March 19, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 7 1 rts "il. t ill' '(J: () I I c SALE ONE CENT SALE of ENAMELWARE With the purchase of a water pail or dish pan at thr, regular price of 99c you tnay take your choice of any other itetn of enatnel ware shown in our window for lc. The display includes such articles as dish pans, water pa~ls, several sizes of sauce pans, cups, etc. c SALE ·j :.- ht ta T · 1\ t ic L t'l All This Week a Special Display of to Ct . }1(· VOLLR ATH WARE Nationally advertised famous white kitchen· t:tensils As easy to clean as a china dish Does away with the drudgery of scouring and polishing pots and pans (, r {r. 't'l nd ) ( "f .i l 11 - ( '11 to t t· r- · Light tn Weight Easy to ·Handle 'l'he BEE-\ ~:\C 1~ a n1odern cleaner built to protect your energy and health. l·:yery u ~ er talks about its lio·ht \Yeio-ht h M ' its · case of handlino· h ' and its \YOlHlerful perfonnance. The tnaker~ k n c "" that needless \\·eig-ht and bu1k add nothing to dependable perfonnance, but do place a burden on \\'Olllan 's streng-th. llee- \ T ac gets all the dirt. Con1es con1plete ,,·ith all stan dard attachn1ents. Amazi;tg Way To Control Weight With a HEAL TH-O-METER Automatic Bathroom Scale-the ideal home scale-we offer this week only the remarkable SYSTEM OF WEIGHT CONTROL which has given thousands the easy way to weight reduction and to increased weight. With this SYSTEM and a HEAL TH-O-METER you can take off 20, 30, 40 or more pounds without starvation diets or violent exercises, drugs or other dangerous methods. I,n this same way you can build up weight so as to have beautifully rounded limbs, a lovely youthful body. FREE-This Week Only! The HEAL TH-O-METER is a small compact ::.cale that sets in any comer of the bathroom. It is accurate and reliable. It is handsomely finished in white enamel and nickled metal parts to match your bathroom. With this scale and the SYSTEM you can weigh just what you want. Come in and let us tell you ubou-. thi3 offer. Time is limited. Was $44.50 NOW $J7.5o She doesn·t GUESS- She Kf\ .JWS. MILLEN 1219-1221 WILMETTE AVENUE Telephones Wiltnette 3060-3061