Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 35

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.March ?, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE I North Shore Line Report Indicates Splendid Progress The Chicago North Shore and Mil,,·au kee Railroad company-the North Shore Line-carried a total of 18.229.1(,0 passengers during the year 1925 or an increase of 1,057,975 as compared with 1924, on the combined transportation facilities of the company. This is one of the many interesting iacts on growth ·and expansion . et forth in the annual report for the Year 1925 just sent to stockholders by -the company. The main line railroad, connecting the Chicago Loop and downtown :Milwaukee and serving intermediate points \\"ith hil!h -s pe('d electric tran:-;portation, carried 9,R l-t,594 revenue passengers. an increase of 354,4RO over the previous y~?ar. 'YOU ARE- ENTITLED TO KNOW 1111 DOD&Eo BRC~I:iEAS.ING. _, I .; ~ -l ......... gEEHH!!:: I ·- . total oi 53(),095 tons of mcrchandi-.,e was tran-.,ported O\'er this line bv the merchandi-;e despatch srrYice. Th{s i ... an increase of 202.207 tons over the 1 tl)tal merchandise handled in 1924. H t.'alt hv increases were abo made in tht.' ex-press and milk departments, it ,,·a.; . aid. "Thl' larger ekrtricall~·-operatcfl rail- ~ road service proYided the puhli ~ is seen in tht· fact that ;\orth Shore line train 11pcra.ted 10.080}7-l car mite.... an in- ~ tTt·a-.,e of 1.107.075 mile.; on·r tlw pre,·iou... yt·ar." add..; the report. '"Thi.; ~ doe.., llPt inrlude car mileage of cit~· I jIll'"·" "( >n t hv 1111 ·t· ·r roach route". OJH'rtlt - I ~·d :1-.. auxilian· t(l tlw high-sper<l l'lvrrir:tlh·- IIJH'r:ttt ·cl rai)r,,:td. 0().1.:103 'l'lll.!t"r" \\t'rt' rarri<·d. Tl1; .., j.., an inrrea . . t.· ,,j 1i3.3i(· ~·n· r tltv l11t:tl. c:trrit.·d I in 10.2-l." Parlor :1nd dining car iarilitic ... fin tht· limitt·d train . . :1rc ht·inl.!.' u ed nn .1 roJbtanth· i]lrrt·a:-inl!' :-ral<'. Thi ... is .tttl'-..ted 1)\: the fact th:lt 70.000 meal.;; werv 't·rn.'d and :10.0()0 ridn ... "·err car- 1 rit·d in parlor cars during 10.2:;. Tilt· . . torkhnlcJt.r, <·i tlw Xorth Shnr<' l.inl' numlH'r R.230. the maiorit\· ni ,,·l!nm art" n· . . idl'nh <·f tht· rnnllilltnitie-.. "l'l'\'t'cl. TlH· J; ,rg-t'r JH'r.n ntal!'e oi t'lllPio_ , .t .. , are -.,t(ldJ r1lder:-. pa.;-1 I ·A Dodge Brothers Motor Car · · · A speeding true~ racing down hill and out of control ··· A collision · · · Take one look at this photograph. It is not pretty, to be sure, but it will convince any sensible man that all steel construe· tion is the only safe construction for a motor car body. That is why Dodge Brothers introduced the all steel body more than eleven years ago, and this year greatly improved and perfected it. In fact, Dodge Brothers are convinced that the day is not far off when wooden motor car bodies will be a curiosity. People will shudder at the thought of having ridden in them and will thank Dodge Brothers for the greater safety, durability- and beauty, too-of all steel construction. A steel body will stand up under impact~ that would crush the average body to bits. Steel cannot splinter. Steel cannot bum. Steel is an armor of protection on the crowded, hurrying highway. Outwardly, nearly all types of bodies ap· pear to be all steel. In reality, however, most of them are simply frames of wood covered by a metal shell. Dodge Brothers Motor Car bodies an steel through and through-steel rein· forced by steel-buttressed and braced by steel- even the frames and running boards are steel. And slender, stronger steel comer posts replace the customary bulky posts of wood, affording full, unhampered driving vision on all sides-a safety feature of . the first importance! Travel in safety! Powerful, quick-acti011 brakes, a chassis world-famous for ita sturdiness, and a body of steel - these explain the enviable reputation for safety enjoyed by Dodge Brothers Motor Car -and the enviaole leelinA of safety eojoyed by those who drive it. Announce Christmas Seal Sale Awards in Schools · follC~win~ prizes \\·ere awarcied to \ Vil- For the . ale of Christmas seals the ,J mette srhool". The awarding of thec;e Yariouc; prize \\·as in charo-~ of ~frs John Hoffm11n. Christmac; ~eal cl~ai~~ man in \\~ilmette and \\'innetka.: 17 health the r momete r s; 23 games: 3 C'lothec;pin Pi lgrims: 24 health hook C~\·ers. for e11d1 pupil in a room . ellin~ S:'IO \\·orth or mote. (Grnsc; Point): 1RJ health hook co,·ers. (St. F r ancis Xavier): 3~ health honk cover . . ('~ f iss _Tnhan.-;en. lOth street). Christmas S<'al prizes awa r ded to · \Vinnetka sc-hools \Yere as follows: 1R4 health hook covers: 14 g-ames. (Q,·er the Hi ll s to Hea lth ): 35 hea lth cherker gtlmec;, for $1.00 sales In- nupils tha t belong to the ~f odern -Hea lth Cr.usade: 1 map an d crayo n s. s pecial : p n ze for " M i ss Du eller 's r oom: 3 Clot h esp in Pilg r ims. a hooklet. pc cial p ri 7e fo r $ 1.00 indiv id u a l sa le. Th e J ose ph S ea r s sch ool in K e n il" ·or t h , w h ose s upe rint en d e nt is E. L. ;\'~·gaa rci , mad e unu su a l ·sales, th e sates a m o unt ing- to $3.27 for eac h pu p il in t h e sc h ool. T h is sch ool r eceived two prizes. \ V ill a rd C. Thayer ha s r et urn e d to his h o m e in D e tro it aft e r a hrie f vis it w ith hi s parents , Mr. anci Mrs. W . H . Thaye r . of 522 Centra l ave nu e. The car will continue to be a "four". No reasonable buyer will be dU. trackd /rom the issue of QUALITY~ mere CYUND~~Pr.o~gandG. I C.M.McDONALD 1019 DAVIS STR'EET... UNIVERSITY ZZ4 1 ' --oMrs. C. A . Houlton of Milwaukee is snending- this week a s · the guest of Mrs. Arthnr E. "\filler of 1414 Gre gor v a venue . Mrs. Mitter was hostess at a s mall luncheon and hrid g e in Mrs. Ho ulto~n's hqnpr Tuesday. . ~~--- noD-6C. BROT-H -~RS M.DTDR, C:ARS. - J

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