Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 26

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26 WILM -ETTE FRIENDS IN COUNCIL M£ET Friends in Council of Evanston are meeting today at the Orrington hotel for a iuncheon at 12 :30 o'clock and a program consisting of a review, "A \\'oman of Fiftv," by Mrs. D. W. Smith, and Iri h - Stories told by Mrs. Henry M. Paynter of Glencoe. LIFE March 12, 1926 Plani 'Beautiful Home in Indian Hill Area 11 r. and 11 rs. F. D. Dav and their daughter, :\l iss :\l ar.iorie,- 1233 Elmwood avenue, and Mrs. Harry Grb\\"old of the I ,inden Crest apartments arc departing Sunday for a month's sojourn in Tryon, N. C. ----------------. A Few dresses to close out so we arc continuing this sale until they are all gone. Your choice at housekeeping is just as easy as you make it ss.,s Come in and take your pick. B. COPLAN, Prop. 1126 Central Avenue Phone Wil. 2403 Axel E. Odman, of 418 Isabella Sf"( \Vilmcttc, and who is associat~J Frank A. Reid in the real cst:.lt~ 1>11~1By A. H. H . ness at 954 Linden avenue, I tubl>ar·l · After the dose of its regular scsWoods, is planning the e:ection of. a sion last Thursday night, A. T. Sherbeautiful seven room bnck colonial man Lodge No. 892, I. 0. 0. F., of home on one of the splendid lots which Wilmette, was entertained for ' an hour he owns on Ridge avenue in the Indian with a very interesting program of Hill section. The lot on which he will mu:-.ical numlH·rs and readings hy a build is at the Northwest corner of Hill young- blind girl, Miss Carol Rickert, road and Ridge, "·ith 80 feet fronting of 6117 Ellis aYcnue, Chicago. on Hill and 150 feet on H.idgc . The house will front on Ridge "·ith the sun That her recitations, piano ~dec room fronting Hill road. The plans tions songs and whistling solos were call for two baths, an attached garage appr~ciate.d 'and enjoyed hy the largv and will be in keeping with the other number present wa . attested hy tht: many fine home which ha,·e been hearty ·applause th.e y elicited. erected in this immediate vicinity "·ithin Miss Rickert impressed all who had the past two years. ~1 r. Odman t xpcrt-, the good fortune to hear her as being to begin work on the building a-, Sllon a very talented young lady. Many of as the plans are completed. her se le ction . arc of her own compo-,ition, as she is a poet of no mean abilMiss Nora Schuettge of 804 Green- ity. She has hacl a book of her poems wood avenue, .vas hostess to her published, and is intending to publish Her bright, happv, bridge club on T.uesday evening, ~farch another soon. sunny- disposition, her remarkabie 9. knowledge of affairs, her alert, intel-oMrs. W. W. Wheelock, 132 Oxford ligent mind, and her ability to travel road, has been spending this week alone to and from the places where she gives her entertainments, were a visiting friends in Memphis, Tenn. wonderful revelation to all who harl the pleasure of meeting her. Blind Girl Gives Program of Music et, / Odd F 11 with I or e ows Grammar Schools Plan Bas~ball Organization · \\"cirk on tlw romtnttnit,· ],;t-,l'ktll diamond:-. at l't·nil\\·orth i-, ;;)ready he ~ inn itHo(. i t " a.., a nn n ttn n: d t !J i .., \\"l' c k hy H.ol,t·rt TcJ\\ nit·_:,. dirt·rt()r ni athlt-tir . . in thv "vnil\\lltth ..,rJHH.J-. . Pupil-, oi tltv -,rh'1ol are ~dting the di;tnHltHI in readinL'" " i11r tht' lH·~in nin~· oi ll;t-,vh :t 11 prar ir(·. "hich \\·iJJ . folio\\· rlcht' upon t lH · cl1 ,..,t· 11i t lw kt:--kt·tktll -,t·a:--cl)l. Jt i-. hopvd ICJ t·-. -. tal>Ji..,lJ a kto..,eJ,all lcaguv :tnlnng the north ~hon· grammar ~chool" -.imilar to the l)a~kdhall league ,,·hirh ha -. p run· d so . at i ~ fa c t n r \" t h is \\" i n t e r . ST. PATRICK'S PARTY .\ St. Patri k's Day party cluded in the regular }.larch .:\i!.!"ht dinner to he helcl in the of the First Congregational \\.t·dnl·qlay evening-, 11arch 17. \\"ill he -,crYed at 6:30 o'rlock. is . inFamily parlors church DinJH'r The First Message "MR. WATSON, come nere; I want you!" exclaimed Alexander Graham Bell on March I o, I 8;6, during an afternoon of experiInentation, and over a wire connecting two rooms, the young assistant heard the words,-the 1jrst spoken sentence to be so transtnitted. Fifty years have passed. To-day there are I 7 ,ooo,ooo telephones in the United States, giving voice to hutnan need, as Bell's crude transn1itter did then. Fire breaks out in the night; .law-breakers invade a horne; sickness strikes at a t'lmily circle. "Con1e here, I want you," is the summons, and the telephone speeds it on the way. Business of importance demands the decision of one who is on the far side of the· continent.ccCon1e here, I want you/' is the sumn1ons again, and as if by magic, a personality is pr8jected through space, questions are asked, answets biven, problen1s solvedby telephone. Every telephone ca11 is an echo of the first rnessage. For whether it is the physical prese11ce or the listening ear that is desired, the impulse that lifts the telephone receiver is, eel want you., Miss Florence \Vheelock , 132 Oxford road, leaves tomorrO\v to visit -l former Bradford academy schoolma:~.· in Kansas City. -0- Mrs. Otis Heath, 2133 Ridge avenue, Evanston, formerly of K nilworth, entertained the Young People's lhid~r club for luncheon last Friday. -0- Mrs. Arthur B. Adair, 320 1fclrosc avenue, was the hostess for her brid~c club Tuesday. II I Do you know that you can own a H A R T 0 IL BURNER as low as $50 .00 down and about $2 5.00 oet month? II II II I I! I ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM HART OIL BURNER co. I 5 14 Sberm.in Ave. I One. Policy .. One System .. Universal Service EVANSTON Greenleaf 1752 1876-THE TELEPHONE'S FIFTIETH YEAR - 1 9 26 , __ 142 Elm St. WINNETKA Winn. 1146 ~- ---- - - -- -.

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