Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 32

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32 I WILMETTE LIFE March 5, 1926 ~lllhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllll llllllllllllll ~ Hear "The Angelus" Today Victor Record No.3576'i A soul -s[irring record of "The Angelus." played on a grand -organ wi[h chimesca[bedral-likt- inspiring. You will wan[ i[ in your home, for never were [be deep, moving notes of the org;.n or [be silver ring of the chimes so perfecdy reproduced. Together with "The An gelus," the Vic[or Company has released for March eigh[ marvelous new Red Seal rec,.. ords- eight records of song and instrumental music - sax popular songs and ballads- and thirteen · new dance records [ba[ will make wonderful dancing. As you lis[en [O them , as you note the rich bass. the greater range. the perfec[ finish. you will be amazed at the beauty of the reproduction of the new Orthophonic Victrola. Come in any time. This is your concert hall. - \. ill>ert D . ] ohnson of Chicago and the north s ho re ha s purchased from Frank A. ~tcCarthy oi Elgin hi s 316 acr<: iann on Algonquin road, so uth we st_of Barrington for $63,27-L K. E . Otis of Barrington \Ya s the broker. :\[ r. ] o lm so n ha s resold this iarm for an undi sclosed considl'ration to a wndicate represented by C. S. Ennis. and company. Title for the sy ndicate was taken hy the State Bank of Chicago as GET HEAL, T H DIPLOMA Gilbert D. Johnson Buys Huge Farm for Syndicate Second Group of Boys at Arden Shore Hold Graduation Afternoon Exercises This - - TO STAGE STYLE SHOW "Select your Easter gowns and hats at the Style Show to be given Friday, March 12, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, in the basement of the Congregational church by the Central Avenue circle. Gowns will be display- - cd on models," is the 11otice penned and - sent to our desk by one in charge of _ arrangements for this novel venture on the part of the circle. ~r rs . ~Iatthew Beaton, Jr., oi 515 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth, entertains her Friday luncheon-bridge club on March 5. Open Evenings North Shore Talkinc Machi ne Company 554 Center St. 712 Church St. Evanston = mng~~~~~.n "' Chicago. Write for Free Booklet 'l'elt"'llhont" "'\Vihnt"'tte 3:-147 JAZZ in 20 Lessons on Piano, Banjo, Sax., etc. DR. FRANK B. ERWIN VETERINARIAN SJ·eclnlizlng in the treatment of your beMt friends the "Dog :ancl Cnt" All cnlhJ receh·e my pPrsonnl attention 724 Prairie Ave. "'\VIhnette, Ill. Winnetka § ~ :-,lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l ll~ New Orthophonic Victrolas, Radio and Small Instruments. This aiternoon, ~larch 5 at 3 o'clock, at :\r;kn Short ca111p, the seco nd graduating class of this year will n·,ceivc diplomas t i health from ~Ii ss Anna llellc Ferrier, :-.uperi ntcndent of the camp. . . There · arc a dozen boys 111 tht s second graduating class. Before Christmas the first group of boys to reach the standard of health required by the Chicago Board of Education, and to he graduated from the camp, numbered fifteen. Although the boys ha\' e hcet~ gra.duated from Arden Shore ever smte tt s inception as a winter t~ut~ition camp over five vears ago,_ thts ts the fir st year that ~ diploma ha s he<.'t~ pre~en!cd to each bov as he succeeds m bnngmg him se lf "ul) to the line" phy..,ically. The winter camp i. larger tht <; yea: than ever before. \Vith greater lwusmg facilities. It ha s been possible to takt· care of fifh·- three hoy~ at a time. There is a waitirig Ji._t oi twenty boy s ea~er to be taken into the camp. A~ ha-, hccn said so mam· times hdore, the-.t.' are hon het\n'c n- 1-l and }( 1· who apply to. the Chicago n?arcl oi Educa tion i(lr \\'orking n·rttftratn. hecaust.· it i:-. m·ce:-.-,an· ior them tn kan· sclwol to a ... sist in tl1e :-.ll \ JH1rt of their tH.' I.'cly families. Tf they are not in tH_>rtnal health. \rorking cntifiratv" art· retu."cd, and then th<. hoy:-.. a" tn;111~· a-.. pn-.-,tldl·, are sl'nt to thl' . \ rcl~.·n Sh"n· camp t tl rn.!ain their health. \lr-.. Carl H. Ltth:tlll \\iii r1·pr~·.,~·n thv ht·arcl ()i clin·1 ,.,r .... tt th r I.!T:tdu:t t i< Ill. Tlti, l'\·eninl!· :tt t, : 1~ :tt (~;td', llill n·ntrv at 10.19 \\'1· . . t Cttllnton tr<·t·t . (' h i c a lf 1 1. t h e . \ r <k n ~ 11 ~' n · 1.! r a d u.: tt l · , oi pr~·,· ioth ~-l · .tr ... ,,·ill !11· ~·ntnt:.ttlll · d at ()Ill' oi t IH· i ;ullt t\1" . \ rdvn ~ ht orl· r :tlliv-,. T11l'rv \\ill hl' ,uppt r. a lllO\.tl ·. I a nnn·Jt,· t' lltvrtainnll'nt. tlltt,ir. :tntl 111 j qw·tl' tlw inYiL.t.tinn .. ·:a cltanc.v to lllf't·t tlH· tdd !!all!.!. T· rH·tHJ.., Jr<t11l tl_tt· l ~ (l a r d 1 i F d u c a t i o 11 :t 11 d t lH· r a 111 p '.: d 1 lH· thnv. \1 r. and \1 r .. . Cl·nrl!t· \:til . 1\a~l'll , fr.. \fr and \Tr-.. . Frank .\ If t·cht-. 1;... and \I r. ancl \1 r". Hu..,...t·l .\ . 1 l'vttl'ngill all tli fhrrinv:ton. an· gi,·inl! 1 < 1 th1· party. 'The Genuine I ~f r". Carl Behn announces I l riage of her flaughter. Alice , I I MARRIES WINNETKAN the marJulie, to : Herbert Rogers Dutz, February 5, in :\ew York CitY. Mr. and 11rs. Butz, who ha\'e g-one- abroad on their honey' moon. will he at home in \Vinn rtka af1 tt..·r thr first of June. · \f i ... s · Alice K. \Yat son is coming· 1 from Milwaukee to spend this weekI end with her father anrl mother, 11r. and :Mrs. Jame s \Vat.on, of 1007 1 Linden a\'cnue. l ... ------------------------Us COMMISSION WITHOUT L 0 ..& ,. ~ On Desirable Homes and Apartment Buildings t Has stood the test and is recommended by thousandn of Chicago families Get this guaranteed fuel. Enjoy real satisfaction and sa'Jie money John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company A. D. LA~G'\VOR'rHY, Loan Agent 112 "'\V. AtlnmH St., Chicago ~------------------------- CHICAGO BY-PRODUCT COKE CO. MANUFACTURERS poaitively Lawndale 7025 exterminated In Overstuffed Furniture by XTERMX proceaa of fumigatina and treating. Furniture retumecl auaranteed free from Infestation, odorIPss and thoroughly vacuumed. · m¥U.,.Mfl~~

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