Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 49

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1926 March 5, 1926 1 WILMETTE FOJt ltE~'I'-HOUSES 11 LIFE HEJ.p \VANTED-MALE 11' 49 FOil SALE-HOUSEHOLD GOODS REAL ESTA'rE 000. I W. teat; ,000. oms· l.uti~ D,OOO $17 5 ~ tu Choice Acreage FOR RENT 7-RooM HousE· 2 WANTED -MAN TO SELL GREENr:-.; PARCELs· OF 2 TO 20 ACRES 0 ~ baths; convenient transp.; ~ear baum real estate bonds and insurance Loc ust Street, Hibbard Road, Wag-schools. Phone Wilm ette 3035. of all kinds in this territory. n~r H.oad and Lake Avenue; also ~~~=~~~~~~~~~2~L~T~N~2;3;-l~t~p 1. roll & Stnith Hrghland Park. All choice locations :~ 1n ly a few minutes' urive to new FOR ltEX'l'-APAit'l'll.KNTS 419 4th St. End of "L" Phone 'Vilmette 500 Elec tric Stations and Golf Clubs 11LTN23-tc ~an finance on reasonable terms. · North Evanston EASTWOOD APARTMENTS ON \VANTED-BOY 16 to 18 WHO WILL F. Colen1an Burroughs EASTWOOD AT CENTRAL ST. mak e him self useful in the house .)7 \Vilm ette Ave. Phone \Vii. 640 COH.XEH, !\OT COURT APTS. ACand garden; live on the place. Phone 1LTN23-ltc ~LA)1\IED BEST OF NEW APTS. Winn. 6. 11LTN23-ltc zn Evanston. 4's anu 5's with extra l)eds, clos ·ts. Reasonable rents; 1% l!! Acreage for Sale HELP WA~TED-FE»ALE bl ks. to C. & N. \V.; 18 min. down . l ACRES IN DEERFIELD FRONTING town. Sound-proof, large rooms · on Wauk egan Hoad opposite Briarplayrooms. for children. No rear apts: \\.ANTED - EXPERIENCED \VOl\:IAN for fittings and alt erations; new !4'ate .G?l.f ('Jub. \Viii makf· a f'plendid nf·~n .T>Ubltc g-olf course. Owner on dress shop in \Vinnetka. Address subd tvi siOn. all for d tails. pr·t·miscs. Phone Greenleaf 1919. 'Vii. Life A-814. 12LTN23-ltc 3LT~6-tfc FOR HENT UNFURN. 3 RM. AND SOLE AGENTS hath h skpg. 1-;uitf·: lst ft .; priv. ent.: t·· J Winnetka Ave. '\Vinn. 1800 pyrch; yard. Also se p. furn. rm. 1LTN23-ltc .'\ 1·ar· tl'ans. 1'h . \\' il. xH-.J. aL 23 _1tp 1 FOR SALE-4 SCHOLLE, IRON BEDS and mattresses; davenport and chair; chaise Ionge and chair; mah. dining rm. table, 6 chairs, buffet ar.d china closet; carpets; etc. My.st be sold by Monday. 349 Hawthorn Lane, Winnetka 1833. 17LT23-ltc FOR SALE-OVERSTUFFED DAVENport, $20; mah. and cane rocker, $5; mah. dt es::;ing table, triple mirror, glass top, and chair, $25. 601 Ash St. Winn. 1523. 17LTN23-ltc FOR SALE FULL-SIZE PARLOR grand piano, brown mah.; nearly new; fuU-size violin, Stradivarius model; reas. Mrs. D. W. Macauley. Tel. Wil. 2886. 17LT23-ltc 41fJ E. E. Stult Realty Co. 36 1 [-ltc ~ER b·d ion ; ff'K ick pnt. ·r :· ltc p . ~ r p. 0 . . FOH RENT APT OF LIVING RM kitchenett b k.f .. I'm - d be, rea af't rm., dressing Will build your home for cash or · an ath. Call \Vinn. 674-M. 3LTN23-ltc monthly payments. 1 l-:-·'0:_=R~R-E-.-N-T ___ F_L_A_T_,_5_R_O_O_M_S_A_N_D \YANTED \VHITE GIRL FOR bath: h. w. h e at . T el. Glen. 343-R. coo king and general housework; 6 in Insurance 3LT23-ltc family: r e ferenc ef' necessary. Tel. ;:;4;:; l\lain St., \Vilmf'tte Tel. 65 \Vii. 314 3. 