March 12, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 11 I I At the L ·;b·ary ' , ·1the inevitable expression of humanity's · desire for th(\t rhythm and harmony which - when realized-we term 'beauty'." Another in the same field is "The Small House Primer," by Bonta, giv ing the underlying principles of satisfying construction in homes. We reccommend "The Romanti ~· .Nineties," by Le Gallienne, a fascinat ing record of his literary friethbhip,:;. "Woodrow Wilson," by William Allen White, was a very able and fair biography of a much-debated man and we are sure that his "Calvin Coolidge" will be as much read as his for.:tl't biography. Josephine Preston Pea body has had a unique place in AmL·rican letters and her "Diary and Letter~" will enable us to understand her c1rt and charm. Other books arc "Ethics," l>y Oe\VL'Y: "Greek Philosophy," hy Taylor; ":\cs Aspech of Politics," hy ~I erriam; "Industrial 'hemistry," edited h~· Allen l~ogers; "~laking Your Bazaar Pay," hy Hurt; and "Thl· !->anchatantra." ----------------· By MISS ANNE L. WHITMACK All new hooks are important to a lihrary- just · as the new bahy is important to its family-and we take pride in an~wuncing our new arrivals. Henrik Van Loon achieved fame with his "Historv of Man kind" and he is rapidly },ec~ming- famous for his last hook, "Tolerance." Another hook that is a plea for open-mindness is "Why \Ve Behave Like Human Heings" by Dorsey, written in a jazz style but well worth while. "A ~fodern Sympo~ium," by Dickinson, is not a new publication hut its ideas are ~o admirably expressed in so ft·w pagt.:s that every one shoul.d read it. E~says an· !>erha p:-. t hL· most illuminating things that one can read to tind out another's intellectual processes. The picture we get of \V . C. Brownell in ~1is "French Traits" (remarkable a~ that hook is in itself) is ENTERTAIN FOR NURSERY entirely different from that of G<. ""lrge The Evanston Dav :\ursery i:-. th · Jean ~athan as )!iven in his "Auto - beneficiary of t\\·o ,.;;nishing luncheon · ! iography of an Idea." "Table Talk" given by \Vilml't te<'~. Friday oi hy George Bernard Sha\v is just a. la:-.t \\'eek . ~fr:-.. G. Ross Stnvart and entertaining as any of hi~ plays. ).Irs. Paul Soule entertained in thi~ Archibald Rutledge describes a little manner. and next \\' ednc~da ,. :\1 r:-. . T. known South in his "Days Off in R. Thompson and :\1 rs. I. Barrett Dixie," the storv oi wild life and Scarborough wi II add a not hl·r link to sport in the Ca~olinas. Franck has the chain. added to his list of notable travel hooks in "Roving Through Southern Tuesdav oi thi:-. ,,·eck. ~Irs. \\'. :\. China ." Powell continues his African \\'aidner ~of 1046 Greenwood a\·enuc travel studies \\·itl"L "The ~fap That Is and ~fiss \\'aidner oi 1048 Lake an·Half Cnrolled.-" nue entertained at a ,·anishing- lunch "The Significance of the Fine .-\n~·· eon Tuesda\· at the iormcr's home ior i . . an unusuallv able hook on architcc- the benefit -oi the Ladies' Aid . , cit t.' · t ure and allied- art..... "This hook" of the ~~ etlwdist church . that the fine arts arc not the result~ -omerely of man's attempt to decorate ~1 r and ~1 r:-. . 1. K. Stun~r. 1044 :\:-.h a life which must he lived without un-,land .. venue. left \Vednesday for a two derstanding but that they are rather or three week:-.' ~tay in Pinchur:-.t. ;\. C. No Extra Expense · No Incidentals Including Pullman berth. Round trip R. R. Fare, Meals on Train. first class Hotel Accommodations, Rooms and Meals, Deep Sea Fishing Trip, Motor Trips and all incidental expenses even to "tips" and cigars. Absolutely nothing to buy. clu~es 1 " .>l The Itinerary in· Tampa. Flori· da' s Largest City: St. Petersburg. the Sun· ~ \ shine City: Tarpon Springs, the Venice of America. and Clear· , water, the tourist mec· \ ca of the West Coast: ,__ ___..._ also the famous Gandy Bridge. ····,.. ·oo· roo· w·u.· - It's Springtime all .._~--::-__ the time in Florida ---Let'sGo! Get Away from ley \\'inter Blasts for a FeuJ Days-Con1e to Florida and Get "Sunburned~~ Bathing - - Dancing - - Fishing - - Golf - - etc. Phone or \Vrite for Detailed Circular to C. C. HENDERSON I 1409 Chicago Temple Building . Telephone State 7304 Chicago Hundreds of Wilmette Women Know the Style and Comfort of This Retnarkable Shoe SPECIALS li'or Saturday It will pay you to shop at 1135 Central Avenue next Saturday. We're going to ~ave a special sale on nice fresh California Asparagus, delicious Strawberries, New ·Potatoes a n d tooth· some mushroorrts. Telephone W ILMETTE WOMEN can choose the newest Spring models of the Arch Preserver Shoe here at Taylor's Bootery. The shoe that adds to personal charm because it makes possible a graceful poise. And comfortable feet result logically from wearing it. Its c~oncealed built-in arch bridge and flat inner sole keep the feet healthy as well as smartly styled. The Satisfactory Store TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 Main Street Wilmette 385 Rep4iring-the finest high-grade work; 24-hour service Wilmette 154 or 1361 Lulias Brothers 1135 Central Ave.