Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Mar 1926, p. 6

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WILMETTE LIFE March 19, 192() Daylight Saving Time Voted By Our Trustees VOTE FORUM SESSION TRUE CIVIC MEETING Czarnecki to Arrive Converts Session into Discussion of Local Problems State Representative Lewis B . ~p ri1. ger was a guest at the meeting oi t il· ' \Vilmctte Forum for 100 Per Cent \ ·o~ ing, held at the Central Cafeteria ~1 01 1 dav evening of this week. · ~1 r. S p ri: ger gaYc a . hort address in whi ch ht told of hi s efforts to have a rc - furnt;t tion hill passed by the state kgi ~ latu rt·. This hill "·ould provide for the re-fo r( station of all lands not suitable ic·: farming and would in time restore lJl inois' yani shing forests. Other speakers on the program w e· · Enoch Steen, of the Playground Adv · sorv committee, Robert Stoddard. < the- \Vilmette Plan commission. H 8, King, of the Voting Forum ·and J. F Harper. ~uperintendent' of schools . Sponsors Recreation Plan AUNT LOU ASKS- ·Is Bread Baking a Lost Art? The percentage of bread baked by the housewife before the war was 40lfr. Now it is I o %. Do you ever long for the old fashioned home made bread our Mothers used to make, good hqme made bread was always made from what is called family flour, sold at your grocers. Not the flour you see quoted in the daily papers as jute or bakers. Good family flour at your grocers is worth over $I o per barrel and it is not all bleached, .1 few mills will not bleach their flour. Always notice when buying flour if the word "bleached" is branded on the sack. The govPrnment requires that this kind of flour of flour be branded bleached. Wilmette will observe Daylight Saving time this year as formerly. Action to that effect was taken by the Village board at its meeting held Tuesday evening, members voting to observe the same t~me schedule as Chicago. The Dayltght Saving- time will · go into effec.t ~larch 28 and will continue unt1l next October. On March 28, all clock s will he set ahead one hour, so that when . tandard time indicates · s o'clock in the afternoon it will onlY he -t o'clock hy sun time . The system oi Daylight Sa ~- ing has h~ comc so firmly c. tabhshed and ts so generally in fa \'Or ,vith urban reside,nts that the motion was made and carried merely as a matter of routine. If you want a big spongy loaf of bread, don't buy Aunt Lou's for I use family flour and it is nQt strong enough to rna~ a large or a white loaf. My bread is a solid well-baked beautiful loaf baked for almost an hour which makes it an expensive loaf as there is a loss of about two and one-half ounces in baking while you can bake bread in 1. 5 minutes with only a loss of one-half ounce. I am trying to give the people of Wilmette a real honest to goodness loaf of home made bread regardless of price. If your dealer does not handle it he will get it for you. For sale now at the following stores. Van Deusen, Kerevan, Klinge ~ White. Nic BlesH. Nick Borre, B. E. Busscher, Gerschefske.At luncheon hour this restaurant proves its popularity. Here is where the successful business men and women take their mid-day repast. Tempting Service CITY MARKET CO. 627 Main Street Phone: Wilmette 1870 1 MAC'S Bowling Lunch r A. M. to Midnight 59 Wilmette Avenue 1 I Steen told of the comprehcn~ i ' t plan for community recreation whi ci. ha. been developed hy the commit H·t and urged that all n::--ident:-> vote "yt . . .. on the propo~ition for \Vilmettc to come under the State Playground Act. ,,·hich will be put on the ballot at th<Spring- election. ~1 r. Stoddar<l told (· T the " 1 rk of the Plan commission. ~[ r. King- issued an appeal t(1 ,·oters to gt·t out and vote at the village election and at all other election:->. and ~f r. 1Iarpe r told of the recent sttrvev of the \\.il mett e school sv. tem ;u;d the rc.: rom mcnda tions which gre\\' out of it. In the course of the meeting a re . . (llution from the Civic committee oi tlw \\.ilmette Chamber of Comml·rcc com plete]~· endorsing the 100 per cent vot ing psogram of the Forum, \\·as prt sentcd and read. This resolution. with comment. will he found in another col umn of thi . is . ue of \VrL:'-tETTE LrFJ·:. Anthony Czarnecki Chicago ell'rti< 11 1 commi~sioner. who wa~ ~rhl·dulccl to speak at the meeting, an·in·d t()cl latt· to take part in the program. \f r . ( ' ra rlll'cki was detained in Chiral!<l ll\· lnt.; itH'"" and thought that ther~' WOUld lw a long program ahe;td oi hi . . addrt·. . ..,. Thl' m<'eting \\· a~ \\ell attcndecl. ~r r" . Kt: rry C. \I eaglll'r ha:-; rl't urlll·d to \ Yilmct te and reopened hn h(lml' at 716 Central avenue . ~Ir. Wholesale-MEATS-Retail Shopping Here Is Pleasant and Profitable. Below-A Few . -------------------------------------------------------- --------·-- Specials for Friday &Saturday March 19 -20 Young Roasting Chickens ··· 42c Lean Pork Loins, half or whole 29V2c Roast Beef, boneless Rolled Rib, no waste 42c Spring Lamb Legs, - - - - 33c Armour Star Hams, half or whole 32 Y2c Weinberg Bros. banker Brand Scalded Hens 40lf2 Special Order Work We specialize in resetting of diamonds. Our long experience with Spaulding ~ Co. assures you of very fine workmanship at moderate cost. We also do fine watch and clock repautng. Armour Cloverbloom Butter · SOc Wilmette, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Winnetka Four Daily Deliveries: 9 a. m.-11 a. m.-2 p. m.-4 p. m. Dominic. Pagliarulo 1166 Wilmette Ave. Jeweler and Optician Phone Wilmette 1061 *~***~*~*~~*$~~~~~$~~** . ... . . .. . ..' . ·~· . .. ·~· ... .. ... ... .. . . . ... .. . ... .. .. .. . .. . ... ... ... ...

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