Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 33

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192(5 the a~ ~~rch 12, 1926 · · }~n· ryone WILMETTE is invitecl. Get your reservation into the ollice. LIFE 1 1 DR. ARTHUR H. TUTTLE DR. ALICE D. TUTTLE ~- ~13 Central Avenue Osteopathic Pbyaiciua Residence and Oft\ce Plaone 300 Congregafional· Church l\Ti n i!;tl· i·::;: Stl·phen .A. Lloytl W . .J...:. ':\1<: 'fH'mack 'l'he \V01nans' gu·il.(l, :\In;. L. L. l't·rry, pn·sidt-11 t, will hold an all-da:· lllt·,·ting o.11 Frida , ·. ThE> ('pntral aveI:Up <.·in·Jp ' \\'ill hav · <'haq.~··· of th .. lun<:ht :on, and imn1c·diat"l~· following· llw lun <·h··on will <.·orHiu<.:t a Stvl<> Show. I ,rH·<tl 1···ady- to- v>··ar ,o..;h1~p~ , , iII ftll'lti~ll t IH· gil \\' Irs a1111 !fats \\' hi<·lt will lw tli;-;pla~·~..·ll i1.\· ll11· 1110il· ·ls. v kinK ·ssh.; tomr· :nuP, :\fr~ . Th e Young· P ·op l e's choir meets for rt·lwarsal at 7 o'dock 'l'hursday veIling·. Port ~ r "·arr~ngton H ·ap!:>, di\Voman's Busin ·ss antl club of 'Vilmettl· will' lr1dd it'!; rq.~· ular monthly dinn e t· and · 11w..ting at this C'httr<'h, Thut·sda y :d t. : :~o p. nt. Thf' Young l'rol't·t;sltJll<\1 Advertisement Brings Quick Property Sale Fr ank H. Ga th e r coal , of 607 Ma in s·reet, \ Vi lmet te, w ho is han d lin g Hoyt King's new sub-division ou t at Glenayre, ..,old the first lot Sunday to H('nry H. :\hegg, of \ Vi lmettc, and i: anticipating a ,·c ry active market 111 thi:-. tH'\\ . . L·cti(m. ~ 1 r. Gathercoal\ first ad,·trti~enH.·nt on the n~:w propL· rt y apPl'art:d in \ \ ' 1un:rn: L1F1-: last ·Fridav. Th (· i ullo\\'i n g- Sunday. ~r r . A begg, who h: d t hl' ad n: rt i~L·nten t boug-ht the first lot and inf~Jrmed ~lr. Gathcrcoal that ht: rould crL·dit the t.Hh·crti..,l'mt:nt with tlw .. alt-. <hit wa~ thl'rt: he learlll'd of tht· at tractive offer. ~· . ·r. [)(Jk·· avl ·wil l ·~. I. tllf" t II· l!-- idII'.!--- t· II I)- English Lutheran t;J't ·t- ll!t·af and Ht~\·enth \\' illiam <;uise, pa sto 1 ·. :-;, . n · il'v~ f111' ~Iar<"h 1-t: "TIJ,. :'llt·ss:rgt· of Jonah to l'.'in ·n·h :t! td to tht· ~lodl ·1·11 \\'orl1l " will btl thv ! I· !Ill' at tht> wot ·:-:h ip hour. The prob' 111s r1f this uniqut· book and th l· mod··r·ll ist attitude toward the· samt· will lw ·: llUIIJt·ratt·d and diseusst·d. How,. ,·, .:·, t.h·· chic·f ~·ntphasis will l.