IZ WILMETTE LIFE March 12, '1926 . M~ : II RAYMOND I J. ROTH CORRESPONDING AGENT United States Lines White Star Line Red Star Line Atlantic Transport Line · White Star Dominion Line Panama Pacific Line Leyland Line Motor Touring C~eates ·Rise in Typhoid Fever Pointing out that typhoid f ·ve r prevalence in Illinois. in 1925 w~1" -r:· percent greater. tha!t tt'l 1924 _atH~ t!l ;\' automobile tounng mcreased 111 tmtb porportion, I~r . J ~a a: D. H.~wlin g state health dtrector, ~:-,sued thts \H Ll ~ prctouring sea~o.n. war.ning· to Il l·, torists advising- ngHI ~anttary pnTa u tions against thi~ disea se. The 2,13 1 cases of t .\ 'l)hoid in the ~tate la-,t yl'; L cost tht.· victim~ thl' tidy !'>Ul11 of h al a million dollar~ plu ~ 326 lin:~ . lc ,...,~· wholly ,and easily prn·entahll', l~t· rt port.. "From a ~i p of ""at rr in otH· rotm1' r.n Wl'aJth to ~t.' \' l'J"l' i1JtH'S S in tllH1t!J \' ' seem~ a far cry." ~;Lid Dr . l~awlin g' "hut la ~ t \Tar ~i-x ra~e-; of typho id fen·r in 111t"noi -, .\\t'fl' traced tiJ p(lllutl' d drinking \\'at n i 11 a I it t k India 11 a t' ·\' 1. from \\·ht·nrl' till' di ... t·;l..,t' :-)1f\·acl .int ' ei~ht :-.tate~ . F ur t'lt t· mo--t p:trt t ::· citv <hn·lh-r-. in lllin oi:- ha,·e ~ail' \\·att·r at -honw l1ut \\'hen tlll'y '"l'lltttr\' ;\wa~ on l>u--inl·-.:- t1r plva ..; url' trip :- tht: ~t·ll diti(ltb an· in·q\tt:n tly altugl'ther dii ferl'nt . " .\ Jl( ·t her t·piclt- mi r oi t Wl'll t Y· \T ca:-l'~ Ja -, t n ·ar \\'a-. tracl'd to runtam inatt·d fo<;d 'l·rvl'cl at a conlmttn it ~ hanqut·l \\'hich \\a:-. macli.: po....,..,ihlt· ~ ~~· automohih· tran-.p o rtati o n . 01w of the \\'D t1lt.' l1, an intwrent carrit·r of t _ \ phoid. infected otH' oi thl' menu itt·nb during preparation . ;. GoinK to Europe! Cruises-Tours to All Parts of the World Complete Travel Information Phone Wilmette 14S·J Frederick E. Lewis Resident Miss Mary Sprague ~fis:-. ~iary Sprague, daughter of ~lr. and ~lr:-.. Richard P. Spragttl' of 1036 Isabella ~treet, returned from the universit \' of Illinois on:r the past week-end to announce her engage ment to \\'illi am ]. Ferris, so n of ~lrs. F. ~f. Ferris of 2779 Prairil' aYcnue, J·:yan~ton. r, NORTH SHORE Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, has had twei'lty-one years of SUlCessful service in this field. The best testimony to their careful, courteous, ;1nd conscientious work comes from those whom they have served during their residence on the North Shore. All calls will be personally attended to by Mr. Lewis, who is the only funeral director residing in New Trier Township. Very Latest in Modern Limousine Equipment Central Avenuf WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmette 3 55 2 Home phone, Wilmette 3 55 2 1 1 20 The engagement was announced Saturday e\·e ning at an informal party at the Sprague re :-; idencc ·upposingly gi·ren in honor of ~li ss Blanch Dollings, 11iss Sprague's roommate and sorority ~ister, of B nton, JIJ., \\'ho \Yas her house guest. ~V ~. C~or .t.: v B. J I.\ i Ill'.., h :t... ro nll · irom Chtcago ior Pl ll indl'finitl' . tay at the h()mt· oi lll·r :-on-in-la\\' and d a t1 g h t l' r ' ~I r. a 11 d ). I r... . 1·: a r 1 rat ( Ill Bigt: lo\\', HZo Park :1 , . t ·11 \1(' . -o- Mr s. Hctu\· F. ~lt·ini!CJ!l (If 171-t \Vilmcttc a Yc-ntH.· C(' ll'l,ra t t·d her birth· 1[ r. and Mr s. Leroy 11 in or t.·n tcr - day on Tue sda _ , .. ~f ;1rr h 'J. l~y ·t!,ivin~ taincd 16 gU('~ts at dinner and brid ge a bun co p ar t y i()r a gro up o f lwr at their homt· \a.-.t Saturday n ·e ning. friend s. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A FREE SAMPLE ,----The Greatest Offer . 1 We Have Ever Made! ONLY $200 oowN for the world-famous Grand Prize uu~~ COTTAGE CHEESE \Vhipped in Pure Cream You 'II never in the world know how downright good Cottage Cheese can be until vou tlste Dixie. Dixie Cottage Chase possesses distic.ctive quality. Ic is pasteurizedWhipping in pure, it is richer- of fuller flavor and finer texture. fresh cream gives Dixie North Shore Cottage Cheese inimitable smoothness and deliciousness. Try it. It w:ill prove a prime favorite with the whole family . Get your FREE sample from any of the following grocers: (;.-nthnt·rl'll \\' llnaf"ttf" I' The opportunity of a lifetime t Get a brand new, genuine Grand Prize Eureka Vacuum Cleaner for only $~.00 down! This astonishingly small down payment puts this &reat cleaner right in your own home-and extremely easy terms will quickly make it yours. Think of it! I i I I GREAT SPECIAL TERMS Offer Positively Ends Complete aet of 11 $8 50 March 31st But you muat hurry I This astonishing special terms educational offer ends soon. Upon request we will deliver a brand new Eureka with ' complete attachments for FREE trial. Then, if you decide to keep them, pay only $2.0t> down. Act now-and enjoy many, many years of the beet homecleaning service money can buy I · High Vacuum" Attachments :u ... at FREE at Ul7 time) llarket Drlnkmaa'a Groe~ry (;roe~ry \ aa Ue01u·a {irocery iichloa·er'· Grocery Bn11t Bn4 Market with e&ch Eureka purchaaed . (Tiaia offer ma7 be withdrawD Write, Phone or Ot;~ll Today North Shor· e ·F ood Products Co. 427-429 S. Morgan St. Chicago EUR. E KA VACUUM ·· . ·CLEANER CO. 1235 Chicago Ave., Evanston Phone Greenleaf I 7 34 TRADE IN YOUR OLD CLEANER ;, ~iJI be panted on Liberal all~~an~e the purchaae of a Grand Prize Eurek·--... ...,. . .....