Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 45

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~ 5, 1926 Marc h 5, 1926 WILMETTE I LIFE 45 ~t, ~ge (' \\ ;l' ll' h ;l ... SEEK BIDS FOR STREET WIDENING IMPROVEMENT . -- W1lmette and Central Avenue ! , · . Project Nears Realizaf · ervJc~ I. . IOD automo1>11e 1 by B oard A cbon · · u~er s pomt nort h Jark. " fer t ( ·oun t_, road ·e t i, , Jng~ or 1 ,, I t\. ~~ t IH ~· rln h· -Ollt otiH··· 'yr . ccia :Ol l c 11 n n. ( ,. 11 ;ll Il l 1kin ~.: tlJ,,,;: Lt d jjyl'r! \ ;l' i. t lt t ·r c · t·r ', . l 'l111' }IIIII : J: t:. ll) , t . a,,·ay late last week after an illness a t~laJor influence in the of three years' duration were held husmess and from the · ' a factor in in- Tur:-day morning from the residenc~, of vtew 1 Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd, minister of the Ambition:-, iutprovemt·nh tb;.tt have f ~ rea~ing .his ~atisfa~tion and pleasure First Congregational church, officating. been a\vaiting final ~)flicial approval ~ 11 motonng, Y' takmg on its greatest· .Mr Cornell was a member of the G. A . .R .. and the services were attendio . . tmpCJrtal1ce nght now · ..r ~ome 11me \H'rt' authonzt'd ln· thC' ,, . . . . · ed by a representation from \Vilmette \ 1.llage authoritie s Tuesday night oi : _1_111~ 1s the op1n1on of B. \N .. Kello({g, tht~- we~k when re_que~t for . rated prc, _ . L' anston 1 .1 1ana_ ge.r fo: Frankhn-Butl~r po~ctl!'. tor tlte wHknmg- of \\'ilml'tte 1 ~~~nor~._ .\\ ho sa~ s, tuture .years will a_nd Central a\·cmH .., \\a~ ordned pub- ~~r~n~ \\l~h. them _ a s~eady 1!1crease m ltsht: d. tht: propo:-.ab to hl' re cei\'cd UJ , ffictcnc~ 1.n the sen·1ce statiOn a.nd at t(l H c:'.tc!ck. \\'cdtH:~ da)· eYening: the same t1me a lessened cost. ~I arch .11. o~trt order ior th(· widenit~g Den' lopme~tts, refinen~ents a'ld !Ill SALES AND SERVICE STATION of po1 Iron'> ot .tlte..,e street ... in the cen- pro\'_cmeJ~t · 111 automobtle de:;i~n \\·iP tral area \\'a'- 1" sued t·arly tl 1is week. conttl~ttc Ill future years as has been th·: 6017 Broadway, Chicago Proposals f(, 1 tilt· p;1 yj 11 ~ <1i the fir-..t case 1t1 pa~t years, ~fr. K~llog~ states. alle _ , . soutlt o f t't·ntral ;l\ t'lltt<' irom hut the. h1g~cs~ o~portun1ty. t<;>r the \\'ilntette :n· f·t t u~· u 1 tht t'~ht<.-rn ter- ~ttto:noblle. dtstnbutmg_ orgamzat10n lil" :ninu:- oi the alley, a "lrl'frh oi one ~n .t.1e mamten~nce ot the car after it m~k. an· abo to bt· n : ccin·d up to h m the O\\~ner s _han.d . .. \\ edne~day l'n·ning. \1 arrl 1 li. Thi" Introduction ot scientific methods 111 impron·JtH'IIt ha:-. ai'-<J hven j 11 the garage practict· can effect . aving~ to rottrt; ior ..,1,111 · tin\C. ~i 1 nilar prOJHt - he_ pa.~:-ed on to .the motorist, ju t as ~ats tor tltt' p:l\ ing <ti tiH· fir-.t alit·\· :;c1enttfic productiOn methods already 1008 Davis Street Evanston Greenleaf -.outh Cli Lake .t\'t·nut· i:·11111 Fourth han· effected reduction . in new car :--trcl't to Eighth ·-In-ct. ;!nd lor the paY - · C0:-1'\. 6017 Broadway, Chicago inl! c1i Cira:cl and Carri -.. nn ;t\'t'tll!L·-.. in This doe:- not mean that ~cn·ice \\·ork the .\rtltttr Duna~ . . ui>di\ i 1n11 at the I -,hnuld he given away. hut rather th:tf 'c llltltt·a-..h rn extn mit~· , ,j t Itt· ,·illagc. l. -..cn·ice should he more efficient-he1~cc :-ts "ell a ... connect i1~g a lin .... ._ ._en· a l~l \ mo:e econ01;1ical. One aspe~t of ser~·ir< c·r<krt·rl tc1 hv rt·n'iH·d J, .. \larrl1 11 · \\111ch ~tr Kellogg emphasises partJcn 1' rc 'Jl' ... t ., t (I OJ>t' n t I.e l>icl, . 1a rh i-. the ~ t a ndard ized sen·ice YS t em :\-.. prn·iomly recited in \\' rurETTh pc:r~ected ~)y Fr~tnklin Service Endneer-. l.rn: till' widening- ni \\'iltm·tte and ;· 'h1ch hrmg_s mto _the hop the sa~1 1 c l't·ntral a\t'llttt·'. the 1111 ,... 1 'lntahk : tah(tr a_11d tllllt.:-:--ann~ m~thods wl.11ch -.1 l'l't itnprnn·nlct tl in ren·nt q·ar-... charactt_ze modern . ncnttfic Amencan ' 'ill n..t1·tlcl on \\"ilmctte aventH· · irttm production. T.akt· aH·nuc ( 111 till: caq tct Park :t\· t : \ ... an illu tration oi \Vhat thi . me~J, ... 