Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 50

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50 WILMETTE LIFE March 5, 1926 t"a:-:t of <::nrisPn Av<'nUt', all ft·om th<' Houth litn· · of Arthur l·unas Sh·· r.idan f·oad Subdivision of part of Lot thtrt~· tiHt·e <:1J) of ltaxtt·t·'s ~uhdh·i:-:io11 in \YTLL .DO TYPING AND <ntilnwtte Ht·st· r\-: at ion, to tht· north · ' cop~·tng at hom<'. \\?ilmettc 3267. Jitw of :-:aiel Arthur· J>unas Hht:ri(lart 31LT9-tfc !toad StJhtli\'iSitJII, tog-··tllt·l' with th· · ;~ll<.·y adjoining· Lots ninl' (!J), lt·n 00) , I~ENNELS :~nd nill··t··t · ll ( 1~1), on th· · nor·th fi'Olll fron1 pagt· -l !I) th 1 · w· ·:-:t Iilii ' uf Lot ont· (I) of S:ti·l :--; 11 h d i \' i !-' i Oll t o I h t · \\' t· :--: t I i lit· of L u t L2 ~~- ]t(' nir 11 ·tl···ll (I !·), ;Ill itt said .\rt ltut· I )tllt :t " :.:1 :-ill· · t·id:tll l~o:ttl :-iuiHli\· isioll, ·· xc·t · pt lht \ ' 11,1. .\ta: UF \\'II.UE'I"I'E int 1 ·r:-:t·l'lion:-: of :-::tid strt·t·t:-: \\'ith :-::tid FOH !-'.\LE l'PRICHT DESK, $7: alit>\':-: \\'hic·h int··l'St·l·tiotls an· irwludt d Simph' x nHlnl.rlt·, $:?:3: automatic conPHOPO!'i .\ t.!o! h· · r;· ill in tht · d.-s<·riptioll of s:tid trol rAdio :-;l·ndlngand n·c<·n·Jng· · Fu 1· c~rnclin,:;, l'n\· in~ with ( ' uawrt"h·. ·:ir:11 ·d :tlld (::tt'l'i:-:(ltt .\\"t· IIUt ·s, ~~~ gra<l :'t ·t: ~·' · of \'ictor \\'il'('l< ·:-:;.. C't)dt· in- IIUHH TEHRIEH PUPPIES, EXCELand ()t lu·rwist· huttru,· in~ t ht· First il1g, :tdju:-:tirtg tllatt holt · t:o\'t·t·s . and It·nt ~pecinH·n~; hig· hl~· br ·d: subj~:ct :-:t I'U<'t ion t't·t·ord:'. l'hoth' \\' ilrnt' tt<· \lh,,. !'uu·h ul' ( ' t·ntr:al .\ ,·t·ntw. fron~ t':tll'll b:t:-;ill ('0\'t'I'S, :tllfl pa\"lllg' \\' tlh ;1 to n ·g-is::tration in A. K. ' t17. 21 LTN23- 1 t · 1 \\Jinwth· .\ ,·t·ntw tu tht· Ui~ht ut l't· iII fUI'('I'd I'(IIJ('J't·t t' p:1 \ 't· IJJ\ ·11 t St·\'l· rr \\ 'ny ut' ~nnitur,· llil'ltrit·t of ('hit·a~o. (j ) i II(.' h t · S I It i ('(.; . a II d II l h t' I'\\' iS I ' i Ill Phont· \\'ilmdtc· :w~!l FOH ~.\LI·: ('HE..-\1' ELECTHIC" (·harg·ing- plant: bah_,. < riolf' ha:;;ket, 32LTN22-ltp I C\\ ilnu·ttt· !'ttt·c·inl .\sst·ssnwnt ~u. IH:l· pro\'illt:, th·· :-;: ttllt ·. in til·· . Y!lla~t · ·· I \\ · i IIIII ' tt 1·, ( · o ol.; I · n urt t ,\' , lllttlf 11 :-., 1 11 : t 1· :::~: :-:t roliPr. ~ -1 : Erli:;;on \ ' ictrola and ,.l, t'd:lllt' t' \\'i ll' tilt· ··rtlin:lllt't· and sp· ·<·l n·enrrl~. Tt' l. K<'nil. 2190. \\. i Ill!!'\ It·. Ill i II IIi s. .