Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE Ma rc h 19, 1926 PLAN EUROPEAN TOUR Tom orr ow's Dance 1s , L ast Arranged New Trier High School Girls to Make Summer Trip Under Guidance of for Club Season Teacher Hot Cross . Delicious Buns! You ' ll surely want a doze~ or two of our Hot They have that Cross Buns for Good Friday. The activ i tie ~ of the \\'oman 's cluh of \Yilmette are not always concerned " ·ith th e . erious thing-s of life. and at intervals their prograln inclttd s hours dcyotrd sole h· to social plea:-;ure . Such an occasion· has been arranged for SaturdaY evening, ~larch 20. \\·hen the la~t of the dance s of the club's seasons occurs. At 8 :JO o'rlock, member s and their hu sbands, and guests will gather at the clubhouse, where the hostesses will be ).fr. and ~frs. L. F . .Gate ., ~Ir . and Mrs. John B. Boddie. 11r. and Mrs. he . ter D. Lawrence, Dr. and Mrs. H. 0. \ \ eishaar, :M r. and ~Irs . George E. \\'alk, Mr. and l\Irs. F. P. Proctor, and ~f r. and 1lrs. v.,;. J. King. "Eatmore" flavor that is irresistable, with a richness that indicates the highest quality. Phone in your order and we will make them fresh and hold them for you till you call. Member's Death Postpones Junior Auxiliary Meeting 0\\·ing to the death of ~[r:-;. Charles Baikv B lake. the Junior Auxiliary of the r'nfant \ Ve lfare society postponed its reg ul ar meeti n g arranged for ).{ondav. March 15. to 1 f onday, ~{arch 22. ~J rs. Paul L. Roche. chairman of the organization, says. "Thro u gh the death of ~ ~ rs. B lake, the J unior Auxiliary of the Infant \ Velfare soc ietY feels that it has lost one of its most i.ntert'stcd and act in: members." ).[ rs. T. E. Redman of 130() Chestnut an·nue ·\\·i ll he hostess for the meeting of the a u xi lian· ~~ onda\· afternoon, ~J arch 22. at 2 o\ lock. ass~sted hy ~1rs. G. Ross Stl'\\·ar.t and \frs . Carl E.\\ id ney. \frs. l'harle:-. F . H.oberh and iami ly of 1033 Crel'l1\\'0tHl an·nttL' returned to thei r home ~{arch 16. 'flH'\. have bee n in ~f iami, Fla. all wintl·r. The Dutch Oven 1129 Central Avenue Telephone 2998 G. C. Scheibe, Inc. GROCERY and MARKET 456-58 Winnetka Ave., Indian Hill, Phones Winn. 2525-26-27 Everybody knows this store for its quality merchandise; know it too for its extremely fair prices and dealings. Get in the habit of ordering by phone No. 2 Columbus Tomatoes . 2 cans .............. . No. 2 J'i Columbus Tomatoes. · per dozen ........... . Club House Strawberry Jams, per dozen ........... . Club House Raspberry Jams. per dozen ........ . No. 2 Centralia Corn . per dozen .... . ... . Sun Shine Krispy Crackers yellow tin ........ . . Ten north s hore girls, probably all pupils of };ew Trier High sc hool, will make a two month s' tour of Europe this summer, under the supervision oi ~[i ss Je ss ie 11. Sentney, teacher oi French at the high school. Mo s t oi tho se to be included in the party have already made their arrangement s, but there are a few place s left and ~1 is . Sentncy urges any who wish to jo in thi s ~roup to see her immediately as rc:-.ervation..; ior pas~age mu st be arranged iar in advance and it al so takt·:somc time to secure passport s. The group will leave New York Jun e 30 o n the S. S. Andiana and " ·ill arrin· .at Cherhourg on July 9, taking tht' train to Pari s , where a week will be pent. During thi s time ther e " ·ill he motor excursions about Paris and to Barhizon and Fountainbleu. There will also he excursions to the batt l e-field~ of Chateau Thierry, Belleau \\rood:and Rheim :-;. On July 1i the party will go to ~f ontrt·ux. from \\·here they wi ll make exrur:-ion;o; to Gene,·a, se at of the League of ::-\ation s. and other p lace:- . TuiY 20 thev \\·ill be at Inter laken on t 1H.: next da,. w iII 1eave for ~ f i Ian. w he rt' they .wi ll !'-pend a day, a f tcr which the\· will make a t\\·o dav s t op in Venice.· July 25 they will leave for F lorence. the Ita lian art center, where t h ey wi ll SJH'nd two day;-;, departing for ::\aple:- July 28. :\ fter two day s in Kaples they \\·ill ~pend f(,ttr (lay s in Rome. The party will he in Ctnoa Augu:-.t ~ . in Lucerne. S\\·itzerla n d. August 6, and in Stra:-.hour~ :\ ugu. t 7. after \\·hich the\· will go to Bru;-;se ls where they will ~pend t\\·o day:-; . Augu . t 11 , 12 and 13, they \\·ill he at The Hague and Amste r dam leav ing there t o arrive in London August 1~ for a " ·e ek's s tay . \\'hile in London thn· \Yill visit tht' Hou s e:-. of Parliamct~t. Buckingham Pa lace. \ Ye:-.tminister Ahhev an d mam· other historic plare~ . The-re will aJ..,;, he a three - cia\· motor tour to \Vind~or . nn August . 21 the part~· \\'ill . ail for .'\me rica f r < 11ll Lin: rpool. on the S. S. :\thenia . Tht.:v wi ll arrive in \fontrcal :\ugu ... t 29. S(·hool authorities are en tht!"'ia!--tic about the trip which will give the girls \\·ho join the party a chance to see Europe unfkr the guidance of an experienced teacher. ~fi s Sentnc-~ i.;; iamiliar \\'ith Europe having ..;p ~ nt much time t here. h wl 3. to P! hr ca Pi R B Tt C'l ~1 T t1 D in 111 F r 1 ll g 11 I) \ h ~ I I· il ~ I 1· \ h r ".; I r Lamb Patties, per lb. . .. ... 25c 60c $2.10 45c ................ 38 18c $3.95 C $3.95 $2.10 Sw;e: ;~;::e T~i.l~t. ~~:~r.'.. $1.25 29c ..... 69c Go~~r~~~· Meats 35C ......... 35c String Beans, per quart . . ....... Scheibe' s Special Coffee, per lb. . ....... . Fancy Bulk Coffee, per lb. . . ...... . Pie Plants, per lb. . For cleansing and softening the skin apply NYLOTIS COLD CREAM generously, working the cream well into the skin with a pinch, ing·kneading movement; wipe off with a soft cloth wrung out of hot water; then rub a little more cream into the skin. Do this regu· larl y for your complexion· s sake. Two siu.s--65c, J5C . ............... 6-7th Rib Roast of Beef, the very best, per lb. . . . . . . . . Ridge Avenue Pharmacy C. C. Renneckar Oppoelte St. Joeeph'· Church Ham Shanks, per lb. . . . . ISc Phone 316

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