1 ntH· 1111 tht· 'Xest. and on l\· 11 tral an·nut·. ~~~tilt' < wner of a car, the local FraJ ,l· i r 1 11 11 1 ·: I n en t h :-. t n ·,· t 011 t lH e a ... t t 0 ' 111 cle ale r . tate s that an accurate l ' : Park aH·nut· on the we-.t ·imate of the co. t of practically any n ·. \\.nrk o11 all the-.e impron·mcnt:-- i:- pair operation can be f.urn!shed. be~on· t·xpt·rtt-d to _l~egin _ju-.t a,. "(" 11 a:-- 1,,- ~,~k con~~11enc~s . . :1\ s1dehght m '~?n_ ,n·athn r(ln(l!ttc·n:- '"til penmt. ntctton \\tth th1s kmd of stanr1ard!.~~d 1 __ __ _____ ' :-en·ice i~ the monthly in pection of- 1 iere<l to owners at a fixed rate. Milton E. Cornell Dies Franklin Dealer at Wilmette Residence Sees Service as Funeral services for Milton E. CorI 1mportant J:i'actor nell, 1036 A bland avenue, who pas!'ed ~~~:ears ha~m~~rkville, Post of the American Legion . Bur- Ill, Mr. Cornell's Mr. Cornell was 83 years of age and had lived in Wilmette for 16 years. Prior to coming here he had been engaged in business in Yorkville for many years. He is survived by his widow .. three sons, Frank H., and P=ml B., of Wilmette and George L. Cornell of Minneapolis, and a daughter, Marian Cornell of Wilmette. Two brothers and ~ sister also survive. NEW MARMON Phone Long Beach 6428-0pen Evenings Marmon North Shore 1038 I I ' I l~ J . J. Schneider Buys Delicious Specials Every Evening at the Plaza 1 ·11 · Wilmette Shoe Store J··ll11 I. ~rlmcidn. :1 :1ati\t' oi \\ ' ilt 11<: t t t· . k...., purr h ;"' l' d t he \ \' i I ml't t e i ..,11(1(' -..t( ·n· at 11~0 l"t·ntr:tl an·ntH·. from ' I . 1\.tial--l..:i and t<H·k t· har)..!t' 11i the hu-..inc~:- ~I onda,· oi thi-.. ,,.t:tk ~1 r . :'rlmeidl'r·. \\-h(l j._ "t·ll knO\\ 11 tu i ln111drcd . . oi rnident~. ha ... t·njc.y<:d a \\Talth 11i t'XJH: rienc(· in the retail shoe bu-..ine~:- in Chicago and Yicinit\·. I Ie "a . . iormerh· "it h E. :\ . Tuckt-r \\ htn that ... h(lt' finn locatt·d in \\'ilmtttc. , 111anaged thl' Butkr Shoe ... tore on :\lain ... treet in Ev~tn:-tot1. \\'a~ a..;~(t- 1 riatt·cl \Yith 1\a~mus:'tn Bn'" ·· -..lw<" deal- i cr ... in llighland Park. ,,·ith Lord's -.hot· cl epa rt 111 en t at E ,. a 11 ~ton a 11 d '\'it h ('hark... . \ . Stcn· n s and H ro-. .. 1n Chicago. ~tr . lbial . . ki ha-.. e~tal,li . . lwd a retail -.hoe hu-.inL· ... s <1t1 \til\\attkt·t avt·ntH.' . (.'hica)..!(l. lie and hi-. iamilY \\'ill rt'lain thl'ir ·;tpartnH.'J'lt:' ahon· ti1l' \Yillllette ' ~hfl(' ~ton· until }.Ia~· 1. I t! I ;t ' , Ill ' !'rit · lH th;,· t :\ 11:1 t uc; , N biY - OONDAY PATRONS at The Library Plaza C afeteria quickl y learn that in the evening. too, the Plaz a is the preferred place for t he best things to eat. Note these evening economy specials, served each day after five o' clock : Mo nda ys Toasted Tenderloin Steak Sandwich; French Fried Potatoes .....·............. 35c Tuesda ys Roast Quarter of Philadelphia Ch icken; Stuffed Cranberries; Breast, 4Sc; Leg .... 40c W ednesdays Broiled English Lamb Chop, en Casserole . .45c Thursday s Hot Turkey Sandwich; Green Peas; ~lashed Potatoe ........................ 40c Fridays Creamed Salmon Sandwich; Sliced Eggs; ~fashed Potatoes ........................ 2Sc Sa turdays Filet ~lignon (French Tenderloin Steak); Fresh ~f ushroom ; Roast Potatoes ..... .45c ad <1 : I I' ['""I tht t· · r . lt ) ckd '1 tl r "" - lii t. 111r :lllrl h;t ~ 1111 r - i··k I! ; T1 · 11-. tht IJ(td R.B.WARDi FUNERAL DIRECTOR You can recommend us when the occasion demands professional att e nt ion f o r frie nd s, r elatives a nd acquaintances . \' IJ 1 Sunday Special (Served all Day ) Hot Roast Prime Ribs of Nat ive Beef Sandwich; Mashed P o ta toes ......... .45c ,., - th· · ll' · I i alT y Tjl_ i>~! --tp.uwr- 1 I Ll BRARY PLAZA CAf=ETE.RIA . O rri ngton Avenue. just South of Church Street la,10~ lu h ringh r· ~er1· ~ver ~e"· PROME UNIVERSITY 600 L ady A.rsistant Private Ambulance in the Library Plaza Hotel

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