\I: l }'(' h ;-,. FOH !-'.\LE T\\"0 'l'HOH()l'(~H J:l{l-:1) ' li l': tti·'·tl:-; f··r s:ti d illtlll ' l>\' t·IIJ I'Il t, will 1.. 21LTN23-1 te English point· · t·s, malt· and ft·mak. ~. ·; tl··d Jll'tiJII'~al:-: l'ot · grading. pa , . _ n 1·, · i \'t·cl J,, · tit· · I :,ard of l,tll·:tl l11 1 f'uJJ\· trainl·d . ·\lso t\\O Plll> S tl\·c 11~ \\· i;IJ ~ · utlt'l'· · t··. a11d olht·t·wis·· 1111\'ilia ~·· of \\ 'rl FOH !-'...:\LE-~H ETLAND PONY \\'TTH mo.· old. \'t·l'.\ ' r··a :-:., nal>lt · for im - ill'tl\' illg· til· · t'··llll ' :tl t·i,:..:.lllt ·t·ll ()\) ft ···t pl~>\ ' t ' lltt · l ll~ nf :-: ttd 11t· ·t t· · ltttt il ·, ,, ·,·l··t · J, I'. .\1 .. ,,, :-;add}(': kind and g-0ntlc·: ~uitabl<· for IIH'diatt· sale. .\ddrt · ~:-; ·11 !I ( :n ... n- I ·I' til· · fir :-;t ; tilt · ~ · S(>lllh uf ('t·tlll':tl \\ ' ,dttt ·~ tl;l ,\, tit· · 17111 d:t_\ lit' .\l:tll '!t childn·n. .\ddn·~f: \Yil. . Lif(· A-8lli. Jtoaf .\ \'t ·., Jt·IH 'IH'. )'hont· (; l<.-11. ~!1::. \\'t·llllt ', t·XIt·tlciill).!. fi ' UIII thP t·:tS(t · I'J~ · .\ . I· J~t:!t;, : II wltkll tittt· · :-;aid lll'l>21 L TN 2::! - 1 t r' I :>:!LT~:~-lt· ~ litt·· of \\'ilnw tt· · .\\· · 1111· · to th1· \\t · ~t 1,11 :. .: al:-: \\ill ),. . puldif'l .' cq,..n··d, t· X:llr t I t·J'I\ lillt ' of th·· rit;ltl-··f-w:t;. of th· · FOH !-'.-\LE 1(1:-;l(ift. !-'HEl>. St'TT- ~--~~~~--:----------11 1··d a11d d· ,·Jar· ·tl I·~ · :-.: tid l: .. :trd ... , ';ll.liLtl'\ l!i;..ti'it ·t .,f t'hit':tgo lt·X<'t·ld L tll':il ablt> for g-arag<·: mu:-;t hP mo\'<' n. 1 :~4 Ul ' !'l~l·:!'!' OPPtHC'I'( ' :\I'I'IES lt.IJ>I'I·\' t·iilt ' lil!-' ill lht · ('1)\J) II'tl II a t ' 11 ·, r t i "11 "f t II 1 · i 11 t · · r s t · c· t i u 11 :-: of ('all \Yilml·tt<· 701-H. :!1LT!!3-1t<' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (')I:IIJIIH I' Jll tl11 · \'iJI:tl.! ·· flail , Ill !-' :t l·· 1·'01~ S.\LE \\'I·:LI. I·:ST.\I~LI~HI·:I) ·.hi rd · ~t r· ··· t. 1-'ourtlt St n·t·l, Fifth \'ill :il.!·· ell' \\ "i lrnl'lt· ·. girt f.; hop : \\' iII :-;al'ritiC't' for im- . ~tl't'l'l, ~i:'l.t11 ~11 ' 1 ' \'l, ~· · \' f·lllh ~ll't'l'l, FOH S.\LE LOT IN 'l\TJo::\JOHf.AL T It · . "'I ) I I . i li \.; I I i .. II :-: f fll' :-: :\ i d i Ill p I' ll \ I Jn('diatt· di:-;po:-;al . l·'or infonnati1.n ,.;ig·hth ~t; · · · · · t. :\'i11tll ~tr····t. Tt ·tl lll l'arl.;: c<·m<'t~·r~· . Phont· \\·tnn. ~81. \\' i II I'. <tddr···:-::-: \\'ilnwtt·· Lift · .\-7!15 . ;-;, l \ ' \'(. :t lit! 1·: Jt. \' t·lt t ]1 ~ll'l t· t, Itt·( \\' (' \·II ill I ll I :- :I II tl ld" It).; p ,. .. , "I~; tl :-: 21 LTN~:~-1 t I' 3-tLTN:!::-ltt· l tit·· · ·a:-:1 :ttlll " t·st litit·!