Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 15

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March 12, 1926 W .ILMETTE LIFE 15 I Political Primer A department of r¥ilmette Life edited by 1-/oyt King of the Wilmette Forum for 100 percent voting. CHAPTER IX On ~farch 1 the Better Gon:rnment association gaYe wide · publicity to a photograph of a so-called .. Cenna Dinncr" of bootleggers and politicians, held in 192-l, that graphically pictured the alliance bct\\·een politics and crime. In the picture on the \Yall could he seen campaign posters of Robert F. Crmn· for State's Attornev. There were prc!--Cnt scvc~1 promitwnt bootleggers--one at the speaker's tahlc. Oi the~e seyen, two ha,·c been nlurdrred in gang wars, one \\·as killed l>y the police, one is on trial for a murder. and nne ha" fled to ItalY. There werc pre:-.ent-: t\YO judges. three court clerks. one bailiff. :-.en·ral as~i~tant prosecutors. and the chid prosecutor of the countY. Anwng other officials present. lwth iactions of the Republican party \\Tre represented. This publication of proof of alliance hctwecn crime and politic:-.. arothed great public indignation that splattered over everything almo:-.t completely n·iling the picture. Immediately an invc:-.tigation was madc, and a list of the names and addresses oi six breweries that wen· not making hecr \vas puh li:-.hed. hut no report \vas made of the hr<.'\\Tries that furnish the beer the hoot kggC'r~ buy and fight OYC'r. Proof wa~ submitted that George E. Brennan, Democrat, contributed $23,000 for campaign purpo. es to the rrform organization that gan· out the "Crime and Politic:-; Ra nqttC't" photograph. An in\'C">tigation is threatrned of th<' fi natH'C" oi a II rC' form hod ies. whir h ,,·nuld incltt<k the ~funicipa] and Legi:-. lati\·e Yoters · league-.. and the Citizen . : a..;;-;ociation. The \\'oman\ Cit\· club a11cl Cook Count~· League oi \\·o.mr11 Voters ma\' he inrluded in the iarn·aching n:-..ults (li the expose of tlw alliance hct\n·<'n "Crinw ancl Politics." :\ counter in\T-..til!'ation ma,· hr d<'manded oi the i11ur dominl:nt Democratic and Republican factions. ancl \\·hat largl· 1>11-..itH'"~ intl'n·-..h and corpc1ration-.. cnntrihutt· impartially to all thr four faction and \Yin·. To aclrl intere-..t to thl: rontroversv. Cnng-res:-;man Saha t h :-.a~·-... "Chicago ha..; it..; share oi had citizen-... hut the proportion oi good. hnne--..t. la\\·-ahicling ~)eoplr a-.. compared \\·ith a lawless rlem e 11 t. i s g r l' a t c· r i n C h ic ago t h a n i n any other commtmit,- T know oi, notwith-..tanding the clainor oi proil.'-..!--ional rrformer:-. and nthcr~." Through the ~moke ~crc·en ot tl1\' e ~ t ig at ion a 11 cl ell' r1 am at ion . one g limp. es thr "( .enna Dinner" photograph and ha:-. proof \Yhy hicagn, \Yith -.:o manr good people in it. is justly entitiC' d to ~o had a rcputatinn politically. One civic . reformers :-.avs the rea l an""·er to the expo~un· ;hould he a determ ination oi t h e citizens to Yote at the p r imary an d de~ t roy t he ha lancl' of po w er he ld hy the organized crimina l c lement and make it u nnece~~ary a nd in j ud icio u s for judges. cou rt attac hes and prosecu t ing officia ls to consort p ubl icly \\·it h n ntorioth Ia\\· Yio lators in o r der to h t rlec t ed to of-fice. At Fountain Square-Evanston NEW SPRING APPAREL L New Arrivals in Dainty FroCks O ur r cady-to-\vcar buyer has tst r et ur ned from X e\v Yo.rk " ·ith anot her shi pn1ent of beautiful frocks for t he n e\Y sea~on and has g r ouped t hen1 into t \vo very cotL ervat iYcly priced lots. $ 15.00 and $27.50. $l5.oo A g reat ntnnbe r of deli g htful frock:-for afternoon and sport s\vea r are included in thi s g roup pri ced at $15.00. Crepe de chines and prints are beautifully worked up in combinations of all the popular spring color s. Th ese single piece g a rment s a r e fashi oned in straight line, flar e skirt and t\VO piece effects with lon g sleeves, and a nttn1ber of collar styles . The trims ar e of embroidery, lace, s1nocki ng and braids. This group priced at $27.50 is composed o f many afternoon and sp,o rts models of flowered georgette, flat crepes and frost crepes in all colors including flesh, peach, orchid and fern. Noticeable are straight line and circular skirt mbdels and some two piece simulations. Finish is obtained hv means of tucks, pleats, braids, lace, buttons and embr.o idery. Home &Johnson House Lighting, Power Installation, Repairing, Etc. 1045 Wesley Ave., Evanston U niv. 1212 Wil. 3381 Apparel Section-Second Floor

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