26· .March 5, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE 4j n ,. ' *" ( ·t. s ·GIFT OF CANDY PROVES BOON TO MOUNTAINEERS Modest Christmas Gift Starts Outpouring of Aid for Berea College CAR TAX REDUCED Car Used in Business, as Well as De· predation, Permits Cut in Income Tax Scheduling .IC .: n r .. Deductions allowed tax pay<'rs in connection \\·ith the maintenance of automobile s, is the ·subject of the late st bulletin iss ued by the Chicago Motor club. Telephone your orders- Wilmette 649 No Toll fl .1~31ll1 lft§JJMJ. 15 57 SHERMAN A VENUE ~ ..... ~ Evanston r 1! · Planning to Build --This Spring? · · What's stopping ·y ou? Haven:t quite enottgh money to go ahead? Need a Loan? Or, is it Advice yoti seek in attending to the financiai details as applied to building a home of your own? Consider this Bank at your Service then , We.' ll be glad to let you have the necessary Loan at a very low rate of interest. Or - if it's mere information and direction you \:vish, just come ahead and consult us. A five minute talk will convince you of our sincerity and desire to see you carry out your plans. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMETTE