Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Mar 1926, p. 15

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:March 5, 1926 WILMETTE LIFE . 15 Playwriting Class Optimists Frolic at Installation Meeting Offers Prize for Installation of the new officers of Best Contribution the \\'ilmette Optimists club took place :t ch at ·ot the Northwestern Univcrsit\· School the on ~al ;tl - _The Playwriting class, a joint project Tuesday evening at a dinner given by members to their wives and of Speech.and the Drama Club of Ev- frie.nd at the Lake Shore Terrace. Dr. anston, is offering a prize scholarship George P. ).fagill, chap lain of the Opof ten lessons for the best pia\· to he timists club, installed the following: ('ontrihuted hv March 17. Am:one on Dr. George D. C pson, president; E. C. the north shore who i·s inter~·~ted in Cazel, vice-president .; Dr. Arthur H. play\\'rit ing, is C'ligih le, to send in a Tuttle; secretary: N. A. Schwall, treasplay, it is announced, and any type or urer; and Lowell Beyrer, sergeant-atlength of play will he accepted. The arms. manuscripts, unsigned and accompanied Features of the eYening include·rt·'11-te hy the author's name in · a sealed enve- following: reports of the vcar's activlope, arc to he sent to 11rs. Carlos ities by Dr. D. \V. Rapp, re-tiring secn·Andrews, 102 Keeney street, Evan ton. tary: talks by Orian Ga lit z, retiring Til<~ three persons who wi11 judge the pre-;ident, and hy Dr. Upson, the inplays will he: Theodore B. Hinckley, C(·Ill ing president: music by Daw and who has con du cted the class for tlw Pratt:. radio artists of the \VMAQ radio past three years, and who also has been ~taff (topsy-tun·y time), ::tnd by ~fiss teaching classes in contemporary drama Alihild Qurrber, soprano, and "commuand playwriting at Korthwestcrn uni- nity singing" J.y the cro,nl. About ,·ersity, and editor of The Drama mag- per:--on~ \\'ere pre . . cnt azine: Alexander Dean, director of the Playshop of Northwestern univerMISS VITTUM TO SPEAK -.itv, and <lirector of tiH' Korth Shore ).1 i s Harriet Vittum, a resident of Tl;eatre Guild: and ~f rs. Carlos Andn·" ..... \Yho for seve r a l Years has heen ~orth\\'estern university sett lement, \' hairman of the play~nighting cla . . s and noted . ocial worker, will be a gue . t committee. at; the next dinner give n by the \Vit- I The '> rhol;ll· . . hip coillpri!'l'S trn "T<'kh · cia..; k~· . oiiS \\ hid1 he~in ~1 arch 23. mc:tte club for Bu iness and Profes- , to 1H' hl'ld each Tu(·...,(l:ty tllOrning. at ~ional \Vomen ThYrsday, M-arch 18, at ]() <·'rl()ck, at the 1-:\' :tt!'-tOll library 6 :30 o'clock, at the -Congregational : church. ).[is s Yittum \\'ill addre s s the ' gathering in the e\·ening. SELL BARRINGTON ACREAGE 59 No Extra Expense No Incidentals Including Pullman berth.- Round trip R. R . Fare. Meals on Train . first class Hotel Accommodations. Rooms and Meals. Deep Sea Fishing Trip. Motor Trips and all incidental expenses even to "tips" and cigars. Absolutety ·not!Jing to buy. The Itinerary .incluues Tampa . Florida's Largest City; St. Petersburg. the Sunshine Ci-ty; Tarpon Springs, the Venice of America, and Clearwater. the tourist mecca of the West Coast: also the famous Gandy Bridge. 1 1 I "' . ~to Ill'. of -W-l L i n d c n an: nut'. l'l'IH·rt \\\o n: cent ~alt- . . oi arrvag-t· near B;trrin~ton ;tt S230 per acn·. Thl' t\\'O II i Il 8.: 1·. -.. ;de . . r<·lllpri . . l · 320 acn·..... hut the nanH·:-, j tlw purcha-..l'r-.. \\'ere not l'l'\·l'akd. Tht · :'allle firtn n : porh much acti\·ity in thv B;trrim:-t()Jl ,·icinit.y . < II ,; ·' J ""') , \ ----l-. J) r. a 11 d :\ 1r ., . I l l' r 1> t' rt \\·a Ik n o i 'u111nor r<·ad l'lltertained at :-upper and a 11111-..icak ~unday ('\'l'ning. <.. -0- ).f r-;. George E. Tarnow of 126 I· ourth recent "trert has recoYercd from a J,ricf illness. It's Springtime all (.\:~::::__ ..... - --the time in Florida ---Let'sGo! Ask Our Customers ! The best proof that our meals are delicious and satisfying is the testimony of our regular customers. Get Away from Icy \\1 inter Blasts for a Few . · · : Days-C on1e to f~lorida and Get~~ Sunburned" Bathing- - Dancing - - Fishing - - Golf - - etc. Phone or \V rite for Detailed Circular to C. C. HENDERSON 1409 Chicago Temple Building Telephone State 7304 Chicago There ts nothing ex traordinary about this statement. It only signifies that we make a successful effort to buy the ~1est and prepare it perfectly. We buy the best meats, vegetables, fruits. and ingredients. That's why our meals are so good. Our service. too. is quick, quiet, and courteous. We Sell Satislaetioa Along with our fine fruits and vegetables we sell · genuine satisfaction. Our motto is uSatisfaction or Your Money Back." We maintain high q.uality and moderate prices. Tempting Service The MAC'S Bowling Lunch 11 Wilmette Cafe Meals that satisfy VacuumElectri~ A. M. to Midnight 1 1 5 9 Wilmette Avenue r our clothes free if you rins us washed Electrical Repairing Radio Sets and Suppliet Eveready "8" Batter1es Music Master Loud Speakers Base Plugs Installed Fine LiM of Lishtins Fixtures ""#" EA!i Telephone . ·- · WASI-IER Wilmette 154or 1361 LuBas Brothers· 1135 Central A..,e. Adams Electric Shop Fourth Street Phone. Wilmette I~

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