-' .,j' ··a('h ~>f :-:;tit! ftrtt ' islt· ·d :tt til· · tdlit ·t· 11f s:ti d l:co:t!l ' :.; tr ·····t:-; with ~:tit! ;tilt·~. whil'h ar·· al- 111 r.~~, ·: tl ltll :·rll \· ·lltt·til . . itt :-aid \ 'tl FOH ~.-\LE - SI·;LF- FEEDIN<; H 1·::\T··r : g-ood <'onrlition. Phon1 · \\'il. 3-137. t· ·:ttl.' pa\·· ·tl) . i11 th1 · \ "illagt· of \\'il- l:· gt· II :til. \ ' 11.1. \C.iE Ul·' \\'11.\IKI'TE l I' II )I (I:-:; tl " Ill II .... I I ... II I :t d I . ( 111 t I" . rnl'llt ·, ( 'ool.; ('olllllY, fllinois, in ac:!1L2:~-1tc nrr·tti:o:l~> · d 1. _ , :-::1id 1:" a rd ·.r vot·tl:ttH··· with tilt· ot·uinall<:t· and J.l:lttl' " FOR ~ .. \LE T'OHT .. \f~LE ('HICKEN PHUI"H!' .\ 1.~ j :·qwt'itka t io11:-; for · said lmprovc·nH ·nt, Lcwal ltJIJII ' II\'t ·ttll ·ll t" , ;tllfl lllllSt l11 · <ld coop, 8x40: (·h<·ap. l'hon(· \\'inn . 100:-l. l Fur (;r:ulin~· :uul l"u,·in,:; \\itlt ( 'on- \\' ill l~t · J'\·( ' t·i\'l ·d _I·~· ~IH· !:oanl of. Lo~·.al dr· ·s:-: t·d !1· tilt· 1:1>:tl'd nf Lot':tl ln1 t· rt·f t· :liUI ()t lu· r'\\' isc· IJUttru,· in~ f ht· Jnt J1 )'I i \ ' t·IJI 1 · 11 t :-; f ,f :-;a ttl \ II) ag·1· (lj \ \ tJ- Pl 'tJ \' t·lttt·llt:-: ,,f tilt · \ 'i ll :q..: ·· of \\'iltll· · lt· . 21 LTN2a.- t t p J<'irst .\llt·y !'outh nt' LRkt· .\ \' t>Dut· 1111 · tt~· until ' o'vlul'l.;, 1'. :\1., 011 \\'illll l'll· ·. lllinnt:-. :tutl : rtdorst·d "l'r·· -· from Fuurth StrN·t to Eighth !'trt·t·t. \\ 'edtt··stlay, til·· I 7th da~· of :\lar1'11, l>"~als fnr lrnpro\'t·tnt·lll of a sy:-:ll'lll "' ::4 J,O~'I' AND J<" OUNO A . J). J!l:!ti, at whi<-h ti111t· said pro- str·o·l'ls :tnt! alit-~:-. t' flltsi:-;till.t..:" of l:ir:tr .. LO~T GHEY n01\TE~TI<' Hl'<; TN t \\' ilnlt'ttt· !'Jtt-(·inl i\sst>ssmt>~at :\u. lUI) posals will l~t· puldi<'ly O)H'IH:d, ex- :\\' t·lltH ·, (;;tl'l'iSIIIl .\\'t·llUt·, alltl ('t·J'I:lll l :tmint·d and tlt·l'lart·d h\· said J;oanl of alh·~ · :-:," :llt<l all )11'<1po:-al:-; rnu:-:t 1,,. :tl'· "'ilmPttE> la~t ~aturda~·. Lilwral r<·\\'iltllt'tt 1 ·· fllinois, :\lar<·h ~·. l~l~ti. Loeal Itnpr·ov··llll'llts l11 th<· Couneil ('IIIIIJI:Illi< ·d I·~· cash. or· :t l'l'l'tilit·d l'ht·t·l, ward. Find<·r plt·a~<· <·all \\'ilml'ttt· ('hamhPr in tlh · \'ill;q..:·· llall. in sai1l pa _ , ·alllt· to tht · ordt·t· <·f th .. l't'o·sidt·t·l l!l4!l. 241...2:~-lt(' ~t·alt>d propo:-:al!-1 for g-rading-, pa\'ing of th1· l!o:trd of Lol':tl 1111lHOVt ·lllt'lll!with ('IIII<.'I'Ptt·, and otiH·n..