Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 14

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10 WILMETTE LIFE March 12, 1926 · 'f- 11 t to thE' E>n(l that th{' villagt> ma , have JH"OP r ffre protection atHl that inRurance ratE-s may be rf'dUN'fl. \\· , C'omnwnd the Jlractice inauguar·ated by thE' present administration of payin l! into tht- firE' and police pension fund ~ moneys lf>gnll~· flUe them. HOME PARTY ANNOUNCES ITS BALLOT PLATFORM THE SILK SHOP One year old March 15th. Celebrating its first anniversary. It has been a most successful year . . tht· ..,Jt·etion of an,·one who dt>sin~ s to '),- \\ ould profit fii1ancially h~· an inert·ast:> in the <l nsity of population in Wilnwtte broug-ht aoout b~· an i ncrt.·ase in apartnwn l buildi ng·s or otht·rwist>. "\\·~· favor plaeing· of utilit~· win' s UtHh· r ground as SJH~ t· dily as practieahlt·. \Y e n~ alizt> that tlw rf'moval of tlw tracks of tlw North ~hort' El 'l'trk road from Grf' e nlt'af aYt·nue deJH·nds on tho tenni.na tion of litigation n 0 w p e tHli 11 g . ln t h t> me a 11 time w P oelieve that efforts should ue continued as initiat cl by th pres nt board to formul:ttP a t>lan for th<' relocation of th e tracks of this COinpan~' whil'h will sa\' l' thP rig·hts and promott..· tht> con\·t> nit·tH:t..' of our <'itizens. "{'ndt:>t" tht· prt.'se nt condition we favor tl'tor·t· a<lt>quat e protection of strt·et intt·r·s~· l·tions on Gn·enl<.·af aven u e. (Continued from page 1) . Street Improvements '"\\'·· :tplH't'<"iatt> th<' poor r·onditi ··t () f ~ () llH' 0 f t }1<' Y j l} :l g (' R t r I'_. t '-' () W j !1 largE>J;\· to nf>g·lf'C'tNl maint<'nan<'P i· th<' nast, ancl ,,., ... .. , ... ..1'"""'1 that t 1. 1 r··<· .. ipts fr··· ·· lh·· \'c ·hi<' " t;·x '"' a ·. 11 P""1 in ·h · . · . , . .. ;.;,. "f thP strt ·P ts ·' rf'Ciuir· ·d "'. l:1w. :·"d :ts hns h f'~' 11 d" ll· in Jan!· ~· rnc ·;l<..:lln' during th<' nast YP:t t v,rp <'Om mE>ncl th» net ion of the preRI' " administration in conserving to tl1· 111 " ' "SI t h·· in\···stP··' ·'t in th<' st ,.,.,' 1 ; .. 1t · ; .. .. s · ·" 1 , · n '· a n cl fa\' or C' on tin u i n _ i~" ,,. . ;., ·. .·. an<··· h,· th ... Yilln!:r(' un·l ·· · tlw .. ,. ._, . :>~ ., .. ... , np·,,,n .. ,lt. whiC'h h :t rt>sult· ··l in sH\'illt!S to thf· tax-payt ·t " \llli··SS :t ,.,,,.t···· " ' ··:ttl J . , . ·· lllt ·!'t · d it ll·· with :t , .. """" " ildt· ··r ·i\·:tl·· ('lltllpa n whil·h wi11 · · ff,. 1 ·t " 'ill ,.-r .. :·tt·r ,., .,,, omit ·<..: in tht· n " ·'l·afinn of th·· nlaut . stand. i 1 t 1-'1 h .. r words. liP··t t the· aho\"P "Platfor·rn of ('ommon ~f· n -.:r· and l:nsilli'SS Prin<"ittl· ·s... "'ht·t·t· :,,.,. n0 a(' t u a 1 p · o lit k nl q11t · s t i 1 · IJ."' \\ h i d' should l":tllSt> at this tirn· · a dh· is_i··n ht>IWt·t>ll out· citi:;wns . "\n~· such 1ma~innn· is'-'llt'~ whiC'h mn~ lw lltHluh· empha:-:i7t ·d at thi:-: timP h;\· otht·rs :trl' nut forth lHir··b· fnr politiC':·_I r··.asnns "~hat \Yil tn··tlt· nro.-.,Js at th!" t_rmf' I~ a <·nrrtinuatinll (If tlw appltcatton of husillt'SS principlP s ns ~f't forth abel\·,. arul <ts < ·atTiPtl I·Ut h~ · t h" prrosPnt ad ministration. . ~ign 1 · 1 1 - .T . H . f:rumbauJ?;h, r~··ul : dl ' ' · C'nl!H··· . .:'ll!·s . L . \V . \'rush, ,,. . \\' n,·Ht·ranl ('apt. Edw . ~\ . Ev<'r~. llP ilr~ · Fowlt·r. ,\- . T . HaJwlll~ll . r. E . llat'l'l!< . (: . T . IT~ · Illlluth . .J . H. Hopp , t'ha~ . If .l<u ·l,sc,n, :\Jr · ~ . \\~altt· l· 1). Lawr~· n .