Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 18

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18 WILMETTE LIFE March 12, 1926 Ma ~fes_-:_nbera:s D avis St. at the "L" Build Fine Residence Chicago Man Buys New on Washington Avenue Residence' in Wilmette The fine new Dutch colonial brick residence just co'mpleted at the northeast corner of Third street and Laurel an·nue, \\'ilmette, b,· Carl and Fred Hartman, the well kt1own builders, has been SQld to Gus D. Cominos, barber, at 20 N. Clark street, Chicago, the reported consideration being $23,500. In addition to the six rooms there arc also ~ large sun room, sleeping porch, breaklast room and t\\'0 baths, comprising a most convenient lay-out and an exceedingly attractin· building. There is also a t\\·o-ra r hrirk garage on the propertY. .\f r: Cominos and family will occupy thetr new home, following their return from a mon~h's trip abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegel of 589 Vern on aven ue, Glencoe, announce the ·birth of a son, Frederick, ] r., born at ) Evanst?n hospital on February 14. I Mrs. Stegel was Mary Steiner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ] oseph Steiner of 1451 \ Vilmette avenue. ' 1 The fine 60-foot Jot at the northwest corner of Fourth street and \Vashington avenue, one of the few choice pieces of vacant lcit on the cast side, is being developed into \Yhat will be about a $40,000 property, it is said. The foundation is in and the brick \\'Ork soon " ·ill be started on the six-room residence which Carl and Fred Hartm~n, builders, have under contract ior L. H. Stoerk, of the A ssociated Advertising company, Chicago, and a brother of August Stoerk, of 330 Central a\·enut', \ViJmette. \Vith a \\·ide Jot having outh and east frontage. an e~ception ally pleasing d sign ha s been worked out for this new home, which "·ill in dude large room s, ,r.; un room. sleeping porch and breakfast room. Mrs. Hugh Peterson, 212 \Vanvick road, invited some of her friends to her home Sunday e\·cning to meet 1fi s McCreery of St. Louis, who has hecn her house guest for the past week. Lecture on Laughter Stimulates Hearers at Last Club Meeting Charles Milton Newco mb of Cleve land, Ohio, spok e b efore the Woman's 'club of Wilmette W ednesday of las t week when a la r ge and en thusiasti c audie~ce heard his discussion on "Th e Psychology of Lau g h ter." ).1 r. :r-.; l'\vcomh i~ a well kno\\' n psychologist and humorist and kep t his hearers in thrills of laughter with the illustrations he used during th C' course of his lecture. He tried out hi ~ experiments on his audience, leavin f them physically benefited as well a' mentally relaxed. He said that laugh ter was not luxury, but a necessity . and one's philosophy of life should contain more of it, and stated that "Wit and humor are the shock ab sor bers, and laughter, the lubricant oi life, the oil in the crank case." CluJ , members hop_ e for his return to \Vil mette. WHEN IS A . SCARF NOT A SCARF? H'hoz it's mzc of tlzc new crm.·a.t-/..·crclzicfs, ·wor11 closr ahout one's neck and knotted in mmzcha./ant style at the side. I I suggrsls thr faslzionablr lzigh nrck and is extreme!\' attmcti·c.·c "'hc11 selected ·.i n color to acrc'1t or contrast with tire t"ofor of o~tc's costume. -o- -o- 1fr. and Mrs. B. C. Davison of 1441 Mrs. W. ]. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, :Mrs. A. E . . Klunder of 1531 Spencer Forest aven u e left .on Thursday, March harl as her guests Wednesday after- avenue, is giving a vanishing luncheon 11, for San Antomo, Texas. They ex- noon, the members of her mah· jongg for the benefi t of the Congregationa't 1 pect to be a way a bo ut three weeks. club. church Guild. $3.95 First Floor ..I'EEPS THE fOOT WEU.· THE SPOTLIGHT IS ON THEATRICAL GAUZE On the stage of homebeautifying, this Theatrical Gau:;c gets loud applause . It <c!ins its 011-loo/,.·crs hy its t<C'o-tollc colors of blue. and natural, lm·c11der and Hat ural and ,qrccn a11d ora11f/C. "-" it bring ({different" and illt'XfCIISif./C, withal. Arch Preserver Shoes for Spring! } :\the ron:-iderati<111 oi ~lilady\ :-hOl"-. the matter (It :-tyle must not ht· o\'(:rlooked. .:\o costume can en·r l>e -..ucn.·..,... ful "·itlwut can· in the !->tlrrtion oi -..hoe..;. 75c · yard I )raperies- Third Flour· In additiCln t(l -..tyk. you ra n abo ha\t· pcriect in0t lwalth and comfort. You canJICit see thl' diiTnc.:Ill' t.· .in :\rch Pre ~ r e \' <.' r ~I 1< , c..· :t h e co n c e a k d . h u i I t - i n a r c h hridgl' prl'n'lll'- :-aggin~ and the.: flat innn :-ok prt·\ t.'llh pinching. TO HELP MILADY'S SLIPPER ON flntcr. intn miladr's (/unn ber, a 11C<l' shoe · hor11. so long that size nad Jlt '~'!Y stoop to put her slitter on. It is ':.'try feminine and at the <'Cr\' tot is "Polly'· all lw11d fai11tcd i11 his · usual brillia11t colnrs. The horn lS 'i'i<·id f').' 1·ed. The Connie A neat cut-out design that ma\· he had in Patent Leat hvr Bl~ck Kid or llro\\'n Kid . . The ~trap The Liza Kid. sea on's ne\ve~t onemodel in plain Parchmont Extremely attr:trtivc. The Barrie Child's Strap Pump Start th e ch ildren off ri gh t wit h sensib le fitti ng) good\\'a lking shoes. This o ne is 111 Patent l.eathcr. :\ Yery attractin. · pump featured in Beige Kid "·ith Sauterne or plain all over trim. THB $1.00 :\otion. -Fir t Floor A LUCKY ELEPHANT .1nd a w hite o11c, too! lie can·its a Chinese Pri11ccss, and is hurrying a l ong 'l(·ith trunk uplifted. The clephmzt is a nc·w tea po t . his tnmk is the stout, and the trillrt'SS is I /rp cm·cr-lift. X o<·cl. to he SIWC, a11d the mnre aflracti<·<' fnr it. fiRCH ~R~ERVEJl SHOP 630 Church St. ' Kiddies' Oxford :\ remarkah l v sturdy and comfortab le child's hoe. It may he had 111 Patent- Leather or Tan Cali. Inc. Evanston $1.29 Hou. eware-Third Flour ..J(i:&:P& THE fOOT WEI.&.·

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