WILMETTE LIFE M a r ch 12, 192t l Kenilworth Cage Teams HOLD SWIM TOURNE Trier High School Tank t o B(' Scen e of Championship Events Satur day Defeat Wilmette ~quads . N e w ELSIETHAL pl ans to open her shop at· 565 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka, by the end of the month. assortment of Sports Clothes. D aytime Frocks, Coats, Costume Accessories for Women, Misses and Children She will have assembled a complete and distinctive Three Kenilworth Conuntmity ha:-ketball teams defeated team~ from tlH· \ Yilmette sr hoob at the "en ilwort h gnnnasium last Friday. Thl' tealll"' ,,:ere in clas~L·~ under 85 pounds, 100 to 115 pound:- and on·r 11~ puund~. All three Yictorie:- were ,,·on hy a comfortable margin. :\ large rro\\ d. estimated at more tha!l 200 pl'r~ o ns. at tended the games, which were featured by the cheer leading of Jane Scott, Kenil\\'orth's girl cheer Jeadn . The 'I ·orth t"am were K tl t s ars on 1e em " .. Hicks Saxton ).{aclntosh and Definite announcements of the.openrng date will appear as soon as alterations are completed REO EVANSTON COMPANY ANNOUNCES TilL· CCiok county champion~hip :-\\·imming and di,·ing will be dcrid in Lake Xe\\· T:icr Saturday lll 0 i ~~arch 13, at 8 o clock, \yhen the tt . fa~tnt high ...,~houl team~ Ill thl' ((ltl lJ' 1\\ill_ !'>tru~,g.l~- '?~-- ~tq~rrl'llla:y· _ ., Lane I l clllll{~tl high ~chool ol \ . ca~o \\' Oil till' look county cham1~H 11 shtp l_a~t Dc_cemher at . th~, lll!n (,; AthiC'tll' club 111tn~chola~tiL l hey al -. . 'I' · · 1 1 · licked Xe\\· ne_ r til a ( ua nH."'t m . , s > ' vember. Both ot these meet wert' pr1 mot eel \Yhen .:\ e\\· Trier's season " ;l · prenger. quite young and her natators were Jl (lt ).lis . Barbara Jean Bateman. who at - in the best oi condition to meet such ; Lane. of course, is tht tends ~[iss Bennett'. :-chool. has re- worthY foe. turned from the Ea~ t to :-pend her favorite to \\'ill this ~ew Trier Intn spring- \'acation with her parents. ~f r . . chota . tic cour e, and their coach ha -and :\1 rs. F. L. Bateman of 735 ~f ichi- admittcd that the title would remai1 1 gan avenue. Her holiday has been ,,·ith them. Howc,·er Xe\\· Trier hopt lengthened to ahont thrct: we('k~ owing to un:-tt the dope somewhat a~ hL··· to an epidemic of mea!->le!' in th(' ~chou!. mennen arc all :-.et to ~\\'itn faster and din: hl't ter than at an,. time this sea -o~ f rs. Charl<:s ~frCue nf ()31 \Va..,h- son and the title ma\~ be transicrred ington ave n ue. after an illnr~~ of ~c\' to the Grey and Gree;1. OH·r one hundred en t ril'" ha YC' he t·n eral months. i. leaving for California ~larch 11. ~Jr. ~lcl'm· will join ht.··· recei\'ed bv Coarh E. B. I ark-,nn i( 'r this meet -from the iollowfng scho(,J .. : in f\\·o or threl' ,,· eck~. Lane Tech .. Oak l'ark. J-: ,·anston. ~for tun, Harrison. Decrf1eld. ~faine, Prc~ "i . . o. Detrfield and .:\l'\\' Trit r. SnTra!' specialty number" han· hl't JJ ~erured for the entcrtaipment oi (l\1'. spectators. The X at innal Tnter-..rh( d;t, t ir champion~ in t.he era \\·I "'t rokt·. t lw hrl'a"'t "'tn,ke. and iann· di\'ing "ill c ndta\·or to hrl'ak tlJt·ir . pre-..t·nt rvrord . ( )ur ht· . . t ~\\'illllllt'r . . in tlw girJ...,' ...,t·rti(ln \\'ill ""·im exhibition"'. '1\n·ln· oi our hnt mermaids. · led ll\· ~r j..,..; ~1 an· 1 C r i fti t h. g i r 1-.. · "'\\.i 111111 it~ l!" i1b t n Ic or. · \' i 11 pre~t·nt ;t ~pt.·cial J1(1\·dty ;tquatic nu n. her. OBSERVE TIN WEDDING and ~frs. Frank Kavc. (,0-l Laun.l a n·n til'. r n t t:r t a i ned a !"> m a II group n i her friends at a novel bridge party and "upper Saturday en·ning in celrhratinn oi their tenth \Yedding annin·rsan·. The tally cards were tin cookie ri.tttt:r!'>, girls for the women. and boys ior the men. The table a !)pom t men ts were a 11 in tin. with a flower piece in a tin jardiniere. and the prizes were of tin. ).[r. 1101 CHICAGO A VENUE University 6190 Price Reduction on all ).,! r. and ·M r s. F. E. Parry and on. ] ames. of o22 ~ ~ ap le avenue. returned la;o;t Saturday irom a Caliiornia trip. ).f r s. Pa r ry\ and J ames j o ined ~~ r. Pa r ry in Los A n ge les ea rl v in February and t h ey had a most- de ligh tful vaca ti o n in S o ut h e rn California. -0- :M r s. T . B . P otte r of 607 Forest a,·rnue was h ostess t o h e r T uesday lu ncheon b rid ge club o n M a t ch 9. -0- Mrs. Gilb ert K ell y, 41 2 Cu mn o r r oad, en t ert ai n e d th e m em be r s of h e r bri d ge cl u b at luncheon Wedne s day. REO CARS Effective At Once Although the law reducing the federal tax on motor cars from five per cent to three per cent of list prices does not go into effect until March 29 . the Reo Motor Car Company has made it effective on Reo cars Ma reb 1st. Reo, in the meantime, will absorb the two per cent difference at the factory . HORNER PIANO CO. Pianos Phonographs Radio Headquarters for . "BUY WHERE SERVICE IS HANDY" ZENITH RADIO 152 1 Sherman Ave. Phone Greenleaf 4 64