Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 48

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WILMETTE l LIFE REAL ESTATE '1 March 5. 1926 Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear tn the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General N otic· - to Classified advertisements will be charged only residents of the district from Evanston to For Sale-\Vilmette $10 ,50 0 $13 ,000 $1 3,000 $15,000 $1 6,500 $1 6,500 $ 16,000 $18,500 $18,500 $19, 000 $22,000 7 -r. fram e: h. w . ht .; cor l ot . 6- r . b r ic k and fram e; h . w. ht. gar. 6-r. l~ e lla s t o n e; 2- c gar .; 3 yrs . o ld . 7 - r . ft·am e: h . w . ht .; g ar. ; 3 p ch s. 6- r . ~t u cco , n ew: 2 p ch s; h. w . h t. 1 }- r . Dutc h ol on ial ; h . w. h t.; n e w : m o d e r n i u f'\' r ~' p a rtic ular. 7 -r. fr a m e; h . w . h t.: large l ot ; east. 8 - rm. 1\:t: ll asto n e>: h . w . h t.: 2 bath s. G·r. fram e: 2 p c h l'; l ge. lot : eas t. 7 - r . bri c k : h . w . ht. ; g ar.: n ew . !l-r. bri c k : h . w . h t.: n w ; ~ blk s. to r. r . 10 - r s tu cco: 1 ' 2 a c r e l ot ; cast c ent e r . 8-r. s tucco and fram e ; C h est nut nr. She ridan . GLENCOE HOMES 2 STORY FRAME; 6 ROOMS; H. W. heat; garage. Lot 50x190. . $19,000. t Story Stucco; 6 2 baths; garage. rooms: h. w . heat ; Lot 50xl00. $20,000. Rates- 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a llne tn any two · papers. 30 cents a Hne In all three papers. iliiNIIIUM CHARGE 5P e~au. Average of ftve words. to the line. No black face type used. 1 0CKP dlacouat oa all eaala wltb order advertlaemeata wlaea hroa&'ht to our otftee at , 1222 Ceatral Ave., Wll·ette, or 1584 Llaeola ATe., Wlan~tka. · 9 -room brick Colonial; 6 bedroom ~; 3 baths; h. w. heat; garage; beautl ful grounds, 80x290. East. $50,00 0 Terms. ' for Insertions-Classified adve.-tlsements wlll be accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday U o'clock tor the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 12 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WUmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka z000-2001. Deadline VACANT 160xl98; 1 BLOCK FROM LAKE, $1 75 per foot. Other good values from Winnetka t u Lake Fore3t. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. 17 N. Sheridan Rd. Highl~nd l REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE $25,000 $26,500 Glencoe 41 fJ Pk. 36 1 1LTN23-1tc I TOLD YOU SO WHAT? Glencoe Gardens would be annexed to Glencoe 2/6/26 and the prices would be raised. HOW MUCH? Well, 100 ft. lots now are $42.50 per foot, but should be $85 per foot. WHEN? At a near future date not yet announced. WHERE IS GLENCOE GARDENS? 2 blocks west of Bluff St. and 1 block north of Dundee or Skokie Rd., on Hohlfelder Road. NUFF SAID I will drive out Sunday and look it over before the prtce is raised 100%. !l \Vilmette Homes i Rl\1. 