12L23-ltc 1L20-ttc FOR RENT ·3 ROOM APT.: BATH· \\~ANTED- GIRL OR \VOMAN; GENheat e d. Phon e \Vinn. 1820. ' eral housework : family 3 adult~; 3LTN23-ltp wages $20.00. Phone \Vinn. 664-M. $10,500 r-~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12LTN23-ltc ) H00:\1 ~Tl.C'('O HOUSE; 2 TIED- 4 I<'OR REXT-ROOlU!ii roo ms ; ~-n~nparlor: largf' lot : exce l- - : - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \\~ANTED \VHITE :\lAID: GEN. J·~ nt locatiOn north Evanston. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL, LARGE hl'lwk.: cooking exp.: small house. front hedrm .: attractively furnished: · Call \Yinn. 904. 12LTN23-ltc Bttdt.l10'C m modern hom<': east side: prival e · · h r r 0. family:. near North Shore, Evans. "L" \\rANTED-\VHITE GIRL FOR GEN1 177 \VilmHt<' .\vf·. Opp. Yillag-e Hall and ratlroad. \Vilm et t e 2451. .-raJ hous e work. Phone 'Vinn. 392. Phone~: \\'11 nH:tte 1750 and 363 4LTN23 -ltc 12LTN23-ltc 1LTN23-ltc 1 FOR RENT NIC'ELY FT"RNTSHED., \\~ANTED-GIRL TO HELP IN KITC'Hlarg-e front room: well lighted: prien. 576 Lincoln ave. Winn. 1820. vat e bath: n ar r('staurants and I 12LTN23-ltp tra nsp. l'hon 1· \\' i lmt·t t(' ~on . .t L:!3-1 tc 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:1 ·~ IXE~~ C'O~IPEL~ S.ACIUFI E OF \\~ANTED- MOTHER'S HELPER; NO my n ·w 8 rm: r ef'.: tile roof; :l baths: L.\.H(;B ROO:\I \\~ITH ('Ooking. Phone \Vilmette 3415. large, c~armmg porch: h. w. h at· 2 FOR. RENT Privat(' bath : 3d fir. in privat e housP ; 1 12LTN23-ltc ·:ar solid brlc garagl'; :-;uperbl v furn. or unfurn. Space for car. Tel woodt·d l ot: choicPst n . e. sec.: steel \Vil. 1253. 4LTN23-lt~ t:~ · H I'I J· \\' \'.TED L ··onst.: stp ·1 lath ceilings. $35,000. '· ' · -' " -ll.:\ E .\~0 FE1L\LE ~fal<1· off··r. Phon<' \Vinn. 2361. F()Jt HEXT -L .\ HI; I·:. Lr4 :HT . \\.E LL 1LTN23-1 tc furnb·dwd room : pri\'. hath . ~ ea r \\.ANTED - 'VHITE COUPLE: MUST transp. Tel. \\'i nn . 1543. be lf't clas.s cook and chauffeurgardenl'l': permanent place to the 4LTN23-ltc right party. Tel. \Vii. 3041. - l{OO~r. BH f< 'J{ nt·:-.;r.ALO\\~ .· LARr-,E. \J CENTnAL HOTEL- LIGHT OUTSIDE 13 23 1 eo rnpr lot ; tlt·at· t ht:' "I..." I ·'rice room!': for transient~ and residents. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~T~N~~~-~t~c ~ll.i,500. LilH·ral tt->rms. 62!'1 :\fain St. Phon e \Vii. 1080. 14 4LT50-tfc ,'£Tl'ATTOX \YTD. HA~DY :\lA!', :>3t) Linden A \'t·. FrRN. R00:\1: $5 PER caretaker: single, middle-aged, willT t> I. \\~ i I. 3 0 , FOH TIBNT "'<'t>k. Also garag-e. 1602 \Vilmette ing; salary secondary to permanent 1LT!':23-ltc Ave. Te>l. \Yil. 3039. 4L23-ltp position; good character refs. Delawar(' 6!-112. :\lr. Smith . 14LTX23-ltp FOR SALE 7 ROOl\f SHINGLE house_: sleeping porch; garage; lot FOR RENT- L.\RGE FRONT ROO~I furnished: very desirable. Tel. \\~il ~IT. 'VANTED-ACTIYE EXP. GARlOOxl:JO we>ll woodefl. 747 Lincoln mett 701-R. 4L22-tfc dener; steady position. Phone Glen. avenue. \VinnPtka 516-J. 676. 14LTN23-ltp 1LTN22-3tp FOR RENT LARGE ROOM \VITH rlouble bed : n('ar all transp. 421) l:'i !t'I'IT .\'1'10~ \\'.\~'I'ED-FEIUALE J'O R SALE- A NE\\~ f'O:\fFORTABLE Parl<: .Ave. Tel 'Vii. 293. 4L23-ltp Homf'. Spanish, Pink Stucco. 7 SITrATION \VTD. EXP. LAUNI'OOm~: attached garage: hot watPr J.'OR RJ.