>t· g-in'n to t lit· golden th1 · 1lJV o( t;od's altOun<.lillgand llH: n·,· frJr all m ·tt. Thi s i :-- t I k . · h i ·· f g I or y 1; f t he IJ IJ o k o f J o 11 a h :c11tl f(ll' \\'hit'11 r ·t·:t~r,n lht· writi11g- may 1.. · c·:t llt ·d (till· "r lht· bl··ss··d gospt·l. 11( t Ita l l]d Tt·s t :llllt;,.llt . ~New Floo111 LAID AND l . Tht · S\':t S··r·uts lltt ···t Fr·id:t\' ' ,., 11i11g at 1 : 1:-. . l ·:w:trt C'~~td\., :-:kippc:.r. 1 Jrt !-'at unla\ al t··l'JIIIOII at I (J·,:I<H'I\ tlr·· c'anrp Fir ·; . girls Jllh ·t. ~Ii:-o:-: l'aulint· l'c·ttilJ,rJt·, guardi:tll. d· ·]f'~ SURFACED OLD FLOORS I l if I th· · .llltJiiJI' S:lturd:t l't · h· ·ar:-: al :tl I o't·l·wlo\ , . , ·c· rtittg. dir····L· ·d b . ' · tit·· H1 · \·. \\'. 1 ·:. · ~JC'( '··I'IJI<tt·k a:-:~i:-:t··d '" .:\In; . L . J.'. (::rtt ·~ :trttl :\li:-:s Htrtl, f';;ld\\'t·ll. l'iroir llltal'llilt~ ) I· ttI :-;lllitl:t _\ flal'lllll ' l t:-- ··I' tit· · !-'t·!'\io·t·!--. .\JJ dt ·~·llur·· ·ll :-:··ll··'ol ),.·gin J·r···lttJal 1.' .tl !t ·:: 11 Sttrtd :l.\ "'"~"' i IJI..!.. and til· · , ·.,,.,. llartt · ·l: t:--~ will IIH · ··t Ill'. Lloyc! ill til· · :-'l·lll~ :1t the · ~:tlllt· h11UI'. Tl~t .lur ti ··r · t'ltlt:..!l'· ·:..:: ttt"li "ill .ts~ ·· 11 Ji, It- : t t I 11 : :; 11 t h is 111 ', r 11 i 11!..! i 11 t II· · 'l ~ lll'l'll :ttltlitoll'illlll. :111d !lit · .lttlliur t·llflil' \\ill l· ·: td lit· · :-llt!..!ill).! .\t tlti:-~ t · I' \ i I . · 1111 .\ I I' Ill. .\ nna ~I argarl't Stansell, daughter of u,,.,. Hn·. and ~~ r.... Gilbert ~tansrll. 1018 Lake avelltiL'. is Ita,·ing· ~ l onday for an l'Xtt.'nded :-.ta\ in Burbank, l'al. She will remain thl'r~· until July 1. \\'hen :-.he \\·i ' l :-.tart hollll' 1)\· the '\Outhcrn r oute. l:iltl· · ~<'holt) at ~~.-t:; . Th~ · ~ldult da~s \\all stud~ · tht · "J:tst \\'urds of Jt·SUS to --t11p uti' fur \· i~ih in Ohio and :\la1 \\ ' ith Jli:..: 1Ji sl'i )Jit·s .·· This ii' a lllust b a 111 a . n· t u r 11 i 11 g t n \\ · i lml't t e i n t h <: lc :tlllif'UJ :tlltl o· diJ'.\' illg )t·SSitn. ]lu; pitl; early iall . I!! · IISII:tl Wt ·:t t ht · t· ]a ~t Suntla \' WI' SUI'l' a~:-:t·d la~t Y··:t r ' :..: l't't·ord ar'td t.·xp&<·t '" du t·\t · ll ltt · ltt·J' Jtt ·xt· Suntla,·. Out· Jtl:l~··r i:-that tht· ('hilclt·t'l'l ·!raving ~ ··k11· ·:- ~ 111:t~ ,.,., .o\·t· l' and Ill' \\' ith u~ I DEPARTS FOR WEST . RESURFACED TO LOOK LIKE NEW lll"lt . I 1111 ..\ " ' ( ·· ) I ' II ; I I . I.; uI I ' I' · . : II . II Ill l~l "Fr·i, IHlj ,\ \\ '. til-:-: -l ' " ""l t·· ,,, .,.,, .,,,, · J r:..:llt fulJ .\ d··:--o·rtJal 1\ · l'lttiJJ ··rt· .1· ·1' 11:-: . tl· Ill ·· r IIi:-: ti··- ). f r .. A. B. Seibold of 522 Fo re st ave- P. E·.DOWNING PHONE H. P. 566 P. 0. Box 423 :-··IIJ!ttl,:-- :---f ·· " J. nue, entertainL·cl her T hu rsday lun c h C(Jil-bridge club 011 11 arch 11. l't·IJ. · \ t ' II' J J ',· ,. J I,, I, .