'VHITE FRAM: ~ HOME : B UILT ye ars : 3 blks. west of steam and North Shore station; 4 bed rms. ; 2 1157 'Vilmett e Avt> . Phon e Wil. 640 baths; excellent furnace: 60 ft . lot : 1LTN23-ltc garage. $12,500. Terms. Owner purc h.asE:'d larg e hom e. ACREAGE, A FE\oV REAL VALUES : 8 rm. frame home: hot water heat: lge. 19 acres in Deerfield near ry. station : liv. rm; tile floor bath : 2 glazed pchs.; ripe to subdivide; price $27,500 per d <'f' P 50 ft . lot : garagf': 3 blocks east acre; $20,000 cash: a sna11. ~ t <> a m f'ltat ion. $16,500. Own e r mov - 35 acres on concrete road n e ar Libe rty ing East. ville and Waukegan: a bargain at $550 per acre: terms 1,6 cash. Fin <> 7 rm . fram e: 4 blks. from Lake ; 180 acres; Barrington : h eavily wood t' d : lg-P. liv. rm. : 2 g-lazed pchs. : 4 b f> d on main road : $350 per acre. rms.: 2 baths on 2nd floor. Prope rty 40 acres; concret e road ; near Antioch ; faces south on lot 50x155 ft . ; garage. $400 per acre. $23,fi00. Easy terms. It wlll pay you t o investigate th e se rare values. Far s ighted buyers arc Rt d bri c k Co l. B E:'s t East section; liv. tnvestlng in Cook and Lake county ··m . 14x26 ft., lJ?"f> . <lin . rm ., radio rm. , acreage th ru · lavatory and toilet 1st ft . ; mastE:'r bed Robert H . Anthony, 11 Ro . LaRallf' St. 111 . 14x2 ii and 2 oth e r b {'d rms. on T e lephones: C e ntral :?119; Glf"ncoe 110 5. 1 ' tH1 ft. ; tile bath : Arco h . w. hPat: 1LTN23-3tp attach e d hE:'ate d garag-e : lot 50x200. nwnf'r leaving s tat e May 1st. $25,000. FOR SALE 2-RTORY 6 ROOM. framp homt": Run and sleeping f'h e ~tnut .-\v <> .. m ost attractive 7 rm. porc h e~: ope n sc r E>P n <' d porch: h . w . hriel~ hom p built 3 yf'ars ago for h E> at: with A I~ t ' nil burn E:' r; 2 f'al' o wn <> r. who iR lf' aving- city. ~id e E:'ngaragf' with · s id e driv e : lot 80x2 28 tranc <> '"" ith c ol. stair-ca~ e: liv. rm . b e autifully land i'c ap (' d; propert~· in 14x !! ;) ft.: h e at t.~ d :-;un rm. 1 Ox20 ft.: wond~~ rful conditi o n thruout. C'irle-<>. din . rm .: !'>Cre<> ned din. p c h . : c umstanc Ps fOt'C{' own e r. who ha s id Pal kit c h t- n with built in cup liv cd in tht' h o u i' · ,- inc P It was built. boards. lc(· box f'tc.: lav . and t o il <> t to Ra c riftc e at $23,500. 1st ft .: on 2nd floor there ar<> 4 b e d rms., ftn e bath and Pxt ra Ia\·. and toil <> t: Arco h. w. h e at ; t· nam e l trim End o f " L" thru-out. ~h o wn by appo intm Pnt 41!\ -lth St. Ph o n P \\' ilm t> tt e 500 onb·. $30.000. tLT:-.;:!3-lt c F. Coletnan Burroughs For Sale 8 ROOM, ENGLISH DESIGN, TIMBE R and plaste r. 1 y e ar old hom e ; 4 b ed rms.; 3 baths : excellent location ; wooded lot 58x225: att. gar. \\· rr.L HA:-.;rn .. E ~E\V fi ROOM BRI C K FIFTEE~ HUNDRED in s . w . Glencoe ; 3 bed rms. : bric k gar.; 50 foot wood e d lot : south front . Price $19,000. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 "rinnc tka Ave. Winn . 18 00 ILTN:! 3- lt c Chestnut :\venue ~rRROPNDED I TIY MAGNIFICENT hom es. thi~ wcll-huilt. 8 rm. s tu cco h o m e with 4 b f' d rms. 2nd floor; larg living and dinning- roo ms : int<>rior w oodw o rk o f th P fin (·s t : lw autifull~· land sc apf' d lo t : :! <' ar garage. ::\lu .