Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 44

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WILMETTE LifE March 12, 1926 CITIZENS.HEAR STORY OF VILLAGE PROGRESS Village Attorney Jackson Recounts Difficulties of Past: Urge Annexation \\' ilmette pa s t. present and future, wa~ drpi r t cd hy · tlw s peaker at the Better Chi zc n s ' lliL'r tin g h e ld at the Ouilmette Count r y club Tue sday evenin g of thi s \\·cck. \ T ilfagc Pre s ident Earl E. rner. :-chedulcd to be the principal speake r. wa s unable to be. pre ent o n account < · illne ss . Charle s H . J acksnn. Yilla g e attorney. s poke in his plart.. ' . and t old the large a ssemblage nf what had been d o ne in the villag~ and oi what wa s yet to be accom plis hed . larence E . Dr~n· er. chairman of the Countn· club Ci,·ir committee, acted a~ chairman. and opened the meeting by int roducing 1\f r. ] ackson who gave the hi s tory of the village from ib beginning-. Faced Many Problema \\' ilmettc face d many p rob lems in its ear ly days and en·n in comparatively recent t imes, he said. Ahout 20 years ago it w a . ,,·ith great difficulty that v ill age authori t ies were able t o get th e st ree t s paved. The confirmation ol the a:-.ses . m ents fo r this p u rpose wa s St. John's Cage Teams f oug h t bitte rl y by p r op ert y owners, an d t h e n a r ro w ness o f some of the to Meet Chicago Champs stree t s in dica tes t he re lu ctance of t he St. Joh n's basketba ll teams arc ofre s id e nt s to spe n d money for this pur- fe r ing th e biggest attraction of tin' p ose. . cason Mo t.t d ay evening. March 15. at ~ r r . Jackson aid that in the earlv the Howard schoo l gym. The light part o( the present cent u ry \ Yilmcttc;s and h eavyweight aggregations rl'p sew er" were inadequate to car r y off resenting Christ church of Chicat!o. th e w ate r during heaq· rainstorms. .viii furnish the opposition. The visitorTh e r es ult w as th at basements all over are Chicago champion s in their dit he Yill agc were flooded and m uch \·isions and are t\\'o of the fastc:-.t damage and in cott ve n ience resulted. chu r ch teams in the city. St. ] ohn ';; Yet. when a new and larger ~ewer for lights have not once bowed in defeat thi' purpose was proposed the im- on their own floor and ~[onday' s ·game pro,···· · .1t wa:-; fought hy many perpromises a real battle. The first gan~e son' hegins proru ptly at 7 :4 .~ o'clock. All Faced Long Litigation ca~e fath arc urgently invited tn \\'itIn citing some of the acrompli:-.h- ne"s the contests. m e nt s of t he present admini~tration 1-f r . J ack~on pointed out the opening Government of Haiti of ~en n teent h st n ·et. Litigation con cerning- this street has been going on Demands Dodge Cars since 1892, he said. and it was only Commander C. S. But ler, s anitary withi n the past few months that the engineer of Haiti. has placed an order legal battle was won. with Dodge Brothers dealer in Another arrompJi..,hment of recent Port au Prince for a fleet of Dodge Ye<u=- wa-, the in~tallation of the ne\\' Brother~ rar~ and Graham Brothl'rs ornamental l'lectrir lighting sy..;tem. trucks to be u~ed in sanitan· \\·ork on b u ilt at the cost of nearly $300.000 and the i~land. according to ii1formation put into operation last Augu:-;t. The recei\'ed hy Dodge Brothers, Inc., relig-htin!..! ~\· :-.tem i.., al"o operated hy the cent lv. The order include 16 Graham Yil1 age t his year, and. according to ). I r . Brnt hers 1- ton cha:--si": 1 ~fode l FB J ackson, it appears that the co~t will :-.take hodv: 3 Do<ke Brother:-; tourin!..! fall within the e:-.timate of ap - cars and iDodl.!e Brothers screen:-.. The proximate!