Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Mar 1926, p. 7

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LAY '~DIRECTED PLAY" Wilmette Youth PLANS BEFORE BOARDS Hds Star Role Recr.eatit'..,. Needs of Cnmmunity in Guild Play to Be Reviewed by Various Municipal Bodies The special committee appointed to :-.tudy the play and recreation needs of \Vilmctte has completed a com prehensive plan which has been submitted to 7- joint meeting of the Village trustees, the Park board and the School Loanl this week. According . to ] . Capen, chairman of the committee. this plan calls for the village hoard s . who by agreement. may be said to pool their interest. in play and recreation matters. \Vhile the plan might he experimental in i1ature so far as \\' ilmette is concerned, it is hased on the :uccessful exf tl ·t· · P(·nences o o 1er communi 1c . , rc 1 l t 0 fit \\' 1 .1 tt , t" ·' lape< . . me e s par ICU 1 ar ne<'d . and pohtJcal · tructure. -· WILMETTE LIFE Annual School ·Ballot · Wili Be Held April 10 An election to name a president of the Wilmette Board of Educa!ion, and two members of the board, has been announced hv President H. B. ~~ ulford, of the. board, for Saturday, April 10. As has been the custom for many years, a nominating committee representing the \\'ofllan's club of Wilmette, the Central-Laurel, and Logan-Howard Parent-Teacher associations will meet soon and report on candidates. OFFER F LAG AWARD JN. VOTING COMPHTITIUN lzaak Walton League Names New Villages aa Conteltanta in Ballot Race The \Vinnetka chapter of the Izaak Walton league of America as its contribution to the effort to indu ce the voters of the north shore tow ns of Wilmette. Kenilworth, W innetk a and Glencoe to go to the polls o n April 13 and vote, and to further encourage this practice at succeeding p r imar y elections for the selection of can d ida t es for State and County offices, will present a beautiful American F lag and standard to the village in New Tri~r town hip in which the largest percentage of registered and qualified ,·oters shall vote. . [n it. announcement of this h igh ly commendable movement, it set fo r th in the following over the signatures of the officers of the Winnetk a ch apter. the point is stressed that the c h apter i!-1 not concerned with how the JH'Oplc vote. hut is is very vita ll y concerned that thev shall vote. The le a gue i-.. a non-partis;tn non-political organization hut it considers that in order to affect its purpose. "it must fos t er and con!'\<..'rvt' the citizenship of our men and women." c .. . Thi~ pian." sa ~·s J. H · H arpn · "upcr mtendent of school:-.:,. \\·ho first called thc ho~trd!-i t:-l.tr<:ther . . 1s a .much needed move 111 the nght chrect10n and put-. \\' ilm('tte in step with other progrcs... in· communities. Dir<'cted play is 1H1\\· considered an intrgral part of the rhild\ <'ducational life and it . impnrtance in the phy . ical and social life 11i the communitv i!-1 too ohvions and t~><l well known to n<'ed comm<'nt. \Vilmvtte \\·ill not he taking iull ach·anta_t.:t' oi it.... opport unit.'· unle-..-.. somL· plan like thi s is adopted." The comm<'nts of Robert Stoddard. ·The .. U<ll!ltl' oi \Yomen Yoter~. rhairman c1f the Yillag<' Plan Commi';at the hc1rnL· ui ~f r~ . Bo\\'es. -..ion. an· interesting. "A few vea:·s L- g-oing to han· a part\·, in spit<.: a[!o," .;aid he. "\\'ilm<'tte "·a . a village ni all the -.,nn\\·"· of \\·id<' CIJH.'n :-pare-.. and our children "'Ti-.. on the a\Tntte of .\shlancl. had ample pia,· "JlaC<..' i11 the vacant lot:-. . in the sc,·cn hundred block. \:o\\· \\'ifilH:tt<· i..., rlo:-.