·l1iJ· l1 r. I.J, , ·i " ril ( ·t Jr, .,. J-', II ""... Tit. t ,... r\i··· .. r ""r- j l I' j I ' ; 1 lit I Ill!.!. :tlld I 11 t · 'Ill. II I · · 1 ;qqot ··J· I :; tl· · Jt! · .1 ··lt "" "Tilt· y .. tllt!..! I'··IJ)Il· · 's "rll :--i11:..: ill:-;pir!Jt ll:--11 ·. 1 ·~\t·llil!g 11 ]·. !\.;,] ' \ Ill If ;t· Tit·· \\ 'tltJt··ll·· :-"I!Jd:t t'IUit '"'. l:-- ;tt tlti:-: ··lttllt'li :ti. 7 :::11 "· Ill . J) I~" I ' I :..! I I · tit I 1"1 Ttt· ·:-d:1' tl.. X· ·i:..: ltl .. ~ rl t···" l ('irt·k . .\11'~. F . .( S..tl· ·id . rtlt··ltlt, , lt:titlllall, "· !I I I,.. t lll··l'l. t i Ill · I ;c t lit· It" Ill· · t' f ..\Its . ..\1 fl. .\lo-.\ l iil··lt. fttl tt Lll td· 11 a\···l .t l· ·. Tit· :ts 1:-- lll t:..: lt··!--l· ~:-··:-- :tr·· ~Jr ...:. \\ . . 1 ·: ~II I I s. tho · nu· at IH·xt \\.t·<lnt·!·Hiay, )larch 11 . This \\'i ll h e a l' I ' II { i llll a t j Oil (If { }1 I' ~ ( ·I' it·=-' : "} 1U t till g f ; ()«( int·l our t llt!-'t.:l'Van<·t· Ia[ Lent." (,!U ··~tio n~ <·unl·~:rning· thL· l'hur<'ll and 1 · ligi<l!t 111a~ IJt · plat'l·ll in th·· question I11·X. Tht· <"ateeh··til'al ,.,.,·i··w uf th · Tt · ll ('Utlllltandmet~ts will IJI' t·ontinued . Th·· l'h11i1·, as U~llal, will llH···t fur l't·1 )(1 · lltitl-\\'t · t · k .. , :otl ll· · :tr~" wilT It · th. Lt · lllt·J. St-1'\ il't· A Guaranteed Hot Water Heater Here lS · 11· . ;II sa I :I rI ' . l' t }J ' · !-- t> I' \' i<: e . -· : IJJit jol:t i I .tlt·l .\lr:--: ~ I I: :\I I " ( ; . I~. I I. II"\\ " rd . 1 I I ; 11'1 I: I II l! 11. I ,, . f i I ti I.. tiJo· \\lll' k ~· :t IIIII I llll \..'l'lllt·ll t llt····lill~ of lilt · ( ' llllt't·l'llillg \\' il I Itt· t1· . t : 'unday . wi··t llt;tt], . :11 :\lt:..:sionat·y t IJ, . :-t·J'\'ict· the guarantee: f J ~· l .. .... , .. lo :lltd 111 · ···1~ 'l'u ··:-od;t~~ pft··l'lltl"ll :tt :;:;{11 o'c ·l·ll'l-. ~liss :\la ri~ Ltotll :--· :'· ·I t· id. ttlt··lttl ir1 c· ltan..!··. Thci ~l : t~ flu1 Tr·" ·l· .'\· ... ·· 111····1!-' ;tt It ' ; l <l q II ; II ' t ' . I'.... :t t -;- . I :. T l l ·. :-- ol ; l \ · \ I. II i llt.! . 111 ·. t'lt ar·l·~ 1: . 1:1:!1,, .. :-:l'ltll{llt:tH·I. )Ia' It I 1' iII:...:. :J ;-; :-- i :-- t :t II [ :-- ( . .,II t Ill: l :-: t ·. ,. . Ill I U~··!"·· \'·· lt 0 '. Tht.· lll·Xt Jllo · l· ting of tJr,. Lutht·r lo:t~U·· will be ht·lll Fr·itl:t.\, ~l;trvh 1!1, . I t t It I · h IIIII · . {) f l h \. pI' ·. :-; i rl ' . II t . :\I I'. _.