~· : l R,OOO . The Yillage un- tleet. a:-. soon <l~ delin' red, will di . ; place dertook to operate it:-~ mvn li;.:-hting trucks of anotlwr makr \\'hich have system to obtain data on the co:-t so been u-,ed by the sanitary departllll'llt that. in the event a contract to oper - oi J [aiti . ate "'a" let to one of the se\·eral companit·s which . ubmitted bids. the hoard Clergy to Be Guests at of trustl'c . would be ab le t o act inNext K. of C. Gathering tell ige n tly in the matter. Explains Tax Increase Ouilmette council. Knight.. oi Colum).1 r. Ja...:k on explained the increasl' bus, \\'ill ohsern~ "Clerical :\ight" T ues in taxl' ..... pointing out that of the 7H day evening, ~larch 23. at ih regular nnt increase the Yillage had added meet in~ in ( ><ld F<·llo\\ . . · hall \\'iln1ette. ( ·n h · thrt·e rt: nt-... . ).Ion· than half of On that occasion pastors and their as t he. inc r ease goes to the \ \'ilmette ~istanb in the \'arious Catholic churches ~rl 1 ·oJ.., and to ~e\\· Trier high . clwol. iti the tl'rritory· irom \\'ilmettc to l lig h Othn taxing hodit·.., ~uch a-, tlw ~tall' wood. inclu~in:, \\'i ll h t: :-.p<.'cia l gue~ts. and r ounty are abo rnpon:-.ile for a The purpo"{' of this mt·eting is to bette r part of it. acquaint the cll'rg~·n1en \\ ith Knights ).fr . Jark..;mt's ~pl'ech \\as foll<nn·d !lt Columbus actiYitil':-., it i.., explained. J.y a talk l)\· Rohert Stoddard, ui tIll' \\'illlll'tte I ian ClllTlmi-.....,ion. ). f r. ~tud OFF TO NASSAU dard t old of the efforts oi a form~-r 1\Ir. a nd Mr s: Oti s H ea th of 2U3 unot11cial plan cummi . . ..,ion to -,hape .t l\idge a\·enuc. Evan:-.ton, leave F rid aY <idinite pla n for the Yillage. Th is p ian for a trip to N ass au. They wilt wa" greeted co ld ly at t h e t ime by th e away a bout t h r e e w ee k s. On the ir r e...,idents at la r ge and by the c on- r e t u rn th ey will stop in Newa rk , N . J ., :..en·atives on the \ .illage hoard of that f or a d ay's vi it \v ith Mrs. H ea th's time. H e ~ aid that it wa . a good plan. fa the r. 1-frs. Heath wa s formerly Mis s howcn~ r . and sh ould ha ve been a d op t - E liz a b eth stolp of Kenilworth. ed. He a lso spok e of the need for playgr ounds. Hopes for New Annexation The acq u isition of t h e 1,500 acr es of land lying to the west of the vill age \\'as strongly urged by NI r. Stoddard. He said that he hoped a petition for annexation would be submitted to the ,-illage in time for a vote at t he coming ' Pring election. The annexation of this territory is essential in order that \Vilmette ma \' control the development of the hind. he said, and if it is not taken by \:Vilmcttc it will pro bably be ann e xed by either Evan ston or Glenview. He pointed out that if the land is n o t annexed a . ituation s imilar to that occurring in the strip of ounh· land between \Vilmette and Kenilwo~th might ari s e, with even wor se result s. The third speaker of the evening wa s Hoyt King. who gave a brief talk on the importance of a 100 per cent vote . Duringthe meeting mu sic was furnished by the Fbridan s, an orche -;tra composed of \Vilmettc youth s. The meeting was s ponsored by the Ouilmctte ountrv club ivic committee, and wa. helct' for the purpose of acquainti ng residents and \·oters of the work t h at h as been done in the village hy the present administration. it \\'as explained. four clothes washed free if you ring us Electrical R~pairing Radio Sets and Suppliet Eve ready " 8 " Batteries Music Master Loud Speaker& Base Plugs Insta lled Fine Lin,. of Lighting Fixtures E A!i '-.~ _ _ ""A51-IER ~upjex'- Vacuum Electric ~ Adams Electric Shop Fou rt h Street Phone Wilmet te I 04t.: ----------------------------------~-----------------~ Established 18 54 C. H. JORDAN . & CO. Funeral Directors for 7 2 Yeats Jordan Funeral Service plan reduces the cost of funerals considerably '6 I 2 D avis St. P h one Universit y 449 W ilm ette Office Phone W ilmette 335 4 CHICAGO z oo E . Erie St. Ph ones Superio r 77 09 - 7 7 I o ·---------------------------------------------------- ' ,. · PALACE CASH PHONE MARKETPHONE UniY. 2720 Univ. 2720 THE HOUSE OF GOOD MEATS ·~ . I 1559 Sherman Ave., Evanston Very Best Bacon (Sliced) ~lbs. $1.25 1) ~ Boston Boneless Leg of Lamb Very Best Sirloin Steak 29lf2c Fresh Sweetbreads 45c Choice Pot Roasts 65c Hind Quuters 19lf2c b e I Sp·ing LaJDb, lb·....... ..... ~ Headquarters /or Fresh Dressed Poultry or 2. 2,1 L e 72

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