-ist· improY- \'illagt· of \\'iln11'ltt ·. LOST-LED(;EH . \CC'Ol'NT P.OOK OF' irtg· tht· centntl "ig-htt·t->11 (1~) ft--t·t nf Tht· :-:p··l'ifil-Htiolt~ for :-:aid impro\' t·- of lht· \ 'i ll:lg· · t>f \\"iltnt·ltt· for :1 :-:11111 <iros::l'P Point H Palt h C<'ntPr: on Ft·b. th·· fit·st all~· :-;outh of La k<· Avt·nul', llll'llt:-; :ttttl blank propo~.ds \Viii ht· of ttlll lt ·s:-: thatt lt · ll 1]11) Jl· · t· <'· · ttlllllt 1. HC'ward. T(·l. \:Vii. 2!13fi. PXtt:>ndillg- fr·om tht· wt·!-lt lint-- ·of l·~ourth fut·ttisht ·d H t t ht> ollkt· of ~aid l{oard of of th·· ;q.,:gl'l'g:ttl· of tilt · propos:tl :tlld :!-lL2:{-ltc ~tn·t·t to tlw Lot·al IIIIJH ' ""t·lltl'lll:-: ill . said \'illng-t · 1111 Jll'OI ' t>:o:al \\' ill l11 · t·onsitl··r· ·d unl·· ~: t->a:-:1 litH· of l·~ig· hth :t (' t ·" 111 Jl a 11 i ··t1 It~ :-: u ·· It 1'11 ·· 1 · k 1 · r ('as II !-'tr···t·t, t'X<.'t-'J)t that portion of the in- flail. Th· · t'lllltrac·tor will Ill' paid in lrl>!ld;. LO~T Sl\f...\LL <iHEY Pl'HSE ON t··t'Rvct ion of Fifth Stn.·ct with sa ill l'ropos:t b Ill list I"· rnatl1· out on Lind(:'n av<·. h(·t Wf'<'n ~tat ion and allt·y l:>ing ht:·wt·t·n tht· t'ast and wpst blanks fttt'Jti:-:ht·d "' said Hoard of anti \'OUI'ht·r:-:, p:1yald1 · "'·lt-ly out ·d track~. Tt>l. \\'il. 824 . .J lwfon' 1 II a. m. litH·s of Fifth !-'tl'el·t: also l'X<.·ept that L<wal lntpro\'t· lltl'ttl< and rnu~t he atl- tit·· :ts:-:t·:.::-:nH·nt for :-:aid illlpt·o\·· ·tnt·llt. 24L23-ltc portion of tlw intt·l'st·dion of !-'ixth drP:-:St·d to tht · J:c,artl of LO<':ll lm- \\' h· · ll ··· dlt·<.·t,·d, in tt·c·nrtlan<.·t· with til· \\'il- pr·,,,· r:-;tolt!-' of tht · o t·dill:tlll't· tht ·l'·· ft·l. Htn·l't with :-:aid alit'~- J~·ing hl·t~\'l't'll pro\'t ·lll··nts of lilt· \ 'illagt· of LO!-'T - O N ::\IOND...\Y <:EHl\L\N 1'0- t lw t ·a:--: t a 11 d w t' s t l i n <' s of !-' i x t h ~ ll'l" d ; rn!'ttt ·, \\'iltnt ·tt· ·. Illinois, and in- and in th1· rnann··r pr·,·:-:l'l'illt·<l b~ Ia\\ . lice pup. 4 months old. Findt·r plt·as<· also t·Xt't·pt that portion of tht-> intl'r- tlot ':-: t·d "l'roJH·sal:-; for · IIIIJII 'O \'t·llll'lll \\ltit · h bonds will llt'HI' intt·n·st :tt tit· call \Yil. 1422. HPwat·d. 21L23-ltc :-:·TI ion of !-'t· \' t·n til Ht r·,.,.t with :-:aid or tht· First .\lit·\' ~IIIIth of l't· lltt·al l':dt· of :-:iX (t;) pt ·. l't ·lltUill JWI' :tllllti!J I T h ·· <· o 11 t r·: 1 '·tor t 1, w h 11111 t h l' <' .,,, frotu \\'ilnwt t t· A n·nut· tc, alley. lying- ht->tWt>t·n tlw east and Wl·st ..