Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 11

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·' . M:a:r: c h==1=2.=1=~= · ==============================~==W==I=L=M==E~T==T==E==L=l=F== E===========================================7 ~9 . YEARS Table Linens Pure Linen Table Damask, regular price $2.50 per yard, sale price .................. . . $1.69 Linen Towling, 5 yards ...... $1 l ' urtain Swiss, 6 yard ........ $1 Dress Ginghams. 5 yards . .. ... $1 \\'earwell Sheeting, 9 4 bleached, per yard .............. 59c Daisv bleached ~[us lin. regular 20~ a yd., 7 yards .......... $1 I.ong Cloth, 10 yd. piece .... $1 .95 \ \'indow Shades, tight or green , each ... . .............. . ... 63c: ol Dependable Merchandise! Women's Crepe Gowns \\'otnen's Crepe Gowns. each ...... 95c Women's Fancy Gowns \\'otnen's Fancy ~owns. regulat- S2.5U Yalue ....................... Sl//} Night Gowns Children's ~Iusl i n Xight (~u\Ylb embroidery tritnmed at. ........... 69c ·S tepins and Blootners Rayon Stepins in pastel shades. each ........................ $1.39 Groceries Fancy Preserves. 5 lh. jars. each · ...................... $1 ~one Such Corn, )Jo. 2 cans. 17c each, per doz ....... $1.95 J..:enosha ~r acaroni and Spagetti. pkg. 9c, 3 for .... "; ......... Z5c Good Luck Milk, each lOc, per doz. . ............... $1.15 Green Pearl Peas.- 16c eac h , per doz. . ............... $1.80 Club House atsup. 14 0 o z, each ...................... 2lc: Pain Oli\'(~ Soap. per doze n bars ...................... ISc: P & G Soap. 10 bars ....... . 45c: 'hipso, 20 oz. pkge .. each .. 23c Lingette Blootne~s I.ingette Bloutners. special at . . .. $1.00 ·Women's Princess Slips \ \' on1en 's Princess ~ 1 ips of good \\·caring cloth. shado\\· proof. ea ··h .. $1.69 Children's Muslin Slips Chi ldren's ~I us lin S lips, each ...... 95c Children'. \ Vhite Lingette Slips. I ri:-'h lace trin1 .................... $1.19 Pink Silk Slips for girls. each .. $1.59 0. . . .. · Corsets \\'rap around girdles oi good quality. brocade and elastic sides. $2.00 and ........ $2.50 Corselettes as sketched for the vounger set, a wonderf ul grade at ................ $1 .69 Flour and Feed Ceresota Flour. yjhhl. sacks ........... . . $5.25 ~ bh l. sacks ............ $2.68 % bb l. sacks ............ $5.%5 ~ bbl. .........· ......... $1.35 Ch icke n Feed. Scr atc h Grain without g rit , yo ur choice of three brand s. R ed Comb, Globe o r Full o'pep at $3.40 per 100 lbs. .-\ complete stock of hay a nd g r ain always at t h e lowest ma r ket price. Summer Queen Dresses Sun1n1er Oueen Dresses for \\'Otnen. Featured in novelty prints, fast c->lCJrs at only ................ $1.95 Dresses of plain striped broadcloth. permanent prints and. Rayon silks. S3.50 value .................. $2.95 $3.95 value .................. $3.65 $4.50 value .................. $3.95 Bandeaux and Brassieres Bandeaux an d Brassieres assorted, 59c and 69c, others to ........................ $1 .95 A special lot of corsets at $1.25. These .have been sold up to $3.50 but are discontinued lines and muse be sold. Hardw.are g-alvanized wash t ubs. each ...................... $1 10 qt. g·alvanizcd pails. each .. Z4c: 12 qt. galvanized pails, eac h .. 26c: 14 qt. galvanized paib, each .. 28c 50 lh. white enameled flour bins ............. ·.. $1.25 25 lb. white enameled flour bins ................ 89c: En a meted Tea Kette ls. b lue and white. large size ........ $1.39 50 ft. w ash I in e s . . . . . . . . . · . . 33c: Garden Rakes. 16 inch, 0. V. B. .. .............. $1.29 Garden Spades. 0. V. B . . . $1.59 )of anure Forks, four prong .. $1.69 Spading Forks. 0. V. B ..... $1.39 Do::>r ~rats. short stiff b r istle, 16x27 ............... . ..... 99e Scot Tissue Toilet Paper, 15c each. 4 for ................ 49c \ \'ash Boil~rs, solid copper. size 9 ................... !$4.35 \\'ash Boilers, coppe r botto1n ........... $2.95 J ~o. Everwear Hosiery Girls' Dresses Pn·tt ,. dresses of dtJtted swiss \vith red ur blue dots. ribbon trin11ned. . \ges 2 tu 6 years. Regular $2.50 values at .................... $1.69 Dresse. of printed organdy, tritnmed in white and blue urgandy ruffles. age. 2 to 6 years. $2.00 values at .......................... $1.39 Pure silk pongee dre~ses. smocked. . \ges 2 to 6 years at .......... $2.69 All silk chiffon hose in the new spring shades, regular prict' $1J5. sale price ............ 98c 3 pairs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. $2.75 Dress Goods .:\ew materials just arrived fnr spring dressmaking. ThL· popular Raychine at 98c. also Crepe Elite, and you wilt be particularly intere:--ted in the \ Vendover Prints so wonderful for children's clothing. Thev are guarantet:d to hL· fast. color ·and the price is. per yard . . ................ 69c D11rothy Print:-. per yard .... 33c Fa:-;t colored broadcloths. color .... !h'r yard .................. 95c Fast colored ~uitings for hnys. per yard .. . ............. , . 59c Colored dn·:-.s linens. $1.50 value, JH:r yard ...... : . ........ $1.19 Gymnasium Bloomers !\lade of hrav,· sateen. re-inforced k rntch. doul>fe :-.ea mrd. adj us tahk wa i~ t hand. . \ n exceptiona 1 Yalue. to size 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.50 Sizes 16 to 18 ................ $1.78 BROTHERS ROFFMAN Years of Dependable Merchandise 39 Ridge and Wilmette A venues Phone Wilmette 651

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