· · · ·. t 'I art·JH'·· H Ka \':trw ug-h, :\ . .1\ :'\lc~K ·· I ~ han. \\~m . A . :\li'Kt·ig-hall, LP:·dlt· \\ .. .:\111· lar, :'\frs. John .T. :\Till~ . . Jo hn P . T':thlllr<lll, Ha~· t . l't'arson , [r·a ltt·:· n,,J,l~ . .IPhll If. ~d1ad·t·r, .John ~\ . ~anllt·, L. R ~hnald.·. :\Trs. :-;h .. lby :\1. ~ing-lt · tl!ll . t;t·o . 1 ·:. Tarnow, \Villard Thay1·r· . .T . :'\T. \ "t·rnon, John :'\f \\",.h .. t·. rsa lH'IIt· If. H.. \\. t>ldon. :\fax Zalwl. 1 · ; . :\ . Zimm Prman . Public Utilities al p n 11 a Sl Beginning Monday, March 15th c h ( For One Week Only We offer d "'Y·· At $1.50 per yard 40 inch Printed Crepe de Chine, Fine Broad cloth, New Sports shades, Charmuese, black and colors, Washable Shantung, New Spring Colors. "\Vt· do not fa\'Or a. n·newal, in its present (orm of the contract made many yean:; ag·o with tht> Public Service com pany and t' Xpiring in 192R, which provides for tht' payment to the villag-t· of :~ per·<·t·nt on its gross income, thereby allowing- th<· com pa.ny tn char·gt' our dtizt·ns orw <'t' llt pE-r kiJo·watt hour than chan~·t·<l in ntht·r vommunities, thus incn,a!'!ingour elt·ctric }ig·ht billR. l·:ach family pays about $4.00 a year mort· than it c>tlwrwist> would of which $1 . 00 i:-: k··Pt hy tlw Public Ser·vic·c · <"Oillpany for ·ollt·ding- tht- tax . I Improvements for New Territory pt·opmH'<l contract with a corpor·atioll, utility or otlwrwist' , which JHll"POrt~ tl) g-ive thP puhli<· somt·thing· for nothing·, but ·ue hear·tily in favor· of extending· the present lig·hti 'n g- system throughout tlw villag·t-, and in putting in sewers. watPI', paving· an d otlwr improvements in the t"Pl'('lltly annf'xt·tl territory as rapidly as tht.· afft'l'lPd JHOperty propt-rt~· owm·r~ ma.y llt.: sirt:. "'\Ve arf' skf'ptic:.t I of any At $2.55 per yard Printed Crepe de Chine, wonderful quality and color combinations; Very fine Satin Crepes, all shades; Flat Crepes, much underpriced; Printed Georg.ettes, smart designs; Tub Silks in stripes and checks. ----- \f r . . . \\· . .-\ . Tttd-\ er. 1214 l.akl' an·. .· .. Faref atnhd Police . . l lllll'. 1l'it \\.edne~daY ior ~Iadisun. \\'i ..... 111 'lt· W ·> t' t'Xl~·nstotl ot the . · · · · f 1 \[ J;mits of tlw villag ... , we fa YOr a car·c·- 1 tor a \\·eek s nstt \nth ~ r . anc · r .... ful 1-;tudy. of tlw watt· r· suppl~· and H. . L. Hlo<llrett and their littk dangh ter. Betty othf'r requir eme nt~ of th e Firf> dt>part - J can. At $3.50 per yard 54 inch Printed Crepes, heavy quality, new colors and a big bargain; Excellent quality Flat_. Crepe; Brocades, newest patterns and a remarkable quality for this low price; Heavy Georgettes~ the quality found only in expensive frocks; Plaid Silks, an uncommon quality. Also Plaid Velveteens. Imported Pongee this week at 65c per yd. This ·Is Cleanin. g and Repairing Time Our cleaning and repairing department is in a class by itself on the North Shore. The superb quality of the work done is well worth your consideration. Take advantage of this sale and. buy the week beginning Monday the 15th SALE PRICES FOR ONE WEEK ONLY VISIT OUR EVANSTON SHOP EDGAR A 19 STEVENS. INC. mEEaSt SILK SHOPS Madison Street Oj~ David G. Barry 514 Davis St~teet, Evanston Unlve·sity 5712. CARPETS RUGS LINOLEUMS Street at Woodlawn Ave. lllld in.JiDRmfolallllbJSOD1DSkn AYe.

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