Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 9

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March 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 0 Name Attendants for St. John's Five the Munro-1'hompson Continue Great Wedding on April 3 Winning Streak Bdore the large st crowd of the sea~~ i ·s Elizabeth Munro has chosen as her attendants at her marriage to Ed- son. the St. John's lightweights enwin Russel Thompson, Saturday, April joyed a S\YCet revenge by handing 3. Mrs. E. Stanley Wisdom of Evans- J choYah church the sma ll end of a 24 ton as matron of honor, her sister, Miss to 17 score. The Yisitors recentlv shatPearl Munro, as maid of honor, and as ten~d the local team's record of conbridesmaids, Miss Lucille \\Test of Chi- sccutiYe ,·ictorics at sixteen, nosing cago, Miss Nellie Brown of Highland them out in an OYcrtime game by one Park, Miss Doris Woodcock and Miss basket. Ruth Anderson of \Vilmette, ' ~~iss Tuesday eyening the St. John team Betty \Vard of Young town. Ohio. and added mon· laurels to its sea on's ~{iss Ruthlca Harlan of Kenilworth. record by Yirtually clinching the chamThe hride·~ two sisters. J can and pionship of \Vilmette, trimming the Catherine ~~ unro. will he flower girls. Presbyterians. the only undefeated ~f r. Thompson's brotht"r. \\"illard C . team in the local league. Thomp. on, will act as his bt"~t man. and \Vith the championship at stake hoth , the ushers will he Loren Bollinger of teams played a careful defensive game DesPlaines. Charles D. Dean of \\"ash- during the first half with St. John's 1 ington. D. C .. Theodore Barr of \Vii- leading 21 to 16 when the period ended. mette. Frederick D. Tucker of Chicago. St. John's opened the second half with Frank ~filler of Chicag(l. the bride's a fla hY attack and pulled away to a cousin. E. ~t~nle~· , \Yi.sdom oi p:\'a~s- I commaiHling lead . . Final score. St. ton, and \\ 1lham S. Kill g. Jr .. ot \Vm- i ] ohn 's 41, Presbytenans 24. netka . · 1 St. John's is arranging two iast gamt·~ 1 -A glimpse into ~fis~ ~funro's en - ior next ~londay evening to he play ·d gagement calendar disclo!'es the foJlm,·- . in tht Ho\Yard . chool gym. All rag(" ing prenuptial affairs: ~larch 13, ~~is.;; i fans are inYited. Doroth\' and ~f i. s Ruth Anderson of \\'ilmet"te. gave a luncheon, bridg<:. and · ~r r . and '1f rs. f,ov F. France han: handkerchief shower at th(' ~orth returned to their home at 531 Laun·l Shore hotel; ~March 18. ~fi~s Dori ... aYenue from the Dixie goli trip,·spend \\"oodcock, a bridge and miscrllanec,lb ing li days touring the southern state:-- . ... hm,·er at her home in \Yilmcttt: : and ... topping at the ~[iami Biltmore \farch 20, 'Miss Lucille \Ve t. hosien ,JHI\\·er. luncheon and bridge at th.c- hot d. Cora 1 Gables, for a few day:-. 1Ia_ , ·Joi t in Evan~ ton : ~fa rch 2-t. '\f r.... -oF. Stanley \Visdom, luncheon. bridge. ~~ r-.. 1I. E. P(Jr< ·J1to (lt 901 Elmw( 1< ·<\ itnd shower at her home in EYan~ton: an~nue ""a' ho~tcss at a vanishing '\farch 27. the bride-elect is gi,·ing a lu_ncheon ior t)1e Ladies' Aid ncicn· luncheon for her attendants at the . <1t the ~fethod1st church Tlmrsda~ c;t ~<1\ l'r('ign hotel, and that same en·ning. ' Ja-.t \Yeck. '\f r. and ~[rs. Charles E. Thomp-..on. -otiH· hridcgroom's father and mnthrr.: '\Ir. and ~{rs. :\rthur D. \Yin~lc1\\ ,,j 'ill gin' a eli nne ·-dance inr the bridal ,,or, \\'a . hington an·nue motored tc 1 t·;trt~· at the EdgnYatcr Beach hntt·l: ( >nargo. Ill.. to pend last Saturday and \1 arch 29. '\!iss Xcllir flro,,·n will he ~unda,· \Yith their son. Doane, who atJJ,,..,t<.,s at a shower at her home in tt'tHb ·a militarv acadcm\' there. fli!!hland Park: ~farch 30. ~fi..:s Bett,· - -o- \\-arc! will gin· a luncheon: ~farch 31. ~fr:-. Fr d B. Cro-.. . lcY of 600 \\'a, hTnhn Cordon ~funro. the hridr-dcct', ington aYC'IHlt entertain.ed eight gut·'t' iathn. ,,·ill ~iYr the hridal dinn<-r in thv ;tt dinnt:r and bridge Tur:-day cYenit!g. \·t·tH·tian n~nm of the PalnHT hnu ... e: -0\farrh 31. '\ti..:. Jl·an .\. ~funro \\ill giYe The Rca(ling cluh m t Tue.;;cla,· :1 ;1 1 ,r ic1:t I t v a for h r r n i\.' c e at t h e ~ f 1111 r o \ f r ~. L e I;111 d V. Pi e r s o 11 at h e r -h c11 nc . ··c,idcnrt·. 1119 Elmwno<l aYenue . l\0-t. For :-t avenue. I NE of th~ sm,art creations of Spring to be seen at. The Tayl()r B ootery. A trint step-in of delightful si1nplicity in bois de Rose or Gray Kid. O Tuesday and Thursday Evenings Until 9 The Satisfactory Store TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 MAIN STREET Wilmette 385 l~t:;I'.·\II!I.:\<~ ,.,j Phones Wilmette 721 EXl'EH.T \VUHK; :!4-HO"CR. SERVICE 2600-2601 \\"ilm<:tte. 111. ~lain Street Motors Service, Inc. Everything for the Automobile Last week we told you about our new Eat More Vegetables! Come in and see what fine vegetables we have. It will ~urprise you to see the quantity. qualitv. and vanety. Green peas. string beans. wax beans, cauliflower, tomatoes, cucumbers. fresh rhubarb, lettuce. spinach. endive. celery beets. turnips, cabbages. new pot a tots! · Valve Grinding machine. It is fulfilling our greatest expectations: We can do better and quicker work than ever before at the same or SIDalle· Cost Tbaa advertised by the vanous Telephone. Wilmette 154or 1361 Se·viee Stadons J. C. Slown Lulias Brothers 1135 Central Ave. A. B. Van Deuaen

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