WILMETTE sa rtlffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNUIIIIIIIIIIUIHtllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlt~ LIFE March 12, 1926 Epworth league, Sunday evenings at 6 p. m. Leader, Luella Burrows. Topi~: "Verbf' of Christian Livin~·-To Have. Bov Scouts. Monday evening 7:30 ;>. m.· ::\ir. Willard Osburn, leader. Junior ,Roy Scouts meet Thursday ever~ing, 7 p. m. Uirl Scouts. Troop 3 and 4 meet Tuesdav aften ·>On, 4 o'clock at the t·hurl'h: and i ' tht· weather is favorable, pn~ pare 'ot· a hikt>. Attf'ndan<.·t> 4 COl() Will !Jt' takf'H . 1:irl ~kouts . Tt · oup~ 1 and 2 meet \\'dlttt·sday afternoon at 4 p. m . Juu,ur l'h 1i1· rt'he:u-sal Haturday atterlloon at -1 . l'hoir t·ehearsal Thursda) \t·Jiings at S. = I ~ 1 Our Spring and Summer I· ~{odes . ! ~ ~ Dr. Stansell will preach at the sunday morning service, 11 o'clock. Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Departments for all ages. The March meeting of the Young \\'oman's Missionary society will ' be ht·l<l at the home of Mrs. Stoker, 72 Abbottsford road, vrtnnetka, Tuel:lday vt-ning, Marl'h 16. Tht- program will ue in eharg·e of Mrs. I .. ucille Stokt>t' Bauka and Miss Mabel Teal. Those who wish to go :-~hould meet at the \\' ilnwtte avenu-e station of the No!'th Shu· e Electric, whert> automobiles will nwt-t them. 1'his is the tim to bring iu the Lenten OtTering. Ladies please note! The \.Y oman'. · Home Missionary meeting· will be at the home of Mrs. Angelbeck, 1630 Walnut avenue. Mrs. Walton and Mrs. <'olvin will assist. Catherine 13ickhalll and Ruth Miller will sing a duet fot· us. Our chapter will be prt'!H'nted IH· ~Ins . Daniel Stecker. Miss Anna l it·istad from Marcy Center will be lht· SJH·aker of the aftt·rnooll. All are Wt ·lt·ometl. Lenteu <linnet· confert-ll<'t>, Wedll':.' ~.;day evening· at 6:30 p. m . The third of the five dinner conferences in .\la . l'll . There will bt· a g·ood speaket· :tntl good music. Tht Friendly Circltw II s<·rve the dinner. Heservation:-; .; h ,>ultl he made through the Church ,tli<-<·. \\'ilmett{' 234~. Every organizaiP" ; " 1 h1· chureh is invited to have a table and to promote Its intere~ts . . Ch h U[C M etb~d1St in Children's and Boys' imported and domestic socks I j :: w::r:Yonf=e ~=:~ S:::::::· you find such beautiful selections You will be delighted with the exclusive patterns 1 ~ I ~ I E ! ~ CLOSE FOR RENOVATIONS Room at Winnetka will be clost.·d f::>r t hrec days, ~~ arrh 22. 23 and 24, for n·no\'ation ,; , it wa'> announccu thi~ week. The catin·~ place i~ to n· -opeu March 25 under a n('W namt.·, it i:-. said, thou)..dl und,:r tht.· pn·:-. t.·nt management. ~I r. and ~~ r :-.. E. 1.. ~cheidenhdm and their daughter. ~1 i!'ls Joy, and ~~ r. and \l rs. George Kibby ha \'c returned to \Vilmette aftt·r a ti\'e week:-.' abscnct· in California. -0- 'fill' Lilac Tea ~ ~ Reasonably priced I ~ ~ ; ~ Pmt 1608 ·INC· & PIPER I ~ ~~~~~:6N~~L~I~Q'{S Street CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS I I I § ~ - Mrs. d'Aix and :Miss Clara Belle Russ returned from ~l'\\' Ynrk \Yed - 1aNIIIIIIIIIItlltlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllltUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1ttlllllll>" ncsday . --------------~--------------------------------------------------- For Your Added More than 1,000 People Dine at The Plaza Each Sunday WHY? There are 7 reasons-7 days t. tn the week. "home- on ~·~n1ence . Because of the delightfully cooked" food. prepared 2. Bec·use of the variety offered-there is ample selection for every taste. tion in ordering-you see choose them afterward. things first and 1· Because you do not need to use your imagina- Aailrood1ickets Jo any deslinallon tlf/hl ol you, 4· Because there is no waiting for service, before or after being seated. No waiting between courses. 5· Because of the cleanliness everywheretables, the dining room. the kitchens. 6. Because the surroundings are so pl~asant attractive.* the and HOME STATION Next time you tra-.-el, just call on or phone the agent at your home C. & N. W. station. He will get your tickets for you, wherever you will want to go. Make sleeper reservations. Check your baggage. Furnish· all information you need and help you plan your trip. He is there to serve you. Feel at Eberty to call upon him at any time. 4f{o ft~~d IO go to th~ City. 7· Because of the e..cceptionally economical prices. You cannot be extravagant at The Plaza. And (here are no extras. ·'! he nookwood Room is a part of the Lihr·ar·y l'la.._a Cafete. ta. All who wish al'e priviltged tv tline in this bL·aUL1f11l new room. ll BRARY PLAZA CAFIETE. R IA Orrington Avtnue. just South of Church Strut j·st phone E. B. Orner Ticket A·ent, C. & N. W. Ry. Wilmette, Ill. Telephone · in tht Library Plaza H ottl ·