\ \'t· llllt ·, 27 lit~t·s of said St·\'t·nth !-'lt'l't't. whi<"h right of \\'<t~ of ~:tnit<lry l>istrid of tr:t\'l IIICI\' lw :tW:II'Ilt·tl \\ill 1... n ·qllit· d :-:aid illlt·J'~t·('tioll:-: art· :tlrt·ady pa\'1-'d, <'hit-ago," :t11d <ill propos:tls lllllst ht· to furni~h a l;c.nd to th1 · s:ttisfa<"li··tr ~·"1)C11Z-c' t111 l"') ) l.') :-:aid :lllt·y l1t'i11g· lilt· :tllt·y I·Xtt'tHlin;.:; :u·l't>IIJpanit·rl "·' t':t!-'h, or· a ('t·rtifil·d a11tl appto\al of said l!n:tt·d of Lflt ':tl .'\ ~ P ~~ t·a::;t attd \Vt·St thi'O\l).!.' h !Jiol'lo; lt'll (10), ('ht·t·l.; pay a ldt · to t h·· tll'dt·t· of lht· ltltpr·o\·t·nlt·nt:-, in :t :-.ltttl ··qual tu lift \ dt·\'t· ll t 11 ), twt·l ,.,. 1 I:!), :tlld thirtl·t·ll l'rt ·:-:i tlt ·tlt of lht · t:oanl of Lo(':tl Im- (~oil) Jll'l' t't ·ll(lllll ·II' IIH· ('llllli'Hl'l )II'H 't. . \ TTENTTON! tl3). ill lling·t·t· 's .Addition to \Vilnwtt··. JII'O\' t'lllt·lltl' of tht· \'illagt· of \\'il- I'IJIJtlitiottt·d f~>r till- f~tilhful p··t·ft·l'llt FlH~T ('L.A~~ l'PHOLSTEHIN<; PONE tht· \'illagt· or \\'ilmt'ttt·, l'ook ntt·t tt· f<n· a :-:11111 of not 11':-:s than lt·ll :tlll't· of I ht · t'OII\I':tt't at ~·our homP or at m~· shop. l'ri<'<·~ in I 'rqposa 1" \\iII IJ, . r ·. ,.,. i ,.,.f) for tit· w i t h t Itt) pt·t· <·t · ntutn .. r th·· ag-g-rl·gat·· of rpas. \York g·uarant<·Prl . :{ Elt·<·t t·it· l' u u " t y . Ill i 11 o i :-:, t 11 a <.'l' or <I an (' t · Plaet·. T<'l. \Yilnwtt e 2%. :!7LT!\::!:J-Itp tht· or<linalll't· and s]weitkations for tht· JII'IIJifl:-;aJ :tlld llfl )li'OJIIIS:tl Wi)) 111' l'··ll!-tl'lll 'l iOII of :-::tid lllliJI'II\'t;lllt'n( :1~ said impro\'t·lllt'llt, will lw l'l·n·i\'t·d h~· ('OIIsidt·l't·d \lltlt·!-'s :lt'('VIII)l:t II it·d J;y ~ll<'h :t \\h(ll·· : :tltd . . . aid 1:11at·d tof Lnt·:tl ltrt pr "' ··tn··ttl:. r· ·:- ·· r·\ ··:-: Ill· · right to r·· thv l:oard of Lot·:tl lmpro\·t· nwnt:-:. of <'ht·(')( Ill' (':t:-;h, :-::tid \'illagt· of \\'ilml'ttt· until S Tht· t·ontral'tor \\' ill Ill' paid in bonds jt'\'( :Ill~ :111!1 ;til lilil:-:. u'l'lcH'k, 1'. :\1. oil \\'t·dnt·~da~·. tht> lith :111d \' ouvh··r:-: , payablt · soli'],\' out <·f OYEH YOl'H !-'<"HEEN~ 1·:.-\ I! I. 1·:. < 11 !~I·: I~ If th<·.\· n<·l'cl n·pairin11.. <'all on l't·t···· da\· of :\lar('h. A . I>. l!I:!H, at whieh tht· asst·ssnlt·nt for said impro\·e mellt, .1<111~ ('. J:.\1,1·:1: J. S('hal'ft·t·. 1501 \\'a shing-ton .\\·t·. Tt' l. titilt' said proposals will be publicly wht·ll collh'lt·d. ill :t<"l'llt'd:ttt<·t· with tht· I ·: L.