Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 30

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30 WILMETTE LIFE March 5, 1926 I nco me Tax Facts (Provided by Mabel Reinecke, collector of Internal Revenue, Chicago.) WHO? Single persons who had net income of $1,50 or more or gross income of $5,000 or more, and married couples who had net income of $3,500 or more or gross income of $5,000 or more must file returns. WHEN? The filing period ends March 15, 1926. \\'HERE? Collector of internal revenue for the district in which the person lives or has his principal place of business. HO\V? Instructions on Form 1040A and 1040; also law and regulations. \VHAT? One and one-half per cent normal tax on the first $4,000 in excess of the personal exemptions and credits. Three per cent normal tax on the next $4,000. Five per cent normal tax on the balance of net income. Surtax on net inc.ome 111 excess of $10,000. Silk Manufacturer to Build Home in Village Albert F. Cordts, Jr., manager of the Chicago office of the Susquehanna Silk Mills, hct.s purchased a nice piece of vacant property in · the thirteen hundred block on Ashland avenue, on which he is contemplating the erection of a nice home. The E. E. Stults Realty compariy, of 424 Linden a~enue, "\vere the brokers in the transactiOn. Political Primer A department of Wilmette Life edited by Hoyt King of ~he Wilmette Forum for 100 percent votmg. · CHAPTER VIII good housekeeping means easy housekeeping NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS BILLING CHANGE The coming to life this week of the O'Conell-Dunnc-Harrison. Democratic faction has meant the death of any contemplated bi-partisan combine bet\\·ecn the Brennan Democrats and the MOVES TO LINDEN CR EST C. E. Hastings, now residing tn the Cro\\·e-llarrct t- Brundage l{cpublican :-.. Nelson apartment building, will occupy The O'Conncll-Dunnc-Harrison facone of the Linden Crest apartments at tion has put up a ticket, but is not op Fourth and Linden. 11ay 1, the lease po:-.ing ) udgc Jarecki or Probate J udgc being made through the E. E. Stults Horner, Democrats, \\·hom they credit Realty co .. of 424 Linden avenue. ,,·ith having made good records. A statement IH· fornH:r Trca~un:r Miss Marie Levi is now convalescing \ Yi11 iam L. ()'Co ~lll e ll gave as on e o f after a long and serious illness at the their reasons ior putting up a ticket, home of her father, E. ]. Levi, 730 "Their uncompromising oppo:-.ition to the IIH:thod:-. and policies that dominate Forest avenue. ~I r. Brennan\ so-called regular Demo-oThe Oxford chapter, Daughters of cratic organization. \rhich ~:-. betraying the British Empire, met at the home of Democratic candidates and principle~ :Mrs. Thomas H. West, 1027 Central in the intcn·-.t oi a hi-partisan ,,·orking alliance \\·ith the Crowe- BarrL'ttavenue, on Friday, February 25. Thompson fact ion oi the Republican -o~Mr. and Mrs. N. N . Hen.rich of \Vit~ party." It \\·as charged that the Brenna11 netka announce t h e marnage of thetr dau ghter, Marie Hen rich, to Leo Democrah. having no party oppo~itinn propo:-.ul to participate in RL·puhlican primaries with a vie,,· to helping nolllina t e ~I r Savage ior Rt·pu hlican C(lttll t y Judge . It was chargL·d that the Demo crat.., ccmtrolkcl ll\· Brennan would thl'n -..acrifire thl'~r own randidatl'. J uclge ) a rerki. and he I p e krt t h~.· Hepublican candidatl'. \\.hat the Repul> licath \\"t:rl' to do in rctttrn i:-. n()t made public. Tlw iact that :-uri! irit·tHlh· traffic tc:: too frcqttL'Iltly carried on. ht·twren part~· tnanagers. 111adl' it L ·a ... y t(l helievt' the char1re. e-.peciall~· a-. Judge J:trecki ha:- not hl'ell ohediL·nt to thv hiddinL: . oi th~.· hn:-.;;c-.. The putting up nt till' adclition;d DenJocr;ttir ticket \\·ill re~ult 111 all trade-. !wing otT. Thr Dt·m"rratir ,·oter!-- \rill he kept hl'hind their ()\\. ll fence-.. From the H'nple'-. "tanclpoint. it ~:-. I a rkarin~ or a had att~~~~~crc . ... The date of rendering telephone bills will be changed in April. Telephone subscribers whose accounts are payable at the WILMETTE EXCHANGE will receive bills in the future dated the 11th of each month. This change, as part of a new Billing Plan for all Exchanges in the Suburban Area, will greatly simplify and expedite the rendering of bills so that our subscribers will receive their statements more promptly. Please be sure to read the explanation of this new Plan which accompanies your March 1st bill and your bill received during April. Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. un.. less kept always clean and healthy, EYES lack,this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. tides and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illtUtraud hoolu on "Eye Caw· or "Eye Bea~u are f'REB on rcquac. The Murine Company J)ept. 33, Chicqo Illinois Bell Telephone Company . JJ· EYES· t/fllq,!!~]Y.L .

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