<..'h· built and Fnurt<·t·n. to lH· explicit-do comc gaml·~ that call ic1r grout~ playinl!' or :q1d bm· a t ir krt l team ·work mu'-t he pla ye d on "Then· a~!' to he . . , ,m c pnzt·:-.. t n llltlll iripa I i-!TOund .... Tlw import a nrc <·Yrry tahh- nne. (If upen·i-.,t'd and din·rted piay ha~ ht·Sn come and join tlw pla_,-er-... tn rome known <·nh· in recent vear-.. help the fun along. -..int·l· the . ·ationa!' Education a-..!-.·ocia"Th<' date do plt:ase rememl>er. tion. th<· t·nitt'd Stat('-.. gonTnm<·nt. it fflllo\\'-.. hrrt· hdo"·· Yaric1u-.. unin·r!-.itic:-. and otlwr orga·ni Tlw tinH'. it i-.. at t\\·n, ... < cnnh:. l'ati(ln-.. h<·!.!an tn ..,tuch· and note it.; and join th. do ! " rt ·:-.ult..... Thi:- t·ntir<..: .plan. \\'hirh I l.e a l! tit' talent \Holt· the a hoYr han· n·ad cardulh·. ha-., mv r. nwlet..· \'(·r~-oe..; a-. an in\'itation tu all int<.:rnted approval and r am· rontident it \\'ill hl· p('r~on-., to l>r participant!'i in the affair accept<·d ent hu-..ia:-.tiralh· 1)\· the ,·ariou!'i ,·i lla[!c hoard-.. and . the C<lll1- which will he oi . ocial import in the Yillagt· on ThursclaY. ~farrh 2~ . at tht· munit~ · at lanre ." home (I i ~ f rs . Fr~ckric k ~r. no\\ l':-o, May Foil ow State Plan il4 Ashland a\·rnu<' . A feature of the plan propo~e-.. that The patronr..;..; li. t follow~: ~f l':-.dame:\Yilmt-ttc el<·ct to rome undt: r the ~tate Ciark. A\TC'!'i~ X. P. Colwrll. Herbert Playground :\ct. If thi~ ~tl!!t!·e:-.tion is ~fulford.-Leland Pier~on. Ha,·cs ~lr accepted at the comin~ meeting, petiKinnev . . Q..;car Schmidt. C"lan·nn' tiotl!-1, a~ reco~nized h,· Ia"· "'ill he Kava1~augh. \Yillis Hutson. Carl c i r c ttl a t e d t h r ~ m g h t h L~ \ . i I I a g e n ex t \\'idne,·. Charle~ ~fcCm·. Honr Th ~Hl11 l week. it i~ ~;,aid. ..,on. J.'A. Plener. Glrn{·iew, Ill.. r.eorge Opportunity will he gin'n at the IJi!-i...,, and C. F.. Tucker. joint me<'ting to n·yi...,r or change an~· Anyone wisl~ing to help the rathl of ih f<'atures or detail" . 1,\. donating- a prize. may phone ~fr:-.. \Yrt\JET'rt~ LlFP. hopt·:-. t(l puhli..;!J the Tr·.' Reynolds. who is in rhargt· of rompJet,. plan in it.... n<'xt i~sue. ii ar l>r!Zt'!'i. n·ptahlt' b.,. the joint boards. Need D irec ted Play Thl' ~orth Shore Theatre Guild has assrmhled onr of the strongest casts in' vears for "The Pelican." which is · to ~><: the thi~d production of the fifth seasoiL "The Pelican" plays in Highland Park on ~·J arch 15. Lake Forest, on ~~arch 16. and Evanston. ~1 arch 17 and 18. The \Vinnetka dates ha,·e heen changed to March 19 and 20, and \Vii'me tte's performance will he ~larch 24. ~f rs. Emma _Blaine ~fcKcndry of Evans_ton._ who will l~c r.~membered f~r .he~ dehgl.1.~tul '~·o rk 111 ~Iary the ~.h1rd and fh_e fruth About Blayds. has the leadm~ ro}e cr~ated by ~f argaret La\Yrcn~~ 111 l\ew 1 o_rk. E_dwar~l Felke of \\ Ilmett.e . who l!-1 makmg h1~ first aptwarance With the Theatre Guild. 1. '!If"' 01· · F to P 1a,· t 1 1e son: .Ht. s n·1a entress oi \ \ 'i illlct ka. Spaulding Coffin of \\·innetka and ~amuel Otis of \Yinnetka all have important role:-. in the production. The ca: t i:-. i urt h L' r rom po!-i<..'d of II a\\'ley ~f ntz of Evan . . ton. \vho play~ ()ppo-..ite ~fr ..... ~fcKendry: ~fis" ).fargaret ~'f<..'rri\\'eather of Hi 1!hland Park, and ~fr ~~. R<~ger S. \'ale ~i TliQ"hland Park: Norman Parker. l·.u1!<'1H: E. ~faC'\· and Leon ~IcKendr~· c ',f 1\,·an-..tc~n ro1;1pkte the cast. IN RECITAL THUR.SDA y Edward Johnson, Metr opolitan T enor, A r t ist on Music Club .Program Ed\\·ard Johnson, ian1ous ~let ropoli-_ tan opera tenor. will appear at th<..' next of the Arti!