~~T-~TORI~S dresf': Mon .. · Thurs.. Fri. and Sat.; h('at: larg-e wooded lot 1 00x188 5 :\_~0 OFFJ('J.~S refs.: understands wa~h. machines ht:"autifull~· landf'caped. 1014 Dins: and manglef'. t.:'niY. 7162. 15L23-ltp more road. Phonf' ownf'r for appointmf'nt. \Vinn. 2069. 1LTN23-ltp FnH T~ EXT STORE.', SHOP~ AND :lll~n·tnwnt.s. Telf'phone \Yinnetka 62. SJTl."ATION \VTD. DRESSMAKER: FOR SALE- IN GLENCOE: NE\V COL. !.LTN17-tfC' all kinds of sewing and altering homf': 6 rmf'.; lge. porch: living rm. ,......~......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - neatl~· done: n'f. Phone Glen. 73. :1 nd tnn~t~·r h<lt·nl. 1 :ix:!4: 1 imth 6 FOR REXT-GARAGE 15LTN23·1tP and showt·r: f'Xtra lav. on 1st fir.: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h . w. lH·at : weath<'r-stripped and in- FOR RENT OARAGE AT 822 ~TTGATION \\.TD.-NEAT COL. \VOM:-.ulatt-d; ga ragt·. ('all \Vi nn. 1637. Prairi(' aY('n Ut'. Tel. \Yilm<>tte 515. an wants g-en. hswk.: no washing; 1LTN23-ltc 6L 2 3-1tp rt>f. Tl"l. Oakland llls. 1aLTN23-ltp 1st and 2nd Mortgages FOR SALE OAK DINING TABLE and 6 chairs, $50; rug, 9x12, $22; WANTED - YOUNG MAID FOR GEN. mah. tea cart, $6; ice-box, $7; exhRwk.; small house; 3 in family; cell. cond. Tel. Wil. 728-R. must hav e character ref. Call Glen. 17LTN23-ltc 1231. 12LTN23-ltc \ FOR SALE 9 FT. EVERETT CONVAl'fTED-GIRL .r<:OR GEN~RAL OFcert grand piano, ebony case, excel, flee work; mumc1pal ex pertenc e pret diti bl f 1en ferred. Apply to l\:Ir. Noe, Village con on; very reasona e or Hall, \Vinnetka. LTN _ltc cash. Call Hammond 2606. 12 23 1 17LTN23-ltp 'WILL SACRJF'ICE NEARLY eNEW, Baldwin make, baby grand piano; Also Brunswick console. Tel. Winn. 17LTN23-ltc 252 1. t~ Charles H. Brethold =-=--------------- \\' AN'l'ED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Bargain F J & C WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest price tor same. Cro:~t Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston, Ill. Phone Univ. 1M9. 18LTN11-tfc N. FELL-NEW AND USED FURNIture bought and sold. 1G44 Maple Ave .. Evanston. P'hone Univ. 103. 18LTN3-ttc 18 Lyn ique Brick Colonial WANTED- MISCELLANEOUS ------------------ THE LOR ELLEN SHOP BUYS AND SELLS Ladies' Apparel, Antiques, Bric-a-bra~ and Linen. 1240 No. Clark St. Tel. Lincoln 1204 19LTN23-tfc \VANTED GIRL'R RANGER Blcycle in good condition. Phone Winn. 443. 19LTN23-ltc 'VANTED TO BUY-MEN'S CLOTHING and shoe~. Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN23-4tp 20 : F or ()nick Sale \V. G. Stacey & Co. _F_O_R_S_A_L_E _____U_S_E_D_C_A_R_S_ ~atisfactinn guaranteed. .\.UTOMODILES Prices $75 to $550. ;';62 Lincoln Ave. Tel.' Winn. 165 20LTN23-1tc Rent-A-Car, U- Drive Tel. Winn. 165 20LTN23-ltc 562 Lincoln Ave. ) FOR SALE 5 ROOM COTTAGE· 7' \\'. \~TED '1'0 llF.VI'-HOl'SES \\~ANTED-\VASHING AND IRONING wt~st Ridf', 'Vilmette: large living - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - to tal<e home. \Yill call for anJ room: g-laz('d porch. $1(),500. Terms. \VANTBD TO RENT FURNISHED deliver. Phone \Vii. 834-J. Phone \Yilmett<' 824-R. . houR<' from May 1 for 6 months or FiLT23-ltc 1LTN23-ltp longer, or unfurnished for 3 years: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mu~t have 4 bed rooms: 3 bath rooms. ~ITl"ATION \YTD.