\IJ·:l~ 11 . I:J·:<'KEI~ \Yil. %!1-::\1. 27L::?3-tfe npt'lll'd, t·xatllin··tl ;111d dt·<.·lan·tl h~· said Jll O\'ISIOIIS ·tf lht· OJ'(Iillall('(' tht·J't·fOI', \\'11.1-'<ll:ll \\' l~t·I!J·:I~.\l:Jt ltoanl of Lo(':tl Impt'O\'t· mt·Ht:-: in tlw anti ir1 tht · tll<lllllt·l' pn · :-:<·t ·iiH·d by law, I'L.\l:J·:~('J ·; 1·: . I>U.\YI·:t: .\NTIQCE Fl.HNITl.HE HET'~\IHlNG <'ottlll'il <'hamlwr in tht · \'illag<· Hall, \\'hit-h IH·ntb ,,·i ll l~t·a·· intl'n·st at tht1'.\l'L , \ . I!<1FF:\IAX and l't·finishing-, upholstt·t·ing·, mat- in :-:aid \"illagt· of \\'il1111'llt·. ratt· 11f' :-:iX (li) )H'I ('PIIllltll ]H·J' :llllllllll . .JIHIX F . \\'IJ·:Ili.IX Tltt· ··ontntl'tor · to whtllll th<- <·ontrrs~c·s l't"IH'\\'t>d . Fn·d Kitto. 12-lfl Tht· :-:pt·t·itications for· :-:aid iiiJJll'o\·el!o:tl'll of l,l·<·:tl llliJ>l'O\'t·fl)l ' ll t !-' ('(·ntral .\\'t·. l'horw \\'ilnwttt· ~I:Hl. L2:~-l t I tr:u·t 111:1~· bt · awnrde<l will IH· r<.·quin·d 1111· 111 !-' and !dank pr·oposals will l~t· fur~ i r'T 1 !I - t rl' II b lw d ; I t t It I' () IIi<- t. II f :-;a i d I : 0 a n l 0 f "' funtish :1 !Hitlll to tht· satis[a('tion \ 11.1. .\(.il-: OF \\'11 ·.\IE'I"I' E ,-.-.\-L-1.. - _ \_I_{_T __ F.._(_)_R_\_\_'_l_N_I_l_O_\_\_?_\_\_-_-\_!-'_H_I_N_f':_,. j L<.'c: 1 I lm pro\" ·n· '· n t :-; i 11 ~:tid \·iII a g-t · and appt'o\':tl of :-:aiel Hoard of Lo<"al lmprn\···nwrtts. in a Slllll t·qual t<1 fifty paintin~. t·alc·imining-, floor· waxing, ll.tll. 1:-,o) P··r· t't·tlllllll of thv c·o11traet pri<.·t·, PICOPO!'A t.S whitt·\\'a~hing·: n·pair scn·<·ns attn~· l'rop11sal:-: nru:-:t ),,. 111:1dt· out on t'ntt<litiont·d for tht · faithful Jl··rforllt- Fur \\ idt·nin~· tht· 1":1\·t·nu·nt. 1":1\·inJ.:" <·s::tablishnH·nt. Phon(· \Yil. 1:{~fi. !dank:-: t'urnisht·d ~~~ said J:oat·d of ~:aid Acltlitiunul \\ ' idth with ( 'onann · of lht· contract. .2iLT::?~-1tp J.oval IIIIJII'O\'t·ntt·nt:-:, and lllUSt bt· ad(·rt·h· unci Otlwrwist· lrnJirtl\ ing ( ' t·rI'I'(J]IO:-:al:-: will ht · n·<·· ·i \'t'd for th· · --~-=------=~~--~-----~~ drt·S~t·d to tht · l:oard or Ln('al lm- (···tt:-:tnll·tion of :-:aid illiJli'OY<·nH·IIt a~ ·uiu Pc.rtiuauot ut' \\' ilnw·tt· anti ( 't·nPI"(l\'t· lllt·llts of thl' \'ill:q.:;t· of \\'iltllt..' tlt>, Pl.\~() 'IT~I:\(~ a \\'holt·; atHl :-:aid l!oar ·d of Lo(':tl lmtrnl .\ \ '(·auu·s. \\'illn··tt··. lllittoi:-:. and indot·:-:t.-<.1 "l'rolll'll\'(·!lll ' llls n ·st · J'\'t·:-: tlh· right tort ·lL\\'1·: Y(lf.H l'T.