Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE March 12, 1926 :: August C. Pearson, Jr., Buys, Wilmette Bungalow The STORE for CHILDREN IN CORPORATED August Pearson, Jr., of 898 Cherry 'x . 11111et"a has J)ttrchased . Street' vv ' through the 1 Lal "estate firm of F. Co~~The P1 ays rccen tl Y gtven .a t tl1e 0 w.'· man Burroughs company. 1157 \\ !1- mette Country dub met wtth so m n. 1 mette aYenue, the five roon~ bun~alow, J fa,·orable comment that a request h ·t · of ~[artin .. Anderson. at::> 1815 \\_alnut been made t the players to repeat u 1, 1 ave.nul' , \\'.llmet.t_e. ~f~. ~ ear::-oJ; _ .s as- oi the productions as part of_ a progr; soc1ate~l with h~:,, father 111 the ~. c,L~ 0 :1 to he given Thursday evcmng, ~la1 , Market, ot' Rtdge ;wenue, \\ Ilml.ttc. 18, at 8:20 o'clock, for the benefit of t . Announc.cment ~vas made ;~ :-.h(~rt tllll~ Chicago Junior school. 111 _11a) · ago ~f l11s wcddm~. some tmle _ Thi:-; program is to be given hy t h· to ~f1 s Gla~ys Vvmk: daughte·, ot _Mr. l\orth End branch of the school und t · and Mr~. N. A. \Vmk. of Shenda_n the direction of The Alter Ego Lit , ~ road, Htghland. Park,. and _upon the.tr Theatre plavers of the Gunn School , · return from the1r wed~mg.tnp they wtll ~[ ··c and Dramatic Art. reside at ~he bungalow whtch 1\[r. Pear- ~ rfl1Je friends of the school are rga J son has JUSt purchased fro~n Mr. An- ized to assi ·t in proYiding a home a" derso.n. 1\fr. Anders<;>n has not m~ule education for under-privileged childn·· ::lefimte plans as to hts future locatiOn. bet\\·ec n the ages of 4 and 16 who ha' , not sufficient funds at their disp o-,;, VETS NEED PLAYING CARDS for proper care. The home-s~l10ol i . Disabled veterans in the Great Lakes on a farm located on the Fox nver ·11l t' ho::-pital are in need of playing arc}s mile north of Elgin and is open to d : and phonograph records, according to .rihll' children throughout the -.tatl· \\'ord received by the \\'oman's auxilia- , .., n · of the \Vilmette Post of the AmerBAKERY SALE ican Legion, which has charg of a unit A haken· sale will he held hy \\'il at the ho:-.pital to provide comforts for the men . ~ontributions ma,· he made mcttc chai>tcr. Order of the Eaq1: r11 hy communicating 'vith ~f r;. Hopp at star' ~at u r day' ~ rarch 20' at \.a 11 \\ · i lml't t c 1404. Dcu:-.en\ grocery "tore. c,.. Club Players Asked to Act at Benefit for Junior School I l f ' f 1 . I Succes sors to CARROLL RIDGWAY ~co . INC. Our ~hop 1:-. · being decorated in preparation for the di play uf the new Spring· ~tylt:~ that arc hein~· received dailv for our formal oi)entng next week. ~1 r. and ~f rs . Louis ~- Berk~·r. 105 ).frs. Arthrur ] . Taylor and ~{ r-- . 0. Fifth street, have returned irom a('· Ea:-.tman \\Trt: lwste-.:-.e::- at a vanJ-,h -_ southern ojourn of fi,·e \\·ee k-, . :\iter 111g lunclll·on gtn·n at the hontt· ·11 tran~ling a long the cast coa"t oi Flor- l ~lr:- . Taylor, X35 <..'l'ntral a\'l·nut· 11 11 ida. they sai lrd . . to Ha,·ana and thl'n 1 ~fonday, ~larch 8, for the h<.:ncfit of toured the F lorida ca"t coa:-t a . . iar a-. 1 the ongn:gational church Gtlll<l. St. Petersburg. -o-o1 ).[r. and ).frs. Roy \ \'tstin ancl iam :Mrs. R. D. Schuettge of M4 Gn·en- ' ily of Roch. elle, Ill., \\·ere the gue-.ts of wood avenue, entertained her luncheon ' 11r. \Ycstin's parcnb. ~{r. and ~Ir: and bridge club on Thur.dav. ~fan·h 0. \\.e:-tin oi l1Jl2 Crt·t· nleai .tn lltt(', 11. · O\'er the \\·eek-end. 1 -o- -o- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 ~Irs. H. ~1. Dihhk oi 530 l.akt· ;t,. l. Essex road, returned home today from mtc will he t ht· ho..,tl'"' ior ht·r Tth·, their eastern trip. 1 day club at hl'r homl.' ne~t we :k is the ne \v natne of the · hop of Carroll Ridg,,·ay & Con1pany. STORE fur T HE CHILDREN The personnel remains the same. l\Ir. H idgway's stafi ha ving purcha. ed the entire interest in tlH· :-.tore. There will be no change in .policy. T h e ~ t o r e for C h ildren i~ devoted entirely tu apparel for i 11 fa n t s and j t t ,, e 11 i le :-.. Bankoks and Tatns $5.so 6 19 D avis Street Eva n ston , Il l. to $lS.so The bankoks and tan1s in .our display roon1s have very sa ti sfactori ly used for their p urpose silk, stra \ V and felt cotnbinat ions in golden w h ea t , g r een, tan, black , white and l\farie A n toinette. Fountain Square- Evan ston U nit..·ersit y J ; r 1

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