Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 12

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· wiLMETTE LIFE - March 12, 1926 M.a Builds ·1 0,000 Rug Plant LISTEN 'IN AUNT LOU SPEAKING \\'l·ll. how did \'Ott like the tH'\\' bread? that i~ easily under tood hy the dcm.and. I k no\\ man~· t ricd it \\'c cannot make a hig -.pongy l<1ai ,,·ith thi . . high grad(' Ct·re:-ota famih· flour a~ it is llla(k ir.Hn tlH' \Tn· heart oi the "·heat. Hut \\'C can make a solid. well baked loai .like you make at hPnw that i:. more healthful and nutritious. In order to make a hig :-pongy loaf. \o..·c would han· to tl'-t a clwaper and ~trong<:r H11t1r rallecl baker~ nr jute (in thl' daiJ_,. paper) and in all probahil it ,. it w ~Htld he hkar!H.'d and I protnised I \\'Ottlcl not use .],leached tl; 1t1 r : or I \n >uld ha Ye to 1\·t the dough get older and the hrcad would lo~t the sweet home made tlaYor you noti\e. I "i . . h ,-ou had the time to ~<:c our nC\Y clean bakery and ~ee jtht how ..\unt Lou·~ bread is made. \Yc outgrew the smaller place. \\'ork h:t:- . . tartt·d on the con truction of a . paci m~ rug cl_(:aning t· tahli . . l· . · t ·· :::11 ·' \l·t .... trcl't to he Ot)(:ratcd ln· .\ram h~ . ~f\· . . tjtan. \\'ell nll. n t ,t , 111 . · · 1 · kn· ·\\!· dl'akr in Oril'ntal rugs. Tht.· building \Yill hC' !>~lrglar - prool anr llrt·prtH ·'. :\1 r. ~ f e :- tj ian a \'(' r:-. It wi II he the la rgc . t plant ot 1t. type on t ht· 111 ~r ~· ~ . · Edna Dean Baker Will Agricultural Mission Broadcast to Mothers Worker to Speak Here 1 \Y~f:-\0. ~l(ltHia,· aitntHI(Ill, ~Ltn· h 1~. I am rememhering my pledge to giH' the ptopk (li \\'ihnett~· a loaf of hread made "·ith unbleached Cerosota family flour, pure ti1ilk (3~0 f,: j httttcr fat). Diamond Crystal salt. no lard or animal iat hut a pure Yegetahle oil called Crisco. granulated sugar and fresh yea . t. Xothing actded to make a hig- loai or a \\·hitc loai hut ju . . t like Y:Ht would make it at home and YOU knO\\' bread made :1t hom~..: i..; not ~now white, that is not the ·natural color (If the flour . "} larnes . ing and l111agination" \\·ill :\ rare opportunit~· i..; offt:n: d h. be the ::-uhjt.:ct oi th<: radio talk ior pL·uple (li \\'ilmettt· t(l IH·;tr ~;1111 lit ·· mothers to be gin·n on·r :-tation .Qinl>(lttotn. at the l'rt· . . J,ytvrian cl1t1rrh Till' followin .Q · :;tore~ arc no\\· handling- Aunt Other will cl(l likcwi . . c if you call for it. . Yan Dcu,en. Kn('\·:tn, 1.;:-ling~· & \Yhite. '\'icj Hnrrl'. JL F. Bus:-cher. Gcr..;chdskc. Lou'..; nJesst:r. hret~d . het\n:t.7i'-i -t and ·-t:30 o'clock. !J _ , :\li . . :Edna Dean Baker, pre="idcnt ni the ~a!ti!lnal l'indcr!