· t s ell. $2 5.000. T<.'rmR . IHI®nilll~®rn1&0Cir©llll9 illl~o EXC LUSIVE End of " L " 421 4th St . Ph n n t· \\"ilmt ·lt P 27tlf) 1LTN23 - ltc Kroll & Stnith Special Buy .:\lCH>EH.X .\:-.;f) YERY ATTR..\ C'TI\' E J' llt. hoJJJ t· a t:~~ !>-. <~l'l· t' nh · af avt· n\H· ..· room :- and bath on the flr s t floor : :l room!'>. lavatory anrl toilet o n th e second; lot 50x184 with many ~ hrub l' and perennials : garag(~. Own (> r mov ing into large r hom ('. off<> r i' ~pl <> ndid Yalu ~ at $18,000. Eddington & :\llen l'hon. ·:-;: End "L" ~I. Wauconda. Phon f' 'Vii 4 H 340 Linden Av f>. Acres near trans. in Dee rfield. 1L23 -lt c w e !'> t no\\' ll5 Acrf's on Kotz Rd .. W. of 'Vinn e tka. villagE:' t o th Th <> offf' l':" 1% Acres on Hill Rd., '\Y i nnetka. Other building lots in Indian Hi11 dis trict. to thos~..-. d f> siring to own a h om E:'. We T e le phone F. H . 'Vard. "·ilmette 3041. IT \\"ILL P.\ Y YOU TO REE THIS 6 rm. 8tucco hRP,; Rlpg. por. : high class an' offf> ring 50 or 100 ft . lots. rf>strict e d 1LTN23-tfc e ast loc. ; huge g-rds .: hRe. f'XC. con d .: to residences costing $10,000 or ove r : with sewf'r and water service and FOR ~ALE c onv. tran~ .. schoolR, church<'R. Mu :.. t " ' ILMETTE 7 RM. pa\'f' d strf' e t paid for within 2 blocks b e sold. ~E:'t Ui'-mak e bffer. mod e rn hom~ e in desirabl f' location : 1LTN20-4tc o f thf' n e w c onveni ent to transportation : 5 rm s. on 1st floor including 2 bed rms. and bath: 2 flni s hE:'d rooms on 2nd floor : at GlPnview road. large scree nE:'d front porch: garage: 4~4 Linden Ave . End of " L" 7 rm. fra.; furn.: 50x187 ............ $12.500 for $38.00 to $60.00 per foot with 20% fi7 foot lot . Price $12,500. Reason Phones : Wit. 3450-51 7 rm. stucco; h. t. 40x175 ............ 12,500 c a:-~h and $25.00 PH mo. and 6% Int. ablf' t e rms if desired. 1LTN23 - lt c 5 rm. fra.; ea~t: 50xt6r, _ ............ 13.000 6 rm. stuc.;- east: 150x130 .... ........ 12',500 T E:' l 'Vii 2 25 3 ;H Lind e n Av e. Phon e 'Vil 93 FOR SALE - 'VONDERFU LLY BUIL'I' 6 rm. br. ; east; 50x150 ................ 14,500 (i0 7 )Jain St. 1LTN23-ltc 1 1 rm. bungalow: 2 car garage : h. 6 rm. fra.; h. w . 50x187 ................ 15,000 1 '> 3 L- - l e t ,..,.. heat: oil burner: htd . sun porch; 6 rm. !r. h. t. 73x187 .................... 15,000 IN A CHOICE EAST SECTION C'Orner lot; nr. school s and transp. 6 rm. col. 50x160 ............................ 17,500 \Ve are oft:~ring a 10 room colo\T R e al bargain . $13,500. Terms. 6 rm. br. h. w.; gar; 50x140 ........ 18,500 nial home wh1ch is rarely found for Rout h e aRt 'Vinn <· tka, 120x 1-t a. $laO PH 7 rm. new fr.: h. w.: 50x160 ........ 19,000 $2 :">,000. Must sell to settle an es6 rm. new stu c.: vap.; h. t.; foot . tat e . 50x160 ............................................ 19,500 9 Indian Hill. 2 bll~!-1 . to s ta .. 85x150 , $90 Wooded lot, conveniently located 7 rm. fr.: nr. Lake : 110xl2tL....... 22,500 per foot. 421 4th ~t . End of "L" for one who is contemplating build- \Vinnetl<a Ave nu t>. 