n tH'. Th e \\.ilnwt tt· !;apti:-;t church ·is locatt>d at tht· <'ol'llt'r nf \\'il mPtte and Fores t a Yen Ut>~. you. We are in a position to negotiate loans on Real Estate in this section at reasonable rates and on favorable tertns. :.:.1. at thP par.sonag-{'. Th' tht>mp of our mid-week Lenten n ·t·ssag-,· fen \\'PdnPscla:·. :\larch 24 ,,. ill bt·: "God Loves ." 'Thi:-; will be t lH· last of the series: ··ruttinr, God into nu r Observance of Lent. ' r-·- -·-----·1 I ! . : I I ~ I I I I I I 'I I I I i i Our Table d'Hote 75 cent I Peter 1 1says Paint, our expert decorator , " that if folks are required by law ~to protect their family's health and -morals and everything. that .1 law fought to be tnacted compelling folks to protect their property with paint. I ! I I I I I - I DINNER is the best buy for the money on the North Shore. The food is appetizing and satisfying. The servtce 1s courteous and quick. And the price IS unusually moderate. First National Bank of Wilmette · I I I · ~ j Wilmette Window Shade I ! & Paint Works ALFRED EVERS, Proprietor I Glass, Picture Framing, Mirrors and Mirror Resi.lvering and Art Materials.j I I 3 3 Central Avenue Phone Wilmttte 34 9 3 I I I I The Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy 1 i +