-~artl'n and 1-:ll'lltt · nt a r~ cnllcge . T hi . ., i..., tIt e fi it h u i a c r ie :-- o i a d.dresses on child training given undvr the auspic of the -college the third ~f (In clay of each month. ~i~·k . \r:\'1' T.C>l. lL\I(ERY ~ 13 ~ rr. \11 i :-; t<.. ·r \\'aukegan, s t l'l ' l' t 111in~'i" ~-unda~ · n1<1rning at Sl:JO o'clock, th :--:.und:t\ . . rlJ",.] hour . .:\lr. lli:_:ginh!lt I t ' llll j,· tht· .\mnictn a~rit· ttl ur .tl tni . . ,j 11 11 ; 1 n · in till' lH·:trt 11i India. ,,.!t(l h.t' lltTll ;·t ........ i. . tt·d in hi . . \\·nrk 1,~ I ·: n~b 11rl. a 11 d " } , · 11 i .., i 11 tr t 1 cl u c i11 ~ ;t · · r i 10 h ;t...,. i 1 culturl' int" 111 r(ia tr;tn . . iornH·<l tlJ, · F i· 1 ,j that part oi India . _ _ _ _ _ SELL SOLDIERS' WARES MARRIES EASTERN GIRL A sale of article tlladc b~ llv d t:\lr ..... Franri:- L. Lt·,,nard of ~l'\\ ahkd n·t('r;tth at thv Crc.::tt l..~ k , ·- ]1 ," Y(I r k 11 a s a n n <> u n.n·d t h v 111 a r r i a l!' t · t · i pi :tl \\ ill l~t· l ·· ld ; t t h t· h tl }). l <I ' \1 ·hn daul..!htn. Fdna ~farit · . tn :\;tth :ttl .\lhnt ~"'tr·111 1 . 71-t l..'t ·ntr a l . t \ 1 :tn t·. J>. c~~h~· ell. Jr. Tht· ~~·utl _:_:· people- IJ't·ll l }. llt tt iJ l1 !··l·J, ,t k \\ t ·l:tt -~J. t ·. ,, ill J,v at hnme aitn .\pril I. at ~.)C)fl ;t itl ·rt l' "'n . .:\l : tr~· h .l.-t . i . i-.. :1 11 1 .t tt 1 ,.!] l'n . . hing :t\l'lllll'. :--:.t. l.!·lli .... ~~~~ - ~lr \11 rv-.i dt ·n . . 1·i it t· \ ill:t:..:l' ;,;·, n:·:...· ~ ·.J 11 t ·· d" l'll i . . tltt· " II " oi Dr. ;tttd :\1 r .... ;tt l\·Pd ti.Jt· .... tll' a nd 1tt·lp t ht·-~· ttt l'tl ·,, ~- , tlt:tn l'ortn l'"hn·ll ~·i ,:;]0 Crt · l!'(IJ' ~ l ~t · ._vJi -.tlJ' lH· : i ill l..! !J , t·t trt·h , . . : 1:..: :ttl' · 'vnut·. :.nd 1·;, ... llt'l' ll a n ·-..idt·nt , ,j artie]('... thv ,· !' ;tn u 1· . T t·:t '.'.ill l11 \\ . iltt~t · tll' iPr man _ , yt·<t :· ... . "t·n·t.·d, it was said. CIT 621 MAIN ST. WHOLESALE A KETCO. PHONE: WILMETTE 1810 MEATS RETAIL A Satisfying and Appetizing Dinner Assured When You Purchase One of Our Roasts, Steaks or Chickens SPECIAL SALE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MARCH 12 ·13 Pork Loins, half or- whole, .... -- - - - Spring Roasting Chickens, lb .. ..... 42c Eggs, strictly fresh and selected, doz .... - - -- - Legs of Lamb, lb. ......... -- - - - -- - - - - - .35c - - --- 33c 72c Legs of Veal, milk fed, lb .. ........ 33c Armour Cloverbloom Butter, pound prints ............... . .SOc Boneless Rolled Rib Roast Beef, lb . ......... .42 Cudahy's Puritan Hams, half or whole, lb....... ...... 321L Wilmette, Kenilworth, Glencoe, Win~etka Four Daily Deliveries: 9 A. M. - 11 A. M. - 2 P. M. - I Native Pot Roast Beef, lb .......... 22c Armour's Star Bacon, half or whole side, lb ............. 4 P. M. 45c

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