50x200. HOO pet· foot. Others up to $50.000.00 Phont' \\' ilmt>tte :!760 ing his home. Cannot bP. duplicated VACANT-7 LOT~. 50xl47, NEAR NEW 1LTN23-ltc }~. Wau-Bun (Willow Rd.) electric sta. for price, $5,000. ~61) "·innetka Ave. Winn. 1800 FOR ~ALE-6 RM.. NE\\r HOME: H . at $35.00 ft. 1LTN23-ltc Restricted wood t> d lot 100x187, $115 ft . w. h e at : c hoicE:' location: nt>a r tran~p . and school. Price $13,500. Cash OWNER'S AGENTS $3,000, halant:e likt:· rt>nt. Winnetka 2350 Elm and Linden T t> l. \ \ ' i n 11 . 2 ~ 0 LTN23-ltc S. R WINNETK A-RUR~T AN'TIA LL Y 1LTN23-ltc built, well arranged stucco home: fl rms.; 5 bed rms.: 2 baths; g-lazed Sale-\~acant sun parlor and slpg-, pchs; Nokol 407 LindE:'n A\' . Tel. Wil. 698 ATTRACTIVELY ARRANdED, · NE'V burner; gar.: lot 65x150; beautiful 1L23-ltc '\VILMETTE : brick residence;well located; has 7 garden; Elect. range and dishwasher Lot 50x140 : corner. f'a8t of Hidg ~ .\ve . rms.; open porch; brkfst. nook; atincluded in price. CQnvenlent to FOR ~ALE ~l.TBRTANTIAL 7 RM. Prfcf' $4.500.00 tached and htd,. gar.; 2 tile baths on school and station . Price $22,000. residence with htd. slpg prch. and Lot 50x122: west of Ridge Ave . : l't' 2nd fir.; lav. and toi. on 1st flr.; Call Winn. 828. 1LTN23-ltc Runp.: attchd. and htd. garage; lot stricted: bargaiu at t e rm~ . $2.500.00 concreto foundation; steel supports; 100x160 with beau. shade and fruit Lot 50x125: west of lridge Av e . : bartile roof. Price $25,500. WU.~M~'T"T'E tr <'S. grape arbor and berry bushe~; gain . $1,500.00. MODERN 8 RM. HOU~E; CENTRALLY E:'Xcell. loca.: nr. Hubbard WoodR schl. GLENVIEW: located: east side: corner: beautiful Price special for quick sale. Owne!". 100x175; 2 block~ from transportation ; elm and oak trees and shrubbery: Phonf' 'Vinn . .H49 . No Agent. 1 block from ~tat~ road; bargain . Winn. 1544-5 543 Lincoln Ave. tn best condition: steam ht.; Nokol !LTN23-ltc $3,000.00. 1LTN23-ltc oil burner; most conveniently and artistically arranged. Address owner. FOR RALE LOT~ ON CHESTNUT, Wil. Life-A-l\18. 1L23-ltc o JHio C©o FOR SALE ENGLISH COLONIAl.. Ashland. lOth, 7th, and Sheridan. stucco house : 6 rms. and sun room; with rip. rights and piers: little 831 Ridge Ave. Phon e 'VII. 364 2 bathrooms: 2 car garage; lot FOR RALE-7 ROOM ~TUCCO HOUSE: down; long time. John P. Gage. 835 'Vilm e tt t'. Illinois ti0x190; near transp. and schools. Tel. newly decoratE:'d . Phone Winnetka Grape St., VIneland, New Jersey. 1LTN23-ltc Glen 804. 1LTN23-ltc 546-J. 1LTN23-ltc 1L50-tfc 410 Linden .\.ve . \\' ilrnt'tt· · ~07 - -HIS 1L23-1tC' Bargains in .\creage 700 .\cres at McHenry-price very low. llOO Acr e s adjoining Paul Rader Park . ~0 SO LONG Glenayre R. Johnston & Co. Gcellcdleir & Opportunity Real Bargain §IW:e&Ir7 Phone Central 03/4, Chicago Winnetka Bargain:-; Skokie \ T allev Station F. H. Gathercoal Hill & \\T heeler acant IHI~nifil~®rnl & 0Cir©llll llrn1~o E. Stults Realty Co. Snider & Crillv Fred'k. B. Thomas & Co. A Buy For New Brick Home Buv ) lHiiillll & §fc©rnl® JJ §~JffiEID.®~®If & I

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