-\:\"11 'IT 'l·:n FOR po:-::11:-: for ltll)ll'o\'t' lllt'llt of tlw tir:-:t jt·t·t :til~ · HIHl aiJ bids. L:tl{t· A\'l·nllt' fi'Olll · ht · '\' , ,,. Yt ·: "· l'"il'··s:: l' l· illH't·d for alit·\' :-:outh or E~\I~L 1-:. (l(~.:-\1·:1~ ::\Jan·h . L . \\'. Fostt·J·, li:.!:i l'ark Fotinh !-'tl't·t ·t to t·:ighth ~tr·t·l'!:-:," and ,Jt)JJ~ <'. J:.\KJ-:1~ \\'illlll'ltt·. lllinoi:-;, .\lat'<"h :;, l!l;?t; .\ \'t·. , \\'i lllt··l It· I 'llullt· \\' i I. !tP:---.:\l. a II 111 u s t l1, · a <., ·11111 p; 1 11 i ··d I ·y c a:-: h , · 1 r· f<:L:\11·;1{ I>. I:J·:<'KI·:I~ ~t ·:t Jt.d Jil'IIJIOS:t)S f11l' tht· llllJII'O\ , ._ to t ht· ol'dl·t· ~' LT~1 ~{-tfc a <.'t·rtifit·d l'ill'<'k pa~ :tid· \\. I L F ( If t I > \\ . . lit· I : J·: I L \ I t I > lllt·tll ol \\' illllt·lll· A\' t·llUt· fr0111 til· · of tht> l't 't·sidt·nt ot' tht· l~oa: · tl of Local ('L,\1{1<~:\TE f·; . I>HAYI ·~ It :-:outh <"Ut·lt lin·· of Lal\t' ~\\'t·llllt' to tht lttlJli'O\'t·lllt'nts of tilt' \'ill:q.:,t· of \Vil1· :\ I ~'I' I :\ (,; UECOilA'I'IX(o I'Al'L .\. IIIWF.:\L\:\' ··ast <·urh litH· of l'arl\ .\\'(·IIUt', and nH·Itt· for :t :-:11111 of IIlii 11':-:S th:111 tt·IJ .I 0 II ~ F. \\' I I ·~ I >L I X ( "· ·lltral . \\' t' lll!t' frcnn tht· wt·st cur·h (I !I) JlPl' ('t·llllllll or tilt' ag·gn·gatt' of l~oat·d of LtH':I] lnlJH'O\'t·IIH'llts of litH · of l' :trk .\\'t·llttt·, and <'t · ntral .-\\t·tht· propo:-:al and 110 propo~al will ht-> tht · \'ill:tt;t· uf \\'iltn(·t.tt·. l.Jtt· ft'Oill lht· \\'··st c·ur·h litH· ·>I t·on:-:idl'rt·d Ulllt·ss <~<·t'OIIIJl<lllit-tl hy :-:uch 1 ' .\ 1;\TE I{ .\N II rn;:eo H .\TO H L!? 3-ltr l·:l.·n·tlth ~trt·d to tht · t·ast t'lll'h lillt cht·ck or (':t:-:h. E:-:t i ma 1 t·s g i \' t·n 11 pun appl i('at ion. of l'ark Avt·llut·, t'Xl't·pting· th·· ri;.:,htTht· <"ontt·a<'tor· will Ill' paid in bonds H:.!:.! \\'ilmt·tt~· .\\'·. Tt ·l \\'il. 2718 of-wa~· of th·· t'hi<'ag·o and ="'orth~~IL 1 :i-tfc and \'ollt'llt'r:-:, pay:t bit· stdt·l~· out of \\'f·STPI'Il l~ailway, and C':\.l't' )lting- th .. thl' as:-:t·ssiiH·nt for said illllH'O\'t·mt·nt. I"ICOI"O!'.\ I.!' r·ig·h t -of -wa~· of t ht· <'hicag-o, ~or·th wht·ll t·ollt·t·tl·d, in a<.·<·ordan<.'l' with thl' Fur (.i ruclin~-t·. \djustin~· 'l't 'I'OHI~(,; llult· nnd !-'hon· & :\lilwauJ,,. ,. Hailway, hy t'l'pi'O\'ISIOIIS of thv Ol'tli114.\11<.'1:' th 'J't·for, ('uh·h Uusiu ('on·rs. l":n·in,:; with 111<1\' illg- :tilt! l't·-st·tting h\·dr:111ts :ttlll :-:.'"····fi .. ' ' J·: l'\·""'~l'<'T"' ·~ t;I\"I·~X ' aJI(l in tht· manltt·r· prt·~<.