-.t- Recital ~<..'ric~. !->ponsored h" the \\'innctka ).!u:-.ic club. This recital to be held next Thursday <'vr.· ning, March 18, at New Trier High . . chool auditc,rium. i:-. the final program < 1i the sea!-.on. ~I r . I ohnson. who has \\'t·ll rare fan1r br1th ~~~ :\merica and in Europe. \\·a:- :-.rhl'<lulcd to start the sea!-.(In oi recital la-..t Ortobcr, hut was un ahle to ht pre~cnt hecau~e of illness ;mel \\· ;~-.. replan·d at that tillll' hv ~1 argard ~~ atz('naun. · Th(' progra111 ior next Thur:-.da,· l' \'t' ning i:-. to he a:-. iC~IIo\\· :-.: · I. All: Invitation in Verse Brings Announcement of Voters, Bridge Permanent Award The prize flag, in ordct to become the permanent property of one of t he village~. n1u~t. according to the p r ovi!'iions oi the donors, have been won four times by !'ittch village. The presih d<'nt< in the four villages ave consentcd to act as judges in this contest of g·ood citizen!-ihip, and between n ow and election date the flag will be displayed and the contest explained in t h e 1 1 school · and elsewhere in t 1e severa villages. Dr. James 0. Ely. president of the \\"innetka chapter is credited with originating thi:-. YOte-stimulating idea in which he at o11ce received an enthu:-.iastic approyaJ and support of the entire board of directors. The other members of the hoard are A. M. Ferry, secn·tan·: Frank F. Fern·, treasurer; ~orrnan· K. Anderson, Percival Hunter and J udgc Charles 11. 'l'homson. The \Yinnetka chapter, which i~ now about one vear old. and in which all the four villages above mentioned are represented. hOI.!-> a membership of 150. The national organization is only tour Years old. and yet in that brief period j,as attained a membership of 120,000, \\'ith local chapters from one end of the country to the other. The official announcement of the offer being made by the Winnetka chapter >f the [zaak \Valton league, follows : t~<·. ~·i<~ "l.;t .\ 1 ·ia , i\<· ant·u1·a 4 t~< ·t· i t. and \ ···~t a J,... .. ) . . . . . . Spontin i < 1774-1 \ ·, t·;..:itt tuttn ;tmnr 1 f'rl:'g·hit>ra) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dur·antf' (l6~4-17fJi'i) 1!1 ll~t·zz,' ' :il) i11a l a I tna ,. ( :\Ta rinat·l:'~ca Tt·i<'st· · · · · an. by Satlt-ro I I. 1 . ; , . Lnto!-'lduttlt· ( flt·itJt·) .. !':ichumann ll :r l!ilcl (Schwa!tl'ng- 1·sang· ) .. Rchulwrt <1 h:onlllJt · , h11ld· · SommPrnacht (<1roht>) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Brahms Tilt · 4")"(·).; 1 \.""' i kc1ff) .... Savh now~ky 111 c;l<···tn . ' li11ur~ ( t~athau!") ........ . .. .... T~l'lwiknw!"ky :\lo11 1 ·,.,., . Lttnil..-rt· ;1 r II . (\'t>rlaiJlt') . ..... . Ht·<"tor 1 1 intatll'h·· l'auli·· l'anizz;t tl!as~·w-t:l 't· tal.!· nt') I:,' 11 rg-a ul t- I )Ut'OIIIIra y L 'a11·· hl:tJI< · 1 ),;-Jingsor) .. <1Porg-c·!': Hut.· \11 : Fu .'·,.z dPU1··· lmagt:" (:\lanon) .... .TuJ,...R T \ '. )Tass nf>t l·: ;tll!.!:tl'(tt! ;ttlll (lillgP !Kipling) .. . . .. . .. ..... J;:dwanl (~erman ·11> .\ ' d;t!'l, luir I :\lahont·y) .......... . . : . ... .. . . . Horaet' Johnson \ l 'i tH ·J·. f(J':-;nJliY:tll) .. !\fich;u'l Ht>a fl " athk t·ll 41':\lnrt · (f~t · yrwlcls) ....... . . . . . . . . . . arT. \)\· III't'hE>rt Hug·}H'S To At t! IH ·a ( llt·ITiC'J.i:) .. .l. L. Hatton Street Widening Bids to Be Opened March 17 Scotch Entertainment Surprise Party Feature :\ ~roup of thirf\·_ f],·<' \Vinn<."fka anrl E,·a n-..ton iriend ..... oi Harn· l'ttmh(·;r land. lJC) Fifth trec 1 · tt'IHI~·rcd him :t 'llrllri!'il' party la-..t :~ ; ttt:r'!a· t"t ·n inl!' :\ fter a pro~ram l'1i nlll '-ic "lid ~~allll"-· lt~nJn and lohn Cunn. ~cotch ~-n'l '(·d i:llls and Z·len·r imper-..onators of the iJ'u..;triou!