-BY EXP. \VHITE Responsible> party. Box 684, Kentlwoman: work by the day. Tel. V.rilFOR SALE- nrNGALO\V: G ROOMR: worth. 7LTN23-ltc mett(' 1754 . 15LT23-ltp hot water h('at: cloRe to schools and t ransp. For appointment call Winn. n2. 1LTN23-ltc \\~ANTED TO RENT 7 OR 8 R~f . SJTG A TION \VTD. - BY COL. LAUNhouse on east f'ide for 1 or 2 years. dreRs; $3.50 a day. Phone Untv. \Viii pa~ · $:!00 JH'r mo., but must ha\'t' 9495. 15LT23-ltp FOR SAT...B-fl ROO:\f HOUSE. PHONE nn~~. .\pril 1. .-\.(ldrt>~S \Vil. Li ft· "'innt·tl<a 228. 1LTN23-ltp A-815. 7L23-ltc SITUATION \\'TD. - \VASHING AND ironing; will call and deliver. Phone FOR RENT-HOUSES Wil. 2101. 15LT23-ltc \\~ANTED TO RENT OR SUB-LETunfurniRhed or furnished house with FOR RENT-\VILMETTE. EAST SIDE. 4 bed roomf': April 1 to Oct. 1. Phone SITUATION 'VTD. - DAY \VORK OF IWW brick; 7 rooms: 2 baths: garage; \Vinn. 1888. 7LTN23-ltc any kind; by th week. Drexel 1527. hot water heat: shady corner lot. 15LT23-1 to Owner leaving city. Will rent to re- WANTED TO RENT UNFURN . . ponsible party. Shown 9y appointSl'l'l' . \'1'10~ \\' :\~'I'ED-!UALE house: 5 bedrml'-l.: 2 or 3 baths; for H£ ment. Phone \Vii. 2596 or address .\ ~ n J."'F. 1L\ LJ.~ 2 or 3 years. Call Winn. 1669. 401 lOth St. tL23-lte 7LT23-ltc SITUATION \YTD. BY COLORED couple in private family; wife exFOR RENT-7 RM. HOUSE WITH 2 WANTED TO RENT-6 OR 7 ROOM cellent cook; man employed will do car garage; vacant for April 1 or house; poss. May 1; good ref. given. odd jobs for room and board. Phone sooner; 1h blocl< from railroad. Rent Address Wil. Life A-817. 7L23-ltc 'Vilmt>ttt' lOf.~. 16LT22-2tp reas. Phone \Vil. 2109. 2L23-ltc 11 HELl"» WANTED-MALE =::-=---::~::-:::-------------- FOR SALE TUDOR FORD: 24 model: many extras. M. Stockley, owner. See at Hanson Motor Co., \\~inn et ka. 20L'rN23-ltp FOR SALE-MODEL nO. f) PA~R. OPEN Havnf'R. extras, $100. Phone Wtl. 2357 evenings. 20LTN15-ttc FOR SALE-FORD COUPE IN GOOD condition. Phone Wilmette 2901. 20L23-ltc \VA:'IlTBD-OLD ATTTOS AND ELECtrics; any condition. Univ. 19~fl. 20LTN22-tfc 21 FOR SALE-~IISCELL 'NEOli S ---------------------------·-------- FOR SALE- HEATING ROlLERS Two Brownell Fire Tube Boilers, 7R tn. diametefl by 18 ft. long, 170 Horse Power, 100 lbs. pressure. Chain grate stokPrs. Good condition. May be seen tn operation at New Trier High School, KPnilworth. 21LTN22-4tc FOR SALE POWER BOILER Hawkes combination fire and water tube boiler, 190 H. P., 150 lbs. pressure. Chain grate stoker or on firing equipment. Finest condition. May be seen in operation at New Trier High School, Kenllworth. 21LTN22-4tc liORE WANT ADS 0~ 17' I·'Uit S .\1.1·~ HOUSI<~HOLD (~OODS FOR RENT 3 HOOl\:I BUNGALOW; HAVE A GOOD PROPOSITION FOR A large glazed porch. For further in}ive wire specialty salesman for FOR SALE - MAH. COLONIAL DINformation call \Vinn. 2550. north shore territory. Univ. 1212. ing rm. furniture, like new; will 2LTN23-ltc 11LTN23-ltc ::-t>pa.ratt>. Td. Glt>n. 925. 17LT~23-ltc P .UoE :m.

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