\ I' t It til' I '··X. 1;11~, Sb.. t h !::it l'· ··· t . i, We will install a Crane Heater in your home. T .ry it for 3 0 days. If it does not prove· satisfactory in every resptct we will take it out and you pay nothing. A furnace coil supplies hot water only half the year. · Boiling in the winter, lukewarm in the spring. Other old - fashioned systems are · equally unsatisfactory. Jr : 11 · !..! till .. . .tt \\ ' · · ol!t·~·7.t . tlt·· tilt ~I ;:;:::u jl . 111. lliHI··· I i:trold St·ttlll· ·\. \\'"It' f'trlo:-: Ill· ···! tho· olir··t'll·lll ut \I r:,. S. :..1. Din~L'l! and hn clattgllfl'r, . I i-..._ :\nnie DingL'l', oi 1J2f, Lakt· avelllll'. \\'II o have h t.: en 111 I~ i I o .:-. i. han· L! llll' un til .'an :\ntt·niu, '1\·xa:-.. arcording- to I'L'Ct:nt annottnCL'li1L'llt. - :; I' I ·· illl·' II i~l ·Ill I'! T h ,. F ; llt1 i I ~ :'\: k It t tlr Ill! · · r a t 1; : :~ u ~~ ··· lovlo\ ··II \\ , drt· ·~t1.1~ ' \'··ll ill!..! . This \\til )tt · tltt· ,,.., .. ,~itll l ··f .llt :t 'll:tt · ti\t · :ttld· l tt.i'·\u:,J,. :-'t l'.tt!n · k s d<t.\ party, :t :--·wi:t f'l l·· t i li l t' f,,,. ,., ·· I :-·ltttdy. - - - - - - - - --r--------- - - - k :t' Ita.., returned tu her homL' in Tttba, Okla .. aiter a ,.i . . it \\'itb,hn hrothn. \\hu i-. a . . ~i::ot · ant lllini-.kr at till' t ·()ngn·L!a tional church. ~ f i: :- Gran· ).f cCorm ic k -o- Built like a vacuum bottle PREMIER hot water is uniform, always ready-a fullsize stream at all faucets. Come in to our Sales Rooms and com pare your present hot water costs with the price of PREMIER stored hot water that gives year-'round economy, convenience and healthful comfort. t h:t I~ at h n1l ' chc·r · ~ I' ed t· ndin ·ran ,· Special Order Work We specialize In resetting of dia ·nonds. Our long experience with Spauld ing 8 Co. assures you of very fine workmanship at moderate.. cost. t We .a!f. do fine watct_ aitd ·dock repatrtng. ,. !~ ~. , .. ~ · Any day this week you can see this gas-saving, insulated s tor~ge-ty pe heater in operation. Try it., test it. See for yourself how it saves while it serves and satisfies. Testimonials gladly furnished of satisfied users. Premier No. 2, 1125 . Keeps 23 gallons of hot UNJter always ready Sold and Installed by FRED 0. NELSEN 1430 LAKE AVE. WILMETTE, iLL. WlLMt:TTE 25ctlS PLU~~tiS' ESTIMATES FURNISHED ..D.~mi. nic 1166 Wilmette Ave. Parliar.Jilo Phone -... ~ilmette 1061 ~ · J ewcler and 0 j>ficimi - REPP,lR WORK TAKEN CARE OF I ~ ,-~ ... T _ .... . T:here is a right-size Premier /or. every home "· ·

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