·rilw<l by law, Ht·inl'ort·t·d ('otwrt·tt· und CHht·rwist· <":tl('h basin inll'l:-:, l'l'lll(lving· sand~ 1 II\· formt·r tnt ·mh··l · of Tom l:t ·o wn·:~ wlti<"h bond:-. will ht ;\1' int<.·r(·st at tht· lrnltro\· iu,:; :a !'yl»>tt·Jn ut' !'t rt>t··s unci :-:tont· t·urhi ng :t nd <'OIH'TI't<· l'Urb ;till! t:'and. T'h··n· · \\'inn . 11 :}R. I 1'<11·· of si:-. (fi) JH'I' t'<·ntum JH'I' annum. .\ llt·,·s ('unsist ira~· ot· (,; irnrd A' t·nut· ,:. :.· utli'r, l'Xt':l\·atirlg· for widt·nill~· til· :}ui:rx~::-1tp Tht· ('Ot1tr·:tct<·r t<, ~,-vhom tht· <·on:uul (~nrrison .\\ (·nut·, and ( 't·rtuin pa\·t·lllt'nt a11tl pa\'ing said additional .\llt·" l»>. tt :t<'l tnay l11· ·a wanlt·tl will hi' n·quir(·<l \\iclth with t'Pinfot'<'t·d t'(JIICrt·lt pa\t·:~1 IH !'l,t·: !'i!"i !'EH\"H'E tu flll'llislt :1 hond to thl' sati~fa<:tioll lllt·llt " ith intt·~ral <·ur·h, a<lju~ting :tltd ' appru\'al of said l!oanl of Ln<"al bt·it-J( pa\t ' lltt·nt to llt'\\" <·oJil't't·tt> pavt·IJr. Elnwr E. L:-tmpert l lrlrpru\' t·tn· ·llt!-', ill a :-:ui11 Pqual to fifty lllt ·llt, :tltd ntltt'l'\\'ist· ilniH'o\·ing tlw ORTHOI>OXTT~T 1 '·-·tt) Jwt· t't·tlllltll of tlw contr:t<'l IH'i<'t·, \\'ilntl'ttt·, lllinot:-:. .·:llttt·, itt th·· \ 'illagt· of \VilllH'ltt·, C'o<·k !-'t·all'd pt·opo~a Is fur· t lit· i 111 provt·- ('oUIIt~·. kt>-Fi<'ld Allllf'X l~uildiq;, it'fH tditintll ·d for tht· faithful pt.'rformlllinuis, in at.·C·>rdatll't' witll \Yinnt · tl~n. Ollie<· :ttH't· of tht· ('ontral't. lllt·ttl uf " s\·:-:tt·m of sll't·t>ts and all<·\'s ! hP ord ina ll<'t' a ttd SlH'l'ifka t ioll!-5 for \\' intH·tl·a 1'ru~t ,~..;: ~:nin:.:.~ J:ank P,Jotg "t'nJ·o~als will b~· r·t·et·i \'t·d for th(· «11t:-:i:-;ting· ,;f t:iranl A\'t·IIUl' and G:{r- s:tid imJ,I"I\'<·nH·tJt, will be rt><'t·i\'t·d by Phone \Yin n. 1 211 l'O n -.:t ruction or sa itl improvt·lllen t as a ri SOil . \ \ I' ll \lt·, t liP ;II)<'~: b· ing- hetW<'t·n tht· l~oartl of Loeal lmpr0\'('111 ·nts ot' 31LTXl-l t~c wh"l··: and ~aid l~oanl of Local lm- t hl· :-:aid a \'t·IIUt·s aud the first alley :.;aid \ "illag.. of \Yilnwttt· until ~ Classified Advertisements l :n l T.YPI~T BUSINESS SERVICE n·serve~ the right to rC'je<:t an~· and all urds._ EAHL E. OH~ER JO.HX <'. BAKEH EL::\IEH LJ. J:ECKl.:H. \YIJ.JFORD \V. D >HERAHD <'LAHE:\TE K nHAYEH · PA l"L .\. H<JFF:\IA="' .JUH~ F . \\' J El>LI :\' I :nanl of Lo<":tl lmpru\·em .. n ts. prov~ments I ---------------------------n 1() Stery 10p Look! Lo )k! l . ook! ) .\. P. llills I I "na· I ----------------------- 1 I

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