Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 16

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WILMETTE <""' ~~·~········ LIFE March 5, 1926 DISPLAY INDIANA ART Hoosier Salon to Open Saturday in Manh.all Field Galleries; Open March. I to ZO Am10uncement was made this week of the special days to be held in con nection with the Hoosier salon art ex hibit, to he held in the M arslwll Field galleries ~rom March 8 .to 20. Th~ salon is sponsored hy the Daughters ot · Indiana, the Indiaua Society of Men and alumni of various Indiana college ~. Anv native horn art i"it who has n· ceived his training in Tndiana cau exhi bit as well as anv artist who has an establishc(1 periodical r~"idencc in the state or who has heen affiliated with a group of Indiana artists for five year!'. A numher of special prizes have heen offered hY John C. Shaffer, the Daugh ters of l;,diana. Col. George 'I'. Buck ingham and the Edw~rd Hector Memorial fund . Saturday, 1f arch o, "·ill he devoted to a special exhihit for memhers of tl~c 1ndiana SocietY for men and thetr wives: Daught<:rs of I udiana, aud there hushatHis: nflicl·r~ of collc·ge alumni as sociation s and a few special guests. MondaY. !\1 arch 8. will he all ·· artists· dav whc11 C'hkago artists will be in · vit·e~t to attc·nd ancl meet the Indiana arti:-.h. Th<· program for Tuesclay and \V..-chwsd:t\' \\'ill he announced later. TJwrsda :,, . March ll. is Earlham cp} legt· alumi1i day, and Friday. ~{arch 12. is De P:nt\\' alumni day. On DePauw day, President M urlin of the ~otlegt' will ~ivc an atldre!'s and there wt]] also he sperclw" hy Bishop F.dwin Holt H ttl! It "· ex-prf'sidf·nt of D<' Pauw. Fecl Prrtl Judge .T"'mf's K. \Vilkerson. Jud~e Ta\'lor and H<w \\'f'"t. A hmrheon wlll h,. · h..-Jd for ·alf .:-lePatt\\' alumni in Fi,.Jd'._ rrrill. During- the afternoon se\·eral Indiana artists will conduct a g-at len: tour ;nul 1here will he sev,·ral talks . Tndi~111a ttnivt'r"itv witl hold a dinner on Saturday. }vf arch 13, and Purdue tttli\'ersitv, Culver 1filit:lr~· academ~· and R11tl,.r colleR"e :"Ire plannin~ lt!nrh ron'i d,rinsr the week. PANATROPE andRADiOLA NEWS for MUSIC LOVERS! MUSIC by 'ELEC'fRICAL REPRODUCI10N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NOW-Combined in one b e a u t i f u l - two new, age electrical developments- the llao.trope and the Radiola- both employing the new electrical principle of tone reproducdon.. PANATROPE-harnessing the power of electricity to bring you all the tones of the complete musical scale i·mpossible of reproduction by any other method. RADIOLA-on the identical electrical principle, capturing hidden tones of melody from the air~ We invite you to attend one of our dailv demonstrations. ~ Well Known Subdivider Buys Kenilworth Home \V. R . Br£~nnig..-r. th..- "·ell knf'\\'11 sub-divider, has purchased the fin <' new nine-room brick residence which :' IH'i nf" erert ed h,· T;qn <'" C'rahh. on L..-icester road. Krnih,·ort h. The hou ~e :._ no"' nndrr Cf"l"trtt"tion hut it is ex ""rted to have it complt'tf·d hy :\f ::~y 1. Hill & Stone. of 404 Lindt·n a venue . \Vilmette, were the brokers in the tran ""ction. PANATROPE and RADIOLA ~ COMING TO WILMETTE Hill & \Vheeler, of 334 Linden ave nue. as brol::ers, report the sale for Dr. H . ]. Achard, of Glendale, Cat.. of the residence property at 521 Elev"nth street, to C. H. Leach, of 1927 Greenlc::~f avenue, Chicago, possession to be given ':\fay 1. 11 r. Leach, now rrtirrcl. wa . ; for many years principal in the hicago puhlic schools. Mr. and :M rs. Charles E. Olewinc and their son, of 732 Park avenue, arc leaving next week for a month's trip to Los Angeles and San Francisco. They witl return by way of New Orleans where they will spend a few days. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ward of lOOt Michigan avenue returned recently from a short trip to Florida. They are entertaining their bridge club at a dinner at their home tomorrow evening. --o- The joint achievement of the Four World Leaders in musical and electrical acoustics: The Radio Corporation of America, The General Elertric Co., The Westinghouse Electric &. Mfg. Co., and Brunswick FREE DEMONS'IRATIONS-Dailyl Wiltnette Music Shop Orian A. Galitz .::.~r{. ~~ -· Radiolas-Sheet Music- Phonographs-Records 1179 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 3006 M rs. Walter I. Beam, Jr., of 800 Greenleaf avenue has as her guests, her sister, Mrs. Harry Neal, and her daughter, of Greensville, Ohio. -o-- ----....-...-...- .- .. - ..-.. - . - ..-... -... ...- - --------- .. ... .... Mr. and Mrs. ]. F. Com.ee, 1612 Forest avenue, .spent the past week-end in Minneapolis and St. Paul. -----

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