-1 Harry Laudt:r. ga,·e a ~nt·cial (_'ntertainment. WORK FOR VETERANS The Committe(' of Friendly Co-operation \\'ith Soldiers met last ~[onday aftern~on at tlw home of ~frs. Theodore Bre~·er. 725 \\·ashington stree t . to sew for soldiers. This committee carrif's on one phase of the actirities of t he \\'oman's club of \ Vilmette. Bid-.. ior the " ·i<lening oi \\'ilmette and l\·ntral 01\·ema·:-. mu:-.t ht· in i>Y \Vednesda~· eYen in g. ~~arch 17. at· 8 o'clock. f Htic·in l . \nn o un e ~ni e nt according to the order oi. the Yillage " To tlw l'uhlk in the Towns of Wilho;trd <~i !.ural lmproH·ments at its 1111'1 t· ·. Kt ·nil worth, Winnetka and Ia!-.t melting. Prnpo!-iab for the paving ( t l t·Jl(·Ot·: "Tiw \\.innf'tkn chapter of the Izaak of the fir-...t aile,· ~outh of Central an·nuc from the eastern tcrmintt!'i oi the \\-alton lt·ag-ut:> of America desires to prt-~t-llt an AmE>riean flag and stanNorth Snore Men Win alle,· to \\'ilmette aH·nne n1u:-.t abo hl· d;tnl to tht· City or village in New Phi Beta Kappa Honor in ;tt that time. a. well a-.. hid-.. iur paY- Tt·it·r township in which the large:st . . ing thl' fir~t alley south oi Lake aYenue pt·n·t·ntag-e of n·g i::;tert=><l and qualified \\on! has hn·n rt'Ct'I\Td frc1111 l irom Fourth t0 I·:i.Ldtth ..,tfl'l't and for ,·o tpr::-; shnll vott:' at tht· coming- primPrineet:111 c(lllerre that H(lhert \\'alt--... the pa,·ing of (~irard and Carri:-.on an·- ar·y t·lt·d ion Apt·i l 13, 1 H26, to select ( :tndi<latt:'S for Stat<· and County or~ '-Oil ,>f ~lr. :t nd ~rr-.. . H.\\'. \\.ale-.. of nne-.. in the :\rthur Duna:-. :-.uhdiYision. fin·~ 4H(\ Sheridan road. \\'in net ka. ;tn d The \\·iden i ng of \ \'ihnette and Central "Tht" lza<\ k \\'a It on leagu~ is au or.TanH'S Burnham. '-Clll ni ~fr. and ~!r .... avenues in the tntsine~;,s . district \·.:ill g au iza t ion fm·ntt.'41 pri mari 1y for the pur·po!"t' of <'OIIst'r·ving for ounH'lves C. G. Burnham (li .i3(i R :) -..1\'11 road . constitnte <llll' nf the nJost important li!Hl out· C'hilclrt·n the forest::; and OJH·n Kenil\\'orth. han· recein·d the. unn..;ual street improvements in year!'i and the plact:'s of tht.· cout.try. It is not prim· honor in their junior vear out oi ,1 actual \\·ork ni con~truction is expected aril\' intt>n·stt-<1 in anv candi<latt·. It class oi ahout 500. of ·hein~· admitted to begin as soon as the weather will i~ ·a 1\0il-Jlll·\. isan llOn-pnliti!'al HI'J.!,Hilization, but it eortsi<lt·rs that tn orinto Phi Beta Kappa. Thi-. much P rmit. <lt·r to afft·c·t its purposP, it must fosc:->v<'ted honqr is on!~· hrstowed upon tt'r and <·onst·rVt' tlw citizenship nf '-tttdent!'i as a result of high !-.tandarcl VASSAR CLUB HOSTESS our nwn ;tntl \\'OilH'Il. It i~ not t'Ollconct>I'IH'd with how the TH'oplt' vott·, in their scholarship. ~~ r-.. . Chark:-. B. Fullerton, 819 Linhut it is vt·r·\· vitn.ll\' eoueerlll'd that coln !'itreet. EYan!'iton. will entertain :he tht:'v shall Y<;t<·. If t'ht- !H'Ople arc to On<' of the Tuesdav clubs meets ~orth Shore \ ·assar club at 3 o'cleck, b1 ,;e a voi<'t:' in tht· g-overnment, t ht=> with ~frs. ~'illis Hut.son. 1112 Elm- ·uondav afternoon, ·March 15. Mr.;. spil·it of patriotism must be fostered ,,.00d avenue, for luncheon and brdige Kcnnet.h ~filler is the club's new sec- s<· that ever~· man and woman will do (Continued on page 36) next week. l'retar y.

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