Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 28

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WILMETTE LI F E March 5, 1926 S tr" a ined to render as sistance to ratrons who desire sugge stion s in regard to the selection of silks. They know the art of combining colors, the trend of fashion in design and we ave a nd th e y are able to advise you as to th e ct m uunt of silk you will require f or garn1 ~ nt s of various style s. ALESPEOPLE at The Silk Shops are Mee ting league; Herbert J. Fricdmat~. attorneyat-law; ~1i s Anne Guthrte, general · ---. · · ~ecretar~:. Y.\\'.C.A.: .\\'illiam H. Hol1 S. K. Ratcliffe, Englt h JOurnall,t and 1 1v · Cit,· club of Chtcago: Jame~ L. publicis~. ,,·ill spea~ at the Ch_icago : fr~ughtcling: (~eorg~ ). H(}lnH: ..,, man1 Forum .m ~he Olymptc theatr~r Chtcago, ufactun:r ~nd Rotana~1 :. Joel .D: ~l_un~ Sun.da~ . atte:noon: Feb.ruar~ ·. 28. The tLl. ::--upcnntencfent L.ntted ( h,tntt~· ..... . ulnect tor dt~Ct!'i~ton \\'Ill be. Ra~c. ~nd Anton Johannsen. Chtcag(J Fede~attnn Color-The Cructal Test' ot tnhza- of 1 abor J nhn ;\. Lapp. pn: tdent. tion." Thi-.. .::ame problem was I?re . . e~t- Chic~go Liberal club: ~amuel Ln·in. 1 eel. b~ the ne~ro schol~r and ocJO.logt ·t, Amalgamated Cl<Jthint! \\'c,rker": Ral.\\. E. DuBm:', at the torun~ mcctt.ng or; hi Lnui~ L. ~!ann: \'ictnr :\ . Olandc·r. February 21 ~1 r. Ratclt ffe ':·til ot c;.ccretan· Jllinoi ._ Fed era tirm r1f Labor : cour e pre . ent it as ~n Englt~hm~n \\"illiam- D. Saltiel. pre~ident. Juni<· r with the many P.h~ses ot tl.lc problem 111 a ·-;ociation of Commerce: ~clix J. the polygl?t Bntt h Emptre. . . Streykmans, repres~nting. f<?retgn-borr The Cl11cag<} .Forum Counctl, whtch grnup-..: Dr. H. Rcgmald ~mttl:: Arthur , ~on duct the Chtcago For_um has heg'ln J. Todd, ~orth,,·~s~ern unn· c·rstt~:: ~1 r-.. tb econd· fi . cal year wtth the confi- Pierce Young, Chtcago \\oman s club. dence that it~ initial efforts have met The fir. t sea on CJf the Forum clo-.c·c::. ; \\·it!l ~cal: ucce~.;. and that. it can. ren~er on April -l. The speaker . for thl' re: a dt. tmcttye sernce to Chtcago 111 sttm- maining SundaYs arc: ~larch 1-l-Ju(l-.o n ulating con tructin: :-ocial think~ng and G. Ro ebush, -general manager \"or in promoting better under. tandmg be- thern Paper ~lills, \Yi-..consin. "Ou 1 t\\·ecn groups. line of a Sound Labor Policy.": ~farj The per:-CJlliH:l of the Council ac; or- ch 21. President lr\'ing ~1aurer of Be:'_ g anized for F12() contain~ . ome new loit College and Frank Comerfielcl. ht' name-, of repn:.;cntati\'e people who are cago la,,·yer. debating. ?11 ".Th<: Ahncnthusia . tic o\·er this undertaking for Jition of ~filitar~· Tratntnl.( 111 · cho.oJ.;;. better under . . tanding and social good- and Colleges." Pre:'idc·nt ~f aurcr taktng \\·ill in Chicago and . urrounding ter- the affirmative: ~farch 2R. ~·!1arh.·' riton·. · Clavton ~lorri:,nn. ".:\. StrategttiC :\I H~rnlcl L. Ickes of Hubbard \\"nod". merican '"'Polin· inr \\'orld · Peace~'·: " ·ell kno\\·n a a leader in ion,·ard- April 4. Rev. John A. Ryan ot .the ~a looking tno\'emcnb. . uccccds Prof. tiona! Catholic \\'eliare C(·ttnctl . \\"il!iam E. Dodd of the Cni\'er. ity of The Forum meet.... rt't!\llarly at. tht· Chicago a..;, president, Professor Dodd Ol~· mpic theatr('. T\andnlph and. (!arlo. continuing as a member of the Council. 1 trcrts .. Sunda~· atttrnoon at 3 ° rlork . 1frs. B. F. Langworthy of \Vinnetka, Pre . . idcnt CJf the \\'oman's Cit,· club. 1 ).fr" . .\. L Fulkr. 91~ Tenth strrct. rontinm· . . a . . vice-re . . idcnt. ~1r;. E\·e- ,,·a-. ho . . tes . at a vanishing luncheon ' ln1 S. Bvron nf Hull Hmhc· a . . . ecre- \Vedne-;dav of la-..t week at her home 1 t.r1.n·. and Tame . H. Becker of :\. to benefit- the Ladies' :\irl ociety of Becker anci company, a~ treasurer . the \ \"i.lmette Parish ~fet.hndi . t churcl.1 : , Other memh<:rs of the council an:: Edwm Phclp .- . 260 \\ ood court, 1.... " \\'illiam J. Bogan. as..,i:-tant :--upt. Chi- 1returning the end of this week from a l cago Schools. Chicago: ~fr-,. Ed"·ard business trip to Xew York. Cle\·elancl. ! 0. Brooks. Edge\\'ater Catholic \\'cJil1- 1 and Detroit. Address Chicago Sunday, March 7 Forum 1 1 STUDY RACE PROBLEMS i Jam<::, an\ cluJ!:. }{e,·. Duncan ~f. Bro,~·t~e, ~.t. J·.ptscop~l church. ~1 :...,· Lit Oat--I che Chicago \\'()man\ :\J(J: Arthur S . K . Ratcliffe, British Journalist ,. to I Fi:,h~r; A. L. Fo:-tc-r. Chicago Crhan . : I I . : \.. I I ~~=========================il · SPECIAL TODAY: A Rough Fabric of the Shantung Weave - All Silk in All Shades- $1 .50 yq.. PRI ':ES A LWA YS R E ASON.4. B LE Your Office Does Create Prestige! C i.ar:;,e A ccounts S olicited A I I I VISIT OUR EVANSTON SHOP 'I EDGAR A 19 N OFFICE · in the New C arlson Building, at Orrington A venue and Church Street, Evanston, enhances your prestige with your clients. A score of other good reasons, too , combine to make the selection of an office here a matter of good judgment. STEVENS. INC. II Tel. Greealeat 100 Sheldrake 500 THEEaSl SILK SHOPS Madison Street (>jr~ 9he Street at Woodlawn Ave. CARLSON BUILDINO and inlioanftonllllb350rrington Ave. /Jbra~ Sauare..f.vanstOTJ C2maih 8llei& at Oaiuilw Aveoue

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